Vince Gilligan - Ozymandias lyrics


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Vince Gilligan - Ozymandias lyrics

Title: Ozymandias JESSE: *sighs* Yo, so, what's next? WALT: We wait. JESSE: We don't got like, eight more an*l things we gotta do first? WALT: The reaction has begun. JESSE: Yeah, I-I know. So how long? WALT: Well, if we had a freezer, the condensed liquid would cool more quickly because, of course, this is an exothermic reaction, which means giving off heat. And, our desired product is in a crystallized-- JESSE: Put me in a coma, why don't ya. WALT: What did you just say? JESSE: What? Nothing. Walt grunts WALT: No, no, no, not in here. JESSE: Duh, like I'm an idiot! WALT: you're an idiot. JESSE: Dick! Walt opens the RV door and both walk outside JESSE: Oh, ugh, God, Jesus! God. WALT: Shut up. Jesse continues making gag noises and walks behind the RV Walt reaches into his pants pocket and takes out his cell phone. He walks away from the RV WALT: Bogdan...Bogdan says I'm not doing the receipts right. Well, he's got a bug up his bu*t--he's got a stick up his bu*t? He's got a bug up his bu*t about the receipts anyways. So, anyway, he's insisting that I-he's demanding that I stay and, uh, look over his system and I cannot get out of it. *Grunts affirmatively* Phone ringing while Skyler packs away a gla** clown. A set of knives are in the foreground SKYLER: Hello? WALT: Hi, honey, it's me. SKYLER: Hey, you. What's goin' on? WALT: Nothin' much, I-I was...I was just-I'm calling to say I'm sorry, but I'm gonna be late tonight. Bogdan, he's got a bug up his bu*t-- SKYLER: Well, that's okay. I wasn't planning anything special for dinner, so. In fact, you could take pity on us and bring a pizza home. They're having a two-for-one at Venetzia's and at this point I could eat a whole one by myself. WALT: Yeah, yeah, sure. I can, I can pick up a pizza. Hopefully Bogdan won't keep me too late. SKYLER: Well, he better not. Trust me, he does not want to piss off a hungry pregnant woman. Skyler pulls on the roll of tape she is holding WALT: Ooo...what's that sound? SKYLER: I just sold your favorite piece! The hideous crying clown. WALT: Wow. SKYLER: Yeah, and I got nine bucks more than I paid for it. WALT: Shows what I know about art. SKYLER: Hey, what do you think about Holly? For the baby's name. Do you like it? I think I really like it. WALT: Holly? Yeah, it's nice. Let me think about it. SKYLER: Just feels right, you know? It's my new favorite. WALT: Well, it's a front-runner for sure. Jesse yells loudly as he swings a stick through the air WALT: Listen, I was thinking umm...maybe we can have a little family time this weekend. SKYLER: Oh, yeah? WALT: Yeah, just take a drive, the almost-four of us. *Laughs* Maybe we can head up the Turquoise Trail and stop at Tinkertown, maybe grab some lunch in Madrid? SKYLER: Oh my God, we haven't been there in forever. WALT: I know. SKYLER: Yeah. WALT: So, why don't we just do that? Take a little break. SKYLER: Sold, sounds fun. WALT: Holly? It's growing on me. SKYLER: Yup, me too. Alright, well, I had better go and get this in the mail. Why don't you call me when you're on the way home, okay? WALT: Will do. Love you. SKYLER: Love you, too. Walt hangs up the phone and stares off into the distance. Slowly the scene from the flashback starts to disappear and we're taken back to the present time. The opening sequence rolls and as we return we enter a chaotic scene. Automatic weapon fire comes to a stop Hank, clearly shot in the leg and bleeding badly, looks at the gun in his hand. It's empty. He looks over to his left where Gomez is seen lying dead on the ground. He sees Gomez's shotgun and starts crawling toward it as the Neo-Nazis make their way toward the SUV Hank is hiding safely behind Just as Hank gets his hand on the shotgun, Jack steps on it with his boot JACK: Woah, simmer down there, sparky. Jack lifts the shotgun off the ground as Hank rolls over onto his back KENNY: The hell did we just walk into? TODD: Hey, Uncle Jack, I don't see Jesse Pinkman here. He was right here before. JACK: Anybody got eyes on Pinkman? NEO-NAZI: No. JACK: What do you figure, he may be headed down that gully there? TODD: That's the way I'd go. JACK: Frankie, Lester. Go find him. KENNY: Jack. These guys are DEA. Jack co*ks back his pistol. Walt, crouching for safety and in handcuffs in the back of Hank's SUV gets up WALT: No! Jack. No, Jack! Jack! Jack! No! No, don't! Jack! Don't, no! No! Jack! Jack, Jack, Jack! No! Todd lets Walt out of the SUV. Walt runs over to Jack WALT: No, Jack, don't k** him! Don't k** him! Don't k** him! One of the Neo-Nazis grabs Walt and pulls him away from Jack, who is still holding his loaded pistol aimed at Hank's head JACK: The hell not, he's DEA? WALT: No he's-he's family. JACK: *surprised* Say again? WALT: He's my family. He's my brother-in-law. JACK: Didn't cross your mind to maybe tell us you had a DEA agent for a brother-in-law? *to Todd* Did you know about this? WALT: I called you off! Remember? I told you not to come! JACK: Well, it seems to me we did you a solid. WALT: You weren't supposed to be here! JACK: Too late now. How's about you tell me what was goin' down out here? Yeah, you and your brother-in-law don't seem to be gettin' along too well. WALT: It doesn' doesn't matter. It doesn't concern you. JACK: We just wasted his partner here and he's wearin' a bullet. So, yeah, I'd say it does concern me. WALT: This is between him and me. JACK: No cavalry comin'? WALT: No, *shakes head rapidly* no. HANK: You bet your a** the cavalry's comin'. WALT: No! No. No. Jack. Jack! No, the DEA doesn't know about this. Not yet. *Looks down at Hank* Hank. Nothing can change what just happened. But you can walk out of here alive. If you just promise us that you'll let this go. Hank looks at Walt in disbelief JACK: Yeah, I thought as much. Sorry, man, just no scenario where this guy lives. Jack points his gun at Hank's head again. Walt frantically tries to move toward him WALT: No, no! Listen! I have money! I have money! It's buried out here! It's *sighs* it's eighty million dollars. Eighty. Million. JACK: So, that's what got this party started, huh? But this money of yours won't do me much good in prison. WALT: You can go anywhere. You can do anything! Think about it. You can have any future that you want. Jack. Eighty. Million! And all you've got to let him go. JACK: That's a hell of an offer. *to Hank* What do you think, fed? Would you take that deal? WALT: It's Hank. His name is Hank. JACK: How 'bout it, Hank? Should I let you go? HANK: My name is ASAC Shrader. And you can go f** yourself. Jack nods with a smile on his face. Walt looks down at Hank, scared WALT: Hank. Listen to me. You gotta tell've gotta tell them that we can work this out. Please. Please. HANK: *to Walt* What? You want me to beg? You're the smartest guy I ever met and you're too stupid to see...he made up his mind ten minutes ago. *to Jack* Do what you're gonna do- Jack raises his gun and shoots Hank in the head. There is a silence as Walt looks at Hank's body in shock. He falls to his knees and starts sobbing. Todd looks down at Walt, showing no emotion. He wipes his mouth JACK: Pretty specific directions. Most people tell me to be somewhere, they say west on the 40, this or that exit. Second gas station on the left, you know? Jack raises his hand which has coordinates written on it JACK: This here? This is a whole other story. *to Kenny* That fancy phone of yours, where does it say this is exactly? Kenny walks over and takes out a GPS device then points ahead. He walks forward as Jack grabs a shovel from Hank's SUV JACK: Look at this, they even brought a shovel! Todd looks down at Walt, still emotionless. Frankie and Lester return from their search for Jesse NEO-NAZI: Jack. No sign of Pinkman. Jack whistles to them to follow him as he follows Kenny. Kenny holds the GPS in his hands as it searches for the exact location of the coordinate Walt provided KENNY: Alright. It says this is it right here. JACK: Dig? Jack hands the shovel to Kenny and walks away to lean on a car. He takes out a cigarette and lights it as Kenny begins digging. Kenny hits the first barrel and looks over at Jack. He laughs and excitedly starts digging faster. Todd stares at Walt who is still motionless on the ground KENNY: What is that? A couple barrels? One of the Neo-Nazis laugh as they all join in to help open the barrel KENNY: Oh, Jesus. NEO-NAZI: Oh, hell yeah! KENNY: Jesus, would you look at that? Jack stares down at the money as the other Neo-Nazis yell and laugh in excitement JACK: *to Neo-Nazis* What are you waiting for? The Neo-Nazis look at Jack and pause. They start digging frantically for the rest of the barrels The clouds go by indicating that time has pa**ed. All seven barrels have been dug up and are in the back of the Neo-Nazis' truck. One of the Neo-Nazis drags Gomez's dead body across the sand and tosses it in the hole where the money once was. They do the same with Hank's body as Walt, still lying motionless on the ground, watches Jack and Todd talk off in the distance as Walt stares at the bottom of the Chrysler JACK: *to Neo-Nazis* Pull a barrel out the truck and load it into the Chrysler. NEO-NAZI: Seriously? KENNY: Jack. That's like ten or eleven million right there, you sure you wanna do that? JACK: *to Kenny* You gonna make me say it again? Go, go! Chop, chop! *to Todd* Jesus, what's with all the greed here? It's unattractive. Jack walks over to Walt, lying on the ground JACK: Hey. *snaps his fingers* Hey. I'm leavin' you a barrel. The boys are gonna load it for ya. You got the keys to these cuffs? Todd walks over and unlocks Walt's handcuffs. Walt stands up, still staring at the Chrysler. Todd walks away TODD: I'm sorry for your loss. JACK: *to Walt* My nephew here, he respects you. He would never forgive me if...things...went another way. Also, I'll be honest, you caught me in one hell of a good mood. So, here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna get in your car and you're gonna drive out of here. Alright? No hard feelings. Understand me? *lifts hand for handshake* We square? Walt is unresponsive and still staring at the Chrysler JACK: Hey, man, I gotta know we're square or I'm gonna have to go that other way. Walt looks down at Jack's hand and shakes it, then looks back at the Chrylser WALT: Pinkman. Pinkman. You still owe me. JACK: If you can find him, we'll k** him. WALT: Found him. Camera pans over to Pinkman, hiding under the Chrysler, breathing heavily. One of the Neo-Nazis grabs his leg and pulls him out from underneath the car JESSE: No! Get off me! Get off! No! The Neo-Nazi drags Jesse away from the car and onto his knees. Walt stares at Jesse as Jack co*ks his pistol and holds it to Jesse's head. Jesse looks up to see two hawks flying in the sky. Jack looks over at Walt WALT: Good to go? Walt nods affirmatively TODD: Hey, Uncle Jack. Todd walks over to Jack TODD: He was out here with those feds, right? Working with them. Shouldn't we maybe find out what he told them first? 'Cause, I mean, he had to have told them some stuff that might not be too good for us. And I bet we could get it out of him back home. I mean, I could do it. Me and him, we got...we got history. *to Walt* And then, you know, we'd take care of the job after that. JACK: Works for me *to Walt* Work for you? Walt nods affirmatively. Jesse looks at him and shakes his head in disbelief as a Neo-Nazi picks him up and brings him to the truck JESSE: No. No! No! No! WALT: Wait. Walt walks over to Jesse with a worried look on his face JESSE: Please. WALT: I watched Jane die. Jesse looks at Walt in disbelief as his face turns from worried to angry WALT: I was there...and I watched her die. I watched her overdose and choke to d**h. I could've saved her. But I didn't. Walt walks away as any remaining bit of hope drains from Jesse's eyes. The Neo-Nazi's truck pulls away with Hank's SUV in tow. Jesse, in the back seat of Jack's car, looks back as Walt as they drive away. Walt is left standing alone in the desert Walt opens his car door and gets inside. He closes the door, then looks up at the rearview mirror. He turns it away from his face and thinks about what he's done. He turns his car on and drives away The gas light starts blinking and Walt's car comes to a stop. Out of gas, Walt is confused and gets out to see what the issue is. He looks underneath the car and sees a leak. He then looks over at the gas tank and sees a bullet hole. He gets up and looks around, then looks at the barrel and opens the back door Walt rolls his barrel of money through the desert as music plays in the background An old Native American man looks through his window as Walt approaches. He steps out of his house and walks toward his barbed wire fence. Walt stops rolling his barrel and coughs WALT: *out of breath* Hi. NATIVE AMERICAN MAN: Hello. WALT: That truck belong to you? NATIVE AMERICAN MAN: It does. WALT: I'd like to buy it. NATIVE AMERICAN MAN: It's not for sale. Walt nods his head and walks toward the old man's fence, coughing. He reaches into his pocket and takes out a $10,000 stack of cash. Walt loads the barrel of money into the old man's truck Marie walks toward the A1 Car Wash owned by the White family. Skyler is on the phone SKYLER: Hey, Walt, it's me. Ummm. Just thought I'd try you again. We were just wondering when you thought you'd be back, so um, just give us a call...whenever you can. Bye. Marie walks into the car wash as Skyler hangs up her phone JUNIOR: Hey, Aunt Marie! MARIE: Hey, sweetie! They embrace for a loving hug JUNIOR: I haven't seen you for a while, what have you been up to? MARIE: Oh, ya know, this and that. Your mom and I need to talk, so, thought I'd stop by. SKYLER: Well I, uh, wish you'd called first. This...isn't the best time. MARIE: Well, Flynn looks like he can hold down the fort. Why don't we go into your office? Marie walks into Skyler's office. Skyler follows slowly as Junior looks at his mother JUNIOR: I got it. SKYLER: K, honey. Thanks. Skyler and Marie are sitting across from each other with Skyler's desk in between them. Marie is staring at Skyler while Skyler sits there uneasily SKYLER: Marie, I have nothing to say- MARIE: I do. So, you can just sit there and listen. I got a call from Hank. He arrested Walt three hours ago. It's over. Dead to rights, I believe is the expression. Hank and Steve Gomez are working with a former a**ociate of Walt's, Jesse Pinkman, whom I know you know. And Pinkman has supplied them with everything they need. Hank is booking Walt as we speak. And I, for one, could not be happier. I almost didn't come here. Christ, I barely even know who you are. And I sure as hell don't know if I can ever trust you again. And then I think about how you were so upset with Walt and how you wanted the kids out of the house and all of this makes me believe that there has got to be hope for you. That whatever he did to you can be undone. All I know, all I have been forcing myself to remember, is that you are my sister. And so, I'm here. Skyler, who has been looking down in disbelief the entire time looks at Marie and gasps SKYLER: ...Marie. MARIE: Everything changes now. And you have got to prepare yourself. Hank will help you as much as he can, I know he will, and I will support you through this. But I have conditions. I want you to give me every single copy of that obscenity that you two made to discredit Hank. That DVD. Every. Single. Copy. You understand me? Skyler nods MARIE: Answer me, do you understand me? SKYLER: Yes. MARIE: Good. Now dry your eyes and get Flynn in here because you are going to tell him everything, and I mean everything, Skyler. He deserves to know the truth from his family, not a bunch of uniformed strangers. SKYLER: No. No! No! No, he cannot know- MARIE: You tell him! Or I will. There is no way around this. He needs to know and he needs to know now. Jesse is lying on the bottom of a grated pit. Todd approaches as Jesse rolls over to reveal his f**ed up face. Todd pulls away a tarp and opens up a hatch in the grate. Jesse begins to crawl away as Todd lowers a ladder into the pit. Jesse's hands and feet are handcuffed. Todd enters the pit JESSE: Look, I gave you what you wanted! Come on, man, please. Hey, please. I told you where to find the tape. Okay, hey. Just, just go! Just go there, just go to his house and get it, you know? TODD: We're on it. JESSE: And get it! Look, no one else knows about it, just me and his partner. No one else knows! I swear! TODD: Okay. Jesse climbs out of the pit and looks around. Todd helps him out and brings him to a large factory. They walk in together, Jesse looks around, unsure of where they are. Todd closes the door behind them and turns on the lights to reveal a meth lab. Todd grabs a chain and hooks it onto a chain tied around Jesse's body. He locks the two together and removes Jesse's handcuffs. Jesse looks around and sees a picture in the distance. He slowly moves forward and sees that the picture is of Brock and Andrea. He starts crying as Todd approaches in the background with a yellow suit on TODD: Let's cook. Junior breathes heavily in shock JUNIOR: You're completely out of your mind. SKYLER: *with tears in her eyes* It's the truth. MARIE: It is, Flynn. JUNIOR: Then both of you are out of your minds. You're full of sh** is what you are, both of you. If-if this is true, then how could you keep this a secret. I-I mean. Why? Why would you go along? SKYLER: I'll be asking myself that for the rest of my life. JUNIOR: So, you're saying all this time you were lying about this? I-I mean, so you're saying you're a liar? You just admitted it! So were-were you lying then or are you lying now? Which lie is it? MARIE: Flynn, honey, your mother is telling you the truth right here, right now. Believe it. JUNIOR: You know what? This is bullsh**. This-this is bullsh**. SKYLER: Baby. JUNIOR: I want to talk to Dad. MARIE: Your dad's in custody, you won't be able to talk to him for a while. JUNIOR: Then I'm calling Uncle Hank. MARIE: I've tried, he's not answering. Probably because he is in the thick of it with your father. Honey. I know this is a lot to process, Flynn. But if you could just breathe, just try to breathe. And just try- JUNIOR: Really? Really? Try. To breathe. Flynn leaves the room as Skyler starts to cry MARIE: Go home. Just take the kids home, okay? Go home and regroup. I'll stop by later. Walt enters his bedroom frantically, holding two suitcases. He grabs clothes from his closet. He then grabs clothes from Skyler's and Holly's closets The seatbelt warning signal keeps beeping as Skyler drives Junior and Holly home. Junior is sitting in the pa**enger's seat, upset SKYLER: Flynn. Could you put your seatbelt on, please? Please, it's not safe. JUNIOR: You're sh**tin' me, right? If all this is true and you knew about it, then, then you're as bad as him. Skyler pulls up to the house. Walt's newly-purchased truck is in the driveway. Walt exits the house with suitcases, which he throws in the back of the truck JUNIOR: *exiting the car* Dad? WALT: Listen. I need you to come inside and pack right now. JUNIOR: Mom, Aunt Marie. They-they said that you were arrested? WALT: No, just- JUNIOR: They said that you're some kind of drug dealer? WALT: No, just...come inside, please, now. Come inside, come on. Go, go, go, go. Skyler gets Holly out of the car as Walt and Junior enter the house JUNIOR: Dad, stop! Just talk to me, please- WALT: Just go inside, our priority right now is to pack, alright? JUNIOR: Uncle Hank. They said he arrested you? WALT: I will discuss all of this later. Okay, just listen to me. JUNIOR: Just tell me what's- WALT: Just listen to me! I need you to go in your bedroom right now and grab anything that's important. You understand? Go, now, both of you. Go. Skyler calmly places Holly in her crib SKYLER: Walt. Why are you here? WALT: Skyler, please, will you just go get your things for you and the kids right now, this is your priority. SKYLER: Hank had you in custody. He wouldn't just let you go. Where is he? WALT: I- SKYLER: Where's Hank? WALT: I negotiated- SKYLER: Negotiated? WALT: Yes. SKYLER: What does that mean? WALT: It means. We're fine, okay? We are. We're fine. Everything is gonna be fine, but we need to leave right now. Alright? Can we do that? SKYLER: What happened? Where is Hank? JUNIOR: Why do we need to leave? WALT: I need both of you to trust me. Right now. Okay? Please, just work with me here and I promise I will explain everything later. Okay? SKYLER: Where is Hank? WALT: Skyler. I have eleven million dollars in cash right outside. We can have a fresh start. Whole new lives. All we have to do is go. We have to go right now. That's all we have to do. SKYLER: You k**ed him. You k**ed Hank. JUNIOR: What? WALT: No, no. No. SKYLER: You k**ed him. WALT: No. No. No! I tried to save him! JUNIOR: Uncle Hank is dead? I-Mom, it can't be true. It just can't be true. WALT: Stop. Please! Everything...everything is gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be fine, I promise you, but we have to leave right now. Walt walks toward his bedroom as Junior follows JUNIOR: Dad, what's going on? Talk to me! Just stop for one second. Skyler walks toward the kitchen WALT: Look, I told you to get your things. JUNIOR: Stop walking away! WALT: There is no time. JUNIOR: Tell me about Uncle Hank. WALT: No, just drop it! JUNIOR: What's wrong with you? Skyler grabs a knife from the kitchen JUNIOR: You have to tell me. Dad, wait. What happened to Uncle Hank? Wha- Skyler walks out of the kitchen and stops Junior and stands between him and Walt with the knife. Walt turns around to see Skyler staring at him with the knife in her hand SKYLER: Get out. WALT: Skyler, I promise you we will figure this out. SKYLER: Enough. JUNIOR: Mom, what are you doing? Walt puts the bags that he was carrying down and walks toward Skyler WALT: Skyler, put the knife down, please. I promise you, everything- SKYLER: Don't. Say. One more word. Get out of here. Now. WALT: Skyler... SKYLER: Get out! Skyler swings the knife at Walt, slicing his hand. Walt shouts in agony, looks at the damage his wife had done, then looks at her and grabs her arm. They fight while Junior screams at them to stop. Eventually they both end up on the floor with the knife in both of their hands up above their heads. Walt gains control of the fight and gets on top of Skyler with the knife in his hand. Junior runs toward him and jumps on his back. He grabs his neck and pulls him off of Skyler then backs away to protect his mother. Walt gets up with the knife in his hand WALT: What the hell is wrong with you?! We're a family! Holly is crying in the distance. Junior has his hand over Skyler to protect her. Skyler is behind Junior. Both have a scared look on their face as Walt stands there with the knife in his hand angrily. He looks down at Skyler and Junior realizing what he'd done WALT: *whispers* We're a family. Junior pulls out his cell phone to call the police WALT: What are you doing? What are you doing? JUNIOR: Yeah, I-I need the police. My dad, he-he pulled a knife on my mom. He attacked her. He's dangerous. Walt drops the knife and stares at his hand, in shock JUNIOR: I think he might've k**ed somebody. Yeah. He's still-he's still here. Yeah, he's still in the house. We're at 308 Negro Arroyo Lane. 308 Negro Arroyo Lane. You've gotta come quick, hurry. As Junior is on the phone, Walt grabs Holly and leaves the house JUNIOR: No, no! SKYLER: Oh my God. No. Walt. No! JUNIOR: Mom! Skyler runs outside, chasing Walt as he gets in his truck and backs out of the driveway, pushing Skyler's car out of the way. Holly begins to cry SKYLER: Walt! Walt! No, please no! No! No! No! Walt, no! Let her go! You can't take her! Don't go, please, you can't take her! No, don't go! Walt! Please! Don't! Walt! Please! Walt! No! Walt! No! Please! No! Walt! Please! Please stop! Walt! Walt drives off into the distance as Skyler chases him on foot. She stops and gets down on her knees in shock, crying Walt is changing Holly, hand wrapped in duct tape WALT: How about Dada? You say Dada? There, get rid of that stinky old diaper, huh? Don't be upset, where's your belly bu*ton? Where's your belly bu*ton? There, now don't you feel better? You're all nice and dry, huh? It feels good? Oh, I know you were so wet and so cranky, but now you feel better, don't you? Next order of business is to get you a brand new car seat. Won't that be nice, Holly? HOLLY: Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama. Walt rubs Holly's back POLICEMAN: Confirming the abduction. Amber alert. Holly White. Female. Eighteen months. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Last seen wearing a pink and white jacket with pink pants. Abductor is the father. MARIE: He was in handcuffs. He had him in handcuffs. POLICEMAN: Bald head, goatee. Gold, wire-frame gla**es. The phone rings POLICEMAN: You expecting a call? SKYLER (VOICEMAIL): Hi, you've reached the White family, please leave a message. WALT: Skyler, it's me. Pick up. I need you to pick up the phone. SKYLER: That's him. That's my husband. WALT: Skyler? POLICEMAN: Start a trace on the landline. 505-177-8987 WALT: I know you're there, so pick it up! Skyler, do you hear me? Answer the phone. SKYLER: Walt. Where's Holly? WALT: Are you alone? No police? Skyler looks over at the policeman SKYLER: No, no police. Where are you? Where's Holly? Walt! WALT: What the hell is wrong with you?! Why can't you do one thing I say? SKYLER: What? WALT: This is your fault. This is what comes of your disrespect! I told you, Skyler. I warned you for a solid year. You cross me, there will be consequences. What part of that didn't you understand? SKYLER: You took my child. WALT: Because you need to learn! SKYLER: You bring her back! WALT: Maybe now you'll listen. Maybe now you'll use your damn head! You know you never believed in me. You were never grateful for anything I did for this family. Oh no, Walt, Walt you have to stop. You have to stop this. It's immoral, it's illegal. Someone might get hurt. You're always whining and complaining about how I make my money, just dragging me down. While I do everything. And now, now you tell my son what I do? After I've told you and told you to keep your damn mouth shut! You stupid b**h! How dare you. SKYLER: I'm sorry. WALT: You. You have no right to discuss anything about what I do. Oh, what the hell do you know about it anyway? Nothing! I built this, me, me alone. Nobody else! SKYLER: You're right. You're right. WALT: You mark my words, Skyler. Toe the line or you will wind up just like Hank. SKYLER: Walt. Tell me what happened. Where is Hank? Please. We need to know. WALT: You're never gonna see Hank again. Marie begins to cry WALT: He crossed me. You think about that. Family or no. You let that sink in. SKYLER: Walt. I just want Holly back. Please, Walt. Just come home. WALT: I've still got things left to do. Walt hangs up the phone and snaps it in half. He takes out the battery and looks into his car where Holly is asleep. He opens the door as he's parked next to a fire station. Inside the fireman are playing chess and just standing around. The fire truck's lights start blinking and a fireman goes to investigate. He opens the fire truck door and finds Holly inside, crying Walt sits on the side of the road with his bags and the barrel of money as a van approaches. He gets up, loads the van up, and looks in the mirror as it drives away. A stray dog crosses the road END­