Wes Anderson - Bottle Rocket Scene 5 lyrics


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Wes Anderson - Bottle Rocket Scene 5 lyrics

[INT. DINER. DAY] [Anthony and Dignan are sitting at a booth. Anthony's got a roadmap spread out on the table. There's a long silence.] DIGNAN: If you'd gone with Bob you'd probably be in Weatherford by now. Of course I'd be here frantically worrying thinking you must of got kidnapped. ANTHONY: I didn't realize you had such an incredible ability to feel sorry for yourself, Dignan. DIGNAN: Well, the world is a little bit colder today. [Anthony sits there thinking for a second, stating into space. Then he looks back at his map. He draws some lines in two different colors of felt tip pens.] ANTHONY: You want to look at the map? [Pause. Dignan kind of looks at the map, without leaning forward. Anthony turns the map more in Dignan's direction. Dignan leans forward, looking.] ANTHONY: See. Here's where we are. [They look at the map for a minute. Dignan looks out the window.] DIGNAN: I didn't know he had it in him. *pause* I guess you could say the child has become the father of the man. [EXT/INT. MOTEL/TOWN. DAY] [Anthony runs down the sidewalk, cuts across the street, and goes around the side of the motel. He pulls off his jacket as he goes up the stairs. He spots Inez's cart. He walks over to the room she's cleaning. She's in there making the bed. Anthony closes the door and grabs her by her belt. She's laughing and he pushes her onto the bed. He unbu*tons her dress. She jerks a sheet out of the way. It swings in the air.] [Then we see Anthony and Inez walking down the sidewalk. He's got one arm wrapped tight around her shoulders and she's got hers around his waist. They're talking while they walk, going past people in the town. They watch each other walking reflected in a window.] [EXT. MOTEL. EVENING] [Dignan is doing the bu*terfly in the pool. Anthony and Inez walk over and wait for him at the end of the pool.] ANTHONY: We're going over to this bar if you feel like going. DIGNAN: No. I'm going to swim. I'll see you later. [Dignan treads water. Inez looks at Anthony.] ANTHONY: Why don't you come with us. DIGNAN: OK. [Dignan gets out of the pool.] [INT. MEXICAN BAR. NIGHT] [Anthony, Dignan, and Inez are drinking beers with limes and salt. The mood is good and they're getting drunk. Anthony and Inez dance. Then Dignan and Inez. Mexican-style, stomping their feet and clapping. There's a scruffy dog in the bar and he barks at the dancers. Anthony kisses Inez and they whisper to each other. Dignan orders another beer and moves over to the pool table. A skinny Mexican MAN puts his arm around Dignan's shoulder. He's drunk and slurring his words. So's Dignan.] MAN: Hello, my friend. You in the Army, yes? DIGNAN: No. I just have short hair. MAN: Is that your chiquita? DIGNAN: No, my friend knows her. MAN: She Chicano, yes? [Dignan nods.] MAN: You like Chicanos? DIGNAN: Sure. [He says something in fast Spanish to the people at his table and they smile.] MAN: Play pool? For one cerveza. [Dignan nods. The guy racks up the balls. They start shooting. Dignan makes a hard shot.] MAN *smiling*: You a good pool player. DIGNAN: Got a little lucky. MAN: Where's your friend? He go with the chiquita? [Dignan looks over to the bar. Anthony and Inez are gone.] DIGNAN: I don't know. MAN: She is a good looking woman. [Dignan ignores this. They keep playing. Dignan finally makes the eight ball. The man shakes Dignan's hand and holds on.] DIGNAN: Guess I'll get another Tecate. MAN: Si. Tecate. You like to fight? DIGNAN: What? MAN: Fight. You know. [He pulls Dignan in and with his other hand fakes a hard punch.] DIGNAN: No. Just pool. MAN: You Hoto? DIGNAN *pulls away*: f** you. You a Hoto. MAN *smiles*: No. Me no Hoto. Tecate? DIGNAN: Right. [INT. BATHROOM. NIGHT] [The bathroom is very small with one bare light bulb. Dignan stands at the urinal, muttering to himself. The door opens and Dignan turns around just in time to see the Mexican man throw a hard punch. He hits Dignan in the stomach, punches him in the face. Dignan goes down hard. The guy kicks him and curses in Spanish.] MAN: Pinche cabrone. Puta madre. [The bartender comes in with a bat in his hand and starts talking fast and angry in Spanish. The guy gets out.] [INT. MOTEL ROOM. NIGHT] [Dignan's sitting in bed, watching TV. He's got a fat lip and a big bruise over his eye. Anthony's sitting in a chair beside him. Inez brings over a gla** of water and some ice in a washcloth. She gives the ice to Dignan for his eye. She puts the gla** of water on the nightstand where there's some fast food layed out for Dignan: burger, fries, an apple pie. Inez goes into the bathroom, closes the door, and turns on the water. Anthony's sitting there with his hands clasped, not looking at the TV.] ANTHONY: I can't believe he just jumped you. DIGNAN: Can you hand me those french fries. [Anthony hands him the fries. Dignan watches the TV.] ANTHONY: I wish I'd been there. DIGNAN: Would of been nice. [Anthony looks at Dignan.] ANTHONY: Man. I'm sorry. We just went for a walk -- DIGNAN: I don't really feel like talking about it. The only thing I feel like is getting the f** out of this place. ANTHONY *pause*: We need a car. [For the first time Dignan looks away from the TV, at Anthony.] DIGNAN: I have an idea for that. ANTHONY: What? DIGNAN: Inez has a master key to all these rooms, doesn't she? *pause* Doesn't she? ANTHONY: I don't think we can do that. DIGNAN: I know we can. It's real simple. We go into a room, grab some car keys and -- ANTHONY: What I'm saying is she wouldn't go for that. DIGNAN: She doesn't need to know. ANTHONY *pause*: I don't know, Dignan. I just -- DIGNAN: Look. I'm ready to get the f** out of here. It's real torture for me to be here. Getting the sh** kicked out of me by Mexicans. ANTHONY: Shh. DIGNAN: No one to back me up. Now I have a good idea. So unless you come up with something better -- ANTHONY: Dignan. I can't do that. All right? I just can't. [The bathroom door opens.] DIGNAN: Then you better think of something. [Inez comes back in.] INEZ: How are you, Jerry? DIGNAN *staring at TV*: I feel great, Inez. ANTHONY *kisses her*: I'll see you later. [Inez goes outside. She closes the door.] ANTHONY: I don't think we need any keys, Dignan. I think I can hotwire a car for us. DIGNAN: You don't know how to hotwire. ANTHONY: Yes, I do. Bob taught me. DIGNAN: Bob taught you how to get electrocuted. ANTHONY: No, I'm serious. He made me a diagram. [EXT. SIDEWALK. DAY] [Dignan's standing on a corner alone. He looks sullen.] [EXT. SIDEWALK. DAY] [Anthony walks down an alley. He goes past a beat-up convertible. He stops, hands in his pockets. He looks both ways. He cuts back to the car, opens the door, and slips inside.] [INT. STOLEN CAR. DAY] [Anthony's behind the wheel. He hand signals a turn and pulls up next to Dignan. Dignan shakes his head as he looks at the car. He gets in. They drive through the town. The wind's blowing hard. Anthony smiles at Dignan. Dignan tries not to smile.] CUT TO: Dignan sitting in the parked car with the motor running. In the side mirror he's watching Anthony and Inez. Anthony's saying goodbye. He walks back to the car and gets in. He puts it in gear and they drive off. DIGNAN: What'd you say to Inez? [Anthony shrugs.] DIGNAN: "I'll come back for you. I love you, Inez." [Anthony is silent.] DIGNAN: "I'm going to take you away from all this windexing and making beds." [Silence. Dignan exhales and looks out the window.]