Vondie Curtis-Hall - Stick Script lyrics


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Vondie Curtis-Hall - Stick Script lyrics

[door slamming] [elevator dinging] [dinging continues] [yelling] [man speaking Japanese] Where is it? I don't know. Where is the Black Sky? [screaming] You have three limbs left. And other appendages no man wants to lose. Where is the Black Sky? It's gone. They They put it on a ship. [man] Where's the ship headed? New York City. [whimpering] Swear to it. Upon my family. They're better off without you. [theme music playing] Devil, my shapely Irish a**. Guy's a coward. Would and I wouldn't give for the chance to rip that corny mask off and And what? Punch him in the face with my fisticuffs. I don't know, he seems, uh pretty fisticuffy. Please tell me I don't detect a hint of admiration for that terrorist. This is just all speculation. Nobody knows if he's a terrorist or what. You're absolutely right. Terrorists have causes. They claim responsibility. Al-Qaeda wanted the world to know exactly what kind of a**holes they were. This guy? Not a peep. All terror without the "-ist. " You know what they call that? Nut job. - Hmm, maybe. - [groans] [wincing] How's your side? Downgraded to agony. All right, what do you think, Matt? I think Foggy'll be pitching for the Mets by mid-season. [chuckling] I'm being serious. [chuckles] So am I. Have you seen their bullpen? Come on, you telling me this dickhead blowing up our backyard doesn't piss you off? What happened to Hell's Kitchen, to you and to Elena, and to all the people that were hurt yeah, it pisses me off. But this man, whoever he is, whatever his motive, he shouldn't be tried and convicted in the press. We're lawyers, we know that's not how it's supposed to work. So, uh, hypothetically, if this guy got caught needed counsel, Nelson and Murdock would offer to defend him? [Foggy] Hell no. It would be his right. What about my right to punch him in the melon? They pulled a piece of gla** out of my side. Elena needed 12 stitches. And you want to Perry Mason the guy responsible? I wanna make sure the right person pays for what happened. The whole thing's moot. After shooting those cops, police are probably looking to settle things the old-fashioned way if they catch up to him. Yeah, it's more than likely. Just a thought, but we may wanna go a bit peppier at the end of the day. Leave on a note slightly higher than deeply depressing. She's right. You're bringing us down, Murdock. [laughing] Me? - High note! Softball! - [laughs] When are we getting a company team together? We have three employees. At least two of them aren't blind. Naysayers, each and every one of you. Karen, come on. Batting practice, you and me, Chelsea Piers. - What do you say? - Um, I Or not. Totally cool. [Karen] No, no, I would, I would. It's just that I, um I have this, uh, thing. [Foggy] Go, do that thing. Not a problem. Okay, so, um see you tomorrow. We'll be here, ready to high note and stuff. Good. [sighs heavily] [imitates banging sound] Smooth. Admittedly, I'm a work in progress. Did you know she has mace on her keychain? Is that a bad thing? You ever worry about her? Worry, like, something she's not telling us? Everyone has secrets, Foggy. I don't. I'd like some. Your kind like with Hottie McBurner-Phone. I mean, I a**ume she's hot. Is she hot? Oh How would I know? This again. You always know. I mean, you guys getting serious? Should I dust off the tux I'll need to rent? [laughs] No, uh it didn't work out. Oh. I'm I'm sorry, man. Yeah, me too. Hey, look, I'm gonna order in tonight, get a jump on this tenement case. You want me to stay? No, I'll be all right. Thanks, buddy. See you in the morning. Hey, Matt her loss, man. Seriously. [door opens] [door closes] Owlsley, Leland: Financial Advisor at the prestigious firm of Silver & Brent The funds have been reallocated as requested. All the arrangements made per your agreement with the guy we're not supposed to blah blah blah. Business may continue? In the best possible way uninterrupted. So, uh, what are you going to do with it when it arrives? What, you think I'm a doddering pencil pusher who moves enormous amounts of money with no clue as to what it's connected to? [Leland chuckles] The numbers are like tea leaves. Nobody reads them like I can. You're laying out major reserves to clear the docks to make sure the police don't come within 10 blocks. More to bribe the comptrollers to guarantee straight greens. [Leland chuckles] Know how much all that costs? I do. There is a point to all your words? Yeah, I got a [Leland clears throat] What happened to the Russians We need to be careful, all of us. I look out for you you look out for me. All I'm saying. Each man must stand for himself or fall with the unworthy. What the hell does that mean? [car engine starting] Prick. [car door unlocking] Oh, God! What do you want? My wallet? You know what I want. Tell me about the man you work for. [exhales] I work for Silver & Brent. I'm gonna ask you again. Think about your answer. Who do you work for? I told you, I work for Silver and You work for Wilson Fisk moving his money around. Which means you have records, proof of who [cane tapping] - [buzzing] - [groans] [Leland] a**hole. [groaning] [car engine starts] [cane tapping] [groans] You just gonna lie there all night? [overlapping voices and sounds] He's getting worse. When we first took him in, Matthew's problems seemed less severe. Now he's in so much pain. Doctors, clergy, no one has any idea what's wrong with him. We heard about your work with special children and thought maybe you could help. Not for free. His father left a sizeable inheritance. What about the mother? Is she dead? No, she's Well, that's another story. Here we are. Make the check out to cash. I'll take it from here. [Matt panting] They think you're getting worse. But you're not, are you, kid? [keys jingling] You're getting stronger. [exhales] Let's get started. [Matt] So what kind of training is this? You like ice cream? Yeah. Then shut up and eat it. I'll ask the questions. First thing you gotta understand is nobody feels sorry for you and nobody ever will. 'Cause when it comes to being born lucky you won the friggin' lottery. I did? What did I say about questions? "Shut up. " Good. How old were you when you got blinded? - Nine. - Nine? So you had nine whole years of looking at movies, blue skies, up girlies' skirts that I never had. I was born blind. You don't hear me whining about it, do you? No. So, you're nine years old, walking along, minding your own business and whammo! Get hit by a truck, k**ed dead on the spot. I wasn't k**ed. You lived? Praise God, it's a miracle. So you survive the truck and get this chemical sh** in your eyes. What next? I hear things. What kind of things? Everything. Coughs and fights and cats meowing. Sometimes blocks away. I can sense things. I know where things are and when they move. But I can't see. You know what they call stuff like that? Gifts. The special kind. The kind that very few people have. Or deserve. I never thought of it that way. Well, that's because you're stupid. I'm not stupid, I'm smart. Because you taught yourself how to run your little fingers over the bumps and read Braille? Smart don't come out of books, kid. Smart is making the right decision at the right time. Like now. What's it gonna be, Matty? You gonna spend your life crying and rocking yourself to sleep at night? Or are you gonna dig deep and find out what it takes to reshuffle those cards life dealt you? Your call. [chuckles] Good choice, kid. No one's bought me ice cream since my dad died. What's it taste like? - Vanilla. - [man scoffs] Everybody can taste vanilla. Pay a little more attention, use those gifts. You know what you got? Sugar grains, vanilla bean, milk from three different dairies from two states ugh batch of chemicals straight off the periodic tables and dirt off the guy's hand that served it to you. He spent his morning gardening. Whole world around you, Matty, and it is friggin' huge. And all you need are the guts to let it in. Try. That dog, what's his story? [dog panting] He's hungry his stomach's growling and he's dying to eat the hot dogs that guy's carrying just upwind of him. Not bad. What about the girl? Her skin's Her skin's too hot. - Her heart's beating fast. - [indistinct talking] Is she sick? Worse. She's in love. And the old man? He's He's dying. And there's nothing you can do about it. Big world not all of it flowers and sunshine. And the only way guys like you and me can survive is to grab it by the throat and never let go. [Matt] If I ask you a question, will you hit me? Depends on the question. How did you find me? How did you know? Old bitty at the orphanage thinks it's her idea. But it wasn't, was it? Maybe it's one of my gifts. Or you just got lucky. [scoffing] That's not an answer. [man chuckles] You catch on quick. You're going to help me? No, I'm gonna train you. How to control your gift, make it work for you use it, and how to fight. My dad never wanted me to fight. Your dad ain't here. You'll need sk**s for the war. What war? We'll get to that part when you're ready. I don't even know your name. What do I call you? Stick. Are you gonna lie there all night or get up off your a**? Jesus, kid. I'm gone five minutes, you turn this place into a sh** show. [Masked Man] You've been gone 20 years. What are you doing back in my city? Your city? Hell's Kitchen hates your guts. They have you pegged as a cop k**er and some kind of mad bomber. Yeah, I'm taking care of it. An old guy just lit you up. You ain't taking care of sh**. Why are you here? To save you and everyone in the Kitchen from a horrible d**h. [scoffs] More or less. [Karen sighs] Paper trail on Union Allied's a bust. Whoever's pulling the strings busted up the one big corporation into a bunch of little ones. It's an old game. Spread the records far and wide, discourage investigation. [sighs] God. I mean, it's like It's like trying to straighten out a bowl of spaghetti. Well, you could always let it go. Not gonna happen. I already told you that. Stop complaining. This is the job. - Researching, gathering facts. - [Karen sighs] It's long and boring and complicated, and half the time you still come up empty. Well, you're just a little ray of sunshine. Just giving you the lay of the land. For every exposé I've had published, there were a dozen that didn't pan out. All right, all right, so I'm the new girl on the block, I don't know what I'm doing, I get it. What about you? What'd you find? Ah, bits and pieces. Yakuza Wait, [stuttering] the Japanese mafia? Triads, too. Drugs, I think. Then there's the bombings that took out the Russians. And you think it's all connected to Union Allied? Doesn't matter what I think. Only matters what I can prove. Wait, what about the cops that got shot? I mean, you really think that was the guy in the mask? I was standing right next to one of them when it happened. Detective named Blake. Didn't like each other very much. Yeah, I met him when they brought me into the precinct. I see why you didn't get along. Did what I could. If he comes out of a coma, maybe maybe he'll thank me, tell me what really happened out there. Till then the man in the mask pops up do me a favor, run the other way. He saved my life, Ben. How do you know he wasn't there just to, um hurt somebody else? I I never never thought about it like that. My experience there are no heroes, no villains. Just people with different agendas. Yeah, and one of those was to k** me. Mmm-hmm. It was. And you're not careful, maybe they'll want a second crack at it. The only way I'll ever feel safe again is if the people that you are talking about are put away. Then we better try harder to straighten out that spaghetti. So if we can connect the tenements, and the shootings, and Union Allied that something you'd take to your editor? [chuckles] Yeah. - Probably bring home a Pulitzer. - [Karen laughs] But, uh, I think it's a long shot. Well, I was a mean three-point shooter on my high school basketball team. I like the long shots. This isn't a game, Karen. I I know that. Anything happens to you it's gonna be on me, and, uh I don't want to be responsible for that. I can't. I'll be okay. They're not gonna win. [engine starts] [scoffs] What a sh**hole. You have any idea what I pay in rent? Expensive sh**hole. [sniffing] You had a woman in here. That's none of your business. When's she coming back? - Never. - Good. You got a warped perspective on the whole good/bad thing, you know that? [sighs] Women are a distraction. Just like furniture, apartments Whoa. [sighs] Silk sheets. Cotton feels like sandpaper on my skin. You'd be better off sleeping on real sandpaper than surrounding yourself with all this bullsh**. This is my life and I made something of it, without you. That's the part that really pisses you off, isn't it? No, Matty. No, I'm proud of you, I really am. The things you've done, what you've made of yourself, but this is Surrounding yourself with soft stuff isn't life, it's d**h. Someday those silk sheets are gonna crawl up behind you, wrap themselves around your throat and choke you to d**h. You're a warrior. Yeah that's not all I am. A warrior, heir to the Spartans, baddest of the bad-a**es. They knew what they had to do and they did it. And what was that? Cut it loose, all of it. Cut yourself free from the women, the comforts, the fancy job. [laughs] The job's not that fancy. Do you have friends? People you care about? Yeah, two. Cut 'em loose, for their sake. Break their hearts if you have to, just do it quick. I'm not gonna do that. Then they will suffer and you will die. Relationships are a luxury men like you and me can't afford. Is that why you left? Huh? To protect me? I had my reasons. I was a kid. You still are. "Boo-hoo. Stick left me. Think I'll bury my sorrows between the legs of a supermodel. " Don't push it, Stick. Or what? I'm trying to teach you how to stay alive. Christ, you're worse than your old man. Born to lose Battlin' Jack. At least your daddy got paid when he hit the floor. [grunting] You're hurting me. Make me stop. - I can't. - Then quit. Murdocks never quit. Then beat me. [sighs] I've got all day, kid. You're just a bully. World's full of 'em. What are you gonna do about it? Feel the breeze. You got heart, kid. But heart's not enough. You've got to control that rage. You said anger's a weapon. Anger is a spark, good. Rage is a wildfire, out of control, therefore useless. Just like you laying there. [gasping] I thought Murdocks never quit. [whimpering] [sobbing] It's my fault! It's my fault! I did it, I k**ed him! k**ed who? My dad. They paid him to lose against Creel. But But I wanted him to win. So he did because of me. Because of me. I just wanted him to come home. But he didn't, and he never will. We all pay for our choices, kid. Maybe your old man fought for you, maybe he did it for himself. The only thing you know for sure is he's gone now. But I'm here. Now, get up. Time to stop taking a beating and start giving one. Get up. Get up. Get up! [chuckles] Come on, kid. Show me I'm not wasting my time. [breathing heavily] [both grunting] [Stick laughing] Took you 20 years to learn how to get out of that one. Yeah, I've learned a lot since you've been gone. - Like what? - You're a dick. That's true. You got any beer? [chuckles] Yeah, in the fridge. I'll bet it's that German piss, isn't it? So you gonna tell me why you're here? Or is the suspense supposed to k** me? - It's the war, Matty. - [pops cap] Never-ending war. With who? You never got around to that part. Now, the Japanese, mostly. Look, I don't want you tearing up Hell's Kitchen going after the yakuza. Yakuza? [chuckles] You don't know what's going on in your own backyard. The guy that was yappin' with that old man you slapped around, he's pretty high up. He goes by a lot of names. Using Nobu this time around. So, Nobu, you want him so bad, why'd you let him get away back in the garage? [sighs] I don't want him. I want what's on the ship he's meeting at the docks tonight. Right, Owlsley was talking about that. What's Nobu bringing in? Drugs or something? A weapon. They call it Black Sky, the bringer of shadows. What kind of weapon? The kind you don't want in your world. Just say it. - Say what? - Say that you want my help. I want you to help yourself. Nobu and his guys are in tight with Fisk. You hurt them, you hurt baldy - You know about Fisk? - [Stick scoffs] I know a lot of sh**. This beer, for example, s**s. After all your talk about cutting friends loose, and now you need one. I don't need a friend. I need a soldier. Committed. Not some bleeding heart idealist hanging onto half measures. You don't know anything about what I'm doing here. Kid, in war, people die. If it's not you, it's the guy next to you. How many men have you k**ed protecting this city? You're still afraid to cross that line. Someday, it's gonna come down to you or the other guy. If it's not Fisk, somebody else. What're you gonna do then? Yeah, a Russian a**hole asked me the same thing recently right before he died. Are you the one that put him in the ground? No. Half measures, Matty. Ah, screw it. Ride with me tonight help me destroy Black Sky, keep it off the streets, and I promise you this Wilson Fisk will know the taste of fear the day he faces you 'cause he'll know that you kicked the guy he's afraid of right in the nuts. What do you say, kid? One rule you don't k** anybody. [sighs] I swear I will not k** anybody. p**y. Uh [speaking Spanish] How's your head? I'm alive. It's enough. How much do I owe you for the groceries? [speaking English] No, no, no, no, no. Put that away. [speaking Spanish] I don't want your money. No, I don't take charity. All right. You can pay me if you want with information? What can I tell you? A lot, I hope. I'm working on a legal case Oh, yes, yes with the handsome lawyer. [speaking English] Yeah, um, Matt. [laughs] [speaking Spanish] No, Mr. Foggy. Oh. [speaking Spanish] You think Foggy is handsome? - [Karen laughs] - [Elena exclaims] I see the way he looks at you. Never is a man more good looking than when he is in love. [gasps] [speaking English] Oh, Christ. Oh, uh [speaking Spanish] I'm sorry. [laughs] Um [speaking English] Moving on, um [speaking Spanish] I'm trying to make a connection between a construction company and the repairman that did this to your apartment. Why don't you ask Mr. Tully? He sent them. I can't find him. His lawyers say he's on vacation. [exclaims] I live like this and that fat sh** is lying on a beach? Ugh. Oh. Excuse me. No, no. I think it's pretty damn appropriate in this case. Do you have papers from the repairs? Receipts? Anything you had to Sign? No, I'm sorry. I just called Mr. Tully, and he sent them over. Can you tell me what they looked like? Yes. One was bald. [speaking English] Okay. [speaking Spanish] And the other had a big tattoo on his arm. [speaking English] A tattoo? [speaking Spanish] Of what? Not a picture. It was like a pattern. Ugly. Went up to his neck. Thank God he's no son of mine. [Karen laughs] Thank you, Elena. That might help. All of this makes me worry. [speaking English] No. No, no, no. Elena [speaking Spanish] They They're the ones that should be worried. If I can find a connection to the men that did this and the company [speaking English] then we will have their dicks in a vice. Sorry. [speaking Spanish] How long have you been like this, Miss Page? Um Ever since I got to New York. Oh. Adiós. [Karen yelping] So, why you bothering the old woman? Get off of me! - Ahh! - She gonna spray you. Maybe I take that away from you, empty the whole thing in your face. Burn your eyes out so you don't go snooping where you're not supposed to. [Karen grunts] [man groans] - Ahh! - Stupid b**h! [men groaning] Foggy? Oh, my God. [panting] Wait what are you doing here? - What are you doing here? - What are you doing here? - What are you doing here? - Are you following me? - Yeah. - [exasperated] Why? Because you were acting weird. I was worried about you. [man screaming] I can take care of myself. Let's discuss that away from the maniacs, okay? - Come on! - Oh, sh**. [man groaning] How many do you read? I'm picking up a dozen heartbeats. Slow, steady, not even a flutter. There's one more. Stronger different. Nobu. [Masked Man] They're armed. MP7s with suppressors. Huh. Somebody wants things quiet. We'll be quieter. - You remember how to use these? - I won't need 'em. Yeah, you will. Thin out the herd. - I'll take care of the Black Sky. - How? Just do your job, I'll do mine. Move. [loud thud] [heart beating] - [arrow whistling] - [boy grunting] [men shouting in Japanese] [speaking Japanese] k** him! [men grunting] Go! [breathing heavily] [Stick exclaiming] [exclaims] Break. What rules the body? My mind. [grunting] [Stick] What's your strongest weapon? My body. Connection, mind, body? The mind controls the body, the body controls our enemies, our enemies control jack sh** by the time we're done with them. Right. Fighting is just the start. You have to control your feelings your deep down inside feelings. - How? - Meditate. You mean that thing where you pretend not to sleep? [chuckling] Yeah. Yeah, that one. Open yourself up to it learn it, make you way stronger, more focused. Even heal your wounds faster. You can do that? How do you think I'm still alive, kid? I'll learn how, just like you. Good. Tomorrow we start with knives. Try not to get stabbed. - Stick? - Yeah? I have something for you. It's a bracelet. From the wrapper on the ice cream you got me when we first met. You remember? I do. Your training is over. I can't help you anymore. What? Why? [sighs] I expected too much of you. You promised me you weren't gonna k** anyone. Yep. Then what the hell was that back there? The mission. That's what your war's come to? k**ing children? That thing in the container was not a child. I could hear his heartbeat. It was light and fast. He hadn't even hit puberty. - You're emotional. - Yeah, no sh**. If you'd have focused beyond your crybaby feelings, you would've sensed what that kid really was. He was just a kid. You're blind as you ever were. Maybe you should've stuck around and finished training me yourself. I needed a soldier. You wanted a father. Well, I guess we're both disappointed then. I guess we are. [grunts] You take care of yourself, Matty. I'm not gonna let you k** that kid. Oh, he's already dead. I caught up with the van while you were dicking around with Nobu's men. I put an arrow in that thing's heart. [Matt yelling] You can't even tag an old man. Get up. Get up! Get up! [exclaims] [groans] [both breathing heavily] Get out of my city. [grunts] [breathing heavily] Maybe there's hope for you yet. [laughs] [groaning] [panting] Nice catching up. Eh? You can keep the sticks. You're gonna need 'em. What part of "Don't tell anyone about this" didn't you understand? Foggy's not just anyone all right? He's a kick-a** attorney, and sooner or later we're gonna need one of those. And he just plain kicks a**. When the need arises. [Karen] You can trust him, Ben. He's one of the good ones. Show him the board. All right, Ben has everything laid out all of the, uh, possible connections starting at the bottom and moving up. The king of diamonds? The man at the top. Any idea who he is? No. But I think he might have been the one behind Union Allied. There's another player on the field. Man in black. You think he's working for the king? No. No, he never would have helped me expose Union Allied if he were. If that's the case they're working against each other. So the question is which one trumps the other? It's done. Black Sky no longer a threat. [man] For now. What about Murdock? Stubborn, immature [laughs] Still a real pain in the a**. Will he be ready when the doors open? [sighs] I have no idea. [dramatic music playing]