Yoshinori Kitase - Final Fantasy 6 Script: Part 2 lyrics


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Yoshinori Kitase - Final Fantasy 6 Script: Part 2 lyrics

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Vector [025] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Shh! I'm a Returner. I've heard all about you. I'll distract the soldiers. Use this box to climb up onto those steel beams and sneak into the research facility. Man: Ohhh...! Musta...hadda...few too many... Man: Urghhh... Gonna toss it all... Soldier: Oh, geez... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Magitek Factory [026] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kefka: I'm a god! I'm all-powerful! Uwee-hee-hee... I'll collect more espers I'll extract their magic... And then... ... ... I'll revive the Warring Triad! Kefka: I've already drained all your powers! You're useless to me now! Kefka: You too! Take a hike! [The group approaches the espers, Shiva and Ifrit, that Kefka threw away.] Ifrit: I sense a kindred spirit... Shiva: Who are you...? Ifrit: You have Ramuh's power...? Wait... We're... espers. Ifrit: Hmm... Shiva: I can see why Ramuh entrusted you with his power... Ifrit: Gesthal has captured many more of us. They're all here, being drained of their powers. I, too, suffered in one of the capsules... Shiva: When they finish draining us of our powers, they dump us down here to die. We haven't much time left... We and Ramuh were siblings, each of us born with a different elemental power. If Ramuh was willing to give you his strength, then we shall do the same... [Ifrit and Shiva transform into magicite.] Our friends are also... running out of time... I'm sure they will lend you their strength as well... [The party arrives at the part of the facility housing the espers.] Espers: You wish to help us... But...we haven't long to live. We will follow Ifrit's example... Our power we entrust to you... Cid: What are you doing over there? Cid: Wh-what are those!? Cid: So...when espers die, they can leave behind the essence of their powers... The power contained within these stones is far greater than what we could ever hope to extract... Hundreds of times greater... Interesting... Celes: Professor cid. Cid: General Celes! Who are these shady characters? Your underlings? Celes: No... You see, I... Cid: Is it true you worked your way in amongst the rebels as a spy? Locke: ...!? Celes...? Kefka: Oh, I see! Magicite...! Excellent work, Cid! Kefka: General Celes! We needn't keep up the charade any longer. Bring me those magicite crystals! Locke: Celes! You...tricked us!? Celes: Of course not! Please, trust me! Kefka: Hee-hee-hee! The sweet taste of betrayal! Oh, Celes! That's so...you! Celes: Locke... Believe me... Locke: I... ... ... Kefka: NOW! Kefka: k** them all! [Magitek Armors come after the party.] Celes: Locke... Let me protect you for once... And maybe... maybe then you'll believe me. Kefka: Celes! Wh-what are you doing?! Stop!!! [Celes, Kefka, and the Imperial troops disappear, leaving behind Locke and the others.] Locke: Celes... Cid: *hack, cough*... What happened? Cid: Oh, no! This is bad! That blast reversed the energy flow in the capsules! We need to get out of here! Cid: Quick! Over here! [The party and Cid take a lift down.] Cid: Oh, what have I done...? There's no excuse for it, no matter how much Kefka may have threatened me... Cid: Draining the life energy from espers just to make people stronger... Cid: You've helped me come to a decision. I'm going to talk to the emperor and make him realize how foolish this whole war is! Cid: Celes... I've known her ever since she was a child. I doted on her as if she were my own daughter. But I also forced her to become a Magitek knight... If I ever get to see her again, I want to apologize ...for all of my mistakes... Cid: Oh no! It's Kefka! Cid: Go! [The group escapes from the Magitek Research Facility and makes it back to Vector.] Setzer: You were taking too long... I got worried. Setzer: ...Where's Celes? Locke: ... Setzer: We can talk about it later. Let's get out of here! [Kefka is atop the facility, attempting to stop the group.] Kefka: Crud! What a mess! Kefka: Hee-hee-hee! You're not getting away from me! [The party regroups back on the deck of Setzer's airship.] Locke: We'd better not overstay our welcome... Let's get outta here fast! Setzer: That probably would've been a good idea... But it seems we're a bit too late. Here they come! Edgar: I don't like the looks of those things! Sabin: Whoa! What're those!? [The party defeats the mechanical arms.] Locke: I'm worried about Terra. Let's head back to Zozo. Setzer: Terra? Who's that? Locke: I'll explain everything on the way... Terra... The espers... The Returners... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Zozo [027] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Everyone's here... Locke: Terra... Locke: The magicite! Terra: Father...? Terra: I remember now... I was raised in the esper world... The esper world... Maduin: Hey... Pull yourself together...! Wait, is this a...? [Maduin takes the human woman home.] She's still quite weak... She'll need to rest for a while. Maduin: Did I wake you? Woman: You're...an esper? What's this pendant arond your neck? Maduin: ...I'll give it to you. A charm from the esper world! Woman: The esper world... So, that is where I ended up... Maduin: Everyone is at a loss as to how you, a human, could have made it into our world... Woman: You're the one who saved me, right? Madeline: My name is Madeline. I was sick of living in the human world. It's nothing but a vortex of greed and hate... So I wandered into the storm, and before I knew it, I was here... Maduin: They say that humans and espers...can't coexist. Madeline: So...you don't want me here, right? Maduin: No, I'm just...not sure. Madeline: I'll return to my own world tomorrow. Maduin: All right... Someone can show you the way back. [The scene changes to Maduin in bed the next day.] Elder: That human already left. I wonder if she'll be all right without a guide? Youth: What's wrong, Maduin? [Maduin catches up to Madeline, who's at the world's exit.] Maduin: If you don't want to go back to your world, you're welcome to stay here. Madeline: But... Humans and espers can't be together... Maduin: How can we know for sure unless we try for ourselves? How can we know for sure...unless we...try for ourselves...? Maduin: I've chosen a name for her... Madeline: What is it? Maduin: "Terra." It's beautiful, isn't it? Two years later... Humans! The nexus between our worlds has opened again! This storm is just like the one two years ago... But this is different from the time Madeline came here... This time, an army has come seeking our magical powers. This is no good! Retreat to the elder's house! Gesthal: Aha! I've finally found it. After all that time spent decoding the secrets of those ancient texts... Now it's time to reap the rewards! Gesthal: Grab them! Riches go to any man who captures an esper! GO! [Back at the Elder's home.] Elder: We've no choice... We must do what we've been avoiding... Maduin: You mean...the magic barrier? Elder: I'll create a tempest to sweep all the invaders out of our realm, then I'll seal the gate. Even among espers, the power to create a magical seal is limited to a single bloodline. I am the last of that line... Maduin: But at your age... Elder: ...I may not survive. And without me, you will never again be able to open the gate. Maduin: Madeline... Madeline: The other world holds nothing for me. Elder: Then it's decided. We have no other choice. [Elder leaves to ready the magical seal.] Esper: This is all becuase of that human woman! Maduin: Nonsense! Esper: She could have led them here for all we know! Maduin: Enough! Esper: No! She's one of them! It'll only be a matter of time before she decides she wants our power, too! [Madeline rushes out of the home and Maduin chases after her.] Maduin: Oh, no...! Elder: Where are you going!? Maduin: Madeline, she...! Elder: Oh, no... But it's already too late! I've begun activating the seal. You won't be able to return! Maduin: I don't care! Soldier: W-we're being pushed out! Gesthal: Nooo!!! Just when the ultimate treasure was within my grasp! Madeline: Maduin... I'm not like them... Maduin: I know! Madeline: ...Thank you. Maduin: Will you come back home with me? Madeline: Yes, of course... Terra!!! Maduin: Madeline! [Gesthal, Madeline, Maduin, and the baby all sit outside the gate.] Gesthal: ...A human woman? Who... Whose child is this? Madeline: Leave...my daughter...alone... Gesthal: Your daughter? Hmm... Then she must be half human and half... How fascinating! Gesthal: Mwa-ha-ha! It looks like my dreams of building an empire may come true sooner than I'd ever imagined! Madeline: No...! Gesthal: Quiet! Gesthal: This world will be mine to rule! Ha-ha-ha... [The scene switches back to Zozo, with a now normal Terra.] Terra: Father...? Terra: I'm the daughter of an esper and a human... That's why I have these abilities... But I should be okay now. I can control this power, as long as I only use it in short bursts. Edgar: Gesthal already knew the secret of the espers' power back then... Locke: Those espers in the research facility must've been the ones they grabbed that day. And Celes's power...came at the expense of one of them. Sabin: The Empire won't get away with this! I'll hit that emperor with a blitz or two... Terra: How are things in Narshe? Locke: Hmm... Maybe we should head back and see. Setzer: The airship's ready to go! Terra: Come on! [The party is seen on the deck of the airship.] Setzer: Oh! By all means, take a turn at the wheel! Let me teach you have to fly... Setzer: Got it? Setzer: Would you like me to teach you some special techniques as well? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Narshe [028] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We've been waiting for you. Please follow me... Banon: Oh, you're here! The people of Narshe have finally decided to fight the Empire. How did things go in Vector? Arvis: I see... We'd been trying to work out a plan to make use of Narshe's resources and Figaro's machinery, but... We just don't have enough troops to storm the Empire. Banon: We have to open the Sealed Gate... Terra! Terra: ...The gate to the esper world? Arvis: We'll never beat the Empire without their help. Banon: The Sealed Gate lies to the Empire's east. When we open it, the espers can attack from there while we launch an invasion from the north. An attack on two fronts... Banon: We must reestablish the bond of trust that once existed between humans and espers. The espers must be made to understand. And there is only one among us who can make them... Terra: ... (If humans and espers were truly incompatible... I would never have been born...) Terra: I'll do it. I'm the only one who can! Banon: If we can get the espers to understand, we can put an end to this war once and for all. Terra... I know you can do it... Elder: Now we are left with no choice but to take up arms against the Empire. I suppose this was inevitable... Arvis: The Sealed Gate lies far to the Empire's east, but they keep it under tight surveillance. Please, find a way to slip through and open the gate! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cave to the Sealed Gate [029] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That's odd... There aren't any guards... Terra: We shouldn't stand around... Let's go. [The party gets through the cave to the Sealed Gate.] This is the Sealed Gate... Locke: Beyond there is the esper world... Edgar: From here on out, it's all up to you, Terra... Sabin: We're counting on you, Terra... Terra: ... [Kefka and a couple of Imperial troops arrive at the gate.] Terra, quickly! The gate! K-Kefka! You followed us here!? Kefka: Uwee-hee-hee!!! Just like the emperor said! "Give them Terra, and they'll open the gate for us!" ...! Kefka: In other words... You've been playing into our hands all along! Hee-hee-hee... Kefka: I have no business with you. I'm here to open the way to my promised glory! You'd better think again, Kefka! Kefka: Oh dear... You want to fight, don't you? This is just dreadful! ...We have to keep Kefka busy until Terra slips through the gate! Kefka: Oh! Th-the door is opening! [The scene switches to Terra, now in esper form, at the gate.] Terra: Espers... Heed my call... Kefka: It's open! It's open! Terra! Kefka: I...I...I've got a bad feeling about this! Something's coming this way! [Espers come rushing out of the gate, soaring past Kefka and the party.] Kefka: Oh, such frightful energy! Kefka: Gwaaah!!! Terra! Terra: ... The gate...! [Rocks fall in front of the gate, blocking access to it.] ...Where did the espers go? Terra: We'd better head back to the airship. What happened? The espers flew off together... The Imperials ran off, too, as if they were afraid of something... Which way did the espers go? Toward the Imperial capital... ...Vector. Setzer: We're almost to Vector. Huh? What's that...!? Locke: What's wrong, Terra? Terra: I can feel them... They're getting closer... Locke: You can feel what? Terra: There! A flash! Locke: What was that!? Locke: It couldn't be... The espers!? Locke: They're coming this way! Terra, watch out! Setzer: What was that!? Locke: Setzer, get down! Setzer: Esp... Espers!? Locke: Where ae they going? Terra: They were angry... Locke: They were...angry? Terra: No... You mustn't go... Please, don't go! Setzer: More importantly, why are we shaking!? Is it because of the espers? Edgar: Uh...Setzer? I've lost control of the ship!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Vector / Imperial Palace [030] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The emperor is expecting you. This way, please... Gesthal: I've lost my will to fight... Cid: The emperor's had a change of heart... Cid! Cid: The espers came to save their friends... When they learned that none of tem were alive, they ravaged the entire city... I'll never forget their shriekds of rage... Soldier: We're hanging up our weapons for good. The war is over. Gesthal: The power of those espers...I had no idea. They'll destroy the entire world if we don't do something. We're utterly helpless against them. We must find a way to calm their rage. Cid: Men should never lust after power they lack the means to control... Gesthal: Friends! Let us speak more over dinner tonight! Cid: There are still some soldiers who'd prefer to keep fighting. Please, talk to as many as you can before dinner. Make them understand! Soldier: You have 4 minutes until dinner. Please talk to as many soldiers as you can. [The party goes around talking to various soldiers, and runs into Kefka locked up in the jail.] Kefka: Gah! How dare they put me in a place like this! ...Hmph! Kefka: I just can't believe it! Kefka: What a bore. [The group heads back to have dinner with the Emperor.] "That evening, a banquet was held with the emperor..." Soldier: This way, please. Cid: I'll sit with the Returners, if that's all right. Gesthal: At last, we can all be together, sharing a meal at the same table! Let us make a toast! To what shall we raise our gla**es? Gesthal: Well then... To our homelands! Gesthal: As you may know, I've imprisoned Kefka for his crime of using poison against Doma. What do you think should be done with him? Gesthal: I see... Well, let's let him stew in his cell for a while... Then we can decide what to do. Gesthal: I am truly sorry about what occurred in Doma. No one ever dreamed Kefka would use poison. Gesthal: I'm terribly sorry about what was done. I promise to punish Kefka severely and to work to eradicate poisons all over the world. Gesthal: By the way... With regard to General Celes... Gesthal: Kefka was lying. General Celes realized the lunacy of this war long before I did and went over to your side. Was there anything else you wanted to ask? Why did you start the war? Gesthal: It was all the result of my foolish lust for power... I've come to my senses now. Gesthal: With your permission, I'd like to move on to discussing the espers... Why do you want peace now? Gesthal: Because I now believe that working together is our only hope. Why did we have to talk to your men? Gesthal: Some of my men still do not believe we should have ended the war. I felt they might better understand if they could meet you face to face Gesthal: With your permission, I'd like to move on to discussing the espers... Gesthal: The Empire has been decimated by the espers that emerged from the Sealed Gate. They're just too powerful... If we don't do something, they'll tear the entire world apart! They have gone a bit too far... Gesthal: When the espers came through on their rampage, all of my ambitions faded in an instant. Now I find myself asking why I ever wanted that much power in the first place. Of course, there is no excuse for the atrocities I committed in the name of conquest. By the way...what was that first question you asked me a minute ago? Why did you start the war? Gesthal: Right... Anyway, I truly desire peace. I want you to understand that. Cid: You must be getting tired... Why don't we take a short break? Gesthal: Is there anything you wish to hear me say? That your war is truly over. Gesthal: All right. I swear right here and now that there will be no more fighting. And now, I have a favor to ask... Gesthal: After they attacked us, the espers flew off northward, toward Crescent Island. We have no way of knowing when they'll decide to go on another rampage. We need to find them and convince them to set aside their aggression before that happens. But...considering all that the Empire has done to them, I doubt they'll be willing to listen to us. That's why...I need to borrow Terra's power. Terra is the only one who can bridge the gap between human and esper. Gesthal: I have a Magitek armor transport ship moored in the port of Albrook.. I had hoped to send it to Crescent Island with all haste. Would you please go on board? Gesthal: I'll have my top general and some of his troops accompany you as well General Leo! Leo: I'm General Leo. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Sabin: Didn't I see that guy in Doma...? Oh, right...! He was the one with the principles... So...that's General Leo, eh? Leo: I'll be waiting for you in Albrook. Gesthal: Please, find the espers and convince them to cease their attacks. You're our only hope. [The banquet ends and the party has a discussion.] Locke: If Terra goes, I go. Terra: Locke... Thank you. Locke: The rest of you stay here. I smell a rat... Edgar: As do I... It's hard to trust the emperor just like that... Cyan: We'll remain here and watch out for anything out of the ordinary. Locke: Thanks. You'll be our eyes and ears. Keep your guard up! Edgar: Right. You be careful, too! I bear a message from the emperor. Due to your decorum at tonight's banquet and your grace in speaking to our soldiers beforehand...the emperor has decided upon the following. All Imperial troops will be withdrawn from South Figaro immediately. In addition, Imperial forces will be withdrawn from the kingdom of Doma. We will also unlock the armory at the Imperial observation post to the east. You are welcome to any of the weapons and armor within. And this is a personal gift from the emperor... Well then, if you'll excuse me... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Albrook [031] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Leo: Ah, there you are. Another Imperial general and a man I hired back in town will be accompanying us as well. Leo: Let me introduce them... General Celes...and Shadow. Leo: Is something the matter? Locke: No, it's nothing... Leo: We depart tomorrow. In the meantime, I've arranged lodging for you at the inn. Leo: Please, try to get some rest. Terra: Celes... Celes: ... Locke: Celes... Shadow: I'm working for the Empire. But don't worry...they didn't hire me to k** you. [The group heads back to the inn.] General Leo already made arrangements for your stay here tonight. By all means... [Locke awakens in the middle of the night and goes outside.] Locke: Celes... Locke: Please... Why won't you talk to me? Locke: I know, I doubted you...if only for a moment. But... We can still be friends, right...? Locke: Celes! [The next day on the boat.] Leo: All right... Let's go! Soldier: The engines are all running smoothly, sir. Leo: We should arrive tomorrow morning. Why don't you rest until then? Leo: Having trouble sleeping? Leo: I hear your emotions have returned... Terra: ...It's strange, isn't it? The Empire used me, controlled my very thoughts...and now here I am, cooperating with the same people. Leo: People are people. Not everyone in the Empire is like Kefka. Terra: So...what about you? Leo: I knew that you were half esper and being made to suffer through horrible experiments... Yet I did nothing. I'm no better than Kefka. Terra: If a human and an esper can love one another... Do you think a human I could love each other? Leo: Of course! Terra: But... I don't even know what it feels like to love someone. Leo: You're still young. ...Someday you'll know. I'm sure of it. Terra: But... I know to know now... Terra: Who's there...? Shadow: I thought I'd sleep out under the stars. Terra: Did you...hear what we were talking about? Shadow: I didn't mean to listen in. Terra: So... Shadow: I can't help you. Those are answers you'll have to find for yourself. Shadow: Terra. Shadow: There are people in this world who have chosen to k** their own emotions. Remember that. Locke: Urgh... Ohhh... Uhhhn... Locke: Oooh.... Ohhhhhh.... Locke: Bleeeuuuugh!!! Locke: ...Urgh... ...world's greatest treasure hunter...reduced to this... Locke: Bleeeuuuugh!!! [The next morning.] Leo: We're almost to Crescent Island. When we make landfall, we'll split into two groups. I'll go with Celes. Terra, you go with Locke and Shadow. If you find any clues as to where the espers may be hiding, report back at once! Locke: Let's go. Locke: Shadow! Celes: Um, Locke... Celes: I, um... Locke: Come on. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Crescent Island / Thamasa [032] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What brings you folks to see me? "An elderly gentlemen who has spent his whole life pursuing the secrets of monsters..." strago: Espers, eh? Hmm... Haven't heard that word in years. Locke: So, you know about espers? Strago: Nope, can't say I do! Don't know a thing. Not one thing! Something's fishy here... Grandpa! Strago: Hey! Strago: What do you think you're doing, young missy? "In her pictures, she captures everything: forests, water, light... the very essence of things she paints..." Relm: Grandpa, who're they? Are they friends? Can they use magic, too? Strago: Sh-shush! Relm: What a cute doggy! Shadow: Back off. He bites. Strago: Go back to your room! Relm: Why do I have to go my room? You never let me have any fun! Strago: Because I said so! Now shoo! Relm: ...Fine. Strago: Oh, dear... Seems to have taken a liking to your dog... Relm: Hmph! Strago: That child... Strago: My apologies. Shadow: It's fine. He usually doesn't like other people, though... Strago: Anyhow... I'm terribly sorry, but I really don't think I can be of any help to you folks. Locke: I, uh... I see... Strago: We're just your ordinary, quiet little village... You're not going to find anyone who knows about any of those espers things here, I'm afraid! Not in Thamasa! Locke: Hmm... There's something strange about this place... Terra: Let's have a look around the village. Locke: Thanks for your time! Strago: Sorry I couldn't be more helpful! Shadow: Interceptor! Relm: Bye-bye! [The party heads toward the inn to get some rest.] Strago: You've gotta help! Relm...she's...! Terra: Something happened to Relm? Strago: Yes! She was on fire...and then it caught the neighbor's house on fire...and... Oh, I can't even think straight anymore, but...! Strago: Please! You have to help her! Locke: Shadow! Shadow: Interceptor... Where did you go!? [Locke and co. head outside to find a building on fire.] Strago: Relm's in there! Strago: Relm!!! Locke: What're you doing? Flames BEGONE! Mayor: Magic is forbidden! Terra: Magic!? Strago: I don't care! Relm's inside! Flames BEGONE! Mayor! Mayor: All right... We really have no choice. Mayor: Stand back. [The town unites to try to take out the flame.] Flames BEGONE! Flames BEGONE! Flames BEGONE! Strago: It's no use! The fire's too strong! Mayor: They were storing an awful lot of flame rods in there... Strago: I'm going in! Terra: Wait... I'll go with you. Locke: Count me in, too. I'm not gonna let an old geezer go in there on his own! Strago: Who are you calling a geezer!? I'm only seventy, and fit as a fiddle! "Geezer," he says... Quickly! [Locke, Terra, and Strago enter into the burning building.] Locke: The fire's spreading fast... Terra: Looks like this house could collapse at any second... Strago: We have to hurry and find Relm! Is that what started the blaze!? Strago: Relm! Where are you!? Strago: Relm!!! Oh no! We're too late! [The group pa**es out, but Shadow comes along get them out of the burning home.] Shadow: Time to get out of here! I'll use a smoke bomb! Strago: Are you okay? Relm: Yeah. Thanks, Grandpa... Strago: These folks are the ones you should be thanking! Relm: Thank you. Strago: I guess our little secret is out now... Locke: Everyone in this village can use magic, can't they? What is this place...? Strago: This is... ...the village of the magi. Strago: A long, long time ago, humans use magicite to acquire magical powers... Those who gained the ability to use magic were the people known as the magi. Locke: I didn't think there were any magi left in the world... Strago: After the War of the Magi, the espers fled to a new world beyond the Sealed Gate. They wished to live in peace, without fear of their powers being used by others. That left humans in this world, and the ordinary ones feared the magi's power. The horror of the war was still fresh in their minds... Strago: It soon turned into an inquistion. Magi were hunted down and executed. Oh, there were trials, of course...but they were merely for show. Terra: Even though the only difference was that they could use magic... Strago: The few who managed to escape took up shelter here. They were our ancestors. Our powers have weakened as our magi blood has thinned, but they remain...in some form or another. Terra: If you're up to it...do you think you'd be willing to help us? Strago: You said you're looking for some espers, right? Strago: Well, I do owe you one for saving Relm... I'll help you find your espers. Relm: I wanna go, too! Strago: I think not, young lady! Relm: Fuddy-duddy... Locke: But...where do we start? Strago: Hmm... If they came this way, they may be hiding in the mountains to the west. Locke: Why there? Strago: Those mountains are teeming with magical energy. According to legend, they're a sacred place to the espers. Terra: Perhaps the magic of that place drew them there after they went berserk... Locke: It's worth a look. Shadow: Don't get the wrong idea. I just wanted my dog back. Locke: You're leaving? Shadow: I'll search for the espers my own way. Shadow: Interceptor! [The party heads into the Crescent Mountain.] Strago: Are these...statues of the Warring Triad!? Terra: The warring Triad? Locke: There are letters chiseled into the back of these things... Locke: So, uh, what's this "Warring Triad"? Strago: They're the legendary gods who created the power we know as magic. Locke: So...they're the gods of magic? Strago: You could say that. Terra: This place is brimming with magic... Strago: Those three gods are the creators of magic...meaning they also created the espers. It's said that the espers once enshrined images of the gods in a holy place. This must be it... Terra: The espers must have been drawn here by the magic of these statues. Locke: So what happened to the gods after they made the espers? Strago: Supposedly, they tired of their fighting and turned themselves to stone. Legend has it they can be found beyond the Sealed Gate, resting in their eternal slumber. Terra: I wonder if their magic is what connects the gate to the esper world? Locke: Hmm... Terra: If the espers were drawn here by these statues, they could be just up ahead... Locke: It's worth a look. Ultros: Heh-heh-heh... These shiny golden statues are all mine! Now I'll finally be able to get some respect from Siegfried! Ultros: Ohhh! They're all glowy and sparkly! So purdy... Locke: Hey squidbrain! Don't you ever learn? Ultros: Well, Mama always said I was a slow learner...but at least I never give up! [The party enters into battle with Ultros.] Ultros: Thought you wouldn't see me again? I've got more lives than I do arms! Ultros: I know what you're thinking... "Man, that was cheap!" Sorry, so sorry! Relm: Grandpa! I...I followed you here! Strago: Relm! I thought I told you to stay home! Relm: I wanted to practice my drawing. I am a budding virtuoso, after all! Hey there! What's your name? Ultros: How dare you ask me my name! As if anyone wouldn't already know the great Ultros! Locke: A pint-sized virtuoso...and an egotistical octopus. Do I even want to know what's next...? Relm: Hey, Ulty... Why don't you pose so I can draw your picture? Ultros: Ult...Ulty!? The nerve of this brat! Look, I'm not one of your kiddy friends, and I don't want a stinking portrait! Relm: Forget it, then! *sniffle*... *sob*... I didn't want to draw your picture anyway! Relm: It's okay... I'll just jump off this ledge -- then everyone will be happy! Terra: No! Relm, don't jump! *whisper, whisper*... Terra: How dare you tease a little girl like that! If anything happens to her, I'm not going to forgive you! Ultros: I'm... I mean... I didn't... Well, geez, whaddaya want me to do? Locke: Let her draw your picture. Maybe she'll even make you look good! Locke: I'm not cut out for this sort of thing... Ultros: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Oh, all right. Uncle Ulty really, really wants you to draw his picture. Relm: Hee-hee-hee... You're gonna love it! Strago: At any rate, get over here! Ultros: How can this be? I'm just a...washed up old octopus. [The party defeats Ultros.] Relm: Hey! Did you seem? Wasn't I great? I'd be way more useful than gramps! Strago: G-Gramps!? Terra: It wouldn't hurt to bring her along, would it? Strago: Oh, all right already! Not like you stay at home when you're told, anyway... Relm: Yay! [The group finds the espers.] Relm: Is this...an esper!? Strago: ...What are they doing!? Terra: I had no idea there were this many... Locke: Gramps, take Relm and get out of here! Yura: Wait! Relm: What is it? Strago: I sense...incredible magic power in Terra. No... it's more than just magic... Locke: I wonder if she's gonna go ballistic again! Yura: You're...different from the others. You possess the same power we do... I can feel it. Terra: Yes. Strago: You're all young espers from the world beyond the gate, aren't you? Yura: Entering this world is forbidden, but we wanted to do something for our friends who'd been turned to magicite. We gathered at the gate. And just then, Terra appeared... Terra: I could feel the strength of your emotions from the other side of the gate. Yura: When Terra opened the gate for us, we were finally able to escape. But the moment we stepped into your world, we completely lost control of our powers. Yura: We destroyed an entire city, and attacked people who had done no wrong... Terra: The same thing happened to me... When that power suddenly stirred inside me, I had no control over it... Strago: There must be something in your world that dampens your powers. Freed from their reins, your powers ran wild... Yura: It seems even we espers can lose our senses and do unforgivable things. ...I'm truly sorry. Locke: The Empire wants to make peace with you. Why don't you come with us? Yura: ...They would forgive us? Locke: Let's head back to Thamasa and meet with General Leo. Terra: Right! [They all arrive back in Thamasa.] Locke: General Leo! Leo: Locke! It seems you found the espers. I owe you a debt of gratitude. Leo: I am Leo, a general of the Empire. Might I have your name? Yura: I am Yura. Yura: What we have done to your people is inexcusable. We are in no position to ask for your forgiveness, but... Leo: Speak no further. We did not seek you to chastise you for past mistakes. It is we who ought to be ashamed. We thought of you only as a means by which to wage war. How close we came to bringing about a second War of the Magi! Yura: We must put this all behind us. Locke: I think our work is finally done. It looks like true peace is finally upon us. Celes: Let's go back to Vector. Locke: Celes... Celes: Please, don't say anything... Relm: Those two are hot and heavy, huh, Grandpa? Strago: They're young, dear... [Kefka arrives at Thamasa.] Kefka: Uwee-hee-hee...! How about a little Magitek mayhem? Leo: Kefka! What do you think you're doing!? Kefka: Hee-hee-hee... Emperor's orders! I'm to turn all these espers into magicite. Behold! A magicite mother lode! Kefka: How pathetic! Kefka: This little hamlet is too much "boring" and not enough "burning"... Torch everything! Leo: Kefka! No! Kefka: Shut up! Leo: Kefka! I can no longer stand by while you commit these atrocities! Kefka: Ah, Leo... Always the consummate soldier... Leo: Where are you, Kefka? Show yourself! Kefka: EM-PER-OR GES-THAL... ... I need you here... Gesthal: Leo... Leo: My liege! Gesthal: I'm sorry I had to deceive you, Leo. It was the only way to get the magicite. You understand, don't you? Leo: But, Emperor... Gesthal: Don't say anything. I understand how you feel. Kefka: Uwee-hee-hee... That's right! Our top priority is collecting magicite now! Leo: But my liege, then... What have I been fighting for...? Gesthal: Leo... I'd like you to take a well-earned rest... A very, very long rest! Mwa-ha-ha! Leo: !!! Kefka: What, you thought you actually hit me? That was an illusion -- just like my Gesthal! You really are a slow one. And always, always... ALWAYS such a little goody two-shoes!!! Leo: K-Kefka...! Y-you're insane... Kefka: Hee-hee-hee... I'll tell your "liege" I had to dispose of a traitor! Kefka: Die, die, DIE!!! [Kefka k**s General Leo, then turns his attention toward the espers.] Kefka: Wh-what is this!? I feel tremendous power! Waver after wave of pure, magical energy...! Hang on! We're coming to help! Hurry! Faster! [Espers from the Sealed Gate bust through the blockade and make their way for Thamasa.] Kefka: Oh, you all showed up for my party! I wasn't expecting you guys! ...Gals? ...Whatever! But I'm so happy to see you! After all, you've brought me more presents! And they're all just what I wanted -- magicite! Kefka: Well, I wouldn't want to turn you down after you came all this way! Kefka: First, let's neutralize those pesky powers of yours... Kefka: Now, little espers... let's see those presents! [Kefka begins to zap the espers one by one, turning them into magicite.] Kefka: Eh? You wanna take me on? Fine. Here I am! Kefka: Thinking you could defeat ME? How rich! Mwa-ha-ha! Kefka: Come to me, my magicite pretty... Come, and help me build the Magitek Empire of Kefka! Kefka: Uwee-hee-hee! Oooh! It's warm to the touch! What a lovely treasure! Kefka: What a joke! I didn't know you espers were such wimps! This isn't even fun... Time to wrap things up! Kefka: Hee-hee-hee! This should be plenty of magicite... Now all I need to do is claim that final treasure beyond your precious Sealed Gate! Kefka: I just can't believe it! [Kefka leaves and the party recovers, now at the burial site of General Leo.] Terra: General Leo... Terra: People only seem to want power, don't they? Do they really want to be like me? Terra: I... I wanted you to teach me so much more... ...Interceptor! That's a nasty wound! Locke: Not only Leo, but Shadow, too... Curse the Empire! Locke: That'll have to do for now, buddy. Celes: You're so sweet... Relm: Don't worry, your friend Relm will take care of you! Locke: Now I'm worried about Edgar and the others back in the Empire... Terra: I hope they're all right... [Setzer's airship can be seen flying toward Thamasa.] Setzer: We've been had! The emperor is a liar! It was all a trap. Cyan: Thanks to King Edgar, we managed to escape bfeore the trap was sprung. Locke: Good work, Edgar! Edgar: The lady who brought us tea tipped me of to the whole crooked plot... I'd barely finished exchanging pleasantries with her when she just blurted it out! Sabin: ..."Pleasantries"? Edgar: Did you think I could be so rude as to meet a lady and not make any moves at all? It was a matter of courtesy, dear brother! Courtesy! Locke: General Leo's dead... Kefka...murdered him. Cyan: Sir Leo? Dead!? What a terrible waste... He was one of the few people in the Empire who truly understood. Edgar: We need to rethink our plans. Let's return to the airship. Strago: Would you mind if I accompanied you? Edgar: And you would be...? Locke: He's from this village. Terra: He's a descendant of the magi. He'll be useful to have along. Strago: The Empire has abused its power for the last time. We cannot allow them to get away with this. Relm: I wanna go, too! Strago: I think not, young lady! Sabin: We can't have kids getting in our way! Relm: Who do you think you are, trying to tell me what to do, you overfed muscle-man!? Sabin: Kid's got quite a lip! Relm: Grr...! I'm gonna paint your picture! N-no, Relm! stop! Strago: Oh, all right already! Not like you stay at home when you're told, anyway... Relm: Yay! Sabin: All right, let's go! Relm: What's wrong, lover-boy? Edgar: ...How old are you? Relm: Ten... Why? Relm: Weirdo. I'm going on ahead, okay? Edgar: Not even a lady yet... Here's hoping you're still arond in eight years, kid. [The party now on deck of the airship.] Setzer: The Imperials were heading for the Sealed Gate. Said they'd found some statues or something... Strago: It couldn't be...! [Scene switches to the Sealed Gate with Kefka and Gesthal.] Gesthal: Oh, those half-witted espers! To think they would open the gate for us themselves! The Warring Triad is waiting just beyond that door... I need only to reach out and claim it for my own, and all of my dreams will be fulfilled! Gesthal: Hurry it up! [Scene switches back to the airship.] Celes: What's wrong, Terra? Terra: The island... Something's happening! The earth is crying out... [A scene of a continent splitting up from the ground is shown, now there with Kefka and Gesthal.] Gesthal: Mwa-ha-ha! So this is the power of the Warring Triad! With this and my magicite...the world will be mine to command! Strago: The source of all magic... The Warring Triad... Terra: Those things? Strago: They're said to have turned themselves to stone facing one another. That way, each one's power would be neutralized by those of the other two. If the three were ever moved out of their perfect alignment... ...the resulting power imbalance would destroy the world as we know it. Terra: What!? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Floating Continent [033] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Uh-oh! It's the Imperial air force! They've got us surrounded! We're going to have to engage them! There's something strange up ahead! It's coming this way! Ultros: No, really! This is our last battle! Honest! Ultros: Looks like I lose again! But today I brought along a buddy of mine! Mr. Typhon! Come on down! Typhon: Fungahhh!!! Ultros: He's not so great with words, but his strength'll blow you away! Heh-heh... Ultros: I'd try not to make him mad... He gets hungry when he's irritated. [The party gets blown off the Blackjack.] Just ahead are Kefka, Gesthal...and the Warring Triad! Shadow: Filthy, double-crossing Empire... Tried to off me th second I had served my purpose... Shadow! We thought you were dead! Shadow: Is Interceptor all right? He's fine. Come on, let's go! Shadow: Just leave me here. Sorry, that's not happening! Ultima: My name is Ultima... I am power both ancient and unrivaled... I do not bleed, for I am but strength given form... Feeble creatures of flesh... Your time is nigh! Shadow: I have no right to fight at your side...not after I sold myself to the Empire. [The party meets up with Kefka and Gesthal.] Gesthal: Well, well...look who's here. Gesthal: Ha-ha... So you all came to die together, then... Well, you're just in time! Behold! The Warring Triad! Gesthal: Ohhh! What power...! I've got goose bumps! Celes: Emperor Gesthal! Please, stop this madness! Gesthal: Celes, child... You alone are special. Why don't I give you and Kefka the task of creating progeny to populate my new Magitek empire? Kefka: k** the others and we'll forgive your treachery! Kefka: Take this sword! k** them all! Gesthal: Celes... Together we will rule the world! Celes: Power only breeds war... It's something we'd all be better wihout. [Celes takes the sword and stabs Kefka with it.] Kefka: Ouch! B-blood... Blood! Blood!!! You vicious brat! Argh... Grrr...! You know, you really are a stupid... Vicious... Arrogant, whiny, pampered, backstabbing, worthless... LITTLE BRAT!!! Kefka: Gods, you were born to fight! Now is the time! I implore you...show me your power! Kefka: Let me in here! Grrr...! Kefka: Now listen to me! No more playing games! I command you... Show me your power! Gesthal: Kefka, stop! If you revive them, they'll destroy the very world we want to rule! There's no value in that! Kefka: Shut up! Gesthal: Kefka! Are you mad!? Kefka: Mad...? Emperor Gesthal, what are you saying? This is the perfect chance to show them the power of the Warring Triad! Gesthal: Oh, Kefka... You poor, hopeless thing! I'm afraid you leave me no choice! Gesthal: No hard feelings, now... I'm just going to use this power you've unleashed to put you to sleep... Gesthal: What's so funny!? Gesthal: Very well... I suppose it's only fitting that you go out laughing. FIRAGA!!! Flare!!! Gesthal: ...What's going on!? Why isn't my magic working!? Meltdown!!! Gesthal: K-Kefka! H-how...!? Gesthal: How are you doing this!? Kefka: "How?" you ask? By standing in the center of the Warring Triad, of course! They absorb all the magic sent their way. ...Or hadn't you noticed? Gesthal: ...! Kefka: Triad! Your first victim has stepped forward! Show this useless old man your true power! Gesthal: No! Kefka! Stop playing around! Kefka: I said, SHOW HIM YOUR POWER! Kefka: In...credible... Kefka: Can't you do any better than that!? You're way off! Where're you aiming!? Kefka: More to the right! Kefka: Run! Run! Or you'll be well done! Kefka: Bull's-eye! Kefka: Oh dear... Well, I guess I was a bit hasty in calling you a useless old man before... NOW you're useless! Gesthal: The world is about to learn...the meaning of...fear... Celes: No! Kefka! Celes: Kefka...you mustn't! If you disturb the balance... their power will run wild...! Kefka: Who's that!? [Shadow comes leap into the platform, moving the statues back into balance.] Kefka: Oof! Shadow: Go! Shadow: Forget about me! Run! There's no stopping this now! I'll find my way back! Trust me! Kefka: You can't escape me! Shadow... Come on! We have to get out of here! Mwa-ha-ha...! You think I'm going to let you escape? Shadow! Shadow: I'd never be able to rest in peace if I died without collecting my pay... [The party jumps back onto the deck of the Blackjack.] There's no way to stop their magic? Setzer: Hang on! On that day the world was changed forever...