Warner Bros. Pictures - Inception: The Spinning Top lyrics


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Warner Bros. Pictures - Inception: The Spinning Top lyrics

CUT TO: INT. FIRST CLASS CABIN, 747 - DAY Ariadne watches Cobb. His eyes are closed. FLIGHT ATTENDANT (O.S.): Hot towel, sir? His eyes flicker open. He takes the towel with a nod. Ariadne smiles. Relieved. FLIGHT ATTENDANT: We'll be landing in Los Angeles in about twenty minutes. Do you need immigration forms? Cobb nods. Takes a landing card. Looks around the cabin. Saito is WATCHING him. Serious. Haunted. Holding Cobb's gaze, Saito picks up the phone and dials. Cobb nods thanks... INT. ARRIVALS, LAX - LATER Cobb steps forwards to the immigration official. Hands him his pa**port. Nervous. The Official takes a beat, looks Cobb up and down, then WHUMP!- the pa**port is stamped. As Cobb takes it back, he spots Ariadne at the next counter. She nods at him. He nods back. Then moves off... As Cobb pa**es through baggage claim, he exchanges subtle greetings with Eames and Yusuf. Arthur smiles broadly at Cobb. Cobb brushes past Fischer, who glances back at him as if thinking maybe he should know him, then moves on... As Cobb emerges into the crowded arrivals hall, he spots Professor Miles, waving at him... INT. KITCHEN, COBB AND MAL'S HOUSE - DAY Cobb enters with Miles. Drops his bags. Moves to the table, looking out at the overgrown garden. He reaches into his pocket, takes out his pewter spinning top, lowers it to the table and spins it- a child's shout makes him look up- Through the window, James and Philippa have run into view, playing, their faces turned away... Cobb stares at the back of his children's heads... Miles moves to the window and knocks on the gla**-James and Philippa turn- see their Dad. He steps to the window, watching their bright shining faces as they run towards him... Behind him, on the table, the spinning top is STILL SPINNING. And we- FADE OUT. CREDITS. END.