Warner Bros. Pictures - The Dark Knight (Everything Burns) lyrics


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Warner Bros. Pictures - The Dark Knight (Everything Burns) lyrics

INT. RUSTED HULK -- CONTINUOUS They pa** into a huge hold. In the middle: A BILLION DOLLARS. The pile is thirty feet high. Standing on top- the Joker. At his feet, bound, is Lau. The Chechen laughs. CHECHEN not so crazy as you look. The Joker jumps from the top, slides down the pile. THE JOKER I told you- I'm a man of my word. (looks around) Where's the Italian? The Chechen shrugs. Pulls out a cigar. Lights it. CHECHEN More for us. What you do with all your money? The Joker throws money at Lau. THE JOKER You see I'm a guy of simple tastes. I enjoy uhh, dynamite, and gunpowder, and GASOLINE!!! The Joker's thug starts SPLASHING gasoline onto the money. The Chechen, FURIOUS, steps forwards. The Joker turns. JABS his gun in the Chechen's face. THE JOKER And you know what they have in common? They're cheap. CHECHEN You said you were a man of your word. The Joker PLUCKS the cigar from the Chechen's lips. THE JOKER Oh I am. The Joker comically blows on the cigar THE JOKER I'm only burning my half. The Joker tosses the cigar at the pile. The Chechen watches the money catch fire. THE JOKER All you care about is money. This city deserves a better cla** of criminal, and I'm going to give it to them. Tell your men they work for me now. This is my city. CHECHEN They won't work for a freak. The Joker gets visibly upset THE JOKER Why don't we Cut you up in to little pieces and then feed you to your pooches, and then we'll see how loyal a hungry dog REALLY is. The Joker's men GRAB the Chechen. THE JOKER It's not about money. It's about sending a message... The Joker watches the towering FLAMES. Lau screams. THE JOKER Everything Burns. The Joker pulls out a phone...