WWE - Battleground 2016 lyrics


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WWE - Battleground 2016 lyrics

WWE Battleground Kickoff Match: The Usos vs. Breezango Fandango and Jimmy starts off this match. Fandango applies a side headlock. Fandango drops Jimmy with a shoulder tackle. Jimmy leapfrogs over Fandango and follows that up with a hip toss. Jimmy tags in Jey. Jimmy connects with a back breaker. Jey lands a flying forearm for a two count. Fandango drives Jey to the corner and tags in Breeze. Breeze catapults Jey into a forearm from Fandango on the ring apron. Breeze tags in Fandango. Fandango applies a rear chin lock. Jey with a 36o enziguri to Breeze. Jey connects with another enziguri that sends Fandango crashing to the outside. Jey tags in Jimmy. Jimmy superkicks Fandango in the mid-section. Jimmy connects with two Samoan Drops to both members of Breezango. Jimmy with a running stinkface to Fandango. Breeze drops Jimmy with the Super Model Superkick for a two count. Fandango and Jimmy battle for position on the top rope. Jimmy knocks Breeze off the ring apron. Jey gets Fandango in position for the Doomsday Device, but Breeze gets Fandango back on his feet. Jimmy drops Breezango with a flying crossbody. Jimmy sets up for the Uso Splash, but Fandango distracts Jimmy from the outside. Jey with a suicide dive onto Fandango. Jimmy goes for the Uso Splash, but Breeze gets his knee in the air. Breeze small packages Jimmy to pickup the victory. Winner: Breezango First Match: Charlotte & Dana Brooke vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley Charlotte and Brooke immediately attacks Sasha and Bayley before the bell rings. Charlotte whips Bayley back first to the barricade. Charlotte with a ground and pound attack. Brooke knocks Sasha off the ring apron. Mike Chioda gets Charlotte and Brooke backed away from Bayley. Charlotte stomps on Bayley's chest in the corner. Charlotte lands a series of knife edge chops in the corner. Bayley with a springboard elbow to the Charlotte. Bayley tags in Sasha. Sasha with a series of forearms to Charlotte. Sasha connects with the flying headscissors. Charlotte regains momentum by sending Sasha face first to the second turnbuckle. Charlotte rolls Sasha back into the ring. Charlotte goes for a pin, but Sasha kicks out at the count of two. Brooke tags herself in. Brooke applies a rear chin lock. Sasha whips Brooke face first to the second rope. Sasha slaps Brooke and tags in Bayley. Bayley with a series of running axe handles to Brooke. Bayley with a flying back elbow to Brooke in the corner. Charlotte distracts Bayley which helps Brooke whip Bayley off the top rope. Bayley with a deep arm drag to Brooke. Brooke kicks Bayley in the gut. Brooke irish whips Bayley back first to the corner. Brooke rams his shoulder repeatedly to the midsection of Bayley in the corner. Bayley rolls Brooke up for a two count. Brooke and Bayley knock each other down with a running double clothesline. Charlotte and Sasha are tagged in. Sasha with a series of dropkicks to Charlotte. Sasha gets Charlotte tied in the tree of woe. Sasha with a double foot stomp for a two count. Sasha knocks Brooke off the ring apron. Sasha with a flying crossbody onto Charlotte. Sasha goes for a backstabber, but Charlotte holds onto the ropes. Charlotte drops Sasha with Natural Selection for a two count. Brooke tosses Bayley to the outside. Sasha gets Charlotte in the Bank Statement, but Brooke drags Charlotte foot to the bottom rope. Bayley connects with a wrecking ball dropkick to Brooke. Charlotte drops Bayley with a forearm. Sasha gets Charlotte back into the Bank Statement and Charlotte taps out. Winner: Sasha Banks & Bayley via Submission Second Match: The New Day vs. The Wyatt Family Big E and Strowman starts off this match. Woods tags himself in. Bray likewise tags himself in. Kofi for some reason tags himself in and lands a running dropkick. Bray is backed into the corner. Woods finally gets back on the ring apron. Bray tags in Strowman. Strowman whips Kofi to the corner. Strowman with a running corner splash to Kofi. Strowman tags in Rowan. Rowan bodyslams Kofi. Rowan with a falling forearm to the back of Kofi. Rowan applies a rear chin lock. Rowan transitions into a vice grip. Rowan drops Kofi with a clothesline. Rowan tags in Bray. Bray stomps on Kofi's ribs. Bray gets Kofi trapped in the corner. Bray bodyslams Kofi. Bray follows that up with a running senton for a two count. Bray applies a side headlock. Kofi with a jawbreaker to Bray. Before Kofi can make the tag, Bray drops him with a vicious lariat. Woods hops off the ring apron as he stares into Bray's eyes. Bray tags in Strowman. Strowman stomps on Kofi's chest in the corner. Strowman with a clubbing blow to the back of Kofi. Strowman rams his knee to the back of Kofi's head. Kofi with a boot to the face of Bray. Bray charges towards Kofi, but he's sent crashing to the outside. Big E and Rowan are tagged in. Big E with a series of clotheslines to Rowan. Big E drops Rowan with a side belly to belly suplex. Big E with a running splash. Big E is distracted by Strowman from the outside. Rowan rolls Big E up for a two count. Big E connects with a over the head belly to belly suplex for a two count. Strowman with a clubbing blow to the chest of Woods. Rowan drops Big E with a back breaker. Kofi with a somersault plancha onto Strowman. Big E with a back elbow to Rowan. Big E tags in Kofi. Rowan sends Big E shoulder first to the steel ring post. Kofi sends Rowan face first to the middle turnbuckle. Bray tags himself in. Bray goes for the Sister Abigail, but Woods gets Kofi out of the hold. There's a ma**ive stare off with Woods and Bray. Kofi with a flying crossbody onto Bray. Bray responds with a vicious side slam. Woods with a series of right hands to Bray. Woods connects with a wrecking ball dropkick to Bray. Woods with a series of right hands to Strowman's who on the ring apron. Big E spears Strowman to the outside. Bray gets in his spider walk which distracts Woods. Bray plants Woods with Sister Abigail to pickup the victory. Winner: The Wyatt Family Third Match: Rusev (c) w/Lana vs. Zack Ryder for the WWE United States Championship Rusev with a waist lock takedown. Rusev applies a front facelock. Rusev goes for a pin, but Ryder kicks out at the count of one. Rusev backs Ryder to the corner. Rusev shoves Ryder. Ryder with a series of forearms to Rusev. Ryder with a back elbow to Rusev. Ryder rolls out of the ring. Ryder with a wrecking ball dropkick to Rusev. Ryder with double knees to the face of Rusev. Ryder goes for a missile dropkick, but Rusev swats Ryder away. Rusev goes to the ground and pound attack. Rusev connects with a spinning heel kick for a two count. Rusev applies a waist lock. Ryder with a series of forearms to Rusev. Ryder goes for the Broski Boot, but Rusev holds onto Ryder's ankle. Rusev with a knee to the gut of Ryder. Ryder drops Rusev with a neck breaker. Ryder with a running boot to the face of Rusev for a one count. Rusev rolls out of the ring. Rusev drives Ryder back first into the barricade. Rusev launches Ryder rib first into the barricade. Ryder with a missile dropkick off the barricade. Ryder connects with the Rough Ryder. Ryder goes for the flying elbow drop, but Rusev gets his knee up in the air. Rusev with a leaping axe kick to the back of Ryder's head. Rusev applies the Accolade. Ryder tries to break the submission hold, but bridges his back which forces Ryder to tap out. After the match Mojo Rawley storms into the ring. Rawley edges Rusev to fight, but Rusev exit's the ring. Winner: Still WWE United States Champion Rusev via Submission Fourth Match: Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick, but Owens rolls to the outside. Owens whips Zayn back first to the barricade. Zayn likewise sends Owens shoulder first to the barricade. Zayn clotheslines Owens. Zayn rolls Owens back into the ring. Zayn with a single leg dropkick for a one count. Owens connects with the Cannonball for a two count. Owens with a series of knife edge chops. Owens goes for a pin, but Zayn kicks out at the count of two. Owens with a clubbing blow to the back of Zayn. Owens launches Zayn rib first to the top rope. Owens kicks Zayn in the back. Owens with a running senton for a two count. Owens with a snap mare followed by a rear chin lock. Owens with a knee to the gut of Zayn. Zayn fires up with a vicious lariat. Zayn plants Owens with the Michinoku Driver for a two count. Owens rolls out of the ring. Zayn goes for the SomerSault Plancha, but Owens drags Zayn of the ring. Zayn with a springboard moonsault to Owens. Owens drives Zayn shoulder repeatedly to the steel ring post. Zayn with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Zayn ascends to the top rope. Owens and Zayn battle for position on the top rope. Zayn headbu*t's Owens. Owens is sent crashing down to the mat. Owens superkick's Zayn for a two count. Owens applies a crossface submission hold, but Zayn reaches the bottom rope. Owens with a running corner clothesline. Zayn connects with a Exploder Suplex. Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick, but Owens rolls out of the ring. Owens and Zayn are fighting on the ring apron. Zayn plants Owens with a brain buster on the ring apron. Zayn and Owens engage in rocker's punches. Zayn goes to the ground and pound attack, but again Owens rolls out of the ring. Zayn goes for a spinning Tornado DDT through the middle rope, but Owens counters with a superkick. Owens follow's that up with a cannonball. Owens connects with the Bull Frog Splash for a two count. Zayn connects with a Tornado DDT. Owens responds with another superkick. Owens goes for the Pop Up Powerbomb, but Zayn gets back on his feet. Zayn drops Owens with two Half Nelson suplex's. Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick, but Owens counters with the Pop Up Powerbomb for a two count as Zayn foot reaches the bottom rope. Owens slaps Zayn in the face in frustration. Zayn plants Owens with a Dragon Suplex. Zayn follows that up with two Helluva Kick's to pickup the victory. Winner: Sami Zayn Fifth Match: Natalya vs. Becky Lynch Natalya and Becky locks up. Becky backs Natalya into the ropes. Becky ducks a clothesline from Natalya. Becky with a series of waist lock takedowns. Natalya again creates separation by getting trapped into the ropes. Natalya exit's the ring. Natalya with a leg sweep for a one count. Becky rolls Natalya up for a two count. Becky connects with a deep armdrag and a dropkick that sends Natalya to the outside. Becky with a flying forearm off the ring apron. Natalya regains momentum by sending Becky rib first to the steel ring steps. Natalya begins to work on the leg of Becky. Natalya stomps on Becky's leg in the corner. Natalya applies pressure to the back of the knee of Becky. Natalya steps on the back of Becky's knee. Natalya slaps Becky. Becky fires up with a series of forearms. Becky drops Natalya with the enziguri. Becky lands two clothesline, a back elbow and a corner forearm. Becky plants Natalya with the Bexploder for a two count. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter, but Becky counters by getting her in position for the Dis Arm Her. Natalya gets out of the hold. Natalya applies the Sharpshooter, but Becky escapes the hold. Becky with a missile dropkick for a two count. Becky with a series of right hands to Natalya in the corner. Natalya attacks Becky's knee. Natalya gets Becky trapped in the Sharpshooter. Natalya drags Becky back into the center of the ring and Becky taps out. Winner: Natalya via Submission Sixth Match: The Miz (c) w/Maryse vs. Darren Young w/Bob Backlund for the WWE Intercontinental Championship Young with a hip toss to Miz. Young with a side headlock takedown. Miz reverses out of the hold and applies a wrist lock. Miz backs Young in the corner. Miz kicks Young in the gut. Miz drops Young with a shoulder tackle. Young with a waistlock takedown into a front facelock. Miz responds with another shoulder tackle. Young drops Miz with a discus forearm. Young with a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Young lands a knife edge chop. Young with a boot to the face of Miz. Young ascends to the top rope. Maryse distracts Young which helps Miz launch Young to the outside. Miz launches Young rib first to the barricade. Miz drives Young back first into the ring apron. Miz rolls Young back into the ring. Miz goes for a pin, but Young kicks out at the count of two. Miz applies a rear chin lock. Miz with a knee to the gut of Young. Miz with a side headlock takedown. Young rolls Miz up for a two count. Young with a series of right hands to Miz. Miz goes for a backslide, but Young stands still. Young with a backslide of his own for a two count. Miz responds with a boot to the face. Miz stomps on Young's ribs in the corner. Young explodes out of the corner with a lariat. Young with a series of knife edge chops. Young with a over the head belly to belly suplex. Young with a back breaker to Miz on the ring apron for a two count. Young goes for the Crossface Chicken Wing, but Miz rolls out of the ring. Miz tries to walk to the back, but Backlund gets in Miz's way. Maryse slaps Backlund. Backlund snaps and takes his shirt off. Miz shoves Backlund. Young applies the Crossface Chicken Wing on Miz, but the referee rings the bell and counts both men out. Winner: Still WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz via Double Countout Seventh Match: John Cena, Enzo Amore and Big Ca** vs. The Club Enzo and Anderson starts off this match. Anderson tags in Styles. Styles applies a waist lock and shoves Enzo away. Styles with a deep arm drag. Enzo applies a side headlock. Styles leapfrogs over Enzo and follows that up with a dropkick. Styles tags in Ca**. Styles goes to his corner and tags in Anderson. Anderson with a series of right hands to Ca**. Ca** drops him with a shoulder tackle. Ca** launches Enzo over the top rope onto both Anderson and Gallows. Ca** follows that up by launching Styles into the air onto Anderson and Gallows on the outside. Ca** rolls Anderson back into the ring. Ca** bodyslams Anderson. Ca** tags in Enzo. Ca** bodyslams Enzo on top of Anderson for a two count. Anderson drops Enzo with a big haymaker. Anderson tags in Gallows. Gallows with a european uppercut to Enzo. Gallows drives his knee to the midsection of Enzo. Gallows plants Enzo with a delayed powerslam for a two count. Gallows tags in Styles. Styles kicks Enzo in the chest. Styles drives Enzo to the corner. Styles tags in Anderson. Anderson with a corner bicycle kick. Anderson applies a rear chin lock. Enzo gets out of the hold with a stunner. Anderson with a back breaker and Enzo rolls out of the ring. Anderson tags in Styles. Styles whips Enzo back first into the barricade. Enzo launches Styles over the top rope. Enzo side steps Gallows and he's sent crashing face first to the steel ring post. Enzo tries to make the tag, but Anderson drops him with a flying knee strike. Anderson tags in Gallows. Gallows goes for a splash, but Enzo rolls out of the way. Cena and Styles are tagged in. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles into a side slam. Cena follows that up with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Styles counters with the Pele Kick. Styles knocks Enzo off the ring apron. Styles goes for the Styles Clash, but Enzo drops him with a Tornado DDT. Anderson plants Enzo with a Spinebuster. Big Ca** with a fallaway slam to Anderson. Gallows drops Ca** with a sitout powerbomb. Enzo goes for a flying crossbody, but he crashes into Cena. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but he accidentally hits Gallows. Cena drops Styles with the Attitude Adjustment for a two count, but Anderson drags Cena out of the ring. Anderson with a spinebuster to Cena on the announce table. Styles plants Cena with the Styles Clash for a two count as Ca** drags Styles out of the ring. Ca** with a running boot to Styles. The Club drops Ca** with The Magic k**er. Enzo sends Anderson shoulder first to the steel ring post. Gallows with a superkick to Enzo. Gallows charges towards Cena, but Cena ducks out of the way. Cena sends Styles crashing crotch first on the top turnbuckle. Cena clotheslines Gallows over the top rope. Cena plants Styles with the Attitude Adjustment off the top rope to pickup the victory. Winner: John Cena, Big Ca** and Enzo Amore The Highlight Reel with Special Guest Randy Orton: Jericho wants the DC crowd to be quiet. He wants the entire WWE Universe to know that tonight's Highlight Reel is the biggest in WWE History. Jericho introduces his special guest Randy Orton. For 9 months Orton has been at home with his wife recovering. He realized during that time period that something was missing. Orton doesn't mind sharing the ring with Jericho even though this is his return. Jericho says that Orton should thank him for allowing to make his return on the highlight reel. Orton reminds Jericho that he's in a good mood, but don't provoke him before he drops his a**. Jericho pokes fun at the #RKOutOfNowhere. Orton better be careful before he gets dropped with a #CodeBreakerOutOfNoWhere. Jericho reminds Orton that he's on SmackDown. Jericho praises his general manager Stephanie McMahon. Jericho still has scares from his feud with Ambrose. He wants to give Orton a gift that's going to help him defeat Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam and that's the Gift of Jericho. Drink it man. Orton feels like he's on the Ellen show. Jericho reminds Orton that Brock Lesnar is still the most destructive force in the WWE. Jericho sends us to a video package about Brock Lesnar on the very expensive Jericho 65,000. Jericho talks about Orton and Lesnar starting their career in OVW. Jericho says that Orton may be scared of Brock Lesnar. Jericho wants to know why Orton would make a decision to fight Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam? Orton says that he needed something epic to return. How would it be if he made his return against Fandango. Jericho says that he's never liked him. Brock is gonna take Orton to Suplex City. Orton says that it's take only one RKO to head to Viperville and there's no enhancement needed. Jericho says that Orton may need to pay for that comment. Jericho calls Orton a stupid idiot, but again Brock's words not his. Jericho wants to know if Orton is going to take him to viperville. As Jericho walks out of the ring, Orton plants him with the RKO. Eight Match: Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship Rollins goes for the Shield pose. Reigns drops Rollins with a shoulder tackle. Rollins exit's the ring. Ambrose clotheslines Rollins over the top rope. Reigns rolls Rollins back into the ring. Reigns clotheslines Rollins over the top rope. Ambrose rolls Reigns up for a two count. Ambrose applies a side headlock. Reigns drops Ambrose with a shoulder tackle. Ambrose with a flying clothesline to Reigns. Reigns with a uppercut to Ambrose. Ambrose clotheslines Rollins again over the top rope. Reigns rolls Ambrose up for a two count. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds, but Reigns stand still. Reigns and Ambrose engage in back and forth right hands. Ambrose goes for a crossbody, but Reigns stands still. Rollins stomps on Reigns chest in the corner. Reigns gets Ambrose in a fireman's carry position. Ambrose with a dropkick that knocks Rollins off of Reigns shoulder. Ambrose is mauling Reigns in the corner. Rollins shoves Ambrose down to the mat. Rollins with a back breaker to Ambrose. Rollins drops Reigns with the Slingblade. Rollins tries to pin Ambrose, but he kicks out at the count of two. Rollins with a corner forearm to Ambrose in the corner. Rollins sends Ambrose face first to the middle turnbuckle pad. Reigns connects with the Drive By. Reigns drives Rollins back first to the barricade. Ambrose with a flying elbow drop onto Reigns on the outside. Rollins with a flying knee strike to Ambrose. Rollins whips Ambrose back first to the steel ring steps. Rollins sends Reigns back first to the barricade right by the time keeper's area. Reigns launches Rollins into the time keeper's area. Ambrose dives off the announce table onto both Reigns and Rollins. Ambrose with a missile dropkick to Reigns. Ambrose with a running forearm/bulldog. Ambrose with a flying elbow off the top rope for a two count. Rollins with a Frog Splash onto Ambrose for a two count. Rollins goes for a sunset flip, but he fails. Reigns with a series of corner lariats to Rollins. Reigns with a tilt-a-whirl slam to Rollins. Reigns drops both Ambrose and Rollins with separate SuperMan Punches. Reigns goes for a Spear, but Rollins counters with a enziguri. Reigns responds with another SuperMan Punch. Ambrose drops Reigns with the Lunatic Lariat. Ambrose and Rollins double teams Reigns. Rollins sets up for the Double Team Powerbomb, but Reigns counters with a boot to the face to Rollins. Reigns rolls out of the ring. Ambrose with a suicide dive to Reigns. Rollins follows that up with a Somersault Plancha onto Reigns. Ambrose clears a announce table. Ambrose and Rollins powerbomb's Reigns through the announce table. Rollins hits Ambrose in the back with a steel chair. Rollins does the same to Reigns. Rollins brings Ambrose back into the ring. Rollins goes for a Buckle Bomb, but Ambrose counters with a hurricanrana that sends Rollins crashing in the corner. Rollins with a superplex into a Falcon Arrow for a two count. Rollins goes for the Pedigree, but Ambrose launches him into the top rope. Reigns powerbombs Ambrose. Reigns plants Rollins with a sitout powerbomb for a two count. Reigns goes for the Razor Edge, but Ambrose backslides Reigns for a two count. Ambrose goes for the Lunatic Lariat, but Reigns counters with a SuperMan Punch. Rollins plants Reigns with the Pedigree for a two count. Rollins goes for another Pedigree, but changes his mind and goes with the Buckle Bomb. Reigns drops Rollins with the SuperMan Punch. Reigns spears Rollins. Ambrose storms back into the ring and plants Reigns with the Dirty Deeds to pickup the victory. Winner: Still WWE Champion Dean Ambrose Battleground 2016 closes from Washington D.C