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I am an AQUTALLION I'm building up my battallion At gang plank galleon I'm looking for a stallion To ride like epona 'till we're both in comas Effortless, still shone up Like exor: corona But i am not link; I'm the f**ing landstalker Taking king nole's treasure So that i can finally prosper Socially, i'm awkward Shocker Mallow's not a tadpole And i hate frogger PLUM-PLUMs and EkeEkes Get me really geeky But don't be disarmed Because i'm really sneaky And it's looking bleak "please be discrete" Asks if i follow I answer, "completely" 'cos i'll play the game I'll even let you beat me Oblivious that i've already won My elite three Delete me, delete this Just don't take my saveszzz I hate this, i'll fake it Rap game paracelsus I still feel as lost as i did Walking 8-bit continents All alone as a kid NPCs my confidantes Bathe in a fountain of blood To please voices from above To k** a HOMUNCULUS Transparent clouds are a plus I am an AQUTALLION And i have always been one In the place in my heart That evolved for religion This is what i keep there Dulled string synths blare I say it unironically It's best if you don't care I am delirious As i am writing this It's 4am, i'm convinced That i've transcended Will i record this Or will i discard it It feels so important But i am retarded That's not nice, jack You've gotta stop saying it But i've come so far on my Quest to be less problematic Like look i barely ever say b**h So come pat my back b**h I am an AQUTALLION Equipped with a toy gun A cowboy hat And a mouth full of my own cum Wonderful ideas Getting lost in translation Throw em at the wall Until they stick like a nerf gun I am an AQUTALLION I'm valiant Young chosen one From another dimension Pretentious and filled with Intense apprehension Around every corner's a Panic attack waiting to happen I am an AQUTALLION Shining Force is my batallion I am an AQUTALLION I am an AQUTALLION