Yoshinori Kitase - Chrono Trigger Script: Part 1 lyrics


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Yoshinori Kitase - Chrono Trigger Script: Part 1 lyrics

Scene 1: Millenium Festival Scene 2: Defeat The Chancellor Scene 3: Trial (Doves fly high in the sky over some sort of carnival. It is a fair to celebrate the year, 1000 A.D. Fireworks are going off into the sky, bells ring. It looks like such a great time, but one boy is still in bed.) [Crono's Mom:] Crono... Crono! Good morning, Crono! Come on, sleepy head! Get up! (She opens his curtains.) [Crono's Mom:] Ah, Leene's Bell makes such a beautiful music! You were so excited about the Millennial Fair that you didn't sleep well, did you...? I want you to behave yourself today! Let's get moving, now! (She walks down the stairs and Crono gets out of bed, stretches out and is set. Crono goes downstairs.) [Crono's Mom:] Finally! By the way, that inventor friend of yours... Uh... you know...! Oh, dear, I've forgotten her name! [Name selection screen]. That's right, Lucca! Don't forget that she invited you to see her new invention! Run along now, and be back before dinner. (Crono heads to the fair, which is at Leene Square. Crono will wander around until he collides with a girl.) [Girl:] Hey!! Ouch, that hurt! (The bell rings.) [Girl:] I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Uh oh... My pendant! (She looks around for it.) [Girl:] Oh, no! Don't tell me I lost it. (Crono finds it nearby and returns to her.) [Girl:] Oh, thank goodness! My pendant! It has a lot of sentimental value! May I have it back? [yes] I came to see the Festival! You... live in this town, don't you? I feel a little out of place here. Would you mind if I walked around with you for a while? [sure] [all excited] You're a true gentleman! Oh, by the way... MY name is, er... [Name selection screen] ... um, Marle! And you're? Crono? What a nice name! Pleased to meet you! Now, lead on! (Many nearby people will hint that Lucca's invention is done and that Crono should go see her test it, which is further north inside the fair grounds. Crono runs towards it.) [Marle:] Hold your horses! I want to get some candy. (Marle shops for candy, though she is rather slow.) [Marle:] Hi! I'd like some of this. [Lady:] Sure, young lady. [Marle To Crono] Thanks for waiting! (They exit up to a screen with Lucca and Taban along with two very odd looking machines.) [Taban:] Step right on up, any of you who have the time and the courage! Our Super Dimension Warp is the invention of the century! To use it, jump up here... and you'll get teleported here! it's the masterwork of my beautiful daughter, Lucca. [Crono approaches him.] [Taban:] Give it a try, kid? Oh, it's you, Crono! (He walks up to Lucca.) [Lucca:] Crono! Where have you been!? No one wants to try the Telepod! How about you? [Marle:] It looks like fun! I'll watch while you try it out! (Lucca steps out of the left pod.) [Lucca] Just hop onto the left pod! (Crono walks onto it. Taban flips a switch.) [Taban:] All systems on! [Lucca:] Begin energy transfer! (Crono is teleported from the left pod to the right pod.) [The few people watching:] Oh wow. That was GREAT! [Marle:] What a kick! I want to try it, too! [Lucca:] Huh? Hey Crono, how did you pick up a cutie like her? [Marle:] Hang on, Crono! I'll be right there! [Taban:] Behold, ladies and gentlemen, as this vision of loveliness stops aboard the machine! [Marle:] Don't go away. I'll be right back! [Taban:] You're sure about this...? There's still time to change your mind! [Marle:] No way! Throw the switch! (Marle steps in the left pod.) [Taban:] Okay, everyone, let's give her a great big hand when she reappears! (He flips the switch, it powers up.) [Taban:] All systems on! [Lucca:] Begin energy transfer! (Her pendant begins to flash. She is not teleported.) [Marle:] What's happening? My pendant... it's... (She starts to spin, the machine begins to fry.) [Lucca:] Huh? (Lucca and Taban run away from it, some sort of gateway Portal opens, Marle vanishes inside of it. Her pendant falls onto the platform.) [Taban:] Lucca! Where is she?! Show's over, folks! Let's head along now! [Everyone except for Taban, Lucca and Crono leave.] Taban: What's going on Lucca? WHERE IS SHE? [Lucca:] The way she disappeared... It couldn't have been the Telepod! The warp field seemed to be affected by her pendant... [Taban:] What are we going to do now? [Lucca:] She's so familiar! I KNOW I've seen her somewhere... (Crono grabs the pendant and stands in the Telepod.) [Lucca:] Crono! [Taban:] You're actually going to do it?! What a fine lad! [Lucca:] Listen! I don't know where this machine is going to send you, but we haven't any other choice. [Taban:] Won't they both be lost? [Lucca:] This is our only hope! That pendant seems to be the key, so hang on to it Crono, and brace yourself! (Taban starts up the machine.) [Taban:] All systems on! [Lucca]: Begin energy transfer! Power to full! [Taban:] Roger! [Lucca:] More! Give me more power! [Taban:] Roger! (The machine begins to short out the way in which it did when Marle was in it.) [Lucca:] There! We did it! (Crono spins and the same Gateway Portal opens.) [Lucca:] I'll follow you after I know what went wrong. Good luck, Crono! (Crono is s**ed into the Gateway Portal as well. He travels for a long time. He winds up in what looks to be the same area, though the scenery has changed substantially. He is immediately attacked by some enemies. Soon he'll exit to see the Guardia Castle and Truce Village, though something is different. Word from the townspeople of Truce speak that the year is still 600 A.D. At this time, the 21st King of Guardia is still fighting a war against Magus and the Mystics. The Queen recently returned to the castle after having been gone for quite some time. Crono rushes towards the Guardia Castle; he is stopped at the gates.) [Soldier:] Halt! Who goes there! [Soldier 2:] Check out that hair! Where're you from, son? Are you one of Magus's troopers? [Soldier:] Hardly! This kid never would have made the cut! Show us your stamp collection, son! (Crono of course has no idea what they are talking about.) [Soldier 2:] Har, har! Now beat it, shrimp! [Queen:] Stop that at once! [Soldier:] Queen Leene! (The queen walks to the gates. She is very beautiful and looks quite familiar.) (Queen:) Show your manners! This is a friend of mine! [Soldier:] But there's something odd about him! [Queen:] You refuse to obey my orders?! (The soldier on the left kneels.) [Soldier:] Forgive me, my lady! Please enter, sir! [Queen:] *Giggle* (She turns around and enters the castle, when Crono gets there she is no where to be seen. There is a King and Chancellor also in the room. Rumor around the castle says the Chancellor has been acting rather odd visiting the Cathedral frequently. Eventually Crono will find his way to the Queen's royal chambers.) [Queen:] Ah! There you are. [To guards and Maids] Please lave us. I need to talk to this individual. [Attendants] Certainly, your Highness. (They all leave.) [Queen:] Come nearer, Sir. *giggle* Fooled you, didn't I, Crono? (The queen did look familiar, she's Marle!) [Marle:] It's me! But everyone calls me, Leene! I'm so relieved you're here! We barely know each other, but somehow, I knew you'd come for me... Thank you, Crono! (The room dims.) [Marle:] S, something's wrong!!! W, what's happening?! It feels like... I'm being torn apart! Help me, Crono! I'm scared!!! Please... Crono... h, help me! (Marle lifts off into the air and disappears entirely.) (Crono leaves the room, whether out of fear or need to rescue is unknown. He heads back down into the main room of the castle. Lucca managed to get in.) [Lucca:] Crono! Huff, puff... you're okay! Did you find the girl? GONE?! Whadd'ya mean she's gone?! Hmmm... it's just as I thought. I knew I recognized her! And this looks identical to the castle in OUR time! I'll bet they mistook that girl for her ancestor... You see, she's a member of the royal family in OUR time! She's Princess Nadia! (Crono makes a face of shock.) [Lucca:] Marle, that is, Princess Nadia, is a descendant of Queen Leene! Queen Leene has been kidnapped. As I recall, someone was supposed to have saved her. But history has been changed! Marle looks so much like Leene, that they probably called off their search when she appeared here. But if the real Queen is k**ed... Marle will simply disappear. There might still be time! If we can save Leene, history as we know it should remain unchanged! Something must have happened to the Queen in this era. As a result, Princess Nadia ceases to exists [exist]! Hurry! We have to find the real Queen! (They rush out of the castle and search around. They find a cathedral. The nuns inside of it send mixed messages with their speeches. Something is odd, Crono finds a flashing object on the ground) [Lucca:] What did you find? A hair pin. That's Guardia's royal crest! (The nuns quickly come up around Crono and Lucca and burst into flames, they're not nuns, they're enemies!) [Lucca:] Phew! That was close! (One of the enemies comes back and attempts to hurt Lucca, a frog jumps down from above and fights it off.) [Frog:] Lower thing guard and thou'rt allowing the enemy in. Thou'rt here to save the Queen? The lair is deep within. Will thee accompany me? [Lucca:] A... a FROG!? Crono, it's a talking FROG! I hate frogs! [Frog:] My guise doth not incur thy trust... Very well, do as thee please. But I shall save the Queen. [Lucca:] W, wait! You don't see like a bad... ...uh, person-frog-thing... I mean... Crono! What should we do? [Go with the frog.] I'll just have to handle it! I mean... deal with... him! What's your name? [Name selection screen] [Frog:] Frog will do. [Lucca:] All right... Nice to meet you Frog. [Frog:] Mayhap a hidden door lurks nigh? Let us search the environs. (Crono plays the piano and opens a secret pa**age. Within the halls of this area Crono and crew will eventually stumble upon the real Queen Leene.) [Chancellor] Prepare yourself, Queen Leene. (Crono, Lucca and Frog step into the light.) [Chancellor:] YOU! How did you get in here? [Leene:] Frog! [Frog:] Majesty, stand back and allow us the honor! [Leene:] Be careful! (Leene retreats from the area, the Chancellor is left alone with Crono, Frog and Lucca.) [Chancellor:] Gyah, ha, ha... It's useless to fight! No one will leave here alive! Stupid frog! it's time you jumped off this mortal coil! True-form... CHANGE! (The Chancellor transforms in an enemy, Yakra. A battle ensues.) [Leene:] You came to rescue me! Thank you Frog. [Frog:] The King awaits. Let us return to the castle. I thank thee, Crono and Lucca. [Leene:] Yes, thank you so much. Please join us. (Inside a nearby chest is the Real Chancellor.) [Real Chancellor:] Phew, thank you! That monster stuff me in there. Your highness! As you can see, I am undamaged! (They all exit and return to Guardia Castle.) [King Guardia:] You had me worried, Leene. [Chancellor:] That no good Yakra! Impersonating me and kidnapping the Queen! We MUST create a criminal justice system in this Kingdom to do away with such fiends. [Frog:] I failed to protect Queen Leene. I hath disgraced thee. [Leene:] Frog! (Frog leaves the throne room. Crono follows.) [Frog:] 'Twas a fault of mine, which endangered the Queen. I shall depart for good. Crono, you hath potential to be a good swordsman! (Frog hops away.) [Lucca:] ... Froggy, you weren't such a bad guy either. (Crono and Lucca will head back to the throne room.) [Leene:] Your timing was perfect. Who knows what would have happened had you not saved me! By the way, there is the girl who was mistaken for me? [Lucca:] Oh, yeah! I forgot all about Princess Nadia! Crono! Where did Princess Nadia disappear? She may still be there! (Crono races up the stairs and into the Queen's chamber, Marle suddenly appears there.) [Marle:] Huh? What happened? [Lucca]:] Princess Nadia! [Marle:] Crono! It was awful... I can't recall it all... I was somewhere cold, dark... and lonely. Is that what it's like to... die? [Lucca:] Welcome back, Princess Nadia! [Marle:] You risked your life to help me, too?! Princess... Nadia...?! Uh oh... I guess you guys figured it out, huh? Sorry, Crono. I didn't mean to deceive you. I'm Princess Nadia. My father's King Guardia the XXXIII. I really enjoyed being with you at the fair. But if you had known my identity... Crono, you wouldn't have shown me around the fair, right! [Choose Wrong!] Oh, Crono! That's why I like you! The real Queen's safe, right? So let's go home, Crono! (Crono, Marle and Lucca head back out of the castle and through the forest. As it turns out, Frog swam across the water the destroyed bridge fails to get walkers over. Crono and Lucca head back to the Canyon in which they arrived.) [Marle:] How do we get home? [Lucca:] Your Highness, er, Princess... we... [Marle:] Please call me Marle! [Lucca:] Well then, Marle... Observe! (Lucca opens a Gateway Portal!) [Marle:] Wow! Lucca! You're amazing! [Lucca:] Ain't it the truth! Oh, um... I mean... [Marle:] Enough with the false modesty! You have a real gift! I would trade my royal ancestry for your genius in a heartbeat! [Lucca:] Well, if you say so... Anyway, I call this thing a Gate. It's a kind of portal, that takes you to the same location in a different era. Gates are very unstable, so I used the principal behind my Telepod device to create a Gate Key. Now we can use them as we please. [Marle:] But why did this Gate suddenly appear? Lucca: Either the Telepod had something to do with it, or... something else made it. [Marle:] This is getting pretty weird. Let's at least head back to our own time! [Lucca:] All right! Coming, Crono? (They all jump into the Gate and pop out in the same location in 1000 A.D., right next to the Telepods.) [Marle:] Phew! We're back! Crono, Lucca, why don't you come home with me to the castle? I'd like you to come over for dinner! [Lucca:] Sorry for putting you through all that, Marle. [Marle:] Are you joking? That's the most fund I've had in months! And I have some new friends, too! [Lucca] Crono, be a gentleman and take her home. I've got some work to do. [Marle:] See you soon, Lucca! (Lucca exits.) [Marle:] Will you escort me home, Crono? (They exit the fairgrounds and run to Guardia Castle. Crono and Marle are greeted at the door by soldiers.) [Chancellor:] Princess Nadia! Are you all right? Where have you been?! I heard you were abducted! We had soldiers searching for you! (He sees Crono.) [Chancellor:] Scoundrel! You're the one, huh? Kidnapping Princess Nadia! [Marle:] No! Crono's... [Chancellor:] Admit it! You confused her and tried to take over the throne! Terrorist!! [Marle:] S, stop it! (Guards come from all sides, Marle tries to block them off.) [Marle:] Stop this at once!! (They all kneel before her.) [Chancellor:] What are you doing! [Soldier:] But Princess Nadia said to... [Chancellor] Idiots! Detain him!! (They all capture Crono.) [Marle:] Crono!! (The next scene is in a court room. Crono has been accused of Kidnapping Marle. It is a very high crime. Depending on a few options during the fair, Crono will either be guilty or not guilty.) [Chancellor:] I'm the Chancellor, the prosecutor! [Pierre:] I'm the lawyer, Pierre. [Chancellor:] Members of the court. We now bring forth the defendant, Crono, who is charged with abducting Princess Nadia. (He exits and brings Crono in.) [Chancellor:] What shall we do with him? Fire, perhaps? Hang him upside down for a few years? Or... shall we employ the guillotine? You, the jury, shall decide his fate. Now, let us begin. [Judge:] Crono, you are hereby ordered to tell the truth! [Pierre:] Crono is charged with Premeditated Abduction of Royalty. The question is, did he kidnap Princess Nadia? The answer? No, he did not. In fact, no abduction took place! The two met completely by accident. In fact, the Princess ASKED Crono if SHE could join HIM! [Chancellor:] Is this try? Who actually started this whole mess? [I did] Just as I suspected! The defendant deliberately tried to get near the Princess! (They show the scene of Crono bumping into Marle.) [Chancellor:] The Princess then innocently followed you to Lucca's little sideshow. Whereupon you both disappeared! if that wasn't criminal abduction, I don't know WHAT is! And I have facts that throw the defendant's character into question! [Pierre:] Objection! This can't have any relevance whatsoever to this case! [Judge:] Care to respond, Chancellor? [Chancellor:] Crono's character is at the very core of this case! [Pierre:] We have nothing to hide. The issue here is MOTIVE. Was there any motive for this fine citizen to kidnap Princess Nadia? No! There was none. [Chancellor:] What about ransom? Crono, fortune DID tempt you, did it not? [No]. Are you sure? You really weren't tempted? [Not at all] That's enough. I have no more questions. [Pierre:] It is evident that my client is a fine, noble young man! You honor, the defense rests. [Judge:] Members of the jury... If he is guilty, stand to the left. If innocent, stand to the right. (The jurors will decide if Crono is guilty or not, based on these things and a few from earlier. This particular one they elected him not guilty.) [Judge:] Order in the court! A verdict has been reached! The verdict is... not guilty! But the fact remains that even if he did not kidnap her, he ran off with her. 3 days solitary confinement as punishment. [Chancellor:] Take him away! (Soldiers come in to take him away, Marle runs in behind them.) [Marle:] Now just a darn minute... [Chancellor:] Princess! (The King enters.) [King:] That's enough, my dear! [Marle:] But Father...! [King:] All I asked was for you to behave like a Princess. Even royalty must obey rules. Leave the rest up to the Chancellor and forget about the events in town. We're leaving! (The King leaves, followed by the guards taking Crono away.) [Marle:] Crono!!! (Crono is walked to a prison area with the Chancellor. Regardless of what the jury decided on, the Chancellor has other plans.) [Chancellor:] This terrorist has tried to overthrow our kingdom! He has been found guilty, and you must now carry out his sentence. [Supervisor:] So THIS is the monster who kidnapped the princess! [Chancellor:] The execution is 3 days away. Do NOT let him out of your sight! [Supervisor:] Execution?! Strange, but I don't seem to recall hearing anything about an execution. [Chancellor:] WHAT!!! How DARE you question ME! The paperwork's probably just been held up in the system! [Supervisor:] Understood, Sir! Guards! (Guards enter.) [Supervisor:] Take the prisoner away! (A guard swats Crono with a sword and knocks him down. Crono wakes up in a prison cell. There are some things inside of it. When Crono touches one, the view shifts to a guard.) [Guard:] Some sympathizers brought that stuff for you, you lousy felon. (There's nothing to do, Crono can just drink up. Time slowly ticks away on the poor lad. Finally, execution day arrives.) [Supervisor:] We're here to take you to your place of execution. (A guard opens the cell.) [Supervisor:] Come along. (They walk Crono through the prison in front of other inmates to the guillotine chamber. Crono is placed inside of one.) [Supervisor:] We've sharpened up the guillotine... Any last words? (There's a sound outside, Lucca runs in the room.) [Lucca:] Crono! I've come to save you! [Supervisor:] Who the heck are YOU? [Lucca:] Get outta my way!! Take 5, you mugs! (Lucca knocks out everyone with some sort of blow gun.) [Lucca:] So, what do you think of my Zonker-38? Pretty cool, huh? Let's blow this joint! (Crono gets up and joins Lucca. They rush out of the prison and execution area. As they cross a narrow bridge from the prison tower, everything shakes.) [Lucca:] What was that? (It all shakes again, it is some sort of machine used to catch prisoners! The Chancellor is behind it.) [Chancellor:] Forward, Dragon Tank! Crush those rebels! (A battle ensues. Once the Dragon Tank is weakened, Crono dives onto it stabbing the sword into it. The Dragon Tank begins to explode!) [Chancellor:] They got the Dragon Tank!! Fix it!! Quickly! (The Chancellor and some guards try to fix it, but it blows up taking the bridge out from under them. They all manage to hang on though, making a path for Crono and Lucca to cross.) [Chancellor:] Don't fool yourselves into thinking you've gotten away with this! (They run down the stairs of the tower.) [Guards:] They're escaping! [Lucca:] We have no choice but to break through! (They continue to run out, more guards come after them.) [Voice:] Stop! (It's Marle who enters.) [Soldier:] Princess Nadia! (They all kneel, again.) [Marle:] This is my friend! Show him your respect! [Soldier:] B, but... [Marle:] can't you take orders? [Soldier:] Of course! (The Chancellor busts in.) [Chancellor:] Hold it right there. DO as King Guardia XXXIII says! [Marle:] Father... [King:] Silence, Princess Nadia! The throne comes before your personal wishes! [Marle:] What!? Just because I have a title doesn't mean I'm not a person! [King:] You pick up strange ideas venturing outside! [Marle:] I didn't pick up anything! It's called common sense! [King:] Princess Nadia! [Marle:] I despise you! I'm leaving! (She rips off the ugly Princess outfit revealing her nice figure and fighting outfit.) [Chancellor:] Princess Nadia! [Marle:] Come on, Crono!! (Marle, Crono and Lucca leave.) [Chancellor:] Don't just stand there! After them! (The guards get up and chase after them.) [King:] Princess Nadia... (Crono and crew head back into the Guardia Forest, they are closely followed.) [Soldier:] There they are! Don't lose 'em!! (Several soldiers trap them.) [Soldier:] There's no escape! [Soldier:] Silence! (The soldiers seem to have a split allegiance. Crono will eventually get pinned to the east.) [Marle:] Looks like a dead end! (Lucca walks to a small gate.) [Lucca:] A gate! [Marle:] Come on! [Lucca:] But we don't know where it'll take us! [Marle:] Who cares?! This place stinks, anyway! [Chancellor:] Princess Nadia! (The Chancellor rushes over with soldiers.) [Lucca:] This is completely irrational. [Marle:] Hurry, Crono! (A big gate opens, Marle, Crono and Lucca jump in.) [Chancellor:] They...disappeared!