William Shatner - Star Trek: The City on the Edge of Forever lyrics


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William Shatner - Star Trek: The City on the Edge of Forever lyrics

[Bridge] (Enterprise is at Red Alert as she orbits a muddy looking planet. Every so often the ship shakes.) KIRK: Stay on top of it, Mister Sulu. SULU: We're holding orbit, sir. The helm is sluggish. SCOTT: Control circuits threatening to overload, Captain. KIRK: Understood, Engineer. Mister Spock? We can't avoid these areas of turbulence. SPOCK: I believe we'll have them plotted in a few more orbits, Captain. (Sulu's console explodes and he is thrown to the floor, unconscious.) KIRK: Sickbay. To the Bridge. SCOTT: Switching to manual, Captain. Do we maintain this orbit? KIRK: Spock? SPOCK: This is of great scientific importance, Captain. We're actually pa**ing through ripples in time. KIRK: Maintain orbit. Open the channel to Starfleet Command. Precautionary measure, Lieutenant. Broadcast to Starfleet Command my past week's log entries, starting with the unusual readings we had on the instruments and how they led us here. Inform Starfleet Command that apparently something or someone down on this planet (McCoy enters) KIRK: (pointing to Sulu) Bones. Can effect changes in time, causing turbulent waves of space displacement. MCCOY: Some heart flutter. Better risk a few drops of cordrazine. KIRK: Tricky stuff. Are you sure you want to risk (The hypo is administered and Sulu opens his eyes.) MCCOY: You were about to make a medical comment, Jim? KIRK: Who, me, Doctor? SCOTT: (at the helm) We're guiding around most of the time ripples now. KIRK: Mister Spock? SPOCK: All plotted but one, Captain. Coming up on it now. Seems to be fairly heavy displacement. (And they hit it just as McCoy still has the hypo in his hand, and the jolt results in him injecting it into his own stomach.) KIRK: Bones! Get back to your positions. SPOCK: The hypo, Captain. KIRK: It was set for cordrazine. SPOCK: Empty. KIRK: Communications, emergency medical team. MCCOY: (screams) k**ers! Assa**ins! I won't let you! I'll k** you first! I won't let you! You won't get me! Murderers! k**ers! (He dashes into the turbolift.) KIRK: Security alert. Captain's log, supplemental entry. Two drops of cordrazine can save a man's life. A hundred times that amount has just accidentally been pumped into Doctor McCoy's body. In a strange, wild frenzy, he has fled the ship's Bridge. All connecting decks have been placed on alert. We have no way of knowing if the madness is permanent or temporary, or in what direction it will drive McCoy. [Transporter room] (McCoy enters, knocks out the Chief very quickly and scientifically, then beams himself away.) [Bridge] KIRK: Continue alert, decks four through eleven. The medical department knows as little as we do. In dosages approaching this, there's some record of wild paranoia. SPOCK: Confirmed by the library record tapes, Captain. Subjects failed to recognize acquaintances, became hysterically convinced that they were in mortal danger, and were seeking escape at any cost. Extremely dangerous to himself or to anyone else who might GALLOWAY [OC]: Bridge, Security. Alert, alert! KIRK: Bridge here. Go ahead. [Transporter room] GALLOWAY: Security 054, sir. We just found the transport chief injured. [Bridge] CHIEF [OC]: Captain, Doctor McCoy has beamed himself down to the planet. SPOCK: And the transporter at that time, Captain, was focused on the center of the time disturbance. KIRK: So whatever's down there, McCoy is in the heart of it. Set up a landing party. Let's go get him. Kirk out. [Planet surface] (The landing party is Kirk, Spock, Scott, Uhura and two security guards. Among remains of fluted columns and fragments of Greek-style buildings is an irregular dough-nut shaped object with lights in it.) KIRK: These ruins extend to the horizon. Begin recording. UHURA: Recording, sir. SPOCK: And of considerable age. On the order of ten thousand centuries old. KIRK: Detail, fan out. What is this thing, Mister Spock? It seems to be pulsating with power of some kind. an*lysis, please. SPOCK: Unbelievable, Captain. KIRK: That's funny. SPOCK: This single object is the source of all the time displacement. KIRK: Explain. SPOCK: I can't. For this to do what it does is impossible by any science I understand. It is operating even now. Putting out waves and waves of time displacement, which we picked up millions of miles away. UHURA: Landing party to Enterprise. No sign of Doctor McCoy. Search progressing. (And he pops up from behind a rock after she and her security guard have pa**ed by.) SPOCK: Incredible power. It can't be a machine as we understand mechanics. KIRK: Then what is it? GUARDIAN: (The doughnut pulses bright in time with the words) A question. Since before your sun burned hot in space and before your race was born, I have awaited a question. KIRK: What are you? GUARDIAN: I am the Guardian of Forever. KIRK: Are you machine or being? GUARDIAN: I am both and neither. I am my own beginning, my own ending. SPOCK: I see no reason for answers to be couched in riddles. GUARDIAN: I answer as simply as your level of understanding makes possible. SPOCK: A time portal, Captain. A gateway to other times and dimensions, if I'm correct. GUARDIAN: As correct as possible for you. Your science knowledge is obviously primitive. SPOCK: Really. KIRK: Annoyed, Spock? GUARDIAN: Behold. A gateway to your own past, if you wish. (A camel train pa**ing a pyramid, ancient Rome - images appear inside the doughnut.) MCCOY: k**ers! k**ers! I won't let you get me! I'll k** you first! I won't let you get me! Assa**ins! Murderers! k**ers! (Scott and a guard manage to grab McCoy, and Spock neck-pinches him. An army of lancers charge across the doughnut.) KIRK: Spock! If that is a doorway back through time, could we somehow take Bones back a day in time, then SPOCK: Relive the accident. This time be certain that the hypo accident is avoided. Look at the speed with which the centuries are pa**ing, Captain. To step through on precisely the day we wish KIRK: Guardian. Can you change the speed at which yesterday pa**es? GUARDIAN: I was made to offer the past in this manner. I cannot change. (The US cavalry charges.) KIRK: Strangely compelling, isn't it? To step through there and lose oneself in another world. SPOCK: I am a fool. My tricorder is capable of recording even at this speed. I've missed taping centuries of living history which no man before has ever (But McCoy has woken up, and dashes towards the Guardian.) SCOTT: Doctor McCoy! KIRK: Bones, no! (McCoy leaps through the doughnut and the pictures stop. He's gone.) KIRK: Where is he? GUARDIAN: He has pa**ed into... what was. UHURA: Captain, I've lost contact with the ship. I was talking to them. Suddenly, it went dead. No static, just nothing. KIRK: Kirk to Enterprise. Scotty. SCOTT: Nothing wrong with the communicator, sir. GUARDIAN: Your vessel, your beginning, all that you knew is gone. KIRK: McCoy has somehow changed history. SCOTT: You mean we're stranded down here? SPOCK: With no past, no future. UHURA: Captain, I'm frightened. KIRK: Earth's not there. At least, not the Earth we know. We're totally alone. Captain's log, no stardate. For us, time does not exist. McCoy, back somewhere in the past, has effected a change in the course of time. All Earth history has been changed. There is no starship Enterprise. We have only one chance. We have asked the Guardian to show us Earth's history again. Spock and I will go back into time ourselves and attempt to set right what ever it was that McCoy changed. SPOCK: I was recording images at the time McCoy left. A rather barbaric period in your American history. I believe I can approximate just when to jump. Perhaps within a month of the correct time. A week, if we're fortunate. KIRK: Make sure we arrive before McCoy got there. It's vital we stop him before he does whatever it was that changed all history. Guardian, if we are successful GUARDIAN: Then you will be returned. It will be as though none of you had gone. UHURA: Captain, it seems impossible. Even if you were able to find the right date SCOTT: Then even finding McCoy would be a miracle. SPOCK: There is no alternative. KIRK: Scotty, when you think you've waited long enough. Each of you will have to try it. Even if you fail, at least you'll be alive in some past world somewhere. SCOTT: Aye. SPOCK: Seconds now, sir. Stand by. SCOTT: Good luck, gentlemen. UHURA: Happiness at least, sir. (First World War images.) SPOCK: And now. [Street] (They leap through a wall with a poster for boxing at Madison Square Gardens. Welcome to the Depression.) KIRK: I've seen old photographs of this period. An economic upheaval had occurred. SPOCK: It was called Depression, circa 1930. Quite barbaric. (Two women give then curious looks, and Spock hides his ears with his hands.) KIRK: We seem to be costumed a little out of step with the time. SPOCK: I'm afraid I'm going to be difficult to explain in any case, Captain. KIRK: Well, Mister Spock, if we can't disguise you, we'll find some way of explaining you. SPOCK: That should prove interesting. KIRK: Let's get out of here. (They are nearly run down crossing the street.) SPOCK: Fascinating. DRIVER: Look out, will you? Why don't you watch where you're going? (They head into an alley with washing hanging out on the fire escape.) SPOCK: Theft, Captain? KIRK: Well, we'll steal from the rich and give back to the poor later. I think I'm going to like this century. Simple, easier to manage. We're not going to have any difficulty explaining (Then he sees the policeman.) POLICEMAN: Well? KIRK: You're a police officer. I recognize the traditional accouterments. SPOCK: You were saying you'll have no trouble explaining it. KIRK: My friend is obviously Chinese. I see you've noticed the ears. They're actually easy to explain. (A crowd is gathering.) SPOCK: Perhaps the unfortunate accident I had as a child. KIRK: The unfortunate accident he had as a child. He caught his head in a mechanical rice picker. But fortunately, there was an American missionary living close by who was actually a sk**ed plastic surgeon in civilian life. POLICEMAN: All right, all right. Drop those bundles and put your hands on that wall there! Come on! KIRK: Oh, how careless of your wife to let you go out that way. POLICEMAN: What? Where? SPOCK: Oh, yes, it's quite untidy. Here, let me help you. (And a quick neck pinch in front of witnesses, then they grab the clothes and run off. With whistles blowing, they duck down the alley beside the 21st Street Mission and down the stairs to the cellar.) [Cellar] KIRK: You were actually enjoying my predicament back there. At times, you seem quite human. SPOCK: Captain, I hardly believe that insults are within your prerogative as my commanding officer. KIRK: Sorry. (They get changed into jeans and shirts.) KIRK: Time we faced the unpleasant facts. SPOCK: First, I believe we have about a week before McCoy arrives, but we can't be certain. KIRK: Arrives where? Honolulu, Boise, San Diego? Why not Outer Mongolia, for that matter? SPOCK: There is a theory. There could be some logic to the belief that time is fluid, like a river, with currents, eddies, backwash. KIRK: And the same currents that swept McCoy to a certain time and place might sweep us there, too. SPOCK: Unless that is true, Captain, we have no hope. Frustrating. Locked in here is the place and moment of his arrival, even the images of what he did. If only I could tie this tricorder in with the ship's computers for just a few moments. KIRK: Couldn't you build some form of computer aid here? SPOCK: In this zinc-plated vacuum-tubed culture? KIRK: Yes, well, it would pose an extremely complex problem in logic, Mister Spock. Excuse me. I sometimes expect too much of you. (The lights come on.) EDITH: Who's there? (Spock puts on a woolen hat that was conveniently amongst the clothes Kirk stole. A young woman wearing an apron comes down the stairs.) KIRK: Excuse us, miss. We didn't mean to trespa**. It's cold outside. EDITH: A lie is a poor way to say hello. It isn't that cold. KIRK: No. We were being chased by a policeman. EDITH: Why? KIRK: These clothes. We stole them. We didn't have any money. EDITH: Well, I could do with some help around here. Doing dishes, sweeping, general cleaning. SPOCK: At what rate of payment? I need radio tubes and so forth. My hobby. EDITH: Fifteen cents an hour for ten hours a day. What are your names? KIRK: Mine is Jim Kirk. His is Spock. EDITH: I'm Edith Keeler. You can start by cleaning up down here. KIRK: Excuse me, Miss. Where are we? EDITH: You're in the 21st Street Mission. KIRK: Do you run this place? EDITH: Indeed I do, Mister Kirk. (She leaves them.) KIRK: Radio tubes and so on. I approve of hobbies, Mister Spock. [Canteen] (Kirk and Spock collect their bowls of soup and pieces of bread, and sit at one of the long tables.) EDITH: Good evening. (She steps up onto a small stage with a piano.) MAN: You'll be sorry. KIRK: Why? MAN: You expect to eat for free or something? You got to listen to Goody Two-shoes. EDITH: Now, as I'm sure somebody out there has said, it's time to pay for the soup. MAN: Not that she's a bad-looking broad, but if she really wanted to help out a fella in need KIRK: Shut up. Shut up. I want to hear what she has to say. SPOCK: Yes, of course, Captain. EDITH: Now, let's start by getting one thing straight. I'm not a do-gooder. If you're a bum, if you can't break off of the booze or whatever it is that makes you a bad risk, then get out. Now I don't pretend to tell you how to find happiness and love when every day is just a struggle to survive, but I do insist that you do survive because the days and the years ahead are worth living for. One day soon man is going to be able to harness incredible energies, maybe even the atom. Energies that could ultimately hurl us to other worlds in some sort of spaceship. And the men that reach out into space will be able to find ways to feed the hungry millions of the world and to cure their diseases. They will be able to find a way to give each man hope and a common future, and those are the days worth living for. Our deserts will bloom. (She continues under the dialogue.) KIRK: Development of atomic power is years away, and space flight years after that. SPOCK: Speculation. Gifted insight. KIRK: I find her most uncommon, Mister Spock. EDITH: Prepare for tomorrow. Get ready. Don't give up. (Later, when the bowls are being handed in, Edith calls after Kirk.) EDITH: Mister Kirk. You are uncommon workmen. That basement looks like it's been scrubbed and polished. KIRK: Then we can report back for other work? EDITH: Yes. Seven o'clock in the morning. Do you have a flop for the night? KIRK: A what? EDITH: You really are new at this, aren't you? A flop is a place to sleep. KIRK: Oh. EDITH: There's a vacant room at the place where I live for two dollars a week. If you want to I'll take you there. KIRK: Thank you. EDITH: Good. (She goes to get her coat.) KIRK: We have a flop. SPOCK: We have a what, Captain? KIRK: A place to sleep. SPOCK: One might have said so in the first place. [Room] (It must be some days later, because Spock has already built a 50's horror movie contraption, complete with static electricity running between two vertical wires. Kirk enters with groceries.) SPOCK: Captain, I must have some platinum. A small block would be sufficient, five or six pounds. By pa**ing certain circuits through there to be used as a duodynetic field core. KIRK: Mister Spock, I've brought you some a**orted vegetables, baloney in a hard rolls for myself, and I've spent the other nine tenths of our combined salaries for the last three days on filling this order for you. Mister Spock, this bag doesn't contain platinum, silver or gold, nor is it likely to in the near future. SPOCK: Captain, you're asking me to work with equipment which hardly very far ahead of stone knives and bearskins. KIRK: McCoy will be along in a few days, perhaps sooner. There's no guarantee that these currents in time will bring us together. This has to work. SPOCK: Captain. Captain, in three weeks at this rate, possibly a month, I might reach the first mnemonic memory circuits. (There's a knock at the door.) KIRK: Your hat. EDITH: If you can leave immediately, I can get you five hours work at twenty two cents an hour. What? What on Earth is that? SPOCK: I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic memory circuit using stone knives and bearskins. [Canteen] (Kirk and Spock are sweeping the floor, with the chairs stacked on the tables, and two men repairing clocks.) SPOCK: Captain. Tools for finely detailed work. (Later, a combination padlock is being opened by someone with very sensitive ears.) [Cellar] (Spock is stoking the boiler when Edith comes in to confront them.) EDITH: That toolbox was locked with a combination lock and you opened it like a real pro. Why did you do it? SPOCK: I needed the fine tools for my radio work. They'd have been returned in the morning. EDITH: I'm sorry, I can't KIRK: If Mister Spock says that he needs the tools and that they'll be returned tomorrow morning, you can bet your reputation on that, Miss Keeler. EDITH: On one condition. Walk me home? I still have a few questions I'd like to ask about you two. Oh, and don't give me that questions about little old us? look. You know as well as I do how out of place you two are around here. SPOCK: Interesting. Where would you estimate we belong, Miss Keeler? EDITH: You? At his side, as if you've always been there and always will. And you? You belong in another place. I don't know where or how. I'll figure it out eventually. SPOCK: I'll finish with the furnace. EDITH: Captain. Even when he doesn't say it, he does. [Street] (They are strolling along, hand in hand, as 'Goodnight, Sweetheart' carries in the air from a radio repair shop.) EDITH: Why does Spock call you Captain? Were you in the war together? KIRK: We served together. EDITH: And you don't want to talk about it? Why? Did you do something wrong? Are you afraid of something? Whatever it is, let me help. KIRK: Let me help. A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a cla**ic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over I love you. EDITH: Centuries from now? Who is he? Where does he come? Where will he come from? KIRK: Silly question. Want to hear a silly answer? EDITH: Yes. KIRK: A planet circling that far left star in Orion's belt. See? (Not that you can actually see any stars in the night sky above the Brooklyn Bridge.) [Room] (Using the clock-mender's tools, Spock gets an image on his tricorder screen of a newspaper report. Edith Keeler, social worker from 21st Street Mission was k**ed today, it says. Kirk enters.) KIRK: How are the stone knives and bearskins? SPOCK: I may have found our focal point in time. KIRK: You may also find you have a connection burning someplace. SPOCK: Yes. I'm overloading those lines. I believe we'll have our answer on this screen. KIRK: Good. SPOCK: And, Captain, you may find this a bit distressing. KIRK: Let's see what you have. SPOCK: I've slowed down the recording we made from the time vortex. KIRK: February 23rd, 1936. Six years from now. (reading below the headline FDR confers with slum area 'angel') The President and Edith Keeler conferred for some time today (Then the whole thing goes up in flames.) KIRK: How bad? SPOCK: Bad enough. KIRK: The President and Edith Keeler. SPOCK: It would seem unlikely, Jim. A few moments ago, I read a 1930 newspaper article. KIRK: We know her future. Within six years from now, she'll become very important. Nationally famous. SPOCK: Or Captain, Edith Keeler will die this year. I saw her obituary. Some sort of traffic accident. KIRK: You must be mistaken. They both can't be true. SPOCK: Captain, Edith Keeler is the focal point in time we've been looking for, the point that both we and Doctor McCoy have been drawn to. KIRK: She has two possible futures then, and depending on whether she lives or dies, all of history will be changed. And McCoy SPOCK: Is the random element. KIRK: In his condition, what does he do? Does he k** her? SPOCK: Or perhaps he prevents her from being k**ed. We don't know which. KIRK: Get this thing fixed. We must find out before McCoy arrives. SPOCK: Captain, suppose we discover that in order to set things straight again, Edith Keeler must die? [Street] (The man from the canteen steals a milk bottle from a doorstep when McCoy leaps in through Singers Book Store window and starts shouting.) MCCOY: Assa**ins! Murderers! Murderers! Assa**ins! You! What planet is this? (he drops the bottle) No! Don't run! I won't k** you! It's they who do the k**ing! Don't run! I won't k** you! [Boarding house] (Jim and Edith are climbing the stairs together.) EDITH: Why? What is so funny about man reaching for the moon? KIRK: How do you know? EDITH: I just know, that's all. I feel it. And more, I think that one day they'll take all the money they spend now on war and d**h KIRK: And make them spend it on life? EDITH: Yes. You see the same things that I do. We speak the same language. KIRK: The very same. (They are outside room 33 when he leans in for the kiss.) [Street] (McCoy catches the down-and-out.) MAN: No! MCCOY: I'm glad you got away, too. Why do you think they want to k** us? MAN: Look, fella, you take a sip too much of that old wood alky, and, and almost anything seems like it MCCOY: Where? Where are we? Earth? The constellations seem right, but. Explain! Explain this trick. MAN: I, I, MCCOY: Biped. Small. Good cranial development. No doubt considerable human ancestry. Is that how you're able to fake all of this? Very good. Modern museum perfection. Right down to the cement beams. Very, very good. Oh, I'd give a lot to see the hospital. Probably needles and sutures. All the pain. They used to hand-cut and sew people like garments. Needles and sutures. Oh, the terrible pain! (He pa**es out on the ground and his color starts to improve. The man frisks him, finds his phaser and runs off a little way. Then he fiddles with the phaser, and disintegrates himself.) [Room] KIRK: How long before we get a full answer? SPOCK: I'll need at least two more days before I dare make another attempt. KIRK: McCoy could have been in the city a week now for all we know, and whatever he does that affects her and changes history could happen tonight or tomorrow morning. SPOCK: Captain, our last bit of information was obtained at the expense of thirty hours work in fused and burned circuits. KIRK: I must know whether she lives or dies, Spock. I must know what to do. [Street] (It's morning, apparently. Bums are still sleeping in shop doorways.) CRIER [OC]: Extra! Extra! Get your morning paper! Get your paper. Read all about it! (McCoy spots men going into the Mission and follows them.) [Canteen] (Edith is pouring cups of brown liquid.) MCCOY: Oh, Miss. That coffee, it just smells wonderful. EDITH: You look terrible! You'd better sit down. Come on. MCCOY: I can't. I got to keep moving. I can't let them find me. EDITH: There's a cot in the back room. They won't find you there. Come on. (She helps him out just as Spock comes in and starts serving the drinks. [Room] SPOCK: This is how history went after McCoy changed it. Here, in the late 1930s. A growing pacifist movement whose influence delayed the United States' entry into the Second World War. While peace negotiations dragged on, Germany had time to complete its heavy-water experiments. KIRK: Germany. Fascism. Hitler. They won the Second World War. SPOCK: Because all this lets them develop the A-bomb first. There's no mistake, Captain. Let me run it again. Edith Keeler. Founder of the peace movement. KIRK: But she was right. Peace was the way. SPOCK: She was right, but at the wrong time. With the A-bomb, and with their V2 rockets to carry them, Germany captured the world. KIRK: No. SPOCK: And all this because McCoy came back and somehow kept her from dying in a street accident as she was meant to. We must stop him, Jim. KIRK: How did she die? What day? SPOCK: We can estimate general happenings from these images, but I can't trace down precise actions at exact moments, Captain. I'm sorry. KIRK: Spock, I believe I'm in love with Edith Keeler. SPOCK: Jim, Edith Keeler must die. [Mission back room] (McCoy stirs, dislodging the moist towel from his forehead.) EDITH: Hey, now, come on. You're not ready to take on any tigers just yet. Lie down. MCCOY: The most common question to ask would be, where am I? I don't think I'll ask it. EDITH: Why not? MCCOY: The only possible answer would conclusively prove that I'm either unconscious or demented. This looks like old Earth around 1920 or 25. EDITH: Would you care to try for 30? MCCOY: I am unconscious, or demented. EDITH: I have a friend that talks about Earth the same way that you do. Would you like to meet him? MCCOY: I'm a surgeon, not a psychiatrist. I am Leonard McCoy, Senior Medical Officer aboard the USS Enterprise. EDITH: I don't mean to disbelieve you, but that's hardly a Navy uniform. MCCOY: It's quite all right. It's quite all right dear, because I don't believe in you, either. EDITH: Get some rest. [Boarding house] (Edith has just gone up a flight of stairs.) KIRK: Edith. EDITH: Are you following me, sir? KIRK: With ulterior motives. Does that please you? EDITH: I hope it means (she stumbles on the step and Kirk catches her, while Spock watches.) Oh! How stupid! I've been up and down those stairs a thousand times. I could have broken my neck. (Spock goes back into room 21 as she kisses Jim, and re-emerges when Kirk comes down the stairs again.) SPOCK: Captain, I did not plan to eavesdrop. KIRK: No, of course you didn't. SPOCK: I must point out that when she stumbled, she might have died right there, had you not caught her. KIRK: It's not yet time. McCoy isn't here. SPOCK: We're not that sure of our facts. Who's to say when the exact time will come? Save her, do as your heart tells you to do, and millions will die who did not die before. [Mission back room] (McCoy is out of bed.) MCCOY: Come in. EDITH: Well, you look just fine, Doctor. MCCOY: Thank you. EDITH: I thought you might like to see the evening paper. MCCOY: No, not particularly. You know, I've convinced myself that this is all in a cordrazine hallucination, but I've decided you're not. EDITH: That's rea**uring. MCCOY: But if you're not, what are you? EDITH: A friend. When you showed up here, you looked like you could use one. MCCOY: I don't doubt it. What about this place? Do you run it? EDITH: I try to. MCCOY: Why? EDITH: It's necessary. MCCOY: Well, it was for me, at least. You may have saved my life. EDITH: Lots of people drink from the wrong bottle sometimes. MCCOY: Not as wrong as the bottle I drank from. Allow me to show my gratitude. Perhaps there's something I can do around here to thank you. EDITH: We can talk about that later. I have to go. My young man is taking me to a Clark Gable movie. MCCOY: A who movie? EDITH: A Clark Gable. Don't you know? MCCOY: Well, I know what a movie is, but. EDITH: That's very strange. You get some rest. I'll see you later. [Street] (Edith, Kirk and Spock leave the Mission together, then Spock heads off alone. Kirk and Edith dodge traffic to cross the street.) EDITH: If we hurry, maybe we can catch the Clark Gable movie at the Orpheum. KIRK: What? EDITH: You know, Doctor McCoy said the same thing. KIRK: McCoy! Leonard McCoy? EDITH: Yes. He's in the Mission. He's KIRK: Stay right here. Spock! Stay right there! SPOCK: What is it? KIRK: McCoy! He's in (McCoy comes out and they greet each other enthusiastically. A truck is coming down the street as Edith starts to cross, not looking.) SPOCK: No, Jim! KIRK: Edith. (McCoy dashes forward but Kirk grabs him and pulls him back onto the pavement just as Edith and the truck meet in in a squeal of brakes.) MCCOY: You deliberately stopped me, Jim. I could have saved her. Do you know what you just did? SPOCK: He knows, Doctor. He knows. [Planet surface] (Kirk and Spock leap back out of the Guardian.) SCOTT: What happened, sir? You only left a moment ago. (McCoy returns.) SPOCK: We were successful. GUARDIAN: Time has resumed its shape. All is as it was before. Many such journeys are possible. Let me be your gateway. UHURA: Captain, the Enterprise is up there. They're asking if we want to beam up. KIRK: Let's get the hell out of here.