Xavier padilla - Week 9 reading journal lyrics


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Xavier padilla - Week 9 reading journal lyrics

10/7/13 The U.S.A created raids because of two wanted terrorists in Africa.They wanted to captured them for more than 15 years.I don't know why it take more than a decade to capture them.Its a failure in leadership what Obama should be worried about is the economy and the government shutdown.Its great they captured two less terrorists to worry about.People in middle east need more security forces countries won't have to be so depend t on other countries to do there work.Obama needs to send U.S troops to people to train them. 10/8/13 There is still hope for the democrats and republications, now Obama trying to do this jobs the right way.Now he is trying to because of his reputation.The congress is in occupation they deal and don't think about themselves. They are increasing the debt ceiling with is bad the government they don't have the money.To make matters worst when the U.S.A currency is switch we go down. 10/9/13 The shutdown is on people are still without jobs.Federal workers are living off furlough checks to support them and there families.The Economy is good and if this keeps going all of hard work to help the economy is going down.Who can fix this huge problem not the president, senate, and house who can?The struggle may take months they can't simply negotiation on a spending bill.People are tried, hungry for work, and want a stable economy. b 10/10/13 There is may be progress for house and the senate, finally they get there act together.There may be a short term debt ceiling with will causing over spending and cause to repeat this disaster.The more time politicians take the more U.S will suffer.The president needs to tell the house and senate to come as one and think about the rest of america not them self.Scene Obama has entered he had us go down hill where is the change Obama. 11/11/13 Now Obama is having the guts to take with his friends which should been years ago.The government delays problems and waits to do this not the right way.Everything should be in put in a timely matter this no, Washington has six days to fix this problem.The president doesn't have the leadership to run this country.Put on your big pants and discuss about this situation we shouldn't even be in.