WC & The Maad Circle - f** My Daddy lyrics


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WC & The Maad Circle - f** My Daddy lyrics

[W.C.] fu*k MY DADDY, is somethin I've been wantin to say for the longest I'm givin peace to moms, cause moms was the strongest Cause daddy abandoned me at a young age And shoved me and my baby brother my mother's way And comin home late every night I used to hear him grabbin momma by the neck, lookin for fights Lit as a wino, but sick as a psycho I used to hide under the covers with my eyes closed Cryin and hopin tonight that daddy didn't trip Cause momma already need stitches in her top lip Cause daddy got mad and beat the hell out of her And throwin chairs against the wall every night, became a regular I used to pray and hope that daddy would die Cause over nothin momma's sufferin a swoll up black eye And at the end of my prayers, cryin myself to sleep All I could think about was fu*k MY DADDY A well rounded family, yo I don't know The way I grew up, wasn't nuthin like The Cosby Show Pops never gave me no props, just cheap shots Say the wrong thing and I just might get dropped Cause I remember times when I asked for a quarter And pops was on the verge of a voluntary manslaughter Always screamin about the bills he had to pay The story of his life, I thought about a runaway Front for his friends and spendin all his ends On his women, his dope and alcohol binges My brother, my mother and me got two's and fews Secondhand pants, Top Ramen, and holy shoes It even got so scandalous, pops had me spendin the night Takin graveyard chances Sleepin in the bed with his girlfriend kids And I'm scared to tell my momma cause I might not live I guess that you can say that Poppa was a Rolling Stone But me I'm just a victim of the plague of the broken home Another sad face with the sickness Daddy must die, God is my witness For doin my mother wrong, and breakin up her happy home The reason that I wrote this song Is for those who can't or won't, I say it gladly fu*k MY DADDY! "Now you know, that you can't tell your momma we came here tonight." "But that's my moms." "I don't care, I'm your daddy -- boy you don't be talkin back" "That ain't right though." "I SAID you don't talk back to me son, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" "Yeah but that's my mom though, you can't do that." "Don't talk back to me boy! Come here, I'll whoop your little a**!" [W.C.] Thank you momma for givin birth to me, God knows You coulda got an abortion, and didn't have to deal with me I know the last twelve years has been hell You had two roles to play, momma and daddy as well I'm sorry for the times I brought trouble home Without a daddy thought a lot I had to learn on my own At the young age of nine I start drinkin brews And I even had to teach myself how to screw And for my little brother things wasn't no better see To him I was the closest thing he ever had to daddy Helped him with his school and then taught him how to squab Momma wasn't around, cause see she had three jobs Cause daddy done tracked out, and left us with the bills Now we eatin Wish burgers, and stale bread, and Skittles Huh, and now that I look back, I'm glad I was young Cause nowadays I mighta peeled his cap Woulda grew up in a crazyhouse or penetentiary Spendin most of my life, in maximum security But nah, cause I'll be goin out just like a s**a When I was young, pops told me that I'd grow to be nuttin They keep tellin me revenge is a loss so don't sweat But everytime I think of daddy I think of broke necks Now, some might say that I'm wrong for speakin the truth But when you tell the truth you gotta kick the whole scoop This ain't a diss to every father cause some fathers are cool This is a message from the Dub, that I had to include To every kid on the Circle like me, hurtin badly Put up your middle finger and say, fu*k MY DADDY! "f** you, young a** punk motherf**in daddy!"