WWE - Hostage Situation Promo lyrics


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WWE - Hostage Situation Promo lyrics

Seth Rollins is in the ring along with Big Show and J&J Security as guests on Edge and Christian's "Cutting Edge Peep Show" segment. Edge to Christian: He's trying to do what we did but failing miserably. Because he doesn't have any charisma. Seth Rollins: I don't need to be you, because I am better than you. Edge: Alright, you know what? You couldn't be better than me even if you had a live s** celebration with the big goiter here. Seth Rollins: Alright, alright. Let me just lay it down right here. John, I'll be honest with you. I didn't want to bring you out here tonight to propose a toast to 2015. No John, I wanted you to come out here tonight because I want...something...from you. So get out here, John. GET OUT HERE, JOHN. John, I didn't want it to come to this. But if you're not going to come out here, then you are forcing...my hand. And in turn, John, you leave me no choice but to force yours. Seth Rollins turns around, MITB briefcase in hand, and slams Christian in the stomach with it. Edge is beside himself and shoves Rollins. Big Show, J&J Security, and Rollins step up and surround Edge. After a long pause, Big Show grabs him by the neck and forces him down to the ground. Edge lies face first on Seth's MITB briefcase, and Seth puts his foot on Edge neck. Seth Rollins: COME ON JOHN! I THOUGHT THIS WAS SOMEBODY YOU RESPECTED! GET OUT HERE JOHN! IF YOU'VE GOT ANY GUTS, IF YOU'RE HALF THE MAN THAT YOU SAY YOU ARE, YOU'LL GET OUT HERE AND SAVE ME FROM PARALYZING HIM! I'LL DO IT JOHN! COME ON! COME ON JOHN! You don't think I've got the guts, do you John? John Cena runs down the entrance ramp with no entrance music and is intent on entering the ring, but is stopped a few feet away by Rollins speaking again. Seth Rollins: STOP RIGHT THERE! YOU STOP RIGHT THERE! NOT ANOTHER MOVE, JOHN! You know what it is I want from you. If you don't give it to me, I will BREAK HIS NECK. Cena begins taking off his hat and shirt, signifying he's about to run in anyways. Seth Rollins: Don't do it, John....don't do it, John. Don't even take the chance, John. If you care about this man as much as you say you do, you're gonna stay right there, John! Cena runs up to the ring apron and is about to enter when Rollins raises his foot. Seth Rollins: HEY, HEY, HEY! Come on, John, take a step back. TAKE A STEP BACK, DAMNIT! You forget, John, this is a husband here. This is a father, John. He's got a little kid at home, and if you want him to ever be able to play with that child, and hold it in his hands ever again, you're gonna give me what I want, John. You're gonna give me what I want John. I SWEAR TO GOD, I WILL SNAP HIS NECK, RIGHT HERE IN FRONT OF ALL THESE PEOPLE. No no no no no. Hey if you don't believe me, John, test the waters. I mean you're mister hustle, loyalty, and respect right? You grant wishes, year after year-round. Well guess what? I bet poor Edge here, he is wishing you would come save him right now. I bet he is wishing, praying to whatever God he believes in that you would save him from what I'm about to do to him.....John, who are you today? WHO ARE YOU REALLY, JOHN? ARE YOU THE PHONEY THAT I'VE BEEN CALLING OUT FOR MONTHS? OR ARE YOU THE REAL DEAL, JOHN? John....bring The Authority back. Bring them back, John, or I swear, I will paralyze this man, and it will be on your conscience for the rest of your life. So whatever that is worth to you, that's your decision. Come on John. Test me I dare you. Test me, I dare you. Cena begins walking forward again. Seth Rollins: DON'T TAKE ANOTHER STEP! BRING THE AUTHORITY BACK OR I'LL BREAK HIS NECK, I SWEAR TO GOD JOHN. I SWEAR TO GOD! YOU'VE MADE MY LIFE HELL SINCE SURVIVOR SERIES. I WILL TAKE NO SHAME, I WILL FIND NO GUILT IN DOING THIS. I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE FILLED WITH REGRET FOR THE REST OF IT. ANY KID THAT YOU EVER HAVE WILL NOT BE PROUD OF THEIR FATHER...and this man won't be able to hold his kid in his hands ever again. John Cena: Stop....stop....okay. I.... Seth Rollins: What did you say? What did you just say? What did you just say? Hey hey hey Jamie, get a mic, get a mic, take a mic out to him. I want the whole world to hear this. I want the whole world to hear this. Jamie from J&J Security gets out of the ring and holds a mic up to Cena. Seth Rollins: Say it again, John. Say it again. SAY IT AGAIN, JOHN! John Cena: .....I bring back the authority. Seth Rollins: Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah, what did you just say? What did you just say, huh? John Cena: I SAID I BRING BACK THE AUTHORITY! Seth Rollins: YEAH! WOO! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! THE AUTHORITY IS BACK BABY. WOO! WOO! What a way to end the year ladies and gentleman. Thank you John, thank you.... But damn you gotta know me better than that, I'm gonna k** him anyways. Rollins bounces off the ropes and goes for a curb stomp on Edge. Cena runs in and spears him, Edge rolls out of the ring and everyone in the ring beats down Cena. The beat down culminates in a Curb Stomp on John Cena. Rollins, Show, and J&J exit the ring and pose at the top of the entrance stage. The Authority's music hits, Brock Lesnar comes out with Paul Heyman, along with Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. They all celebrate to close the show.