Wes Anderson - Bottle Rocket Scene 9 lyrics


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Wes Anderson - Bottle Rocket Scene 9 lyrics

[EXT. ROOFTOP. NIGHT] [Back on the roof. Bob and Dignan are sitting at a table with one of the girls. Applejack is dancing with another. Kumar's talking to Reudi. Anthony and Mr. Henry are standing at the edge of the roof, looking out at the city. Mr. Henry's smoking a joint.] MR. HENRY: Well, that's just it, Anthony. A lot of criminals have problems. Some of them are alcoholics. Some have drug problems. Others dome from broken homes. I see a real need for healing. Mr. Henry pa**es the joint to Anthony. Anthony smokes it. MR. HENRY: But you're thieves. It's what you are. ANTHONY: Yeah. MR. HENRY: It's an esoteric journey. [Anthony pa**es the joint back to Mr. Henry.] MR. HENRY: We're renegades from despair. ANTHONY *nods*: Can I ask you something, Mr. Henry? MR. HENRY: Absolutely. ANTHONY: Why'd you want to help us? MR. HENRY *inhales, pause, holding in smoke*: Because I was like you once. And there was no one there to help me. [Mr. Henry exhales the smoke. He hands the joint to Anthony. Anthony takes a hit. They stare out at the darkness.] [INT. BOB'S HOUSE. NIGHT] [Anthony and Dignan are sitting in the kitchen. Anthony's got on a t-shirt and boxers. Dignan's wearing a bathrobe. All the lights in the house are out except one in the kitchen. Anthony's drinking a gla** of milk. Dignan's got orange juice.] DIGNAN: Next week we'll be drinking piña coladas. ANTHONY *nods*: Hopefully this trip'll go a little smoother than the last one. [Dignan nods.] ANTHONY: Or I might end up with a broken nose. DIGNAN: Did that hurt? [Anthony shrugs. There's a long silence.] DIGNAN: This'll be a good trip. [Anthony nods. Pause. He smiles slightly.] ANTHONY: I'll try not to hold you back tomorrow. DIGNAN: I don't think you will. ANTHONY: I don't want to be too much of a liability. DIGNAN: Look, you're going to do fine. It's OK to be scared. ANTHONY *laughs slightly, shaking his head*: I don't think I ever said this to you. But it meant a lot to me the way you were after that Swifty stuff happened. [Silence. Dignan's a little embarra**ed.] ANTHONY: He was a nice guy. DIGNAN *shrugs*: He was all right. [They both sit there for a minute. Quiet. Anthony sips his milk.] ANTHONY: Do you like Inez? DIGNAN: As a person? ANTHONY: Yeah. As a girl. DIGNAN: Yes. I do. ANTHONY: So do I. [Bob comes into the kitchen in his bathrobe looking haggard yet wired. Anthony and Dignan look at him. He goes to the refrigerator. He takes out a chocolate cake and a carton of milk. He pours himself a gla** of milk. He goes over to the table with the cake and sits down. He cuts himself a piece of cake. He swallows two pills, one at a time, each with a long drink of milk. The pills are big capsules and he struggles a little when he swallows.] ANTHONY: You OK, Bob? BOB *snaps*: No, I'm having a heart attack. Of course, I'm OK. What's that supposed to mean? ANTHONY *pause*: Nothing. I was just asking. DIGNAN: Jesus, Bob. [Bob senses that's he's over-reacted. He backtracks.] BOB: No, I know. I'm just saying. I feel fine. You want a piece of cake? ANTHONY *pause*: Sure. [Bob starts to cut him a piece.] DIGNAN: I'll take one of those, too, please. [EXT. HINCKLEY COLD STORAGE. DAY] [Anthony is positioned behind some bushes, across from the building. He's wearing a black parka. He looks through some binoculars. Re pulls out his walkie talkie.] ANTHONY: Bird Dog to Scarecrow. Bird Dog to Scarecrow. DIGNAN *VO*: Go ahead, Bird Dog. ANTHONY: You're all clear. DIGNAN *VO*: Roger. ANTHONY *pause*: We all set? DIGNAN *VO*: Hang on a second. [Anthony waits a second. We see Dignanr Applejack, and Kumar getting out of the car.] DIGNAN *into walkie talkie*: OK. Let's do it. [Dignan starts to move out. He remembers something. Says back into his walkie talkie:] DIGNAN: Let's get lucky, Bird Dog. [Dignan, Applejack, and Kumar start across the parking lot. Dignan's got on a business suit. Applejack has on sungla**es. Kumar is carrying a leather satchel. They go in the side door and down a narrow pa**ageway. They get into the freight elevator and go up. Bob's voice comes through on Dignan's walkie talkie.] BOB *VO*: Scarecrow? DIGNAN: Yeah? [We see Bob: standing on the loading dock behind the building. He's wearing an extremely heavy wool jumpsuit with a hood.] BOB: Everything OK? DIGNAN *VO*: Yeah. We're in the elevator. How's it look back there? BOB: It looks pretty good. There's nobody back here. DIGNAN: Stand by. Bird Dog? [We see Anthony: still in the bushes.] ANTHONY: Uh-huh? DIGNAN *VO*: Take your second position. ANTHONY: OK. Roger. [Anthony gets up and starts out across the parking lot, hands in his pockets, not too quickly.] [Dignan, Kumar, and Applejack get off the elevator.] DIGNAN: OK. Six minutes. [Applejack goes one way down the hall. Dignan and Kumar go the other. They turn the corner. They go down a wide pa**ageway.] KUMAR: Where did he go? DIGNAN: Who? Applejack? KUMAR: Why did he go that way? *points back down hall* DIGNAN: He's going to watch the back stairwell, remember? *pause* Don't worry about it. [Dignan and Kumar come up to a door. Dignan slides a crowbar out of his jacket. He snaps open the door. They go in. It's a small office with a desk and a little safe in the corner. Dignan clears everything off the desk with one quick sweep of the arm. He puts down the briefcase and opens it up. It's full of tools. Kumar unzips his satchel and takes out a roll of tape. He immediately sets to work on the safe. Dignan steps back out the door and closes it.] DIGNAN *into walkie talkie*: Bird dog? You in position? [We see Anthony on top of a fire escape, about four stories up.] ANTHONY: I'm in position, Scarecrow. DIGNAN *VO*: Any activity? ANTHONY: Not at all. The place is totally deserted. DIGNAN *VO*: Good. It's supposed to be. ANTHONY: I've got a great view up here. I can see all the -- DIGNAN *VO*: Stand by, Bird Dog. [We see Dignan standing in the hall, outside the office.] DIGNAN: Jacknife. Come in, Jacknife. *pause* Hello? Bob? Are you there? [We hear the sound of an elevator moving.] DIGNAN *beat*: Bob? What the f** is going on? Anthony? Who's in the elevator? [We see Anthony on the fire escape.] ANTHONY: I don't know. DIGNAN *VO*: Check the f**ing elevator. It's moving. [Anthony goes in a little door. Down a pa**ageway. Through a freezer. Into a corridor. Past the freight elevator, which is open on this floor. Then around a corner to a smaller elevator as it opens: Bob's inside.] ANTHONY: What are you doing? BOB:My walkie talkie's busted. 1 can't tell what's going on. ANTHONY: Let me see it. *fiddling with it* Did you drop it? BOB: No. [Dignan's still standing in the hall as Anthony and Bob come around the corner. Dignan yells at them down the hall.] DIGNAN: What's happening? What's going on? ANTHONY: It was Bob. His walkie talkie's busted. BOB: I couldn't hear anything. DIGNAN: Who's watching the door? What the f** are you doing? Get back in position. [The elevator starts whirring again.] DIGNAN: Who did that? What the f** is that? ANTHONY: It's going back down. DIGNAN *pannicking, into walkie talkie*: Applejack! What's happening? APPLEJACK *VO*: What? DIGNAN: Bob! Get back in position! [For just a second we hear the sound of music playing. Everyone freezes. FOUR GUYS, two of them in jumpsuits like Bob's, step out into the corridor. They've got bags from Jack in the Box. They're drinking drinks and shakes. One of them is holding a jam box. They stop. Dignan pulls out his gun.] DIGNAN: Don't move! Get up against the wall! [Anthony and Bob pull out their guns and hold them on the four guys.] DIGNAN *into walkie talkie*: They're back! Get down here! *not into walkie talkie* What are you doing here? GUY IN JUMPSUIT: We work here. DIGNAN: Time! ANTHONY *checks watch*: Two minutes. [Simultaneously: Kumar opens the door. Applejack comes running down the hall with his gun out.] APPLEJACK: Where'd they come from? ANTHONY: The front stairs. APPLEJACK *to Bob*: Where were you? BOB: My walkie talkie broke. [Applejack reaches in his pocket and pulls out a dark blue nylon stocking. He pulls it over his head. Dignan, Anthony, and Bob immediately do the same. Anthony's is red. Dignan steps into the office with Kumar.] DIGNAN: What's the story? KUMAR: Can't get it. It won't...*makes gesture* DIGNAN: What can we do? [Kumar looks at his tools. Moves them around on the desk.] DIGNAN: OK. f** it. *He goes back into the hall.* DIGNAN: Let's go. f** it. [TWO GUYS with a cart stop at the end of the corridor.] ANTHONY: Freeze! DIGNAN: Nobody move! ANTHONY: Get against the wall! [Bob's gun goes off. Everybody looks at him. Dead silence. Bob looks around like it must have been somebody else's gun that went off.] ANTHONY: Jesus, Bob. BOB: I didn't do anything. [Applejack falls to his knees. He drops his gun.] ANTHONY: Applejack? Are you OK? [Applejack clutches his arm and rolls onto his side.] DIGNAN *shouting*: What's wrong with Applejack? BOB: He's having a heart attack or something. DIGNAN *screaming*: Let's go! [Dignan throws down his smoke cannister. Bob and Anthony automatically throw down theirs. Smoke instantly fills the hall. The hostages stand completely clear of the smoke. They watch Anthony, Dignan, and Bob rush around blindly in the haze.] DIGNAN: Help me move him. ANTHONY: Careful. Check his pulse. [Anthony holds all the guys at gunpoint. Dignan and Bob carry Applejack down the hall, into the elevator.] DIGNAN: Is he breathing? BOB: I think so. [An alarm starts ringing.] DIGNAN: Jesus Christ. What the f** is that? BOB: I didn't think there was an alarm. DIGNAN: Take him to the car, Bob. [Dignan runs back down the hall to Anthony.] DIGNAN: Who tripped the alarm? ANTHONY: It's the fire alarm. Somebody pulled the fire alarm. DIGNAN: Where's Kumar? ANTHONY *looking around*: I don't know. DIGNAN: Jesus Christ, Anthony. Did you lose him? GUY ON FLOOR: He's in the freezer. DIGNAN: What? GUY ON FLOOR: He went in there. ANTHONY: What for? [The guy on the floor kind of shrugs. Anthony crosses the hall. He pulls open one of the big freezer doors. Kumar is standing there with his bag and the briefcase. You can see his breath in the air.] ANTHONY: What are you doing? DIGNAN: Let's go. Come on. [They go down the hall to the freight elevator. They start down.] ANTHONY: What were you doing in there? [Kumar shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders.]