WWE - List of WWE/WWF Finishers lyrics


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WWE - List of WWE/WWF Finishers lyrics

0-9 450 Splash 619 A The Accolade Anaconda Vise Ankle Lock Angle Slam Atomic Leg Drop Attitude Adjustment B Backstabber Bank Statement Batista Bomb Big Ending Black Widow Bo-Dog Bonzai Drop Brogue Kick Bull Hammer C Camel Clutch Calf Crusher Chokeslam Clothesline from Hell/Wall Street The Code Blue Cobra Codebreaker Crippler Crossface Cross Rhodes/The Queen's Crossbow Crossface Chicken Wing Curb Stomp D DDT Dirty Deeds E F F-5 Figure Four Leg Lock Final Cut Frog Splash G Glam Slam Gory Bomb GTS (Go To Sleep) Gutwrench Powerbomb H Hell's Gate I J Jackknife Powerbomb K k**switch L Lionsault Last Ride M Mandible Claw Meat Hook Clothesline Million Dollar Dream N Natural Selection Neutralizer O P Paige-Turner Pedigree People's Elbow Pop-Up Powerbomb Perfectplex Punt Q R Ram-Paige Razor's Edge Red Arrow Reverse chokeslam facebuster RKO Rock Bottom Rough Ryder Running Knee S Scissors Kick Sharpshooter Shattered Dreams Shellshocked Sister Abigail Skull-Crushing Finale Skywalker SOS Spear STF Stone Cold Stunner Styles Clash Superkick Superman Punch Swanton Bomb Sweet Chin Music T Tombstone Piledriver Top Rope Elbow Drop Trouble in Paradise Twist of Fate U Ultimate Splash V Van Daminator Van Terminator W Walls of Jericho White Noise W.M.D X Y Yes Lock Z Zig Zag