XXX-XXX - Glossary Of Literary Devices And Forms Of Wordplay Used In Hip-Hop lyrics


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XXX-XXX - Glossary Of Literary Devices And Forms Of Wordplay Used In Hip-Hop lyrics

A - Allegory - Alliteration - Allusion - Amplification - Anadiplosis - Anagram - an*logy - Anastrophe - Anecdote - Anthropomorphism - Antimetabole - Antithesis - Aphorism - Archetype - Assonance - Asyndeton - Authorial Intrusion B - Backronym - Bibliomancy - Bildungsroman C - Cacophony - Caesura - Characterization - Chiasmus - Circumlocution - Conflict - Connotation - Consonance D - Denotation - Deus ex Machina - Diction - Doppelganger - Dysphemism E - Ekphrasis - Enunciation - Epilogue - Epithet - Euphemism - Euphony F - Faulty Parallelism - Flashback - Foil - Foreshadowing H - Holorime - h*mograph - h*mophone - Hubris - Hyperbaton - Hyperbole I - Imagery - Internal Rhyme - Inversion - Irony - Isocolon J - Juxtaposition K -Kennings L - Litote M - Malapropism - Metaphor - Metonymy - Mondegreen - Mood - Motif - Multiple Rhyme N -Negative Capability -Nemesis O - Onomatopoeia - Oronym - Oxymoron P - Palindrome - Pangram - Paradox - Pathetic Fallacy - Periodic Structure - Periphrasis - Personification - Pleonasm - Plot - Point of View - Polysyndeton - Portmanteau - Prologue - Puns Q - Quadruple Entendre R - Rhyme Scheme - Rhythm and Rhyme S - Satire - Setting - Simile - Slang - Spoonerism - Stanza - Stream of Consciousness - Suspense - Symbol - Synecdoche - Synesthesia - Syntax T - Triple Entendre - Theme - Tone - Tragedy - Tmesis U - Understatement V - Verisimilitude - Verse W X Y Z - Zeugma