Wes Pendleton - Smile lyrics


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Wes Pendleton - Smile lyrics

When cat's ask me, where I'm from, I tell ‘em Cali/ but for the last decade Philly is where He's had me/ I left family to learn how to be manly/ and start family cause Genesis 12:1 was jumpin' at me// I said ‘the Lord told me to go” so me and my homie drove/ no tour, but Redeemed Thought was on the road/ I met my wife here, started up a whole new life here/ and it's been the best move for my career// yeah, But I s** at tryin' to keep in touch/ I love my family and friends but we don't speak enough/ out of sight out of mind so I be in the book/ hopin' that my comments and likes will show ‘em I'm thinkin' of em// but honestly I don't like callin' I wanna see ‘em/ my attentions divided when i am only speakin'/ I be tryin' to get booked to fly in on the weekend/ for a show, but they only show if the drive is decent// I don't blame ‘em I know that life is busy/ with wife and kiddies and 9 to 5s where the grind is grizzly/ time is slipping, I feel it more in July it hits me/ that another year has disappeared and their sliding quickly// And I've been thinking since time is short when my life is ending/ upon remembering will I be thought of as high sadity/ like I'm in Philly and I don't need anybody with me/ and despise the memory of who I was or will they simply//... Hook: “smile” yeah, I remember those days, under the Cali sun, we'd hide in the shade/ and just “smile”/ Remember Brandan's couches or discipleship at Sandy's House it makes me... “smile”/ we use to hate Puff's clothes and stay up late for Wake Up Show/ it makes me “smile”/ now those moments are past, but i still enjoy the moments we had// (remember) I can feel the guilt when I see the call/ we s'pose to build and chill but didn't speak at all/ the last time we connected i had received the ball/ dropped on my side of the court. this would be a loss// (dog) you might not even been keepin' score/ but I have ‘cause my habits too bad to be ignored/ Trisha gets on my case, she intercedes for y'all/ she's got friends that treat her the same way and I see my fault// when I see it I see I need the Lord/ I confess I'm a mess I need a cleaner heart/ there's no victory yet, I barely even fought/ but even if I do I'm a lose if I don't cling to God// For some (people) it's easy but I'll be real with you/ for me to call cause I wanna will take a miracle/ No excuses, not tryin' to be over-spiritual/ I'm just sayin' that I'm a sinner and it's a real issue// please forgive me, thank you for being gracious/ though you know i don't call I'm glad you initiated/ I'm workin' on it, i promise, but i'ma need your patience/ you're puttin' up with your brother and I appreciate it// if you ain't been calling I can't get mad at that/ if I did what kind of hypocritical crap is that/ I just hope when I see you that we can rap and chat/ and if the opportunity never actually happens cats//... Hook: “smile”/ do you remember that thing that we would do when we were doing our thing/ it makes me “smile”/ when I remember those talks when we were deep and we'd deep in that doctrine// I can “smile”/ sometimes i feel like, it's no fair, but thinkin' that way gets no where/ so i “smile”/ now those moments are past, but i still enjoy the moments we had// Lord forgive me cause I've been distant/ The time I spend to study the bible is not consistent/ I've been tripping for years but I could not admit it/ cause I was a lyrical theologian, it's not my image// Back when I was a jobless Christian/ And God's provision supplied us food and a pot to piss in/ not to mention we'd just our first spot to live in/ 3 hours, daily, i got it in with the God of scriptures// But that was when i was single too/ before I had a wife, 2 kids and things to do/ i can't expect to have 3 hours to speak with you/ and pull out my concordance and commentaries and read your truth// daily, but that don't mean that i can't do nothing/ There's like an hour in travel between the trains and buses/ On the way to the office but that don't seem to be enough when/ I think of the way it use to be I am missing something// cause there's gotta be something/ in between/ the myths of my time limits and trying to live the dream/ something based in the truth, it's prob'ly a simple thing/ they say that when you're prioritizing desire is the key// if so, then I know it's my heart and not my head/ so maybe that's the part i should be tryin' to change instead/ I know it's possible only because my Savior bled/ cause he was the only capable of making His Dad// Hook: “smile” when I remember getting that gospel, not the music, but the word of apostles i can.../ ”smile” remember talks in the car for long trips or while it's sitting in park/ i wanna “smile”/ when I remember our Pastors, John Wells and Bro K I have to just... “smile”/ now those moments are past, but i still enjoy the moments we had (remember)// Remember family trips, to six flags, Louisiana, the sticks, it makes me “smile” Remember doctrine debates, sometimes it got heated but sharpened our faith it makes me “smile” You know that time I forgot that you remember, hit me up and let's talk i wanna “smile” Now those moments are past, but i still enjoy the moments we had (remember) ...