Warner Bros. Pictures - Fight Night lyrics


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Warner Bros. Pictures - Fight Night lyrics

Cut to HEROES PARK Superman is getting up, when Doomsday lands right next to the Superman statue. He turns around and sees the much shorter real deal. A helicopter flies by. Superman jumps at Doomsday, who throws him through one of the monumental walls. Doomsday rips another wall and hits it on Superman, before grabbing the fallen hero and throwing him onto the statue, destroying it and making Superman hit a nearby building. Once the helicopter lights on Doomsday, he jumps… Cut to LEXCORP ROOFTOP …and lands on the Lexcorp roof. Cut to PENTAGON Major Farris is on the phone. FARRIS POTUS joining. SWANWICK Mr. President. PRESIDENT What the hell is it, Calvin? The room's TV shows the images said helicopter is broadcasting, titled “UNIDENTIFIED CREATURE ATTACK”. REPORTER These are live images from the top of the LEXCORP tower in Downtown Metropolis. Military aircraft are on the scene. Cut to METROPOLIS Helicopters fly towards the LEXCORP tower. Cut to AIRPORT Inside an airplane, the same news report is heard as Diana is putting her bags on the overhead compartment. REPORTER This thing emerged from the Kryptonian crash site just moments ago. Thankfully the work day is over in the downtown core, it's nearly empty. Diana watches the news closely. REPORTER Now, military aircraft. Those are Apache helicopters, they have now just arrived. The image... Cut to LEXCORP ROOFTOP Doomsday is fired at by military helicopters, but is not harmed. He adapts to the fire and only becomes more durable, shooting an electric blast while doing so that topples the building's antenna and fries the camera chopper's feed. Cut to AIRPLANE REPORTER We have uh... We just lost connection with Metropolis 8 news. Now, it's not clear what just happened. Diana stares down, thinking. Cut to METROPOLIS The Batwing is flying away, and witnesses the blast. BATMAN What happening there, Alfred? Cut to BATCAVE Alfred sighs. ALFRED How best to describe it? Cut to AIRPORT Diana is walking away with her bags… PILOT (on PA) Metropolis airspace has been closed briefly. STEWARDESS Excuse me. PILOT I kindly ask you to stay in your seats. STEWARDESS Excuse me? Miss Prince? Cut to METROPOLIS As Doomsday roars atop a skyscraper, Superman flies from below and grabs him, flying all the way up in the sky. Cut to: PENTAGON FARRIS Sir.Look, they cleared the city. SWANWICK Looks like he's taking it into space. CJCS We can go straight to Key RED, Mr. President. SWANWICK Not yet. Are you crazy? CJCS They are high enough and we can nuke them with no casualties. Sir. SWANWICK One casualty, Mr. President. Superman. PRESIDENT [sighs] God have mercy on us all. Cut to: NUCLEAR SILO The military goes through all the motions to fire a nuclear missile. OPERATORS - Key is hot. - Key is hot. Cut to: PENTAGON As Farris does the sign of the cross, everything is being updated. SWANWICK Red Birds, are armed to deploy, Sir. PRESIDENT Fire at will. Cut to: NUCLEAR SILO OPERATORS 3. 2. 1. Cut to PENTAGON Through the monitor, the NMCC witnesses Superman and Doomsday rising on the atmosphere. Cut to: NUCLEAR SILO An intercontinental ballistic missile is fired. Cut to: UPPER ATMOSPHERE Just as Superman brings Doomsday to the upper atmosphere, the beast punches him. After falling a bit, Superman flies back and tackles Doomsday. Once he sees the missile is coming, Superman grabs Doomsday by the neck to ensure the thing is hit by the nuclear bomb. Cut to: METROPOLIS As the Batwing glides under a bridge, the sky gets lit. BATMAN Oh, God. Once the Batwing flies higher, the blast has brightened the sky. The Daily Planet also witnesses it, and when it comes to Lois Lane watching it, something is also falling back to Earth, with great impact. Cut to PENTAGON FARRIS Projectile 1. Impact. Stryker's Island, east of Metropolis. CJCS That's uninhabited. FARRIS Projectile 2. No apparent re-entry. PRESIDENT Projectile 2? SWANWICK Superman, Mr. President. Projectile 2 is Superman. CJCS Sir. It's moving. Cut to STRYKER'S ISLAND Doomsday awakens, and spikes grow out of its body as it also ejects energy beams that surround him as a bubble. Back in the atmosphere, a lifeless Superman floats. Cut to PENTAGON SWANWICK The shock waves are getting stronger. Every time we hit it, we make it more powerful. We can't attack. PRESIDENT What're you saying, Calvin? SWANWICK I'm saying it's unk**able. Cut to STRYKER'S ISLAND The Batwing flies towards the charred island, and is witnessed by Doomsday. It charges a heat vision beam like Superman's and fires at the aircraft, narrowly missing as Batman flies away. Cut to BATCAVE Alfred is checking on the Batwing surveillance monitors. ALFRED Master Wayne, are you receiving me? BATMAN Alfred. It's Kryptonian. Only Kryptonite weapons can k** it. ALFRED It might, if you have any left. BATMAN [checking on the weapons] I only got 1 round left. The spear. Alfred, the spear. It's pure kryptonite. It's back in Gotham. BATMAN If I can penetrate the skin, the spear will k** it. ALFRED It would in theory. BATMAN I got to get it to chase me. Back to the city. Back to the kryptonite. Batman turns the Batwing around, fires a minigun at Doomsday. The beast eventually starts jumping after the plane, readying the eye beams. Cut to: UPPER ATMOSPHERE The sunlight makes Superman heal itself and once he awakens, his eyes glow in a heat vision. Cut to: METROPOLIS\GOTHAM SKIES Doomsday jumps seeking the Batwing while shooting eye beams at it. One hits the wing, and the plane crashes. Cut to OUTSIDE GOTHAM BUILDING Once it's downed, Batman tries to leave the aircraft, but gets stuck. Doomsday then slides down a building and arrives in front of the crashed plane. BATMAN Oh, sh**. As Doomsday readies his heat vision and Batman braces for impact, something jumps in front of the crashed Batwing, and absorbs the shot with no damage. Once the lights dissipate, it's revealed that it's Diana, in full WONDER WOMAN costume, her Amazonian bracelets still shining from the beam absorption. She grunts, and claps her wrists together, resulting in a sonic blast that pushes Doomsday backwards. As Doomsday gets up again, Wonder Woman sees a shining thing falling from the sky. It's Superman, who tackles Doomsday into a nearby chemical silo. The place blows up, and triggers a chain reaction. Realizing the spear might be necessary, Lois rushes back to retrieve it. Batman gets out of the co*kpit and starts getting weapons from the wreckage. Wonder Woman turns to him. WONDER WOMAN Why did you bring him back to the city? BATMAN The port is abandoned. And there's a weapon here that can k** it. Lois is entering the pool. After Batman grabs the shotgun and starts walking away, Superman lands in front of him. SUPERMAN Did you find the spear? BATMAN I've been a little busy. WONDER WOMAN This thing, this creature, seems to feed on energy. Batman - who is loading the Kryptonite shells - and Superman walk towards Wonder Woman. SUPERMAN This thing is from another world. My world. WONDER WOMAN [drawing her sword ] I've k**ed things from other worlds before. Superman turns to Batman. SUPERMAN Is she with you? BATMAN I thought she was with you. The "Trinity" then strikes their battle pose, waiting for Doomsday to come. Once Doomsday charges again, he releases a powerful energy blast, forcing Batman to take shelter below a piece of wreckage, Superman to raise his arm as a barrier, and Wonder Woman to protect herself with her shield, as the wave destroys more buildings – including the one where Lois has entered the water to retrieve the spear back. Once the wave dissipates, Doomsday is walking towards the heroes. Wonder Woman readies her sword and leaps to action, being followed by Superman, as Doomsday decides to jump at them too. Wonder Woman hits one of his shins, making Doomsday fly, and Superman bodyslams him to the ground. The beast rises as Diana tries hitting him with the sword, and then punches Superman away. Wonder Woman slices Doomsday's foot, the beast throws a car at her, but she cuts it in half with her sword. Doomsday starts hitting Superman, eventually getting them close to where Batman has risen from his cover. Doomsday fires a heat beam at Wonder Woman, pushing her hard, making her dent the structure behind her with her body's impact. She quickly recovers and runs for the beast. As Lois tries to break out of the water, Superman shoots his heat vision, being countered by Doomsday's own, which overpowers him and throws Superman back to the ground. He then flies upwards, stands with a grimace on his face… until he hears Lois's pounding. As Lois appears to have drowned, Superman breaks the wreckage and takes her out, leading her to cough. He touches her face before diving in to recover the spear. Elsewhere, Doomsday tries catching up with Batman, who is using his grappling gun to quickly avoid the beast. After hitting a building too fast, Batman falls on the fire stairs, and throws a smoke bomb while jumping away, avoiding the incoming Doomsday. As Doomsday returns to the ground, Lois sees the green glow approaching, along with a floating body… LOIS Clark. She takes Superman out of the water, causing him to drop the Kryptonite spear. LOIS Clark. She tosses it a short distance away before tending to Superman, who is conscious again. LOIS Clark. Clark. Are you alright? Superman then sees Doomsday battling Wonder Woman. Diana is tossed backwards, but smiles before crawling for her sword. Doomsday jumps on her just as she arrives, but then she grabs the blade and cuts his hand. Doomsday then charges and shoots his beams at her. From the stump grows a single spike. Back to Lois and Clark witnessing the struggle. SUPERMAN I love you. LOIS LANE No. No, Clark, you can't. SUPERMAN This is my world. LOIS LANE No, Clark, don't. SUPERMAN You are my world. LOIS LANE No. Please. Clark! Superman flies towards Doomsday, grabbing the spear along the way. Wonder Woman traps the charging Doomsday with her la**o, Batman fires his last Kryptonite grenade at him, and then Superman rushes and impales the creature with the Kryptonite spear, while the creature stabs Superman with the bone protrusions from the spike, seemingly k**ing him. Both superpowered beings lie on the ground, lifeless. As Batman retrieves Superman's dead body, Lois approache, and Wonder Woman turns to look at her, giving her a sad look of empathy. Once Superman arrives, Lois cries, while touching his face and kissing him in the cheek.