XXX-XXX - Naomi's d**h lyrics


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XXX-XXX - Naomi's d**h lyrics

VOICE 1: Where is He!? VOICE 2: We know he's here! Where's He at!? The Boy recognizes the voices. It's Naomi and Fam More Yelling. GUNSHOTS. Naomi SCREAMS The Boy jumps up and darts for the pool, thinking this is his chance. Dude 2 chases after, tackles, and pins The Boy to the floor DUDE 2: Get a grip kid! Police sirens begin blaring outside. More GUNSHOTS The Door bursts open. Naomi and Fam rush in. Blood is gushing from Fam's right arm. Dude 1, Dude 3, and Dude 4 rush in and close the door behind them POLICE: We have the house surrounded! Come out with your hands up! We know their lying… DUDE 4: We have Hostages! Don't f** with us! DUDE 2: (whispering) sh**! This wasn't supposed to happen DUDE 1: (Pointing at Dude 2) You! You f**ing narc! You did this! Dude 1 SHOOTS dude 2. Blood spurts everywhere. Naomi SCREAMS again DUDE 1: Shut that b**h up before I do! Cops begin rushing in from the back GUNSHOTS. Firefight. The Boy is stuck in the middle. Dude 3 and Dude 4 are shot dead, as well as 3 or 4 Cops. Dude 1 is finally shot, not dead, but hurt COP 1: It's over, put the gun down! DUDE 1: f**ing a**holes! I'm not going out alone… Dude 1 aims for The Boy. Naomi jumps in front of him, she's shot. Naomi's blood spurts over The Boy. Police shoot Dude 1 dead The Boy and Fam go and stand over Naomi's body FAM: Im sorry man… The Boy looks at Naomi's Body, expressionless Why did this happen? Like back at that club. He's still alive. He shouldn't be here. He wonders why is he still here? Why was he spared? Why… He Felt something again…