WWE - Thursday Night SMACKDOWN! lyrics


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WWE - Thursday Night SMACKDOWN! lyrics

Seth Rollins comes out with the Authority and says his plan worked, and he solidified himself as the face of WWE by winning the WWE title. Rollins says he's already proven he's the best in the ring, but the WWE Universe deserves him at his best, and Monday wasn't Brock Lesnar's night. He says Brock showed what kind of monster he really is by attacking innocent people, and he got what he deserved. Randy Orton cuts him off and says he's next in line for the title since he nearly took Rollins' head when he beat him at Wrestlemania. Rollins says he should stop living in the past because the future's right here, and this is his universe, not Orton's, so he gives out title shots. Orton mocks each of the men in the ring with Rollins, eventhough he gives props to Big Show for winning the battle royal. He singles Kane out and says he went from the ‘big red monster' to ‘Little Red Riding Hood,' but Kane says he has plenty of power around here. Kane books Orton against Big Show tonight, and he says they might think of Orton getting a title shot if he is able to win his match… which is next. Randy Orton vs Big Show Orton kicks Show a few times before getting hit with a shoulder tackle, then Show whips him in the corner and splashes him. Orton fires right back with a dropkick, then he hangs Show up on the ropes and kicks him in the head. He sets Show up on the top rope and connects with a hangman's DDT, then Orton calls for a RKO but Mercury runs in and attacks Orton for the disqualification. Winner (by disqualification) – Randy Orton Rollins directs traffic as everyone attacks Orton, then Rollins gets in the ring but Orton dives on him and throws some punches. Kane runs over and chokeslams Orton, but Ryback runs out and takes everyone out, and Orton RKO's Mercury. Ryback hits Shell Shocked, then Orton RKO's Kane as Rollins clutches his title on the ramp. Natalya vs Naomi Nattie fights out of a wristlock and reverses it, but Naomi dropkicks her and they have a standoff. Naomi ties up with Nattie in the corner, then Nattie slingshot slams her off the ropes and follows with a seated dropkick. She applies a modified abdominal stretch, but Naomi elbows out of it and reverses, but Nattie hiptosses her. Nattie whips her in the corner but Naomi floats over, then she kicks Nattie in the head and springboards in. Nattie goes for a Sharpshooter after she catches Naomi's legs, but Naomi rolls through and hits an inverted DDT for the win. Winner – Naomi BP: Good match that sees Naomi being pushed as a possible new contender for Nikki Bella. I also like how Nattie has added a few faster maneuvers to her moveset, like the leapfrog into seated dropkick. Seth Rollins walks into Kane's office and brags about how they beat up Randy Orton, and he says Orton actually thinks he'd get a title shot. Kane says he's actually considering it, because he's the Director of Operations and he can make some big decisions. He says Rollins defending his title against Orton would be huge, unless Rollins doesn't think he can win. Rollins says he knows he will win, then they talk each other up until Rollins says something stinks. Kane ignores it, but Rollins says something really stinks, and Dean Ambrose walks out of Kane's executive bathroom. Ambrose talks about how nice it is, but Kane is pissed and books him in a match with Luke Harper. Byron Saxton sits down with Roman Reigns, and Reigns says his plan on Sunday was to come out swinging. He says they got into a fight, but he kept getting back up, and he thinks he proved himself to everyone. Reigns says Brock took him to “suplex city,” but he kept hitting Brock and he knocked him down, because Brock didn't have an answer for his offense. Reigns says Sunday changed both of their lives, and he didn't leave with the title, because Seth Rollins did what he was supposed to. He says Rollins cashed in and picked the bones of two guys who just beat the hell out of each other, but he did something too. He proved himself to the world, and he'd be champion if he had a few more seconds, but he will beat Rollins again and get the championship. The Miz vs R-Truth Miz and Truth go back and forth for a bit, then Miz reverses a lock up attempt by Truth and hits Skull Crushing Finale for the win. Damien Sandow runs out and hits Miz with Skull Crushing Finale, then he puts on sungla**es and panders to the crowd. Winner – The Miz John Cena comes out and says his contract for Wrestlemania was their declaration of independence, and he was sick of Rusev as a champion. He says this United States championship is now about opportunity, and it will be a beacon like the Statue of Liberty is to this country. Cena says he will fight anyone who wants an opportunity, and he will issue an open challenge to anyone just like he did on Monday. Rusev and Lana cut him off, and Lana says Cena's revolution is a fantasy, then Rusev calls for the mic. Rusev says he didn't lose at Wrestlemania and glares at Lana, and he says he is still America's champion and a super athlete. He calls Cena a coward, but Cena says Rusev is drunk or stupid because he lost at Wrestlemania and got his but whipped. Rusev demands a title rematch and says it will happen at Extreme Rules, but Cena says there's nothing standing in the way of them right now. Rusev heads to the ring and says Cena will be crushed, and they will see him wave the Russian flag, and see it descend from the rafters. Rusev points to the rafters but nothing happens, and Cena laughs and says Rusev will see ‘this,' and points to the American flag descending from the rafters. Dean Ambrose vs Luke Harper Harper hits Ambrose a few times and goes for a powerbomb, but Ambrose floats over and chases after Harper on the floor. Harper throws him into the timekeeper's area and takes apart the commentary tables, but Ambrose tackles him and sets up for a powerbomb on the floor. Harper blocks it and slams Ambrose into the ringpost a few times, then he powerbombs Ambrose through the table and taunts the fans. Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus Sheamus charges the corner and uppercuts Bryan a few times, then he connects with a backbreaker and taunts the crowd. We get back from a break to see Sheamus suplex Bryan, then he taunts the crowd and hits another release suplex. Sheamus continues to mock Bryan and hits him, then Bryan makes a comeback with some quick strikes and a suicide dive on the floor. Bryan connects with a missile dropkick, then he slams Sheamus' face into the turnbuckles and kicks him in the head. Bryan heads back up top but Sheamus crotches him on the ropes, then he sets up Ten Beats but Bryan repeatedly headbu*ts him on the apron. Sheamus shoves him into the commentary table, then Bryan is busted open as Sheamus is tied up with the ref in the ring. Bad News Barrett, sitting at commentary, levels Bryan with a Bullhammer, and Sheamus earns the win by countout. Winner (by countout) – Sheamus