Yoshinori Kitase - Chrono Trigger Script: Part 2 lyrics


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Yoshinori Kitase - Chrono Trigger Script: Part 2 lyrics

Scene 4: Post Apocalypse Scene 5: End of Time First Visit Scene 6: Masamune (Post Apocalypse) (The gate opens in another time, they are deposited in some sort of metallic room.) [Marle:] Eeeek! [Lucca:] Yeoouch...! [Marle:] there's no way they Chancellor can reach us here. But, where are we...? [Lucca:] The civilization here seems so... advanced... [Marle:] Like we're in another world. (They exit the room they are in. The world has totally changed. It is in ruins. People in nearby domes have nothing left, they are dying. They speak of Lab 16 and the monsters there, which prevent them from reaching other domes. Crono, Lucca and Marle traverse this area in hopes of finding something else in this time of use. The enter the Arris Dome.) [Old Man:] You there, where're you from?... [Lucca:] We came from the laboratories to the west. [Old Man:] W, what?! Hey, we've got people who crossedthe ruins! [People:] Say again!? You're joking?! [Old Man:] So there ARE people who can beat up those freaky mutants... (They speak of monsters in the basement and how they prevent everyone else from getting down there. The Old Man is named Doan.) [Doan:] Are you going down below? [Marle:] Of course! [Doan:] But no one's ever returned from there. [Lucca:] Gotta try, right? [Doan:] ...... It's nice to see such spirited young people for a change. Careful, now. And come back alive. (They climb down a ladder and see a nearby control panel.) [Lucca:] This console controls the pa**ageway. We need a pa**word to get through. (Instead, they walk around and get entangled with some security beams. A large robot appears. It is a guardian.) [Guardian:] Executing program... [Marle:] Crono! What's going on?! [Lucca:] Marle! Let's go! (A battle ensues. In the next room there is a terrible stench, along with one person.) [Marle:] Phew! Something reeks! [Lucca:] Everything's completely rotten. The refrigeration must have failed. [Marle:] Crono, look!! Pa**ed away long ago, I suppose... He's holding something. What do you suppose this is? [Lucca:] It looks like some kind of seed. [Marle:] A seed? Do you suppose it could grow in a place like this? (A sheet of paper on the dead man talks about the Rat Statue which sat innocently on the rafters before being much more than the a statue, perhaps even knowing the pa**word. They exit back to the rafters.) [Marle:] There! There it is! [Lucca:] Shhh! It might run away. (They catch the rat.) [Rat:] Squeak! I give up. I'll tell you everything, squeak. Press and hold the L&R bu*tons and then press the A bu*ton to access the secret pa**age, squeak. Don't make any mistakes, or you'll be sorry! (They open up the secret door and soon find an information center.) [Lucca:] So this is the info center! Good! The computer's still operational! If we run a search on time warps, we might find our Gate! Here! Got it! East of Arris Dome... (The map pops up and shows off another area far to the east.) [Lucca:] That would be Proto Dome, I believe. [Marle:] Leave it to Lucca! I'm beginning to think you could find anything with this device! Say, what does this bu*ton do? (Marle hits it!) [Lucca:] 1999 A.D.? Visual record of The Day of Lavos... (The screen changes. A Volcano erupts and a ma**ive life form pops out, raining fire upon the earth. The screen goes blank.) [Marle:] Wh, what... IS that? [Lucca:] Lavos?... Is that what's destroying our world?! [Marle:] We must truly be in the future... No! NO WAY! I refuse to believe it!! This... this can't be the way the world ends... [Lucca:] ...... [Marle:] Crono... There's only one thing we can do. We must change history! Just like Crono did when he saved me! Okay, Lucca? Okay, Crono?!! [Lucca:] I... guess so... It was a stroke of luck that we were sent here through that Gate. Crono, Let's go! [Okay] [Marle:] Crono! Lucca! Together we can do this! [Lucca:] Let's take a second and do some more research on Lavos' activities back in our time period! Next stop, Proto Dome! (They climb back out of the basement areas up to Doan's floor.) [Doan:] You're back! (Everyone gathers around.) [Doan:] Well? What did you discover? [Marle:] This is... our future! [Doan:] ??? [Man:] Who cares, where's the food?! [Marle:] This is all we could get... [Doan:] Seeds...? [Lucca:] You don't know how long the Enertron'll hold out. Those seeds might be your only hope. [Marle:] You have to stay alive. And so do we! [Doan:] Huh... You're strange... You're different from us... [Marle:] I think it's because we're healthy! [Doan:] Heal-thy? Got a nice ring to it! We'll try growing the seeds... [Kid:] What're those? [Doan:] They just might be our future... Heading for Proto Dome? Go by way of Laboratory 32, and take this with ya. (Doan gives them a bike key.) [Doan:] It's a key to the Jet Bike in lab 32. I used to ride it when I was young. Hope it still works... They've got more powerful robots over there. Take care, and stay... healthy! (They head to the lab and secure the bike. An alarm goes off, robots come to attack, but before they do, everyone is halted.) [Man:] Hold it right there! [Robots:] Hey it's... the MAN! [The Man:] Like, thanks for the intro, babe! [Robots:] ...the MAN! [The Man:] You lowlifes can call me Johnny. Now listen up. Part of an old highway leads through these ruins. Think you can beat me in a bike race? Use that Jet Bike and... don't chicken out, babe! Do you know how to ride? (They race him down the highway and win.) [Johnny:] YOU Beat me? I don't get it! You can challenge me anytime. We'll ride the wind, babe! (Inside of the Proto Dome, nothing seems to be powered. There is a nearby robot which seems to have been deactivated.) [Marle:] Wh, what's this? [Lucca:] It's in bad shape... but it appears to be a humanoid robot! Incredible! (Lucca inspects it.) [Lucca:] I think I can fix it. Marle: What?! It might attack us! [Lucca:] I'll make sure it won't. Machines aren't capable of evil... humans make them that way. [Marle:] Lucca, you... pity them don't you? [Lucca:] Let me get to work now, okay? (Lucca fixes up the robot. It takes a while. Marle inspects the door behind the robot.) [Marle:] The door won't budge. [Lucca:] Right, that does it! I'm going to give it some juice! (Lucca turns on the robot. It dances around a bit.) [Marle:] Good morning! [Robot:] Mo...... Good morning, mistress. What is your command? [Marle:] I'm not your mistress. I'm Marle! and this is Crono... and Lucca, here, fixed you! [Robot:] Understood. Madam Lucca fixed me. [Lucca:] Just Lucca will do. [Robot:] impossible. That would be rude. [Lucca:] Look, I hate formal titles. Don't you, Marle? [Marle:] Hate 'em! [Robot:] I understand, Lucca. [Lucca:] All right! Now what's your name? [Robot:] Name? Ah, my serial number. It is R66-Y. [Lucca:] R66-Y? Cool! [Marle:] No! That won't do at all! Come on Crono, let's give him a better name! [Name selection screen] [Marle:] Robo... Robo... that's perfect! Your new name is Robo, okay? [Robo:] I am... Robo... Data storage complete. [Lucca:] Hey, Robo, why aren't there any people here? [Robo:] ...... What... What has happened here? There WERE many humans and others of my kind in this dome. [Lucca:] I think something awful happened here... [Robo:] ...... It would appear so... But how is it that you survived? [Lucca:] We came through a time warp from the year 1000. [Marle:] While exploring the Arris Dome we learned there was a Gate here. [Lucca:] We found you when we came looking for the Gate! [Marle:] But the door to the inner chambers is locked, so we're out of luck... (Robo tries to open it.) [Robo:] The power is off. If we go to the factory up north, I can pa** through the security and activate this dome's generator. [Marle:] You'd do that for us? [Robo:] You repaired me. Now it's my turn to help you. But the generator won't run for long, so someone must stay behind to open the door while the power's on. [Lucca:] Then Marle or I will stay. (Crono must choose who stays behind. I chose Marle to wait behind.) [Marle:] Okay. Please be careful, Crono! (The rest of the party heads up to the factory. When they enter, Robo will disable the security system.) [Robo:] Override Security System 00. (Deep within the factory is a switch. Crono pulls it and alarms sound off.) [Robo:] Emergency! Security system has gone haywire. Must escape immediately! (As the run, walls collapse trying to seal them in, Robo catches one and holds it.) [Robo:] Hurry! Now!!! (He holds it for Crono and Lucca to get through. They run up and several robots which look like Robo block them.) [Robo:] Th... these are my friends! R-64Y, R-67Y, and R-69Y! Good to see you! (R-67Y slugs Robo.) [Robo:] Wh, what are you doing?! [R-64Y:] You are defective. [R-67Y:] You have been tainted. [Robo:] Pardon? (Robo walks back up to them.) [Robo:] I'm... malfunctioning? [R-64Y:] Affirmative. [Robo:] A defect... I'm a defect... [R-69Y:] Have you forgotten our mission? All intruders must be eliminated! [Robo:] THAT was my purpose? [R-64Y:] You shame us! You must be destroyed. (All of the robots attack Robo and beat the nuts and bolts out of him.) [Lucca:] Wh, what are you doing! (They stop, Robo gets up and waddles over to Crono and Lucca.) [Robo:] Please stop. Pl... ease... (They attack him again. He falls motionless onto the ground. Crono steps up. They through Robo into some sort of shaft.) [Lucca:] Robo! [R-64Y:] Now to take care of the intruders... [Lucca:] No! Let's take care of YOU! (A battle with the six robots ensues. Lucca runs over to the shaft.) [Lucca:] Robo! They trashed him! (She goes in and gets him.) [Lucca:] He's in bad shape... I'm not sure I can fix him. Let's get him back to Proto Dome for now... (They walk back to Proto Dome.) [Robo:] C... can you r... repair... me? [Lucca:] Shh, don't talk. [Robo:] You... are trying to save our world? [Lucca:] I don't know how far we'll get, but that's the plan. Anyway Robo, what are you going to do when you're repaired? [Robo:] What am I... going to do? [Lucca:] Yeah. I mean, what plans do you have for the future? [Robo:] Lucca, no one has ever asked me that before! (The screen dims, the next day arrives. Robo seems fully fixed.) [Robo:] Good morning. [Marle:] Robo! You're all right!! Lucca, you're incredible! [Lucca:] I hope I never have to do that again... [Robo:] Lucca, I have made up my mind. I want to go with you... [Marle:] Pardon? [Robo:] There is nothing left for me here. Together, maybe we can give this planet of ours a chance. [Lucca:] Then let's go! The Gate's up ahead!! (They walk up to the previously closed door.) [Lucca:] Hang on to your shorts! (End Of Time First Visit) (She opens the Gate and they all jump in. They certainly wind up in a weird spot, on some sort of fenced in porch.) [Robo:] Where are we? (Below the porch is a man leaning up against a lamp post.) [Old Man:] Ah, more guests...! [Lucca:] What do you mean, guest? And, WHERE are we? [Old Man:] Why, this is The End of Time, of course! All lost travelers in time wind up here! Now, where are you from? [Lucca:] We're from Guardia Kingdom, circa 1000 A.D.. [Robo:] I come from 2300 A.D.. [Old Man:] When 4 or more beings stop into a time warp, the Conservation of Time theorem states that they will turn up... at the space-time coordinates of least resistances. Here. Disturbances in the space-time continuum have increased recently. Far too many folks are just popping in here... I fear something is having a powerful effect on the very fabric of time... [Lucca:] Which means one of us has to remain here. [Marle:] Stay HERE? ALONE? [Old Man:] It is pretty bleak here... But not to worry. All time periods connect here... You can visit your friends whenever you wish! But you can never travel in groups greater than 3... [Robo:] So, one of us must stay. [Lucca:] Who'll it be, Crono? (Since by default Robo is left behind, that is what I will do.) [Robo:] Please come for me whenever you need me. [Old Man:] So there you have it. Don't forget. Press the Y bu*ton to switch party members. [Marle:] How do we get back to our time? [Old Man:] You see those lovely pillars of light? Those hook you up to different eras. Once you've been through a Gate, you can always use it to come here. To use a Gate from here, step into the light and press the A bu*ton. But beware the Gate which leads from that bucket... (Behind the lamp post and the man is a room. Inside is... something which looks like that cute Gremlin in the Gremlins movies.) [Spekkio:] What're you lookin' at? I'm Spekkio. The Master of War! I've seen all kinds of battles from here. How do I look to you guys? [Choice between Strong or Weak]. I see. Let's put it this way. If you're strong, I look strong. If you're weak, I look weak. You are strong of will...! That's why the Old One let you through. Long before you were born... there was a kingdom where magic flourished. Everyone there could use it! But in time, people began to abuse their powers. It got so bad that no one was allowed to use magic except wizards. But you have it... determination, I mean! Magic needs power of the heart. It needs inner strength. Magic is divided into 4 types: Lightning, Fire, Water & Shadow. You, with the punk hairdo! You're Lightning. The one with the ponytail is Water. The one with the goofy gla**es is Fire. Not just magic, but EVERYTHING is based on the balance of these 4 powers. Think MAGIC, and, starting from the door, walk clockwise along the walls of my room 3 times. Don't lose track, now. (After you do it, he will be happy.) [Spekkio:] Very good! Ipso, facto, meeny, moe... MAGICO! (Spekkio spins very fast and teaches all three of them how to use magic.) [Spekkio:] So! Fortified with magic! Wanna try it out? (Masamune) (It doesn't matter what you choose. Saying yes results in an optional fight. They exit out to the courtyard with the old man. The old man will tell them that they need to get back to their era to chance what was messed up, because the longer they wait around in The End of Time, the harder it becomes to fix. They all head to Medina Village, 1000 A.D. via a gate. They pop out in some couples closet.) [Man:] Wait a sec. Medina village was founded by the ancestors of the Mystics, who lost a war to human beings. Most Mystics hold a grudge against humans. Be careful... There's an odd man who lives near the cave in the mountains to the west. You might enjoy a chat with him. [Marle:] Thanks! Why are you being so nice? Mystics aren't supposed to get along with humans. [Man:] Humans fought the Mystics over 400 years ago. My motto is forgive and forget but not many seem to agree with me. (They'll wander around the area, most of the people aren't friendly, the market has insanely high prices, which Crono will need to fight to get offered to him. In the town square many of the inhabitants are circling a statue talking about how Lavos will destroy the humans in the way Magus failed to do, 400 years ago. Nearby the village is a blacksmith named Melchior, he sells things, but I mention him now as he'll be more important later. Eventually Crono and company will reach Heckran Cave. In the cave they'll fight a boss, when he dies he spouts out.) Heckran:] If only the great Magus who brought forth Lavos 400 years ago, had destroyed the human race! The world would've belonged to us Mystics! GRRRRRR! [Lucca:] In the Middle Ages, Magus created Lavos, the destroyed of this planet's future! [Marle:] If we go to the Middle Ages and take out Magus, can we change history? [Lucca:] We could use the Gate at the Fairgrounds! (They exit the cave and get spat up near the Truce Village. Going around town will get a few dialogues with Lucca's parents in particular, and with Fritz, the man who would have been guillotined before. They enter the gate near the Telepods Lucca had created, they end up at The End of Time. From there they use another gate to enter Truce Canyon in 600 A.D.. One thing is different since they were last here, the Bridge has been fixed.) (The Captain of the Knights complains his army has no food. When Crono arrives at Guardia castle, the chancellor sends him up to see the King, who is wounded in bed. The King speaks of a hero returning, though this hero has gone south, he is the only one who can defeat Magus! Crono wanders around into the kitchen but the Chef seems busy, he tries to leave the castle.) [Chef:] Wait! Take this with you! (The Chef gives Crono, jerky. ) [Chef:] And, this is for you guys. Take it, will ya. [Crono receives a Power Tab] And tell that fool... He had better come back alive! (They return to the Zenan Bridge and talk with the Knight Captain.) [Knight Captain:] Sir Crono! Is that for us? [Yes] Food Rations! The cook... he has saved us all! Sir Crono, if I do not make it back... give my brother my thanks... (There is a loud noise from the bridge.) [Knight Captain:] WHAT is going on here?! [Soldier:] Magus's troops have launched an attack! They're breaking through our defenses!!! [Knight Captain:] Stop sniveling! It shames the Knights of the Square Table! We shall DESTROY Magus's troops and bring honor to our King! [Soldier:] But, we are far outnumbered! [Knight Captain:] This is our last line of defense. We must let no one through! [Soldier:] Understood! (The Knights of the Square table are tired and outnumbered. Magus's troops slaughter them. Crono and crew run halfway across the bridge to see it happening.) [Ozzie:] I'm Ozzie, Magus's top general! Those who dare defy Magus have to answer to me! Yes my children... Give 'em a taste of doom! (There will be a series of battles, Ozzie will continuously bring more troops and retreat when they fail.) [Ozzie:] Those wimps're stronger than I though. [Marle:] Wait up, already! [Ozzie:] Seems I misjudged you. But I won't do that twice! (Ozzie reanimates some dead soldiers into skeletons.) [Ozzie:] Grrrr! You're through! (A battle happens, Ozzie's troops fail again.) [Ozzie:] Drat! (Crono and crew run to the land on the other side.) [Ozzie:] That's IT! Now you're finished! [Marle:] Don't mess with Crono, or you'll really be sorry! (Ozzie summons several undead which merge together.) [Ozzie:] Go Zombor! Crush Sir Magus's enemies! (Ozzie runs away, The path to the Village of Dorino is now open. They are allies of Guardia, they speak the hero and the epic battle against Magus it will cause. They also speak of a sword, The Masamune, which is able to be used only by a hero. One past hero they mention is Cyrus.) (South of Dorino is Porre. The legendary hero was born here and is the son of Tata. The villagers seem to spend their day in amazement talking of this. Between the two villages are the cursed woods, which is where Crono will head. In the forest there is a bush which moves, hiding a ladder down. It goes to a small little home, but of whom?) [Frog:] Who's there!? 'Tis thee, Crono! Thou art here to practice thy sk** in swordplay? (Crono tells him of the situation, apparently.) [Frog:] What?! The King hast been injured? ...... I see... 'Tis nary a thing I canst do... Please be on thy way. (They leave Frog, he is still angry. They head to the Denadoro Mountain Range. They are in search of the Masamune. A strange boy is in the room with it. in which it is stuck in a slab of stone. Crono approaches the sword.) [Kid:] Stop! Are you here for the Masamune? [Yes] Thought so... Wait a second, okay? Oh big broooother... Where are you, Masa?! [Masa:] What is it, Mune? Not again!? So! You want to get a name for yourself by grabbing the Masamune? What a buffoon! [Mune:] Humans are so... silly! It's how you USE the sword that's important... not who owns it! [Masa:] You can't even understand something as simple as that. That's why you're human. [Mune:] What should we do? [Masa:] The usual... test them. You can entertain us for awhile. [Mune:] All right! Here we go!!! Whoosh! (They transform into cute little things and attack. Masa and Mune are defeated.) [Mune:] Hey they're pretty tough. [Masa:] Only Cyrus made it this far. [Mune:] What should we do? [Masa:] This time it's for real! [Mune:] All right, this is it... [Masa:] Yeah. We mean business! (With Masa's bravery and... Mune's knowledge! Masa and Mune combine into a fat creature which looks like stay puft marsh mellow man combined with the astrological symbol Taurus. Masa and Mune are again defeated. They split back up into little boys.) [Mune:] They beat us, big brother... [Masa:] That was fun! [Mune:] Will they fix us? Will they find us an owner? [Masa:] Yeah, it'll be all right. (Masa and Mune combine into the sword. It glows and floats. But it seems bent in two.) [Lucca:] So this is the Masamune... But it looks like it's been broken for ages. (Crono takes the broken Masamune.) [Masa:] Allow me! We'll ride the wind to the base of the mountain! [Mune:] Good luck to you. (They are spat out onto the world map. With the sword in hand, Crono heads to the house of the supposed Hero. Tata, is there, not quite the Hero he was built out to be.) [Tata:] I... I'm sorry everyone. Some frog guy dropped this in a cafe. I thought I'd sell it, but then everyone started to calling me a hero. I couldn't bear to get rid of it! I can't fake it any longer. I'm no Hero...! I'm so ashamed! here. Please take this! (Crono is given the Hero Medal.) [Tata's Father:] Scoundrel! I knew this was all a sham! (With Frog's Hero Medal, Crono returns to his home.) [Frog:] Thee hath returned? Th, the hero Medal! Aye... Then thou hast seen the lad. Yet there's nary a thing I canst do against Magus. The legendary Masamune is required to fight Magus. And I've no right to wield it. Please leave now... (Frog moves revealing a pot, Crono reaches inside and pulls out the top of a sword.) [Lucca:] A broken sword... It's part of the Masamune! It's engraved with archaic letters. I think I can read it. Um... mm... M... e... l... c... h... i... o... r! [Marle:] Melchior? That guy in Medina Village? What does this mean, Crono? (They run back to Truce Canyon and enter the Gateway back to The End of Time. From there they head to the Medina Village in 1000 A.D. to get some answers from Melchior.) (Melchior: You're back again? Come to see my collection? Th, this sword... it's the Masamune! How did you get it? [Lucca:] Why would your name be engraved on the sword? [Melchior:] It's a... long story. You do want to hear this story, right? [Lucca:] Of course! Tell us about the Masamune! Is it possible to reforge it? [Melchior:] Hmmmmm... It might be possible if we could get our hands on some Dreamstone, which the sword is made of. [Marle:] Dreamstone? Where can we get that? [Melchior:] You can't find it anymore. It was a red stone that was once used as money. Unfortunately, it hasn't been available for a very long time.