Wes Anderson - Bottle Rocket Scene 4 lyrics


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Wes Anderson - Bottle Rocket Scene 4 lyrics

[INT. DINER. DAY] [They're sitting at a table, waiting for their order.] DIGNAN: I don't think they can make it stick, Bob. I mean, what do they actually have on Future Man? BOB: Well, the marijuana crop is a good start. DIGNAN: That could be anybody's. BOB: They also found my two beam scale in the garage. DIGNAN: Since when is it a crime to have a scale in your house? Everybody has a scale. BOB: The cops say it's a special kind of scale drug dealers use in selling marijuana. DIGNAN: So tell them the truth. What do you use it for? BOB *pause*: I was just going to use it to see how much I had. [Dignan mulls this over for a minute.] DIGNAN: How long has he been in there? BOB: I don't know. DIGNAN: Then how come they haven't set the bail yet? That's unconstitutional. BOB: We'll have to see when we get back. [Dignan looks at Bob for a minute.] DIGNAN: What do you mean get back? BOB *pause*: Well, obviously, we got to go back. DIGNAN: Bob, that makes no sense. BOB: Dignan, he's my brother. I can't just leave him there. DIGNAN: This could be a trap. BOB: Come on, Dignan. DIGNAN: Don't "Come on, Dignan" me. BOB: I'm going back. DIGNAN *louder*: Not in that car you're not. BOB: Watch me. DIGNAN: Good luck, since I got the keys. [Bob glares at Dignan. Dignan shrugs. The waitress brings over some gla**es of water, ice clinking. Nobody says anything while she sets them down. She walks away.] BOB: Give me the keys, Dignan. DIGNAN: I can't do that, Bob. BOB: Dignan. You're going to give me those keys or you're going to get hurt. DIGNAN: Don't threaten me, Bob. BOB: Goddammit, Dignan! It's my car! If you don't give me my keys, I swear to God -- [EXT. STREET. DAY] [Dignan drives the car slowly alongside: Bob walking down the sidewalk, staring straight ahead. Dignan's, got his window down.] DIGNAN: Look, Bob. I understand your loyalty. You're a good person. But right now you're not using your best judgement. [Bob keeps walking.] DIGNAN: Future Man would not want you to go to jail I promise you. Just get in the car and we'll talk about it. [No reaction. Bob keeps walking straight ahead.] DIGNAN: Future Man would never go to jail for you, I'll tell you that. BOB: His name's not Future Man, Dignan. DIGNAN: I know it's not. BOB: You don't even know his name. DIGNAN: Yes, I do. BOB: What is it? DIGNAN: Just get in the car, Bob. BOB: What's his name? DIGNAN: OK, Bob. I don't know his name. You know why? Because I don't care. He's Future Man. But I care about you. And to me it doesn't make sense to go back to the scene of a crime. Will you get in the car, Bob? This is stupid. [Bob stops walking.] BOB: It's not your decision and he's not your brother, Dignan. DIGNAN: That's right. I only have one vote. We'll go talk with Anthony and figure it out. [Pause. Bob gets into the backseat. Dignan looks back at him for a minute.] DIGNAN: You're going to ride in the back? [Bob nods and looks out the window.] DIGNAN: Come on, Bob. Get in front. [Bob exhales and gets out. He gets in up front. Dignan looks at him for a minute.] DIGNAN: You've got a beautiful walk, Bob. BOB: Let's go. [INT. MOTEL ROOM. NIGHT] [Dignan and Bob open the door and go in. Inside: Inez and two other Hispanic MAIDS are sitting at the table by the window. One's about seventeen and a little heavy, the other's in her mid-thitties. There's a bunch of gla**es and a bottle of rum on the table. One of the maids is cutting up a banana. Inez smiles at Dignan. Dignan looks puzzled.] DIGNAN: Hi. How's it going. [Suddenly there's a loud crunching, grinding sound. Dignan and Bob are startled. They look around the room. The sound stops. Anthony comes out of the bathroom carrying the pitcher from a blender. It's full to the top with yellow liquid. He sees Dignan and Bob and stops. Pause.] ANTHONY: I thought you guys went to get your hair cut. DIGNAN: No. We didn't. [Silence.] ANTHONY: We're making banana daqueris. [Anthony holds up the pitcher. Dignan looks at it. Nods. Pause.] ANTHONY: This is Inez. Carmen. Anita. DIGNAN: Hi. ANTHONY: Inez, this is -- DIGNAN: Jerry. *pointing to Bob* And this is my a**ociate Cornelius. [A strange expression crosses Bob's face.] DIGNAN: May I have a word with you, please? ANTHONY: Sure. [EXT. MOTEL HALLWAY. NIGHT] [Outside the room. Dignan closes the door. There's three housekeeping carts in the hall.] DIGNAN: What the f** is going on here? ANTHONY: What. What's the matter? DIGNAN: Anthony, we're on the run from the law here. Did you tell these people your real name? ANTHONY: No. I didn't. Dignan, they don't speak English. DIGNAN: They don't? ANTHONY: No. Not really. Inez speaks a little. DIGNAN: Which one was that? ANTHONY: On the left. [Dignan cracks open the door and looks inside.] ANTHONY: She's from Cuba. DIGNAN: No kidding. BOB: Dignan. DIGNAN *closes the door*: Anthony. Bad news. [EXT. MOTEL POOL. DAY] [They walk around the motel.] ANTHONY: How long are they going to hold him? BOB: I don't know. I don't know anything. Except Phil says they got him. And he's in jail. DIGNAN: He needs to hire an attorney. ANTHONY: No, no. Look. OK. Let's stay here until we find out what's going on. BOB: Anthony, I -- ANTHONY: And if Future Man doesn't get let out of jail in 48 hours, then we go back. All right? DIGNAN: Now that makes sense. We'll hang out for a couple of days. Get a little R&R. Make sure Future Man's OK and then get back on the road. ANTHONY: As long as he gets out OK. DIGNAN: Obviously. That's a given. ANTHONY: Bob? BOB: What? ANTHONY: Is that OK? [Pause. Bob looks at Dignan. Looks at Anthony.] BOB *shrugs*: Yeah. I guess so. [They shake hands and start back to the room.] DIGNAN: See, now we've got a plan. ANTHONY: Don't worry about it, Bob. [INT. MOTEL ROOM. NIGHT] [Anthony, Dignan, Inez, Carmen, and Anita are sitting crowded around the little table by the window in the motel room. They've got banana daqueris and a bottle of wine. Moonlight comes through the window. Bob is standing up in front of them with a banana daqueri in his hand. He's singing a blues number acapella. He's got a good voice.] [INT. MOTEL ROOM. NIGHT] [Dignan and Bob are playing slapjack with Carmen and Anita. Everyone's got their hands ready as Carmen turns one card then the next. Bob's having a conversation in fluent Spanish with them about Las Vegas. He's talking about the rules at different casinos: Bally's, Caesar's, the Desert Inn. Dignan's paying close attention to the deck. A jack comes up and he slams it.] [EXT. MOTEL POOL. NIGHT] [There's a light in the pool. Anthony and Inez are swimming. Anthony swims around her with his eyes just above the water. He goes under and comes up grabbing onto her. She laughs.] INEZ: Does my skin feel soft, Anthony? ANTHONY *pa**ionate*: God, yes. Like silk. Inez starts to giggle. ANTHONY: What? *starts laughing* What? INEZ: Like silk? ANTHONY: God. That does sound corny. Oh, your skin feels so soft and silky. But it really kind of does. [He kisses her.] DIGNAN: No lifeguard on duty. Swim at your own risk. [They look up. Dignan's standng at the other side of the pool. He smiles.] DIGNAN: You know, I did save Anthony from drowning once, Inez. Tell her, Anthony. CUT TO: Dignan sitting with his feet in the pool. Anthony and Inez are sitting on the steps beside him, in the shallow end. DIGNAN: See, one day we were playing hot box over at my next door neighbor Mr. Langston's house and Anthony fell in the pool and got knocked unconscious. I had to dive in and save him. ANTHONY: This was in fourth grade. DIGNAN: Mr. Langston performed cardiopulmonary recitation. CPR. I've never said this before, but frankly I thought Anthony was dead. The veins in his face were all sticking out. His skin was blue. He truly did look dead. ANTHONY: After that my parents never let me go to Dignan's again. DIGNAN: They blamed my family for everything. They always said Mr. Langston saved Anthony's life. [Dignan stares wistfully across the pool. Anthony looks at him for a minute.] ANTHONY: But if it wasn't for Dignan I probably would of died. DIGNAN *nodding, whisper voice*: Yes...It's true. [They're all quiet for a minute. Inez hangs onto the side.] [INT. MOTEL ROOM. NIGHT] [Bob's sitting in the room by himself, close to the TV, watching a war movie.] [EXT. MOTEL. DAY] [The next morning. Dignan bursts out the door of the motel room. He runs across the parking lot.] DIGNAN: Son of a b**h. [Dignan runs back into the room. He comes out with Anthony.] DIGNAN: He's gone. He stole the car. ANTHONY: Where was it parked? DIGNAN: Right here. [Anthony looks around the parking lot.] DIGNAN: That coward. Son of a b**h. ANTHONY: Maybe he just went to the store. DIGNAN: He took his stuff. He's gone. *pause* I should of seen this. I should of expected it. Bob doesn't have any character. [Anthony puts his hands in his pockets. Looks out at the highway.] ANTHONY: He went back for his brother. DIGNAN: We said 48 hours. ANTHONY: That's a long time to be in jail. [They stand there in the empty parking lot. Anthony goes inside.] [INT. MOTEL ROOM. DAY] [In the room. The blinds are pulled. Anthony's sitting at the end of a bed. Dignan's pacing around the room.] DIGNAN: We'll get him. Don't worry about that. We'll go back. We'll find him. And we'll blow up his car. Or do something. I promise you. [Anthony gets up and walks to the bathroom. He shuts the door. Dignan follows him over to the sink and sits on the counter.] DIGNAN: I mean, let's face it. Bob was dead weight. We're a lot better off without him. *pause* But who could expect it? Just like that. Steals the f**ing car. What kind of person pulls that -- [Anthony opens the door and walks out.] ANTHONY: Bob didn't steal the car. He told me he was going. He had to go help his brother. [Anthony sits back down on the bed. Dignan's shocked.] DIGNAN: When'd he tell you? ANTHONY: This morning. DIGNAN: Where was I? ANTHONY: You were asleep. DIGNAN: He told you and you let him do it. ANTHONY: He told me because he wanted to know if I wanted to go. DIGNAN *hesitates*: If you wanted to go? What were you going to do? Just leave me here by myself? ANTHONY: Well, I didn't do it, did I? DIGNAN: So when you were saying Bob's at the store and acting real suprised, that was just an act. You were just -- ANTHONY: Bob went to help his brother. I understand that and I can't help it if you don't. DIGNAN: I understand that if I had a few more friends like you and Bob I'd be dead. ANTHONY: If you say so.