Vondie Curtis-Hall - Rabbit in a Snowstorm Script lyrics


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Vondie Curtis-Hall - Rabbit in a Snowstorm Script lyrics

INT. BOWLING PLACE - NIGHT Some men are bowling. A man walks in and gets in front of the counter. MAN: Hi. Can I get a size 10 and a lane? WOMAN: Sorry, we're closing up. MAN: He's still playing. WOMAN: Mr. Prohaszka bowls when he wants to. Worked it out with the owner. MAN: Can I join him for a few balls? WOMAN: You wanna ask, knock yourself out. MAN: Be right back. Man walks to Mr. Prohaszka MAN: Excuse me. (Mr. Prohaszka expresses displeasure in his face) I was just wondering if maybe I could join you for a couple games? MR. PROHASZKA: Private game. You mind? MAN: No. Hey sorry. I was just really looking forward to throwing a few balls. MR. PROHASZKA: Get this moron out of my face. Mr. Prohaszka's bodyguards start to get close to the man MAN: Hey, come on. The man starts to punch the bodyguards at fast speed while they grunt with pain. When he finishes with them, he pulls out a gun and points it to Mr. Prohaszka while getting closer to him MR. PROHASZKA: Whoa, whoa. Hey! MAN: You got a bad attitude, friend. Camera shows the point of the gun, moves to the trigger, the man pulls the trigger and the image fades CUT TO: IMAGE THAT SAYS: 36 HOURS EARLIER INT. BUILDING - NIGHT Turk opens a box that contains brand-new guns placed in dry ice. Pulls one out of the box and smells it. TURK BARRETT: Mmm. (Turk sniffs and exhales) Love that smell. The man from the earlier scene is with him. TURK BARRETT: Metal and oil. (Turk brings out the clip and puts it back in) Fresh, never been fired. Take a whiff. The man holds the gun MAN: Like a good revolver better. No chance of jamming up. The man gives the gun back to Turk and Turk takes it away of his hands TURK BARRETT: Man. Look at this. This is top of the line. I guarantee this baby will not jam or my name ain't Turk Barrett. INT. BOWLING PLACE - NIGHT The gun jams. The man looks surprised. Mr. Prohaszka holds the bowling ball in his hand and hits the gun with it and starts to hit the man MR. PROHASZKA: This is how he negotiates, huh? The man dominates Mr. Prohaszka, breaks some of his bones and k**s him by hitting him in the face with a bowling ball. He turns around and the woman who was at the counter is calling the police VOICEOVER:(Dispatcher on phone) Police are on their way, miss. Stay calm. Hello? The woman runs away. The man gets up, grabs the gun and hides it inside a game. The man then moves in front of the principal door, gets on his knees and waits POLICE OFFICER 1: Got him? Where is he? POLICE OFFICER 2: Got him in sight. He's right over there. POLICE OFFICER 1: Don't move! Guns co*king POLICE OFFICER 2: Stay there! POLICE OFFICER 3: Keep your hands up! Dispatch, Victor 23 MAN: I want a lawyer. TITLE SEQUENCE EXT. CHURCH – DAY Matt is sitting on a bench outside of church. The priest gets out of the church and sees Matt. Church bells ringing PRIEST: You're Jack Murdock's kid, aren't you? (The priest sits on the bench) It's all right. Seal of Confession. Anything you said during the sacrament of penance stays between us. Could've k**ed 10 people, I couldn't tell anyone. MATT MURDOCK: That seem fair to you? PRIEST: It is what it is. MATT: I have to get to work. PRIEST: Yeah, me, too. Wouldn't mind a cup of coffee first, though. Chamber of commerce donated one of those fancy espresso machines for meetings and stuff. I make a heck of a latte, if you're interested. MATT: Some other time, maybe. Matt gets up and starts walking PRIEST: Seemed you had a lot on your mind last time you were here. (Matt stops) Sure you don't want that latte? MATT: Take care of yourself, Father. Matt continues to walk EXT. BAY - DAY A car parks besides the other car. A man is waiting while Urich gets out of the car and approaches to him MAN: Thought you'd forgotten about me, Urich. BEN URICH: Never happen. MAN: I don't know. People's memories these days ain't so good. Back in the day, I couldn't wait to see this view. Me and the boys, driving in Friday nights. Kings of the castle. URICH: Kings don't have bodies in the trunk. MAN: Tell that to Macbeth. Ben chuckles URICH: What's this about you moving to Florida? MAN: Did you hear about Rigoletto? URICH: Heard he retired. MAN: Yeah in pieces. URICH: Somebody putting it to you? MAN: You know the rules. URICH: Is it the Russians? MAN: The rules. You go first and then maybe I got something to say. That's the way it's always been. URICH: Russians got a bee up their a**. Somebody's been hitting them hard. Mostly around the docks. MAN: Wasn't Rigoletto, if that's what you're thinking. URICH: So who are we looking at? MAN: You tell me. URICH: I don't know. Been scratching at it. Police reports get altered. Public records, too. But I know a pattern when it shoves a thumb in my eye. MAN: A new player, maybe? Used to be if you k**ed a man, you sent his wife flowers. Now they just send his wife with him. URICH: You know something, don't you? MAN: Yeah. Florida's beautiful this time of year. Ben sighs URICH: The rules. MAN: There are no rules, Benny. Not anymore. URICH: So that's it? That's all I get? MAN: You know, when I went away to do my 10, every newspaper in town dragged my name through the sh**. You were the only one who did it without mentioning my kids. Always grateful for that. URICH: Then give me something. A name, anything. MAN: Take a pa** on this one, Benny. Some fights will just get you bloody. The man pats URICH on the arm and walks away INT. NELSON AND MURDOCK'S OFFICE - DAY Karen is reading a letter. Foggy walks in and sighs. FOGGY: You know the whole, "Let's stay out all night," thing? KAREN: Yeah. FOGGY: How about next time we skip the part with the eel? Karen chuckles KAREN: Deal. FOGGY: Hey, what do you think about getting a sign on the door? KAREN: Well, you got a sign. FOGGY: A real one. KAREN: You should get some clients first. FOGGY: Just one little sign. What could it cost? KAREN: Frank, you can barely afford to pay me. FOGGY: I thought you were working for free. KAREN: I… I did for a day. Matt walks in FOGGY: Hey you know she's not really free? KAREN: Hey. Karen and Foggy see the bruise around Matt's eye FOGGY: Jesus. What happened to your eye? MATT: Oh. KAREN: Are you okay? MATT: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I just wasn't paying attention last night. It's my fault. FOGGY: You need a dog. Matt scoffs MATT: I'm not getting a dog. FOGGY: What? You don't like dogs? Who doesn't like dogs? KAREN: I… I love dogs. FOGGY: Everybody loves dogs. Someone knocks on the door FOGGY: Was that a knock? MATT: Someone's at the door. FOGGY: Our door? MATT: Uh Karen? KAREN: Right. Okay. Karen opens the door and there's a man waiting MAN: Hi. Do you do walk-ins? All of them are sitted listening to the man's testimony MAN: I represent a consortium with diversified interests in the private sector, both domestic and international. From time to time, we scout the landscape for promising talent to put on retainer. FOGGY: Retainer? MATT: Why are you approaching us? Why not a larger firm, Mr.? MAN: Uh, Confederated Global Investments is my employer. MATT:That's not what I was asking. MAN: It's the only name relevant to this discussion, Mr. Murdock. MATT: Oh. So, why us? FOGGY: Obviously, the larger firms aren't able to provide the same hands-on attention that we pride ourselves on at Nelson and Murdock. MAN: It's a fair question. I'm here because my employer does extensive business in Hell's Kitchen, and who knows it better than two local boys who graduated from Columbia Law, cum laude and summa cum laude? FOGGY: Uh, the "summa" part is politics. MAN: You set up shop right here in your backyard despite the fact that both of you were made a very lucrative offer from Landman and Zack in Manhattan where you interned. MATT: You've done your homework. MAN: My employer expects no less. MATT: Then forgive me for being blunt. FOGGY: "Blunt" is a strong word. MAN: In my line of work, I find it refreshing. MATT: What is that line of work exactly? FOGGY: What my partner is trying to say is we're still building a practice, so we're very particular about our clientele. MAN: I a**ure you, all my employer wants is for you to continue to be ethical, decent men good lawyers. And for that, for nothing more than your exceptional sk**s and your discretion you'll be fairly compensated. FOGGY: Uh-huh. It's It's fair. That's… that's fair. MAN: Your partner doesn't seem convinced. MATT:Like Foggy said, we're particular about our clientele. MAN: I'm curious about your clientele. Do they all end up working for you after you get them off for murder or just the pretty ones? MATT: You, uh, give us a minute, please? KAREN: Um I'm sorry. MAN: I didn't mean to upset anyone. MATT: How did you know about Miss Page's situation? She was never charged. There was nothing in the papers. MAN: I have friends on the force. I hear I'm not the only one. FOGGY: I think we might be veering off the subject. MAN: I understand your concerns, Mr. Murdock. Perhaps you should review one of our cases before you make a decision? Peace of mind and whatnot. FOGGY: That's a fantastic idea. Matthew? MATT: Yeah, what harm could it do? Excellent. MAN: You have 38 minutes to get to Precinct 15. FOGGY: What? Now? What's the case? MAN: Everything you need is in this file. Thank you for your time. FOGGY: No. Thank you. Thank you very… The man closes the door FOGGY: What is your problem? MATT: He wouldn't even give us his name, Foggy. FOGGY: You wouldn't care if you could see the zeroes on this check. MATT: Yeah, maybe you would if you couldn't. FOGGY: We're running out of time. Matt starts to walk away MATT: I'll meet you there. FOGGY: Meet me? The hell are you going? Matt! THE STREETS - DAY Matt is following the man in the street. The man gets inside a car. MAN (Through Matt's hearing): It's been taken care of, sir. Matt stops and touches his wound on his waist. He's bleeding. He turns back and starts walking again INT. POLICE OFFICE - DAY Foggy is sitting with the man who k**ed Mr. Prohaszka in the begining of the episode FOGGY: So what exactly happened, Mr. Healy? In your own words. MR. HEALY: All I wanted was to throw a few balls. The lady at the shoe counter will tell you the same. FOGGY: She also says that you crushed the deceased's skull with a bowling ball. MR. HEALY: Self-defense. The man and his whatever they were, they threatened my life. FOGGY: They threatened you how? Verbally? Physically? MR. HEALY: Which sounds better? FOGGY: Excuse me? MR. HEALY: They threatened me both verbally and physically. Foggy clears his throat FOGGY: So you say you didn't know or have never met Mr Prohaszka - prior to last night? MR. HEALY: No, but I do regret any injurious consequences my actions may have caused. FOGGY: You have quite the legal vocabulary, Mr. Healy. Am I right in a**uming this isn't your first rodeo? MR. HEALY: I had issues. I'm better now. Foggy exhales deeply FOGGY: On second thought Mr. Healy, uh perhaps our firm isn't the right fit for you. Matt walks in MATT: Sorry I'm late. Foggy clears his throat again FOGGY: Uh, no, no, that's I was just explaining to Mr. Healy that, uh we have a full caseload right now, so we… MATT:We'd be happy to represent you, Mr. Healy. FOGGY: What? MATT: We're taking the case. Foggy clears his throat again MATT: Uh, why don't we start from the beginning? Tell me everything you know. INT. URICH'S OFFICE - NIGHT Ben's talking on the phone URICH: I understand the policy has an allotment of days, but last time we spoke, I was told I could request an extension. This was last month, yes. The editor-in-chief, Mitchell Ellison, opens Ben's door and walks in. Ben's still talking on the phone URICH: What's the new form called? From the website. Of course. Thanks. ELLISON: Insurance talk? It's the worst. I remember, uh, with my kids and the dentist. URICH: Yeah. ELLISON: Yeah. Got a minute to talk about next week's spread? URICH: Already working on it. ELLISON: Another organized crime thing? URICH: All of Hell's Kitchen. There's a new player on the scene. No one knows who it is or what they want. Everybody's scrambling. ELLISON: Your a**ignment's the city desk, Ben. URICH: This is the city. No one else is on this yet. I'm the only one who sees it. ELLISON: It's not s**y. URICH: We're a newspaper, Ellison, not a girlie mag. ELLISON: You know that's not what I meant, and nobody calls them that anymore. URICH: It's not just the Russians. I think maybe the Union Allied scandal might tie into this. ELLISON: Right, and you remember what that exposé did for circulation? Dick with a side of, "Who gives a sh**?" URICH: This is a real story. ELLISON: Yeah, and it's gonna end the same as it always does, right? A bunch of fat old guys in some white-collar prison with more fat old guys. URICH: The cops aren't even on this yet. We could be the ones to connect the dots. ELLISON: It doesn't sell papers, Ben. Not anymore. I want you on the subway line piece. URICH: "Rumors bubbling. Will Hell's Kitchen finally get a subway line?" Come on, we tell that every year. ELLISON: And every year, it k**s. URICH: For a fluff piece. ELLISON: You know, you like to be on the ground, right? You like to talk to people. Take a poll. What color do they like? You know, we got a blue line, we got a yellow line. We're running out of colors. URICH: Like M&M's? ELLISON: Yeah, see? You'll write the hell out of it. URICH: There used to be a time when the people in this building wrote the hell out of the news. ELLISON: Everybody we know is making twice what we are writing for blogs, working from home in their underwear. We're hanging on by our fingertips, Ben. You really want to be greasing that ledge? Make it visual, all right? I'll call down to Graphics, see if I can drum up a chart. Oh, and, um I'll put in a call to the insurance drones, see what I can do, okay? Ben sighs while Ellison walks out of his office INT. POLICE OFFICE – DAY Matt and Foggy are still sitting with Mr. Healy MATT: Would you like us to reiterate the terms of attorney-client privilege, Mr. Healy? MR. HEALY: Think I got it. MATT: Then you know anything you tell us stays in this room. MR. HEALY: Just like church. MATT: You must be a very important man. MR. HEALY: Is that a question? MATT: Statement. It's not every day a global investment firm picks up the tab for a murder suspect. MR. HEALY: Self-defense. MATT: I wonder if you could shed some light on the man that hired us to represent you. MR. HEALY: Don't think I can, counselor. MATT: Can't or you won't? FOGGY: Maybe we should focus on details pertinent to the case? MATT: Just trying to build a solid defense, and the connection between Mr. Healy and the man that came to our offices might just help prove his innocence. FOGGY: How? MATT: Maybe they're old friends. Maybe he's a character witness. Or maybe you were in his employment at the time of the incident. MR. HEALY: I just wanted to throw a few balls, just like I keep saying. MATT: You go bowling often, Mr. Healy? MR. HEALY: When the mood hits. MATT: And the deceased, he had no motive that you recall? Mr. Healy exhales deeply MR. HEALY: No. FOGGY: You didn't provoke him intentionally or otherwise? MR. HEALY: Are we breaking for lunch anytime soon? MATT: Are you at all afraid of what might happen if we lose this case, Mr. Healy? MR. HEALY: No. Are you? Foggy breathing deeply FOGGY: Matt, a word, please? Foggy and Matt stand up and talk in a corner FOGGY:We should not be doing this. MATT: Doing what? FOGGY: Defending professional criminals. MATT: You're the one that keeps saying we need real clients. FOGGY: That's not a client. It's a shark in a skin suit. You pegged it back at the office. There's something off about this whole thing. MATT: We agreed to represent him, Foggy. We're gonna try this case and let the jury take it from there. Matt and Foggy turn around and sit again MATT: Mr. Healy, uh (Matt clears his throat) I suggest we waive criminal procedure law 180.80, give the DA more time to explore a plea. In the meantime, the best thing for you to do is to be forthcoming with us. Together, we'll confront the charges honestly, openly and within the moral confines of the law. Does that sound good to you? Mr. Healy sighs MR. HEALY: No. FOGGY: Excuse me? MR. HEALY: I want the 180.80 date. If I'm indicted, which we know I will be, we'll waive all hearings and discovery and go directly to trial.Not my first rodeo, remember? MATT: You'll need to testify. MR. HEALY: I'm just gonna have faith in our judicial system and you're gonna do your jobs. MATT: That simple? MR. HEALY: That simple. And, uh as for the man who hired you all you need to know is his check's gonna clear. INT. BOWLING PLACE Two young man are playing in the pinball machine where Mr. Healy left the gun. The man who was on Nelson and Murdock's office before starts to walk towards them YOUNG MAN 1: Wait your turn, man. The man pulls a coin out of his pocket and puts it on the gla** of the machine MAN: I got next. The man looks down and the camera focus on the gun below the machine. He walks and says hi to some kids while putting the gun on his waist and walks out MAN: Hi. KIDS: Hi. INT. NELSON AND MURDOK'S OFFICE - DAY Matt and Foggy open the door and walk in FOGGY: You wanna tell me what the hell's going on with you? First you decide we're taking the case unilaterally and then you cross-examine the guy like we're playing bad cop/worse cop. MATT: If we want to keep the lights on, we gotta take some cases for the money. You were right about that. FOGGY: Okay, for the record, this is the first time you've ever said I was right. I hate it. MATT: Sometimes, we have to do things we aren't proud of. FOGGY: Yeah, but this can't become what we do. MATT: Yeah, I know. FOGGY: And we have to be on the same team, making decisions together. MATT: I got carried away. I'm sorry, Foggy. FOGGY: It's okay. Matt puts his fist in front of Foggy. Foggy chuckles and bumps Matt's fist MATT: So? FOGGY: Okay. So a**uming he's indicted, which, yeah, it's on the DA to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it wasn't self-defense, shoe girl's DD-5 says that she didn't come out of the back room until after the fight had started, which helps us. MATT: And what about Prohaszka's men? FOGGY: They lawyered up. Wouldn't give a five. MATT: Since when do the victims of an a**ault not give a statement? FOGGY: Another chit in our favor. Plus Healy's pretty banged up. Argue defensive wounds, which makes it look more like a fight and less like an execution. MATT: So, you open, I'll sum up. And we should cash that check, have Karen see what she can find out about Confederated Global. FOGGY: Right. Where the hell is she? INT. BUILDING - DAY Karen is sitting in a conference room with a lawyer LAWYER: It's a fairly simple form. Here you agree, in writing, to never again disclose information regarding your former employer, the dissolved entity known as Union Allied Construction, or any of its affiliates. Upon execution of this agreement, the corporate interests, as they currently exist, agree not to pursue legal action against you. KAREN: Against me? LAWYER: Well, you signed a non-disclosure agreement the day you were hired, Miss Page. KAREN: Everybody did. LAWYER: Not everyone broke that agreement and distributed confidential information. KAREN: I… I exposed criminal activity. LAWYER: And had you taken that information to any law enforcement agency, your rights may have been protected, but instead you went to the New York Bulletin, a privately-owned news organization. KAREN: I had nothing to do with that article. LAWYER: So the file you illegally removed from the premises of Union Allied wasn't the same one Mr. Urich refers to in this? (Karen refrains to say anything) You see how this complicates things, yes? KAREN: Daniel Fisher was murdered and your clients… LAWYER: I a**ure you that any illegal activity a**ociated with Union Allied has been dealt with, thanks very much to you. KAREN: You're welcome. LAWYER: If you'd like, you can take these to your own representatives, but I'm fairly certain they'll advise you to sign it. And as a show of good faith, my clients would like to offer you a lump sum of six months' salary. KAREN: For what? LAWYER: For all your help in the matter and for any stress these events may have caused. KAREN: Stress? Someone tried to k** me. LAWYER: And while my clients acknowledge no involvement with that individual or claim legal responsibility for his actions, they do feel it's their non-binding moral obligation to offer you a chance at rebuilding your life. KAREN: As long as I keep my mouth shut? LAWYER: It's a clean slate, Miss Page. A chance to put it all behind you. Now, isn't that what you want? INT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT Ben is walking with a doctor DOCTOR: Private rooms are hard to come by, Ben. Especially this time of year. URICH: She can't be in a communal. She needs hands-on. DOCTOR: Yeah, well, you are lucky after all this time that they are still covering you at all. URICH: They said, in some cases, it's possible to get an extension. The doctor scoffs DOCTOR: Well, they say a lot of crap. Mostly just to get you off the phone. URICH: I already filled out the forms. I just need you to approve them. DOCTOR: Yeah. This is the first step. There are 1,000 more after this, and I've got a hospital to run. If I stop to fill out every appeal, I am going to be… URICH:You're gonna cut her off, Shirley. It's not her fault. DOCTOR: Come with me. Ben and the doctor move to the doctor's office and sit down DOCTOR: It is not like we are throwing her out on the street. URICH: Not yet. But the next thing you know, the communal ward is at capacity, then she gets pushed to an out-patient facility. I know there's a limit to what you can do, to what I can afford. I just want to make sure she can rest, so she can get better so she can come home. The doctor writes something in her computer, prints it and signs it DOCTOR: Okay. Five days. That's what this will buy you. URICH: And the appeal? DOCTOR: No promises, okay? Now get the hell out of my office. I have got a measle outbreak to deal with because idiot parents don't want to vaccinate and my best nurse is out with who the hell knows what. Ben stands up and starts to walk away DOCTOR: Uh, what's that? URICH:Cheese blintz from that place you like. DOCTOR: You should have led with that. URICH: That'd be cheating. DOCTOR: Yeah. Ben walks out of the office, stays still and takes his gla**es off. Starts to walk again. He met with a nurse who is holding some blankets NURSE: Hey. She had a good day. URICH: Yeah? NURSE: She was up half an hour. Asked about you. Ben starts to walk to a room and opens a door. There's a woman in her bed. It's his wife. He gets closer to her. The camera focus to the table beside her bed and there's a ring on it, then it focus to her face and then to her hand. Ben grabs her hand INT. NELSON AND MURDOCK'S OFFICE - DAY Matt and Foggy are sitting on the table and there's some chinese food MATT: Let's pull section 35.15 of the Penal. FOGGY:35.15. MATT: Then we'll take our facts and fit them to the CJI and the statute. Foggy sighs heavily MATT:Got the insights? FOGGY:It's still loading. We need better Wi-Fi. MATT: We need better everything. FOGGY: Let's do that. Let's win cases, be popular and make money. MATT: It's not about that, Foggy. FOGGY: I know, but it could be just a little, a smidge. Karen opens the door and knocks KAREN: Hey, uh Wi-Fi's acting weird. MATT: You find out anything on Confed Global? KAREN: Yeah, uh, it's a subsidiary of a holding company of a loan-out to a holding subsidiary and on and on and on. But that dickhead's check cleared in about two seconds. MATT: There's your money. FOGGY: Bang on the router, will you? MATT: Oh, hey, no more long lunches until this is over, okay? KAREN: You got it. Karen bangs the router. Foggy's computer loads the insights FOGGY: All right, practice insights for New York State Penal Law 35.15. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Foggy is talking to the jury FOGGY: And in the state of New York, I'll remind you, that my client is not required to prove that he was justified in his actions. Instead, it's up to the prosecution (Foggy points to the prosecution) to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was not justified in defending his life. And they will come nowhere close to meeting this burden. At the end of this case the only verdict that you can render will be not guilty. Foggy walks back to his seat while Matt lets him know that he did well JUDGE: Members of the jury, this is an important case, and I have a few additional comments that I want you to consider. If you should fail to agree upon a verdict, we will be forced to… Matt uses his super hearing and notice that a woman's heart on the jury is pounding. The camera focus on the woman's face as she looks to her right. The man who was in their office walks in and sits. Matt hears the same watch ticking that he heard when he was chasing him. The woman seems nervous. THE STREETS - NIGHT The woman from the jury is walking on the sidewalk. She stumbles with a man MAN: All will be over soon, okay? Just keep it together till the verdict. Can you do that? (The woman looks scared) Look, you ask me, it's almost like they're doing you a favor. I mean, you don't want something like that floating around. (The man sighs) Go home. Get some rest. You got a big day tomorrow. The woman still looks nervous. The man puts a cigarrette in his mouth and gives her the sign to leave. The woman walks away. The man lights up a lighter and before he lights his cigarrette, Matt appears in his black costume and hits him MATT: Stay down. (The man gets up and tries to fight Matt but he kicks him) I said stay down. MAN: You son of a b**h! Matt puts the man against a wall MATT: What do you have on her? Matt twists the man's wrist MAN: A tape! There's a tape, okay? MATT: What's on it? MAN: A mistake she made when she was 19 and pretty, something she don't want her kids to know about. MATT: You get rid of it. MAN: I can't. Matt twists the wrist harder MATT: It's not a discussion. MAN: It won't make a difference anyway. MATT: Who do you work for? MAN: I don't know. Matt hits him MAN:Ahhh! MATT: I want a name. MAN: There isn't one! That isn't how this works! Look, I walk by a building, if a light's on in the window, I got a job. Matt releases the man and puts him on the ground MAN: Somewhere there's another light in another building. I don't do this. I'm somebody else's job. MATT: You tell her to get herself excused from the jury. Personal reasons, whatever it takes. After that, she never sees you again. MAN: They'll k** me. MATT: Then you'd better leave my city, tonight. Matt hits him in the head and vanishes INT. COURTROOM - DAY JUDGE: The court grants the motion to excuse juror number eight from service due to extenuating personal circumstances. (The woman from the jury walks away) The first alternate juror will replace her. Would the defense care to make a closing argument? MATT: Yes, Your Honor. Thank you. Matt gets up and walks to the jury. He stands still for a moment and hears a heart beat. Mr. Healy talks to Foggy. Foggy lets him know that it's alright MR. HEALY: What the hell is he doing? Matt keeps searching for the heart beat and it's from a man who is on the same seat of the woman that left the jury JUDGE: Mr. Murdock, we're waiting. MATT: Sorry. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, forgive me if I seem distracted. I've been preoccupied of late with, uh, questions of morality of right and wrong, good and evil. Sometimes the delineation between the two is a sharp line. Sometimes it's a blur and often it's like p**nography. You just know when you see it. People in the courtroom laugh MATT: A man is dead. I don't mean to make light of that, but these questions these questions are vital ones because they tether us to each other to humanity. Not everyone feels this way. Not everyone sees the sharp line, only the blur. A man is dead. Um, a man is dead. And my client, John Healy took his life. This is not in dispute. It is a matter of record of fact and facts have no moral judgment. They merely state what is. Not what we think of them, not what we feel. They just are. What was in my client's heart when he took Mr. Prohaszka's life, whether he is a good man or something else entirely, is irrelevant. These questions of good and evil, as important as they are, have no place in a court of law. Only the facts matter. My client claims he acted in self-defense. Mr. Prohaszka's a**ociates have refused to make a statement regarding the incident. The only other witness, a frightened young woman, has stated that my client was pleasant and friendly, and that she only saw the struggle with Mr. Prohaszka after it had started. Those are the facts. Based on these and these alone, the prosecution has failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that my client was not acting solely in self-defense. And those, ladies and gentlemen of the jury are the facts. My client, based purely on the sanctity of the law which we've all sworn an oath to uphold must be acquitted of these charges. Now, beyond that, beyond these walls he may well face a judgment of his own making. But here in this courtroom the judgment is yours and yours alone. INT. CAR - DAY Leland is in the car with the man LELAND: I need to talk to him. MAN: He sends his apologies. LELAND: I don't care about his Where is he? This needs attention. MAN: He's indisposed. LELAND: With what? MAN: Art. LELAND: Art who? MAN: Paintings. His penthouse is finally ready LELAND: You're sh**ting me. Everything's spinning out of whack and he's decorating? MAN: The situation is under control, Leland. LELAND: You've lost your strong-arm and the tape. You got nothing on juror eight now. MAN: She's only a piece of the puzzle. LELAND: You ever try putting a puzzle together with a piece missing? It's damned aggravating. I don't see why we're going through all of this anyway. Just get rid of Healy the way you got rid of the other guy. They find him hanging in his cell, boom-boom, case closed. MAN: Rance, Fisher, McClintock, Farnum. We've been leaving a trail of bodies lately, and trails eventually lead somewhere. This this needed to be handled quietly, within the confines of the law. LELAND: So you hire a couple of back-door shysters? I know 100 defense attorneys with more experience than Heckle and Jeckle. MAN: (Scoffs) It's not their experience that matters. They just opened shop and they're completely clean. Say that about any of the other 100 you know? Huh? Two lawyers above reproach. Self-defense. No questions, no trail. LELAND: There's too much light shining on this. I can't move on Prohaszka's holdings until the glare is off. MAN: Get the papers ready and let my employer worry about the rest. Leland sighs THE STREET - DAY Mrs. Fisher is putting boxes in a truck. Karen approaches her KAREN: Mrs. Fisher? Hi. Um, uh. My name's Karen MRS. FISHER: I know who you are. KAREN: I'm sorry. I know how hard this must be for you. Mrs. Fisher scoffs MRS. FISHER: My husband was found dead in your apartment. You have no idea how any of this is for me. KAREN: Nothing ever happened between me and Daniel. MRS. FISHER: You think I don't know that? I know how much Danny loved me. Whatever it is you're after, Miss Page, I can't help you. Mrs. Fisher turns away KAREN: Union Allied? (Mrs. Fisher turns back) They offered me money a lot of money if I sign an agreement to never talk about what happened. They offer you something like that? They k**ed Danny. They tried to k** me. And now they just shuffle some papers and change their name and they get away with it? MRS. FISHER: Let it go. KAREN: I've tried. It just doesn't feel right. MRS. FISHER: He said the same thing. A few days before he, he said something didn't feel right at work with the numbers and I told him that whatever it was, he had a responsibility to do something about it. I figure I have a couple years before I explain that part to my kids. KAREN: They have to pay for what they've done. MRS. FISHER: They won't listen. KAREN: We'll make them listen. MRS. FISHER: I already signed. I have two kids, Miss Page, and they're all that matter to me now. If you have anyone that you care about let it go. Mrs. Fisher opens the door and gets inside her home Karen stands still INT. URICH'S OFFICE - NIGHT Ben is talking on the phone URICH: Shirley, thanks so much for pushing this through. I… I owe you one. Okay, thanks. Bye. Ben smiles, but then he looks at his article about the poll Ellison made him do. Someone knocks on the door URICH: Yeah. KAREN: Excuse me, Mr. Urich? URICH: So they tell me. Ben stands up. Karen sighs KAREN: I read your article. URICH: About the subway line? KAREN: Uh, about Union Allied Construction. I, um I think there's more to the story if you're interested. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Judge walks in and seats JUDGE: Please be seated. Everyone sits. An officer gives the judge a note. The man walks in and sits. Matt notices due to his watch ticking. He then hears a heart pounding fast. The camera focuses an old lady that seems nervous MATT: They're hung. JUDGE: Madam Foreperson, it's my understanding from this note that you have been unable to reach a verdict. The old lady stands up WOMAN: We have not, Your Honor. Foggy talks to Mr. Healy and Matt FOGGY: Allen charge. She's sending them back in. Still split, DA will retry. MATT: No, they won't. Will they, Mr. Healy? MR. HEALY: That was a hell of a speech you gave, Murdock. A hell of a speech. JUDGE: The trial has been expensive for time, effort, money, and emotional strain to both the defense and the prosecution. If you should fail… EXT. BUILDING - NIGHT Mr. Healy walks out of a building with a bag. Gets to a car, opens the trunk and puts the bag in it. As soon as he closes the trunk, he sees Matt in the black costume in the reflection and moves back. Matt and Mr. Healy start fighting. Mr. Healy ends up in the ground and grabs a metal tube and a bucket. Matt is aware of the tube due to his hearing. Mr. Healy starts to fight Matt with the metal tube. Matt beats him and strangles him. Mr. Healy gets free and they fight again. Mr. Healy grabs a broken gla** and use it against Matt. Matt puts the gla** against Mr. Healy MATT: The man that hired your lawyers, who does he work for? MR. HEALY: You think I'm afraid of you? Matt hits Mr. Healy in the heart with the broken gla**. Pulls it out and puts it on his neck MATT: Tell me! Who does he work for? MR. HEALY: I can't! Matt puts the broken gla** inside his neck MATT: I want a name! MR. HEALY: Oh, God! Fisk! Wilson Fisk! Matt pulls out the gla** and breaks it MATT: You get in your car. If I ever see you in Hell's Kitchen again… MR. HEALY: No. MATT: You do not want to test me. MR. HEALY: You think this is still about you? I gave up his name. You don't do that, not to him. He'll find me and make an example and then he'll find everyone I've ever cared about and do the same to them, so that no one ever does what I just did. You should have just k**ed me. You coward. Mr. Healy goes to a spike and k**s himself with it by putting it through his head. Matt is in shock INT. ART EXHIBITION - NIGHT A woman walks through the exhibition and finds a man standing still, looking at a white painting. The woman approaches to him WOMAN: There's an old children's joke. You hold up a white piece of paper and you ask, "What's this?" "A rabbit in a snowstorm." You interested or just looking? MAN: Interested. WOMAN: People always ask me how can we charge so much for what amounts to gradations of white. I tell them it's not about the artist's name or the sk** required not even about the art itself. All that matters is "How does it make you feel?" The camera focuses on the man MAN: It makes me feel alone.