Yesenia Ruiz - Yesenia's week 8 reading journal lyrics


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Yesenia Ruiz - Yesenia's week 8 reading journal lyrics

9.30.13 ten-year old girl, the author is forced to wear a veil to school by those that called for a cultural revolution in Iran. There are many protests both for and against this cultural revolution. Her French non-religious school is abolished and boys and girls are separated for education. Her mother protests against the changes and her picture appears in newspapers across Europe. She is afraid after that. The author believes that one day she will be the last prophet. 10.1.13 The girl and her friends often pretend to be revolutionary figures such as Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. She knows of world history because of books that her parents give to her, and her favorite book is a comic book called Dialectic Materialism, in which Marx and Descartes argue over the validity of the material world. One night, while talking to God, she overhears her parents talking about a fire at a local theater in which 400 people died. The fire, they say, was ordered by the Shah and the people plan to demonstrate. The author begs her parents to let her attend the demonstration, but they refuse because she is too young. 10.2.13 The Shack is a fictional story (although presented as truth) about a man, Mack, whose daughter is abducted and presumably brutally murdered (though her d**h isn't confirmed for years). Four years after Missy's abduction, he receives a note from “Papa” (his wife's name for God) asking Mack to meet him at the shack where evidence of his daughter's murder was found. It is here where Mack has an encounter with the triune Godhead through which he is able to come to peace about some of the deeper questions that have plagued his life and faith, Missy's d**h and his own painful childhood of abuse. 10.3.13 The foreword explains the history of the main character, Mack, which is critical to the actual story. Mack and his family were horribly abused by his drunken, church-going, religious father. At the age of 13, he put poison in his father's beer bottles, a note under his mother's pillow asking her to forgive him, and ran away from home. He carries a lot of guilt for not helping protect his mother through the years of abuse and for k**ing his father, mixed with lingering anger, bitterness and resentment. 10.4.13 The back-story of the campout continues. Mack and his kids became friends with 2 other families they met camping: the Ducettes who have kids about the same ages, and the Madissons, a couple who really penetrate through Mack's defenses and get him to share about his painful childhood and his beloved wife and her relationship with “Papa”. The final morning, Kate and Josh took out the canoe. The canoe flipped and Josh's lifejacket got pinned to the canoe trapping him underwater. Mack was eventually able to rescue his son from the canoe and after CPR, Josh revived . ARCHETYPES & CREATAIONS ! Gennises God made haven for us, and that separate from hell. He made life on this earth humans, animal, forest, etc. God is the hero archetype , he made everything. Hero: someone that saves something God is the hero because he is the creator of all things.This verse clearly says that the sky, which would include the earth's atmosphere (clouds and stuff), separates the earth's ocean and the ocean in the heavens! God is the hero archetype because he created earth and helped us by giving us morning, evening, and nigh. He created land, the ocean and the heavens by using just words. He created the earth as a whole for humans to walk on. God created these trees and plants for adam and eve to eat from.god created humans to watch over earth because he couldnt.Every living organism is important to make the world revolve, and to continue to live. This would be a hero and garden, because it's talking about the fish and birds which is the garden. And to take responsible for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth would be hero, The Garden of Eden is the garden archetype. The garden of Eden is a desired state of living and is a paradise.Adam is the hero archetype as well because he created woman from man.The serpent is the villain in this story, because it tempted Woman and Man into eating the forbidden fruit. the serpent was the evil archetype because she tricked Adam and Eve to eat from the tree god forbidden them to eat from Adam is the innocent Archetype in this scene. He hides from God because of his nakedness. So he shows God that he is embarra**ed of himself.god said that giving birth is going to be painful from now on. vilan because he cursed the ground, Cain leaving to No-Man's-Land is an example of the crossroads archetype, because he had the choice of being “good” or being “evil” and he choice “evil”, and is now paying the consequences. Greek. In the beginning there was only chaos. Father/Son Rivalry: This greek make-believe talks about “night” who gives birth to “some light”. Night and light don't mix and could start a rivalry archetype. Uran*s was a villian to me imprisoning all these people. Cronus overthrew his father Uran*s and this is an example of Father/Son Rivalry Archetype. This would be a hero archetype because Cronus stopped his father. This is the start of the epic battle between Zeus and the Titans. Epic Batlle Archetype. This is the hero archetype because Zeus is trying to defeat Cronus, who is now evil. Cronus waThis is an epic battle because the strong giants were fighting against the godss part of the war and never got beaten since than.