Universal Studios - Lone Survivor lyrics


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Universal Studios - Lone Survivor lyrics

FINAL LONE SURVIVOR Written by Peter Berg Based on the book by Marcus Luttrell "NEVER OUT OF THE FIGHT" -Navy SEAL Creed 1 EXT. BAGRAM AIR BASE, AFGHANISTAN 1 Through ma**ive sun flare, a BLACKHAWK Chopper coming in fast. Landing hard on Bagram Air Base. LUTTRELL (vo) It's something most of us have known all of our lives. What we all wanted. It's in our blood. A team of medical personal and Navy officers descend on the chopper. An a**ortment of high-ranking GENERALS and COMMANDING OFFICERS there to meet the chopper. Tight shots. A bloody hand dangles. A tear filled eyeball, sliced feet. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) (vo) There's a storm inside of us. I've heard many team guys speak of this. A burning. A river. A drive. 2 INT. OPERATING ROOM 2 Clothes cut. Blood soaked Dog Tags cut. “Luttrell” in UA boxer shorts, IVs and fresh blood bags. Multiple Gunshots. Chunk of an ear missing. Heartbeat monitor. Weak pulse. LUTTRELL (vo) An unrelenting desire to push yourself harder and further than anyone could think possible. Chunks of bullet and shrapnel filling metal bowl. Tears streaming down cheeks, a hand scrawled map on a left thigh, focused eyes of surgeons. Admirals' pace in the hallway. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) (vo) Pushing ourselves into those dark cold corners where the bad things live. Where the bad things fight. Heart monitor weak. Getting weaker. Compound fracture left shin. Bloody feet rinsed clean. Water flushing out bullet holes. Loose cracked tooth pulled out. Heart monitor getting weaker. Surgical pack working franticly to save Luttrell. Tight on HEART MONITOR: FLATLINE LUTTRELL CONT'D We wanted that fight at the highest volume. The loud fight. The loudest, coldest, hottest, most unpleasant of the unpleasant fights. Pushing in on the flatline. Alarm screaming. Tight on Luttrell's eyes starting to glaze over. Dying. BLACK. GRAPHIC: “FIVE DAYS EARLIER” 3 EXT. HIGH ABOVE NORTHERN AFGHANISTAN - HINDU KUSH 3 SUNSET. Rugged and punishing. Endless and infinite. Steep stone mountains. Bottomless valleys. Cold and dry. As we fly across this stunning land, from the bottom of the FRAME, ENTER: A SPECIAL FORCE AIR INSERT TEAM. FOUR HELICOPTERS. Two MH-47s transport. Two security Apaches. 3A IN THE CHOPPER: 3A TIGHT ON MARCUS LUTTRELL. Healthy and very clear eyed. 12 SEALs fully dressed for combat. Sitting side by side. Clearly ready for war. 3B INT. MH-47 INSERT CHOPPER 3B Seen from above. Cruising at 150 over the shoulder of a .50- cal TF-160 aviator door gunner. 4 INT. CHOPPER - SUNSET 4 Riding low and fast. Inside: Two Night Stalker Pilots, Two Airmen, and 12 SEALs. 5 EXT. HINDU KUSH - DUSK 5 The Choppers tearing across the Afghan mountains. 2. 6 INT. THE CHOPPER - DUSK Luttrell checks his map against his wrist strapped GPS. Whistles quietly to himself. LUTTRELL I don't see anything but steep. I could be wrong. Hope I'm wrong. If it's anything but steep I'm not seeing it. DIETZ Just put your feet where I put my feet. All day long. You're gonna love it. 6 SHANE PATTON plugged into an iPod. SLIPKNOT pounding into his head. He quietly sings along. Kristensen leans over to Axelson, the navigator, adjusts his upper right strap on his front pack. KRISTENSEN I'm real interested in the pitch. If it ain't f**ing glorious, come back, try another route. Don't waste your time trying to cross something that's gonna knock the sh** out of us. AXE Roger that. Kristensen moves over to MIKE MURPHY. KRISTENSEN She does not need a Arabic horse. MURPHY How do you know about that? KRISTENSEN I know everything Murphy. MURPHY Check. KRISTENSEN Morab Tennessee Walking Horse cross stallion. What? MURPHY 3. KRISTENSEN Original Silver. Lone Ranger's Horse. MURPHY Really? KRISTENSEN Tennessee cross stallion. That's a f**ing horse. MURPHY Yes sir. KRISTENSEN Lone Ranger's horse of choice. MURPHY Sounds excellent sir. KRISTENSEN Glorious horse Murphy. Tight on Luttrell starring into the plunging sun. 7 EXT. AFGHAN VILLAGE - DAY 7 INTERCUT AFGHAN VILLAGE. Intro Afghan warlord. AHMAD SHAH. 35 years old. Tall, strong. Fierce. He moves through an Afghan village with a small pack of equally fierce Taliban warriors. 3A.  LOCAL AFGHANS avoid eye contact. This Shah and crew feels like an old school western bad guy moving through a cow town. NOTHING like the SUICIDE BOMBERS of BAGDAD. These are real warriors. Strong-jawed. Thin but ripped muscles. Worn rich soulful faces, vivid eyes, color reds and blues. Strong boots. Military vests. Good radio equipment. Well-maintained weapons. Shah's number two is TARAQ. Late twenties. Shah is vicious, TARAQ, is more vicious. Strong and very, very violent. A very worthy opponent. RIGHT now they are clearly pissed. Shah leads the way, walks with purpose. They are looking for a man. Someone has violated TALIBAN LAW, accused of aiding the Americans. Shah moves into a house. Women and children terrified. Trembling. Women pleading. Where is he? SHAH SHAH Hagha Cherta Dey? The women scream. As Shah starts throwing teenage boys around the room. Slamming them viciously into walls. A 25-year-old man Gulab tries to reason with Shah. A YOUNG BOY watches. GULAB GULAB Please, we want no trouble. Mehrabani/lutfan, monga hes mushkil no ghowaro Taraq throws Gulab down hard. Turns, locks eyes with an older Afghan man(30s). Taraq moves quickly at him, kicking him in the face, his foot down hard on his throat. SHAH Have you spoken with the Americans? AFGHAN MAN Please! No! SHAH Aya taso Americayano sara khaberi keri dey? AFGHAN MAN Mehrabani/lutfan! Na! Gulab watches. Frustrated. Furious. You lie! Please! TARAQ AFGHAN MAN TARAQ Ta Dorogh wayee! AFGHAN MAN Mehrabani/lutfan! 4. He's pressing down hard. Choking the man. The man's family begs and screams. Shah studies the Afghan deep into his eyes. Decides he's lying...Shah nods to Taraq. Taraq yanks the Afghan to his feet. As his children watch Taraq leads the pleading farmer outside. Into the woods. Taraq and his men throw the Afghan down over a fallen log. Face up. Two of Taraq's men hold him by the beard as Taraq stands over him. Razor sharp machete up. Shah backlit. Ignoring the man's pleading...as Taraq hacks down with brutal fury. Tight on Shah, tight on Taraq, blood dripping from his hand. BLACK GRAPHIC: BAGRAM AIR BASE - 14 HOURS EARLIER CUT TO: 8 EXT. BAGRAM AIR BASE - DAWN 8 Sun just beginning to rise over the Base. Beautiful. Camera moves though the sleeping base. Guards man posts. Aircraft static on runways in Hangars'. Tent after tent soldiers' sleep. We come to a small base within a base. 10 foot rebar framed dirt walls. Barbed wire. Heavy Iron gate. A fortress within a fortress. Graphic. 8A SEAL TEAM 10 CAMP OUELLETTE, BAGRAM AIR BASE - SUNRISE 8A We move inside the SEAL compound. Several plywood buildings. Assorted trucks, Jeeps, heavy ATVs. 9 INT. SEAL BUNK ROOMS 9 Marcus Luttrell sleeps. Peaceful. Tight shots. Luttrell's room. A Texas flag. Family pictures. Mom, Dad, twin Brother Morgan. SEAL Trident. Wanted poster Osama bin Laden. Guns, knifes, grenades. 5. DANNY DIETZ sleeps. His walls covered with his art. Demons and Dragons and Serpents. Beautiful and haunting. Pictures of his wife, Patsy. His dogs. His parents. Matt Axelson sleeps. Curly red hair. Pictures of his family. American flag. Freddie Couples walking the bridge at St. Andrews. Map of Afghanistan. MIKE MURPHY Rooms a mess. Clothes and gear everywhere. Grenades on a desk next to a copy of GATES OF FIRE. New York Rangers flag next to a SEAL Flag, 8 x 10 head shot of Ron Burgundy. Tight on Murphy. His eyes slowly open. Hold a moment. Murphy checks watch. 0500. Slow and smooth Murphy rises. Body strong. Not ripped. Effortless power. Murphy goes to his computer. Opens it and checks his mail. Tight on Murphy's inbox. A picture of an Arabian Horse. Murphy studies the picture. 9A MOVING DOWN HALLWAY 9A Murphy now in shorts and a Navy T-shirt. Holding his laptop, eating a banana. Stops by Luttrell's door. Opens it. Luttrell sleeps, Murphy sits on his bed. Nudges Luttrell. Luttrell opens an eye. He's staring at the computer pic of an Arabian horse. MURPHY Is this doable? LUTTRELL Expensive. MURPHY How much? LUTTRELL Arabic. She's got good taste. MURPHY How much? LUTTRELL I'll find out. Expensive. Murphy is up. Heads out the door. Moves into the hallway. Opens Dietz's door. 6. MURPHY (quiet) Danny. Dietz. Eyes closed. DIETZ I'm up. 10 INT. GYM - CAMP OUELLETTE 10 Dark, then lights on, revealing a decent cross fit style gym. Blackboard filled with the current workout leaders. Dietz and Murphy hold most of them. The two men start to stretch in silence. Luttrell wanders in. A giant bowl of cereal. LUTTRELL Since when does she want an Arabic horse? MURPHY Since I got an email this morning. Probably saw it on Oprah. LUTTRELL Oprah rides Arabic horses? MURPHY I don't know what Oprah does. LUTTRELL She can afford them. MURPHY Why? How much do they cost? LUTTRELL I don't know. Oprah money. f**. MURPHY LUTTRELL I thought you guys were doing this tomorrow. Murphy and Dietz strap on Body Armor. 7. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) Maybe I'm starting to become tele f**ing pathic - non-verbal yoda or something. I could swear I just said outloud, that I thought this was happening tomorrow. Murphy stretching. MURPHY I think Red Wings a go. Tonight. LUTTRELL Outstanding. SHANE PATTON wanders in. SHANE PATTON You're doing it now? The three men ignore Shane. SHANE PATTON (CONT'D) (to Luttrell) They're going at it now? LUTTRELL Looks that way. 11 INT. MATT AXELSON'S BUNK - MORNING 11 Axe sleeps. His computer alarm goes off. Incoming voice chat. Slowly Axe reaches down for the computer on his floor. Axe opens the computer. Signs in. Incoming from his wife Cindy. “Are you up?” Axe types. “Yes my love.” Cindy. “What you doing?” Axe stares at a picture of he and Cindy. Oh. (beat) 8. “Looking at you.” CINDY How do I look? AXE Like Heaven. 12 INT. WEIGHT ROOM - MORNING 12 Dietz and Murphy both warmed up clearly ready for some kind of competition. Luttrell sits on a weight bench. Takes off his watch. Dietz and Murphy under pull up bars. HEALY enters. HEALY Thought you guys were doing this tomorrow... MURPHY Ready? Yup. DIETZ LUTTRELL Mark. Set. Go. Luttrell hits the stop watch. Murphy and Dietz leap to bars, 75 Pull-ups as fast as possible. Brief pauses to recover. 100 push ups. Dietz slightly ahead of Murphy. Sprints out of the gym. Murphy close behind. The two men charge up and over the gate. Body Armor on. 13 EXT. BAGRAM - MONTAGE - MORNING 13 Murphy and Dietz running hard racing each other on a two mile lap of the Air Base. Luttrell keeps time. Shane starts bench pressing. Luttrell eats cereal. 13A AXE in bunk room. On the computer with Cindy. 13A 9. “I won't be able to talk for a couple of days.” “Gotta go to work?” 9A. “Got to pay the bills.” Murphy and Dietz sprinting. Dead even. Past Marines. Down a runway full of active aircraft and helicopters. 14 INT. WEIGHT ROOM - DAY 14 Shane benching big. Luttrell munches cereal. Healy doing pushups. SHANE PATTON Am I going? HEALY No idea LUTTRELL I don't know. You know. SHANE PATTON LUTTRELL If I say I don't know. I don't know. You know. SHANE PATTON LUTTRELL If you go you'll go. If you don't go, trust me you will go. Eventually. Comprende? SHANE PATTON So, I'm not going? LUTTRELL I didn't say that. SHANE PATTON You said if you don't go, you will eventually go. LUTTRELL Yea, that's not saying your not going. SHANE PATTON I'm not going. Shane back to bench pressing. Luttrell checks his watch, heads out towards the gate. 10. 14A INT / EXT WEIGHT ROOM - DAY 14A Other SEALs starting to gather. JAMES SUH, DAN HEALY, MIKE MCGREEVY, JAQUES FONTAN, JEFF LUCAS and JEFF TAYLOR 10A. Dietz and Murphy balls out sprinting. Murphy has him by a few feet coming back to Ouellette iron wall. Murphy throws open the gate, runs inside. Dietz a second behind. Luttrell looks at his watch. LUTTRELL Murphy by 1.1. Exhausted Dietz and Murphy sit in the dirt. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) Head shave? DIETZ f**. Axe walks up, shorts and flip flops. AXE Who won? LUTTRELL Murphy. Barely. AXE Head shave? Dietz looks pained. MURPHY Man...I got to think this one out. If I shave his head, I'm going to have to look at him. Really look at him. Ears, face, funny shaped head...I don't know. Marcus? What do you think? LUTTRELL I don't know boss...I don't want to be looking at him that close either, but he has been running his mouth about beating you...a lot. Head shave is fair. Axe? MURPHY 11. AXE Hell yea, I say shave him, and he can't eat with us, make him eat with E3 Marines until it grows back. Shave the boy. MURPHY Shane? SHANE PATTON Well, I could go both ways on this. He did lose but, he was close and you're Mike Murphy and I would have expected a much bigger separation. Plus, we're at war and there's the whole Samson thing, so I'm not sure. I'll plead the fifth on this one. Murphy looks stares at Shane. SHANE PATTON (CONT'D) But you're the boss, boss. So I'm with you. I'll shave his head, wax his balls if you give me the order. Sir, I'll wax my own balls if you take me on Red Wings. Murphy shakes his head at Patton, looks over to Dietz. DANNY Come on Mike. MURPHY Yea Danny this is probably not gonna go your way. Shane, get my razor. SHANE PATTON Getting razor, copy that. Erik Kristensen, officer in charge, from the deck of the Command Room. Shane stops. Turns around. KRISTENSEN Not today. The SEALs stare up at their boss. KRISTENSEN (CONT'D) Red Wing's a go. Today. 1800. 12. SHANE PATTON Am I going? KRISTENSEN (ignoring Shane) PLO in one hour. Sir? SHANE PATTON Kristensen dead eyes Patton. Turns and heads back into TOC. Healy follows AXE Shane's going? MURPHY I don't think so. They all walk inside. SHANE Maybe. 15 INT. RED WINGS PLO (PATROL LEADER'S ORDER) 15 Thirty SEALs plus support packed into the TOC (Tactical Operational Command). Makeshift control center. PowerPoint on flat screen. Operation REDWING is dissected. MURPHY Operation Red Wings. The target is Ahmad Shah and his, we are estimating ten men, “loyal amigos”. Including, this dude, Slide shifts to a color photo of “Taraq”. MURPHY (CONT'D) Only have a first name, Taraq. Seems to do most of the chief sh** for Shah. SEALs study photos. MURPHY (CONT'D) We're going in with a four man team. The recon team is Dietz, Comms. Axe, Nav. Luttrell, Medic. HEALY Objective of this mission is to positively identify Ahmad Shah. Shane's head in his hands, pissed he is not going...a grainy photo of Ahmad Shah on a large color monitor. PowerPoint. 13. KRISTENSEN This is the best picture we have of him. It's current. (MORE) 13A. KRISTENSEN (CONT'D) We know Shah k**ed fourteen Marines last Tuesday in Kandahar. We just pulled this video off three different Tali web sights. It will in fact be a glorious day when Ahmad Shah and his good friend Taraq are no longer members of our human community. Clear video of Shah executing a Taliban woman. Two men hold her down. Shah fires an AK-47. The bullet kicking up dust as it blasts through her skull into the dirt. The SEALs study this footage. Dead serious. AXE Go back...freeze. Axe studies an image of Shah. AXE (CONT'D) No earlobes. MURPHY What's that? AXE The guys got no earlobes. Silence as the team studies the image. SHANE earlobes for anyway? DIETZ and balance. SHANE DIETZ I heard earlobes are key for head balance - equilibrium. Cut a guys ear off, he's gonna s** on a drunk test, balance beam, tight rope... LUTTRELL False. Earlobes have no biological functions for humans. Fish can use earlobes like a valve to open or close the ear can*l. What are Piercing Balance. 14. SHANE Why would a fish want to let water into his ear can*l? Luttrell shoots him a look - “shut the f** up” 14A. Murphy keeps things moving. MURPHY Bad guy. Senior Taliban commander responsible for k**ing Marines in Eastern Afghanistan and sport k**ing civilians in the Hindu- Kush. Considered Tier One target rumored to be close to Bin Laden. Axe is going to go over our route in. AXE The helo pilots are going to do two false inserts. Then drop us off at our primary insert, located here. Secondary insert located here. From our primary insert, our bearing will be zero three zero patrolling 1.5 kilometers to our designated lay up point. We will be moving up the backside of this mountain which will offer us good concealment from the target but the terrain is gonna be rocky so watch your footing. I'm estimating it's gonna take us about two hours to complete. MURPHY Luttrell - medical LUTTRELL First things first, win the fight. There's no medicine in a gunfight. It's self aid, buddy aid, corpsman aide. Two weeks ago, Team 3 was near where you guys will be. Capelli got bit by a rattlesnake. and contrary to popular belief, there is poison oak, so watch the co*k and balls cause that will s**. Drink lots of water, wear sunscreen, and Dietz bring your own chapstick. Dietz stands up, starts talking comms DIETZ Crypto will be wide band, segment 2- 4. Murph's got a SAT phone. Region is very steep so expect typical comms problems. We'll be on two hour comms windows. (MORE) 15. DIETZ (CONT'D) If we miss two windows I'd say wake somebody up. Other than that, don't sweat it. Murphy picks up a plastic AC-130 and holds it over the map. MURPHY AC-130 is with us? 15A. Dietz takes the plane from Murphy. Moves it over the map. DIETZ Correct. Just for the infil. All comms will be relayed through the AC-130, call sign Apollo. Suns up, she's out. Some of the key pro- words - when we have a successful insert, Budweiser. When we're halfway through infil, it'll be Corona. At our observation point, Schlitz Malt Liquor. And if we positively identify Shah: touchdown. Danny chucks the toy plane. MURPHY Reaction Force is the following: The 47's will relocate to J-Bad overnight. Murphy uses toy plastic helicopters to explain the size and location of the QRF. KRISTENSEN That's correct. You'll have fifteen team guys, and about a dozen Marines standing by all night. When we hear Schlitz Malt Liquor, we're heading back to Bagram for phase 2. QRF will stay here - we're leaving you with 4 team guys, 20 marines, 2 Blackhawks and 2 Apaches. The Apaches stay with the Blackhawks. The toy Choppers circle on the map giving us a clear understanding of the playing field. KRISTENSEN (CONT'D) The movement is so we can get the 47's back here and be ready to bring it for phase two once you get eyes on Shah. Remember - comms will most likely be intermittent and there are reports that non- combatants are being used as recon elements for the enemy. MURPHY Roger that. Luttrell spits chew. Danny doodles furious, mashing demons. Axe quietly studies the picture of Ahmad Shah. 16. JAG GOES OVER RULES OF ENGAGEMENT AXE Lotta moving parts. MURPHY What we do, when we do, what we do. KRISTENSEN We go in four hours. I'm pulling up tomorrow's new guy presentation to 1800 tonight so that all may revel and partake. SHANE PATTON Are you serious? KRISTENSEN Yes. Glorious evening gentlemen. 15A OMIT 15A 15B OMIT 15B 16 EXT. BAGRAM 16 The four bearded. contrast Marines. SEALs moving through the ma**ive base. Long hair, Surfers with handguns stuck in waistbands. Sharp to the hundreds of uniformed buzz-cutted Rangers and They move at us, holding trays loaded with food. 17 EXT. OULLETTE SEAL COMPOUND - CAMO CANOPY 17 LAST SUPPER. Murphy, Luttrell, Axe and Dietz. Eating. Having a fly catch and k** competition. DIETZ looks stressed. He's got a paint tile sample page on the table in front of him. Studying paint samples. DIETZ We were gonna wait but she's all into it and when she gets her head into something, that's it. There's no stopping her. 17. MURPHY So just let her do it. It's good for her. You got a handy man woman. That's good. 17A. MURPHY k**s a fly. Places the dead fly by his coffee cup next to three other dead flies. DIETZ I don't know. MURPHY Don't know what? DIETZ I don't know. What? MURPHY AXE He's worried that he's losing control over his castle. MURPHY Really. AXE Ask him. MURPHY Are you worried that you're losing control over your castle? DIETZ Shut up Murph. MURPHY Are you? LUTTRELL He's having control issues cause he's the one whose always made the “taste” issues in the family. DIETZ She's got great taste. I trust her. MURPHY So what's the problem? DIETZ It's not a problem. It's just very ongoing. Know what I mean? Luttrell k**s a fly. He's got six dead ones. He and Murphy are competing. 18. MURPHY Not really. No. Marcus, you know what he means? LUTTRELL Control issues. MURPHY Is that right? DIETZ LUTTRELL DIETZ No. Yes. It's not control issues. MURPHY What is it? DIETZ New gra** leads to new bushes by the window, leads to new windows, leads to new curtains, leads to new sofa, leads to new rug, leads to new floor... MURPHY Got it. LUTTRELL Loss of control. Got to let that go bro. DIETZ It's like this weird journey that she's on. Moving through the house one room to the next. AXE Where is she now? DIETZ Kitchen. I think. Murphy and Luttrell both k** flies at the same time. Marines with Buzz cuts in crisp uniform eating all around the SEALs. Stark contrast. 19. CUT TO: 18 INT. SEAL TV ROOM 18 Tight on Shane Patton. Doing his best Napoleon Dynamite dance. He is not good. SEALs in lounge chairs. They watch, laugh and taunt. Music loud. Shane powers through. Finishes strong. Whistles and clapping from the SEALs. AXE stands up. Puts an arm around Patton. HEALY God was that awful AXE Ok, here's the deal. That s**ed, but I'm voting that we move him forward cause I can't watch this sh** without puking anymore so I say lest be done with it. All in favor? Luttrell and all SEALs put their hands up, except Murphy. AXE (CONT'D) Come on Mikey. MURPHY Can he say it? Other SEALs agree. Shouting out. Debating whether Shane can “say it”. Making bets. AXE knows what Murphy is thinking. Pauses. Looks at Shane. AXE (quiet to Shane) Can you say it? SHANE PATTON I think so. AXE Think so? SHANE PATTON I can say it. 20. AXE Ok. Shut up. Shut the f** up. He can say it. Shut up. The room silences. Patton, nervous, takes a deep breath. SHANE PATTON (weak, then strong) I've been around the world twice, talked to everyone once. I've seen two whales f**, been to three world fairs, and I even know a man in Thailand with a wooden co*k. I've pushed more peter, more sweeter, and more completer than any other peter-pusher around. Tight on the SEALs smiling, some mouthing the words along with Shane. SHANE PATTON (CONT'D) I am a hard-bodied, hairy-chested, rootin, tootin, shootin, parachutin, demolition double cap crimping Frogman. 19 INT. CAMP OUELLETTE SEAL COMPOUND - READY ROOM 19 The entire SEAL TEAM jocks up. Gets ready. SHANE PATTON (vo) There ain't nothing I can't do. No sky too high, no sea too rough, no Muff too tough. I've learned a lot of lessons in my life. Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet. FLASH BURST IMAGES of all relevant equip, men being prepped. M4s, night vision goggles, hand guns, knives, scopes checked. Under Armor, PowerBars, water bottles, grenades, extra ammo, radio's prepped, extra batteries, Laptops. SHANE PATTON (CONT'D) (vo) I drive all kinds of trucks. 2x's, 4x's, 6x's even those big mother f**ers that bend and go TSsh*tT TSsh*tT when you step on the brakes. (MORE) 21. SHANE PATTON (CONT'D) Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards. DIETZ checking his radio equipment. AXE going over his infil map. LUTTRELL double checking all medical supplies. SHANE PATTON (CONT'D) (vo) I'm a lover, I'm a fighter, I'm a UDT/SEAL Diver. I'll wine, dine, intertwine and then sneak out the back door when the refueling is done. MURPHY watching all of it. SHANE PATTON (CONT'D) If your feeling froggy than you better jump because this Frogman has been there, done that and is going back for more. 20 EXT. CHOPPER PAD BAGRAM 20 Sun setting over the Afghan desert. Thirty SEALs laying on the deck on their gear. Chilling out waiting for the 47's. The guys laying around. Danny studies a piece of paper with color tile samples printed on it. MURPHY Seems to me like you've got to straighten this sh** out. DANNY There's nothing to straighten out. AXE If there's nothing to straighten, why are you fighting? DANNY We're not fighting? AXE Well, what is it that you're doing? DANNY We're more like disagreeing. 22. AXE Disagreeing or arguing? DANNY Probably more like mildly arguing. Just because you're Mr. Perfect marriage, don't be judging us mortal marriages who occasionally have mild disagreements, sometimes even loving arguments. MURPHY It's a f**ing stupid loving argument. DANNY It's not an argument. LUTTRELL It is an argument. Sounded like a couple of bighorn rams smashing skulls. DANNY What the f** is everyone listening to my sh** for? LUTTRELL Bro, you're loud. DANNY You're louder than I am. LUTTRELL Just pick some tile and move the f** on. DANNY I picked the tile. She doesn't like it. LUTTRELL What does she f**ing like? DANNY (reading from paper) “Rose Honey Dew” LUTTRELL Say what bro? DANNY She likes rose honey dew...something. 23. LUTTRELL Are you f**ing kidding me? DANNY That's what she likes. LUTTRELL You gotta control that situation. AXE Rose tiles in the kitchen? DANNY Can we talk about something else? AXE Yea let's talk about what she's gonna tile your bathroom in. DANNY I don't wanna talk about that. MURPHY (Ron Burgandy impersonation) Danny? I'm gonna put it out there, if you like it, you can take it, if you don't, send it right back. Dietz stares at Murphy. MURPHY (CONT'D) I wanna be on you. LUTTRELL I wanna be on you. MURPHY (pointing at Dietz) On you. Dietz smiles. Axe huge smile. Chopper engines grow louder. 47's back lit, coming in. HEALY Let's pack it up The SEALs start gearing up. Tight on guys, stoic. Choppers land. SEALs muster up and start boarding. 24.  21 INT. CHOPPER 21 Back to close up of Luttrell, back to real time. 24A. 21A SERIES OF AIR TO AIR SHOTS: 21A The choppers flying north into the setting sun, into the Hindu Kush. Chopper pilot POV, pushing deep into the mountains. 22 EXT. CHOPPER DROP SITE - NIGHT 22 Now approaching a steep hill top. CREW CHIEF (on radio) Good. Hold front, hold left, hold right, hold rear. The chopper is dangerously close to tree tops. Tucked into a tiny opening. 23 INT. CHOPPER 23 Tight on The team co*kpit. LUTTRELL. DIETZ. MURPHY. AXE ready to move, up and at the door, when... from the PILOT (on radio) Ropes. Ropes. Ropes. Fast rope dropped. Chopper jet engines screaming, the four Opp SEALs up. The remaining twenty will be relocated and stand by as QRF. Axe up and out first, then Danny, Murphy, out into the black night. Luttrell last one, hand on the rope, fist pounds Shane. LUTTRELL Next one Shane. SHANE PATTON Have fun you lucky ba*tard. 24 EXT. DROP SIGHT 24 As the four SEALs drop fast, land smooth. Luttrell last. The Chopper pulls up fast and is gone in seconds leaving the four SEALs alone in the dead quiet, pitch black. NIGHT goggles lowered. The four quickly spread and drop into a STOP. LOOK. LISTEN. 25. SILENT. 25A. SEALs breathing. NIGHT VISION GOGGLES ON: Silent. Wind and the faint howling of wolves. Dietz quietly keys his mic. DIETZ Apollo 22, Spartan 01. 25 EXT. AC-130 - NIGHT SKY 25 The AC-130 banking 15,000 ft above the team. APOLLO RADIO MAN Spartan 01 Apollo 22, good comms. Were with you for six hours. Have a nice walk. DIETZ Apollo 22 Spartan 01 copy. 26 EXT. HINDU KUSH 26 NIGHT VISION GREENS Tight on Murphy following Danny. Agile, despite the extra 70 pounds of comm weight back-strapped. Luttrell - Foot down on loose granite. Pitch brutal. Left foot buckles. Slate shears. Falls. Slides. Flips. Lands on feet. He's back on his feet. Axe pauses. Looks back smiling. AXE (on radio) Having fun Marcus? MURPHY (on radio) You picked this route to torture us didn't you? AXE (on radio) Negative. I picked it to torture Luttrell. AXE (CONT'D) 26. Luttrell, too big for this pitch. Slips again. LUTTRELL I'm gonna k** you. A series of shots tracking the SEAL's rough hike to their lookout. Axe leads navigating with his GPS. At each of the four waypoints, Danny radios pro words: Budweiser, Corona, Heineken. 26A INTERCUT WITH J-BAD TOC 26A Kristensen, Patton, Musselman and the QRF tracking the teams' movement across the mountain range. SEALs reach lookout destination late, the sun is up. Sunrise. 27 EXT: WAY POINT 4 - MOUNTAIN TOP 2,000 FT. ABOVE AFGAN 27 VILLAGE. The team finally makes it to their planned observation spot. Murphy is the first to have binoculars up and is looking down hill, way down hill at the Afghan village. 2,000 ft., very steep, cliff like. Below them. DANNY'S POV: 100 stone and wood homes, well-constructed. Looks almost charming. A couple of dozen Afghan villagers in different parts of the village, kids playing, women cooking, two men working on a roof. Looks quite peaceful. Left: trying to see the rest of the village. Can't get a good view, a mountain is blocking his view. Danny has the radio out and is calling in the arrival pro- word. DANNY (on radio) Beastmaster, this is Spartan 01, radio check. 28 INT. J-BAD TOC 28 In the TOC, SGT HASSLERT takes the call from Dietz. Heavy static. Weak signal. 27. HASSLERT Spartan 01, this is Beastmaster. I have you weak but readable DANNY Beastmaster, this is Spartan 01. I pa** Schlitz Malt liquor. How copy? Really weak signal. HASSLERT Spartan 01 this is Beastmaster. Say again your last - you are weak and unreadable. DANNY Beastmaster, this is Spartan 01. I pa** Schlitz Malt Liquor, how copy. HASSLERT Spartan 01, this is Beastmaster. Good copy. Ha**lert looks to Kristensen. HASSLERT (CONT'D) Sketchy comms, sir. Spartan 01 has arrived. Erik Kristensen sitting. Nods. Gets up. Checks the wall clock: 6:45 AM Ok. KRISTENSEN He stretches, cracks his back, looks to a couple of SEALs manning the TOC. KRISTENSEN (CONT'D) Later fellas. Night, night. 28A Track out the door with Kristensen, as he, Shane, and Heal2y8A step out of the TOC into the bright Afghan sunshine. KRISTENSEN (CONT'D) Glorious day. Kristensen and all but four SEALs head to the waiting 47's, start boarding. Kristensen looks to Musslemen, a SEAL who is staying with the QRF. 28. KRISTENSEN (CONT'D) All yours brother. MUSSLEMEN Roger that Skipper. Kristensen boards his 47 and the two choppers lift off heading back to Bagram. Two Blackhawks and two Apaches standing by on the tarmac. 29 EXT. HINDU KUSH - SCHLITZ MALT LIQUOR WAYPOINT 29 Axelson and Luttrell together, spotting scopes out, they study the village. LUTTRELL Can't see half the village. MURPHY Yea. They study the surrounding area. MURPHY (CONT'D) Let's move down towards that peak, see if that's not better. LUTTRELL Sounds good. Luttrell looks back at Axe and Dietz. He soft whistles and rolls his index finger, points down towards the peak below them. Axe and Danny immediately get it. They start moving out. 30 INT. J-BAD TOC 30 PETE MUSSLEMEN, one of the four SEALs left as part of the QRF in J-Bad, walks into the TOC. Looks to Ha**lert. MUSSLEMEN Are we good? HASSLERT Yes sir. They arrived about half hour ago. Should be digging in nice and tight right about now. Musslemen checks the clock on the J-Bad TOC. 29. Tight on clock. 7:15 AM 31 EXT. HINDU KUSH 31 Moving, far from tucked in, over Murphy's back as he moves up towards his new spot. Murphy, low crawling, gets close to the ledge. The four SEALs crawling out to the new lookout spot. Murphy's got his binoculars out. NEW POV: A perfect, clear, unobstructed view of the entire Afghan village. MURPHY We're good. Danny, on radio, trying to call in that they've relocated. Can't get through. DANNY (to Murphy) No joy. MURPHY Keep trying. As the team sets up, Dietz is looking up at the small mountain behind him that seems to be k**ing his radio. Series of shots: Murphy and Luttrell scopes up, start counting Taliban. At forty, Luttrell looks to Murphy. LUTTRELL That's more than 10. Yes. MURPHY Murphy is focused on a group of four men off to the side of the village playing a game with stones. Seeing who can throw the farthest. DOWN IN VILLAGE 30. Shah and Taraq with three soldiers playing stone throwing game. Laughing. Shah throws his stone. The men argue over who threw further. HIDE Murphy locks his sight on Shah. Studying him. MURPHY (CONT'D) Marcus. Murphy hands the scope to Luttrell. MURPHY (CONT'D) Four guys on the right. Tall guy. Red scarf. No earlobes. Luttrell's scope now trained on Shah. Luttrell and Murphy both checking wrist bands. Photo of Shah. Clear match. Bingo. LUTTRELL MURPHY Do you have a shot? LUTTRELL Jesus Mickey, with this little 556? I'd need to stalk at least a 1000 yards closer. MURPHY Gotta call it in. Murphy turns to Dietz MURPHY (CONT'D) Can you make the f**ing radio work? Dietz tries to call it in - no luck. Luttrell following Shah's face with scope. Finger on trigger. VILLAGE Shah arguing with his soldiers over who threw further. Proclaims himself winner. Moves out of village into woods. HIDE Luttrell's POV: 30A. Shah disappears from sight. Murphy gets Axe's attention. MURPHY (CONT'D) Axe, stay put. Keep eyes on, we're gonna move back. Murphy, Luttrell and Dietz get up; moves away from the ridge line, start building their hides. 31A ABOVE THE RIDGELINE -- 31A Marcus and Murphy talk as they work. 30B. LUTTRELL If we're home by the 15th, me and Morgan are gonna cut down all the trees behind the stable. MURPHY How does that help me? LUTTRELL Brahms horse auction is, I think the 27th. MURPHY Is he selling Arabic horses? Kristensen says I should get her whatever Silver was. Silver? LUTTRELL MURPHY Hi-Ho Silver. Lone Ranger's horse. LUTTRELL Yea that's a bada** horse. MURPHY She doesn't want a bada** horse. She wants an Arabic horse. LUTTRELL Dude, how's she going to know the difference. Get her a Quarter Horse, tell her it's an Arabic. If she busts you, tell her if it's good enough for the Lone Ranger... MURPHY How much for an Arabic? LUTTRELL Probably around 15 grand. MURPHY f**. Hell of a wedding present. LUTTRELL MURPHY LUTTRELL Yea. Is the redhead a bridesmaid? 31. MURPHY Melissa? LUTTRELL The redhead? MURPHY Melissa? LUTTRELL The redhead from the Coldplay concert? MURPHY That's Melissa. LUTTRELL Is she coming? 31A. MURPHY She's a f**ing bridesmaid. LUTTRELL I love her. MURPHY Get me a deal on the horse. I'll get that done. LUTTRELL That works. - Powerful scopes and cameras. - Luttrell and Axe draw detailed maps, diagrams, blueprints of every structure in the village. Luttrell photos Arab men with weapons moving through the town. CLEARLY A TALIBAN PRESENCE. - Dietz photographs windows, doors, detailed notes on hinges, wall thickness, structure, etc.. - Murphy taking the drawings, photoshopping them on a Toughbook computer. Dietz eats a PowerBar. Axe watches him. AXE Shouldn't eat that sh**. Why? DIETZ AXE Toxic. DIETZ You eat em... AXE Never. DIETZ I've seen you eat PowerBars. AXE Never. I don't eat sh** bars. DIETZ sh** bars? 32. AXE Why you eating a sh** bar? Dietz pauses. Pulls his eyes off his scope. DIETZ I'm eating it because I'm hungry. AXE Eat an apple. DIETZ I know what I'm eating. AXE Negative. Axe reading the list of ingredients commenting on each one. DIETZ I know exactly what I'm eating. 33. 31B LATER. 31B - Dietz sleeps. - Murphy eats an apple. - Axe up top on security. - Luttrell throws berries at a sleeping Dietz. - Axe studies the village. 34. POV AXE: Ahmad Shah moving through village. Taraq and two men with him, all armed. MURPHY Danny your on, everybody else shut her down. - Luttrell, Axe, and Murphy settle in to sleep. 34A. - Dietz, gla**es up, studies the village. 32 EXT. HINDU KUSH - MORNING 32 Sun getting higher. Low fog. Murphy, Axe, Luttrell sleep. Danny on watch. Wedged into a tree stump. ON DANNY. Tired but awake. Alert. Quietly singing to himself. TIGHT ON DANNY. His eyes a micro shift of focus. He stills himself ever so slightly. DANNY's POV He's looking down hill. Wide gentle slope of the mountain leading to a sharper drop. The fire lights up the village far below. Nothing moves. BACK to Danny. Eyes more focused. He slowly reaches down and k**s the iPod. Silence. Danny studies the hill with increasing focus. POV. Nothing moves. The three SEALs sleep. Tight on Luttrell. Sleeping. THEN a very faint sound from down hill. Silence. Then another. Luttrell slowly opens his eyes. Listening. Another sound, a soft bell. Marcus shifts, looks down hill. Marcus's POV Looking down hill. Nothing moving. The sounds becoming more present. Bells. Tight on Luttrell. Looking. FADE OUT: 35. BACK TO HIS POV The empty hill. More Bells. Then cresting the hill. First just the tips of the ears. Then the forehead, nose, face.... A large male goat. Bell ringing gently from his neck. TIGHT ON MARCUS Studying the goat. As another goat appears. Then another...then another...then twenty... A herd of goats moving up the hill right at them. Marcus is wide awake, eyes scanning the hill scanning the goats when... A human head crests the hill. A young Afghan BOY, ten years old. Luttrell reaches for his Mark 12, looks over to Axe still sleeping. Then to Murph still sleeping. Then back to Danny. Danny's already on scope. Gun aimed at the approaching kid when... Two more Afghan MEN crest the hill - an old man and a teenager. The hill is full of goats. More than a hundred with the three Afghans moving straight at the SEALs. The goat bells and baying of the animals creating serious noise. Murph and Axe both waking up. Weapons coming up as they silently take in this bizarre situation. Back to Marcus as the first goat pa**es by. Then another. Tight on lead Afghan boy...THE GOAT BOY. He's heading dangerously close to Luttrell's hide singing quietly to himself. Tight on Luttrell. Gun up and trained on the goat boy as he gets closer...closer...and then in a one in a million...this f**ing goat boy takes one more step and comes down square on Luttrell's head. 36. Luttrell moves, the kid screams, Luttrell's up, gun up...screaming. LUTTRELL Get the f** down. Axe, Danny, and Murphy. Guns up moving in fast on the terrified goat men... DANNY Down Down Down. The kid screams and starts running downhill towards the village. AXE sprints on him fast, takes the kid down, hand over mouth. Kid bites and struggles wild. Goats running in fear as the three Afghans are roughly thrown down. Searched, a military style Motorola walkie talkie taken from the old man, flex-cuffed and gagged... When it's done the four SEALs stand over them. Murphy looking at Luttrell. f**. MURPHY Murphy looks to Dietz. MURPHY (CONT'D) (re: radio) Can you get a call out or what? Dietz reaches for his radio. 33 INT. J-BAD TOC 33 In the radio room. Musselman and Comms guys by their radios. SILENT. Clearly Spartan 01 is not getting through. 34 BACK ON THE MOUNTAIN 34 The goats spread out, grazing, bells ringing loud. a large dog, mouth foaming, growls and bark at the team. Luttrell raises his Mark 12 at the dog when it gets too close. Murphy is trying to interrogate the older man with a translation box. He speaks into it and it's supposed to translate into Pashto. 37. They have separated the older man from the boys. Murphy and Luttrell have them off to the side.. Axe stands watch over the boy. MURPHY (speaking into the Phrase- O-Later) Are you looking for Americans? A robotic-like voice used for making out the question in Arabic. The old man stares at Murphy with a combination of hatred and confusion. MURPHY (CONT'D) Do the Taliban know we are up here? d**h stare from the old man. Murphy getting frustrated. Louder. MURPHY (CONT'D) Do they know? The old man stares, finally says something quiet. Too quiet for the translating machine. Murphy puts the mic closer. MURPHY (CONT'D) Say again. Are you Taliban? The old man rants on as the machine struggles to translate his slang Pashtun. TRANSLATION MACHINE Do not drink with many blood rooms fire and knives... MURPHY This f**in thing's not working... The machine starts translating what Murphy is saying. MURPHY (CONT'D) Shut the f** up ! Murphy throws the machine on the ground. The dog makes another move at Luttrell. Fangs mashing. Luttrell raises his gun. The dog backs down. 35 OMIT 35 38. 36 EXT. BACK ON THE MOUNTAIN 36 Danny continues to try his radio. DANNY Spartan 01, Spartan base...Spartan 01, Spartan base... Murphy standing just off the group calls Luttrell over. MURPHY Marcus. Leaving Axe on security. Luttrell moves up the hill fifty feet with Murphy. MURPHY (CONT'D) What do you think? LUTTRELL Murphy's God Awful law. Not you Mikey. The other prick. The God of screw-ups. Nothing. Yea. MURPHY LUTTRELL Soft Compromise bro. MURPHY Yea. I'm aware of that. Murphy digs into his pack, pulls out his SATELLITE PHONE. Checks numbers on his wrist pad. Dials up J-Bad TOC (Command Center). MURPHY (CONT'D) (a touch frustrated: to Dietz) I'm now going to be that guy calling on a f**ing unsecure Sat line because your radio is not functioning. DIETZ Move that mountain, we're good. Talk to the mountain, sir. 39. Loses the signal twice. Third try he gets through. Horrible connection. 37 INT. J-BAD TOC 37 A phone rings, answered by a young Marine, SGT. HASSLERT. HASSLERT J-Bad TOC, SERGEANT HASSLERT. MURPHY Sergeant can you hear me, this is Spartan 01, can you here me? Horrible delays, echoes and static. Hello? HASSLERT MURPHY This is Spartan 01, do you hear me? HASSLERT I hear you. MURPHY This is not a secure line and I need to speak to the CO immediately. The CO? HASSLERT MURPHY That's correct. HASSLERT Which CO sir? MURPHY Commander Kristensen. HASSLERT Commander Kristensen is not here sir. MURPHY What do you mean he's not there? HASSLERT Commander Kristensen left this morning. 40. Murphy realizing Right. That's STATIC BAD Hello? Hello? he's made a mistake. MURPHY f**. He's back at BAGRAM. HASSLERT correct sir. MURPHY HASSLERT MURPHY I‘m here, I need to speak right now with the commander. HASSLERT Commander is in BAGRAM. MURPHY I know that can you please transfer this call to BAGRAM OUELLETTE TOC. HASSLERT Roger that. Stand by. MURPHY Standing by. Silence Murphy looks down at the goat herders. Moves over to Danny with the radio. Holding up his SAT phone. MURPHY (CONT'D) (re: SAT phone) Handing them our goddamned position. Tight on Murphy, the realization of how f**ed they are is starting to settle in. MURPHY (CONT'D) What's the f**ing problem? DANNY Don't know. MURPHY Does it need new f**ing batteries? 41. DANNY No, it's fine but they won't f**ing answer me. 38 INT. OUELLETTE TOC 38 It's quiet. Among the SEALs present: Patton, James Suh, Dan Healy. A phone in the SEAL TOC rings answered by PATTON SHANE PATTON Ouellette TOC Petty Officer Patton.. MURPHY Patton, this is Murphy. Really Bad connection. SHANE PATTON You're looking for Mike Murphy? MURPHY This is Mike Murphy. SHANE PATTON Mike Murphy? MURPHY Yes correct, this is Mike Murphy. A horrible connection. Patton is confused. He knows that Murphy and his team are way deep on their opp. Mike? SHANE PATTON MURPHY Is this Shane? SHANE PATTON It's Shane. What's up Mike? This connection s**s. MURPHY Are you not receiving our transmissions? SHANE PATTON Radio calls? Not in a while. Patton yells over to the Comms guys. 42. SHANE PATTON (CONT'D) Are you all hearing anything from SPARTAN 1. COMMS GUY When? We've been communicating. SHANE PATTON (back on the phone) They say they are communicating with you. MURPHY Say again. SHANE PATTON Comms says that you are good. Copy? MURPHY In the last twenty minutes? SHANE PATTON (back to comms guy) You talked in the last twenty minutes? COMMS GUY Negative. SHANE PATTON (into phone) Negative Murph. MURPHY I need the skipper now. SHANE PATTON He's sleeping sir. MURPHY Wake him up now. Murphy's voice is electronically garbled. SHANE PATTON Did you say wake him up sir? MURPHY Right the f** now! SHANE PATTON Roger that. 43. 39 EXT. BAGRAM TOC. 39 SHANE PATTON barefooted jogs out of the TOC moves through a series of plywood barracks. Knocks on a door. SHANE PATTON Skipper. Skipper. He knocks harder. SKIPPER! From inside. SHANE PATTON (CONT'D) KRISTENSEN (oc) What? SHANE PATTON Sir sorry sir. I've got Lieutenant Murphy on the phone in the TOC. Says he needs to talk to you. Now. A moment, then Kristensen's door flies open. Kristensen in his underwear, flip flops, moving out, clearly just waking up. 39A Track with them as Kristensen moves back into the TOC. 39A Reaches for the phone. KRISTENSEN (into phone) Mike? Silence Static. KRISTENSEN (CONT'D) Mike...? Mike...? Try him back. PATTON reads Murphy's SAT phone number off the board. Dials. Waits. Nothing. Tries again nothing. KRISTENSEN (CONT'D) Is it dead? SHANE PATTON Yes sir. What'd he want? KRISTENSEN 44. SHANE PATTON No idea sir. KRISTENSEN Did he say anything? SHANE PATTON Just that he needed to speak to you. KRISTENSEN Anything wrong? SHANE PATTON Didn't say sir. Stay with Kristensen a bit concerned. Looking at the map of the Valley. TIGHT ON KRISTENSEN Thinking..... 40 EXT. HINDU KUSH MOUNTAIN 40 Murphy trying his IRIDIUM SAT phone one more time. MURPHY Can someone explain to me why they both crash at the same time? LUTTRELL AXE Murphy's law. Murphy's law Now a last resort. Murphy keys his personal radio. An MBITR walkie talkie mounted on the side of his chest. MURPHY (CONT'D) Spartan 01 to anyone. Spartan 01 to anyone listening. Over. LUTTRELL We could light these goats on fire and smoke signal our way out of here. DANNY I could go down to the village and ask to borrow a phone. Murphy just stares at the goat herders. 45. MURPHY (quietly to himself) f**. LUTTRELL You'd get some interesting tile ideas down there bro. Afghan Dirt Brown. Goat skin blond, she'll dig that a hell of a lot more than what is it Honey creme...? The goat noise is now really loud. Dogs barking and Axe is getting focused. Doing the math. The kid bolts. Hands cuffed behind his back, he's still fast as sh**. AXE f** me. He charges again after the kid. Tackles him. Drags him back. AXE breathing hard. Looking at Murphy. MURPHY I'm thinking three ways this plays out. All eyes on Murphy. His brain churning. MURPHY (CONT'D) We let em go, we're gonna fight. So we can 1) Tie em up. Move out. Probably take them 15 minutes to get out. 2) Let em go. We hike out. Roll dice. DIETZ Three? AXE Three, soft Compromise. Terminate the compromise. Axe stares at Murphy. Third choice is obvious. Murphy looks up to the mountain top a mile behind them. MURPHY Can we get a signal from that mountain? 46. DANNY I thought about that. Probably. I don't f**ing know. More dog barking, goat baying, bells ringing. The kids are staring rage into the eyes of the Americans. DANNY (CONT'D) We gotta do something boss. MURPHY Yea. Murphy walks back down to Luttrell and Axe. MURPHY (CONT'D) What do you think? LUTTRELL They don't seem to like us very much. MURPHY A pause. Reality setting in. AXE Shah's down there. We let them go, Shaw disappears. Mission fails. MURPHY What? k** them. Axe stares at Murphy. Murphy staring at Axe. Realizing how serious he is. AXE We are compromised Mike. Marcus spits out some chew. Looking down, he shakes his head. A pained grin plasters his face. Yea. sh**. LUTTRELL 47. MURPHY Danny? Danny takes a long look at the goat herders. Finally... DANNY I don't give a sh** what you decide. I'm not a lawyer. Just tell me what to do Murph. You're the big bucks, earn em'. Murphy turns to Marcus. MURPHY Marcus? LUTTRELL I don't know Mikey. Luttrell takes his time. The goats sound like they are howling. The vibe on the mountain is becoming d**hly serious. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) I don't know. I don't like it. We k** them. Yea ok. We k** them. Bury them. They get found. Then what... AXE Then what? LUTTRELL I'm just saying. It ain't gonna be private. Gonna be out there for the whole f**ing world. CNN -- SEALs k** goat farmers. I don't want that legacy, bro. I'm not k**ing goat farmers. Not feeling that. 48. AXE I'm not either, but the Old man's Tali and these kids can shoot better than you can. LUTTRELL Let's just tie ‘em up and get the f** out of here. AXE We tie them up, we have no control over when they get found; get free. I will die before I let them dictate when we die. I will not end up showing your body -- your head -- on television. On the Computer. No way, they do not get that vote. LUTTRELL Then let's just get the f** out of here. I will do this, I will k** them right now. They will not harm you or me or my wife or your wife or any of our unborn children. No. These people are d**h and I will not f**ing bow to this. MURPHY You want to k**, Axe? Really? That's your position? AXE I want to be playing golf with Freddie Couples on Pebble Beach, but I'm having a little trouble getting a tee time. LUTTRELL If we k** these kids, it's International news. CNN doesn't care about Rules of Engagement. SEALs k** kids. That's the story. Forever. Tight on the guys taking this in. Murphy paces, staring intensely at one of the goat kids. MURPHY Axe what's your call? AXE 49. Axe stares at Murphy. AXE (sad grin) My final answer? 49A. MURPHY Your final answer. AXE k** them. This hits hard. MURPHY Danny? Dietz stares at the tied up kids. DANNY It's your call bro. MURPHY You don't have an opinion? DANNY Yea I have an opinion. Two opinions. One is that for the record I don't give a f** what anyone thinks about what the f** we do up here. We do what we do. What we have to do. That's it. That's our business. MURPHY What's two? DANNY Two is, this is the Navy and you're the boss and your job is to be the boss and my job is to do what I'm f**ing told. Ok. MURPHY DANNY So you tell me what to do and it will be done. Murphy looks to Marcus. MURPHY Marcus what's your call? Luttrell seems to get that with Danny out, Murphy's for letting them go, Axe wants them dead - he's the tie-breaker. 50. ON MURPHY. LUTTRELL (slowly shaking his head) No. I'd rather fight them straight up. I don't want to k** these kids. Thinking. He looks around the area. Looking for a burial spot. Stabbing at the stone earth with his M4. Clearly no soft earth anywhere close. MURPHY (quiet) f** me. Murphy stares down at the Afghan village. Then long and hard at the three Afghans. Finally turns back to goat herders. DANNY Look at them. They f**ing hate us. We don't know how many Hajji's they have down there. We can't let them go. LUTTRELL So now you have an opinion? I thought you were standing by waiting for your orders? AXE This opp is a soup sandwich. Been so from the beginning. The pitch. The rope. Worst comms that I've ever seen. Soft intel, we are not wearing vests, have no heavy weapons, are weak in numbers.... It's a cursed opp. MURPHY Starting to feel like a cursed opp. LUTTRELL It's not a cursed opp. There are no f**ing curses. Just Afghanistan. That's all. Everyday man. Devil's a**hole. AXE Shah just k**ed twenty marines last week and we're on him. We've come this far and these people here are him. They are a part of him. We let them go. (MORE) 51. AXE (CONT'D) We're letting him go and why in the f**ing world does he have the right to do that to us? Axe is starring at LUTTRELL. 51A. Silence. AXE. Seriously Marcus. Why does he have the right to do that to us? LUTTRELL I don't see it that way. MURPHY So what is your f**ing call bro? LUTTRELL Let them go. Shut it down. So if Murphy was taking a vote it seems like it's one vote for k**ing them, one vote for letting them go, Danny is neutral. This is all on MURPHY. Murphy turns away from them, looking down the steep pitched mountain. The village far below. Murphy thinks. Looks at the young kids. The old man. MURPHY Here's what we're gonna do. Pack up. Everything. We're gonna let ‘em go and we're gonna make the peak. When we make the peak were gonna make Comms. We're calling QRF and we're getting out. Silence as the guys take in the plan. Luttrell lets out a huge breath. MURPHY (CONT'D) That's what we're going to do. DANNY Roger that. LUTTRELL Yes sir. MURPHY Let's move it. Quick Shots. The guys quickly breaking down their gear. The goat boy watching confused. 52. The older Goat herders. Defiant. Steel-eyed. 52A. 41 INT. SEAL TOC. BAGRAM. 41 Kristensen, Patton with Petty Officer Dan Healy, James Suh and some COMMS guys. The Comms guys trying to get Spartan 01 back on line. COMMS GUY Spartan 01, Spartan 01, over. Kristensen is on the phone, communicating with J-Bad TOC KRISTENSEN When was your last contact with Spartan 01? 42 EXT. J-BAD TOC. 42 The two Blackhawks standing by with the two Apaches. The Apache pilots are firing up their engines. Musslemen comes out of a pilot station. MUSSLEMEN Where are you guys going? APACHE PILOT We just got called North. By an Army 372, evidently they took some small fire. MUSSLEMEN We're QRF, bro. APACHE PILOT That's what we thought. BAGRAM is now QRF. The 47s? Correct. Are we not the QRF now? APACHE PILOT That's my understanding. Mussleman is a bit confused... MUSSLEMEN APACHE PILOT MUSSLEMEN 53. Apache pilots climb into their two birds. Take off. 43 EXT. MOUNTAIN 43 10 MINUTES LATER: Gear packed the four SEALs stand over the Afghans. MURPHY CONT'D Everybody good? Quick nods from the team as Murphy's flip knife comes out. He quickly cuts through the flex cuffs. Freeing the Afghans. MURPHY You three just won the lottery. Speak well of us. An odd moment as the Afghans stare at the SEALs. Not fully understanding that they are free to leave. Go! MURPHY (CONT'D) The little goat boy stares at Murphy. A beat then gets it. Turning fast he takes off sprinting down the hill. The old man holds a beat. Says something quietly to the team. Sounds fairly ominous. Then he too turns and slowly, deliberately starts making his way down the long steep mountain. Murphy looks at the team. MURPHY (CONT'D) Let's move it. The four SEALs, full gear, start moving up the mountain. There is no trail. Just steep rocks, fallen trees, and a brutal pitch. 43A THE YOUNG GOAT BOY. 43A RUNNING DOWN THE HILL. 54. Leaping over rocks. Fallen trees. The kid's movements are beautiful. Mountain agility in his DNA. Virtually FLYING down the mountain. 43B UP TOP. 43B Slow going for the SEALs. Murphy leading. Danny, loaded up with COMMS, second. Luttrell breathing hard. Axe bringing up the rear. On AXE Constantly checking behind him. His left foot catches on some loose granite. Gives out. Axe rolls his ankle hard. Slips, falls hard sliding fast tumbling and smashing hard into a fallen tree stump. Sprained right ankle and bruised left ribs. Murphy stops, looking back as Luttrell moves down to Axe. Axe struggling back on his feet. You ok? LUTTRELL. AXE f**ing Afghanistan. LUTTRELL. Yea. I'm the one who's supposed to be falling. AXE I'm fine. He takes a step. White flash of burst pain tears through him. He buckles. Clearly not alright. 43C THE GOAT KID 43C Running hard approaching the village. 43D UP TOP. 43D Luttrell reaches for him. Axe pulls away. AXE (CONT'D) I'm good. Let's go. Axe digs his foot in. Grinds through the pain and starts back up the hill. 55. AXE (CONT'D) Maybe we should just hike down to the village, ask to borrow a phone. Tight on Murphy's small smile as he digs it up the hill. The group now moving even slower cause of Axe's ankle. 44 EXT. THE VILLAGE. 44 Quiet. A couple of small fires. Some cooking. A group of young boys playing with sticks. Women cooking as - The young GOAT BOY comes tearing, full sprint into the village. TIGHT ON THE GOAT BOY. Eyes wide. Screaming for Shah. Villagers start to gather. Shah approaches the boys. Breathing hard, they point up the mountain. A couple of Taliban hear this. Take off into the woods. TRACKING with the two Taliban. As they sprint deeper into the woods. Into the Taliban camp. Taliban soldiers sleeping. The two find Shah and Taraq. Tell them about the Americans. Shah quickly on his walkie talkie, old school but d**hly effective. Rounding up his fighters. Quick shots of the Taliban army. Feels like 150 men. Arming themselves. AK's, RPG's, grenades, a lot of ammo. Radio gear. Quiet, cool, professional. These Afghan soldiers are loading up big time... 45 EXT. UP MOUNTAIN. 45 The SEALs cresting the hill. f**. MURPHY He's looking up at a larger hill in front of them. They have just ascended a false summit. Still blocked in by another very steep mountain. Danny? MURPHY (CONT'D) 56. Dietz is already into the radio, as Luttrell and Axe spread out, digging in, guns pointed down hill. Nothing. DANNY (on radio) Anvil 1 this is Spartan 01, over. MURPHY Great. Comms still clearly dead. Murphy weighing his options. They are high above the village. Murphy pulls out binoculars. Scanning the village and mountain. All three SEALs on gla**. SCANNING. SEALS POV Nothing moving. From their vantage the town seems quiet. Business as usual. They cannot see the Taliban off in the woods. They are OBLIVIOUS to the magnitude of the threat. CUT TO: 46 TWENTY MINUTES LATER. 46 Danny still working the radio. Axe has tightened his boot. Murphy and Luttrell have spread out on the hill. Staring down at the village. Murphy's got his SAT phone out. Trying to get a signal. Can't. He's looking with disgust at the mountain behind him, knowing that it's blocking his signal. MURPHY (to mountain) Move b**h. Luttrell's fifteen feet to his left. LUTTRELL What do you want to do? MURPHY Go home, get in bed, and watch Anchorman. 57. Check. LUTTRELL MURPHY I wanna be on you. LUTTRELL Roger that. Should I spread the word? MURPHY Not just yet. Let's hold up for an hour and see just how big of a can of hell we've opened. LUTTRELL What do you think? MURPHY We did the right thing. We let our love light shine. God ought to be smiling down on us. Isn't that how it works? Good things happen to good people? LUTTRELL You think they're coming after us? MURPHY Like a pack of wild dogs. MURPHY keys his radio. MURPHY (CONT'D) What say you Axe? AXE (on radio) I'm fine. Murphy looks up behind him to the large cliff. MURPHY (to Axe) You good to go? AXE No problems boss. MURPHY Here's the deal. Lay low here. Soon as the sun sets we move. (MORE) 58. MURPHY (CONT'D) If we can't get comms from that top we're probably gonna have to walk home anyway, so get some rest. Axe you're first security. We move in about sixty minutes. 46A THIRTY MINUTES LATER. 46A Murphy, Danny, and Marcus. Hats low. Eyes closed. Danny on the gla**. It's quiet. Sun getting low. Probably two hours of sunlight left. ON AXE. Calmly checking down hill, whistling very quietly to himself. Tight on Luttrell resting. Danny. Eyes closed. One arm around his radio. Murphy. Eyes open. Staring up at the sky. Back to Axe. Focused down range. Down the mountain. Something appears to move. Axe misses it. Hold a beat. More movement. Just catches Axe's peripheral... Axe shifts his gaze. Focusing. THEN More movement. Axe sees it, raises his gun eye to the scope. Gently scanning the area of movement. Stops whistling. AXE'S POV: No movement. Axe slowly pans his M-4 across the hill. Suddenly A FLASH OF SOMETHING HUMAN. A HUMAN. He pans a bit more to the right. Then two more. AXE pans way to the right. Almost as high as the SEALs are and he see's more movement. They are almost surrounded. TIGHT ON LUTTRELL eyes still closed. 59. MURPHY (CONT'D) (oc) Sssst! Sssst! Luttrell lifts up his hat and looks left. Sees Axe, rigid, in firing position, his rifle aimed straight up the mountain. MURPHY (CONT'D) (to Danny) Try and call it in. Danny desperate to get the radio to work. Luttrell fixes his Mark 12 into firing position looks through scope down hill. LUTTRELL'S POV. Lined along the top are at least a dozen heavily armed Taliban warriors, each one of them with an AK pointing downward. Some carrying rocket propelled grenades. LUTTRELL looks left. More Taliban coming down hill to flank them. Luttrell looks right. More Taliban. The SEALs are fu*kED. MURPHY (CONT'D) How the f** fast are these little ba*tards? All four SEALs guns up. Marcus in the middle, Axe and Danny up to his left. Murphy twenty feet off to his right. Marcus slowly belly crawls towards Murphy. MURPHY (CONT'D) What are you thinking? LUTTRELL I'm thinking that we're about fixing to get into a pretty good gunfight. Yea. MURPHY 60. LUTTRELL Looks like I voted wrong. MURPHY Negative. We've been given the opportunity to reach out and make some hell f**ing strong contact with our friends from the other side. Job well done. LUTTRELL Hoo-yah to that sir. ON DANNY AND AXE Looking up the hill which is now swarming with Taliban. Dozens of soldiers flowing down hill flanking them. DANNY Do they see us? AXE Dunno. BACK TO MARCUS. His back pressed up against a tree, inventorying his ammo. Grenades. Knife. Danny, Axe, Murphy all doing the same. Readying for war. Axe and Danny sneak quick looks at the pictures of their wives taped inside their helmets. The trap tightening around all of them. All four focused up hill. A TREE TWENTY FEET IN FRONT OF MARCUS. A flash of a turban. Glint of an AK Barrel pointed in his general direction. Luttrell tightens the grip of his rifle slowly starts pointing it in the direction of the man behind the tree. Luttrell eyes on gla**, still as marble. Aimed at the tree. Marcus looks over his shoulder at Murphy whose gun is also trained on the tree. Marcus eyes back on the scope. SCOPE POV: 61. A fierce-eyed Taliban warrior peering straight into the scope. Black eyes and thick black beard. The barrel of his AK pointed dead on Luttrell. Hold. THEN. Luttrell fires once. Blowing the man's head off. An odd brief moment of silence as the head shot Afghan stumbles, still standing, still clutching his AK-47. He takes three more steps towards Luttrell. Stops. Luttrell shoots again removes what's left of the fighter's head. The Afghan starts to fall and as he hits the ground, all HELL BREAKS LOOSE. From above and half way down both flanks the Taliban open fire. Screaming at each other, communicating through violent, loud bursts of Pashto, the Taliban moving fast down the hill. Agile and fearless, not weighted down with US-style gear, they are able to leap boulders, fallen trees. Taraq in the middle of the pack on the top of the SEALs. UP TOP - Shah calmly giving orders into his radio comms. ON MURPHY. Taliban moving down the hill on both sides. Shooting as they move. A solid line of at least fifty Taliban in firing positions on top of the hill above them. The SEALs are close to being surrounded. MURPHY checks his rear. MURPHY POV A cliff. More of a series of cliffs. Multiple d**h falls. First one is at least 300 feet. Murphy calls it. Push right flank. MURPHY 62. Axe the farthest right starts shooting and moving right INTO the wall of the Taliban flanking his right. Luttrell follows staying low, shooting, Danny firing with one arm. Desperate to get the radio up. DANNY Spartan 01 reporting major enemy contact. We need help. Spartan 01 reporting major enemy contact. Request immediate QRF! Spartan 01 requesting immediate QRF. Murphy's doing the same with his SAT phone. He's moving right trying to dial up the TOC. Not getting through. Danny's left two fingers HIT. Dangling bloody and mangled. He tries to put them back into his hand. Jams his ring finger back into its socket. His pinkie is beyond repair. DANNY (CONT'D) Marcus! Luttrell turns, Danny holds up his f**ed up hand. LUTTRELL Wrap it up bro. DANNY Roger that. Taliban gunfire is picking up. Axe the deepest right k**s two Taliban. Two more immediately fill their positions. MURPHY Danny did you get the call through? DANNY I made the call. Don't know if it went through. You? MURPHY I couldn't get a line. DANNY f**. Marcus is pushing right behind Axe trying to break the right Taliban flank. Charging the Ambush. 63. MURPHY Keep pushing right. k** ‘em all. The four SEALs fighting well as a team. Crawling, shooting and covering as they start making progress k**ing their way into the right side of the Taliban ambush. The Taliban close enough to see clearly. Axe shot through the left shoulder. Ignoring it he keeps firing. His long scope making him very accurate. As he shoots deep into the left flank. TALIBAN POV: From behind at least 12 Tabliban fighters pushing deeper into the right side. Two more Taliban hit. The remaining start taking solid covering positions, firing down at the four SEALs. Axe being the closest takes the majority of the firepower. Decent cover from a granite boulder which is getting hacked to pieces by the incoming AK fire. Razor sharp stone shrapnel chunks slicing into Axe's face and neck. Blood runs down his face drips off his chin. Luttrell getting equally shot up. Returning fire. His cover rock getting shot up bad. Chunks of granite tearing into his face and neck. FURTHER to the left, Danny and Murphy shooting, trying to get closer to Luttrell and Axe. Danny takes another round, blowing clear through his right thigh shattering his right femur. Blood, muscle chunks and bone tear through his pants. DANNY Goddammitt. Pissed he keeps moving. Firing. Ignoring his two gunshots. Hand and Leg. Danny moves up with Murphy behind some decent cover. MURPHY Can you fight? DANNY Roger that. 64. MURPHY Want me to take the radio? DANNY Negative. Murphy looks up towards Axe who is far right. MURPHY (yelling) AXE?! AXE Sir! MURPHY Can we break that flank? Hold this, we're gonna push left! Axe gets shot through the top of his shoulder the bullet tearing down through his shoulder and burning deep inside his chest. Axe keeps firing, hitting a Taliban in the knee. The Taliban fires back at Axe missing but sending sharp rock chips shearing up off the granite into Axe's face. Shredding his right ear, cutting into his eyeballs. Half blind. Watery out of focus images as sweat mixed with blood. Axe struggles to see. When his vision clears up enough to focus: AXE POV. Two Tali fighters. Moving fast out of cover, right at AXE. Directly at the Americans. SEAL style. Attacking the counter attack. The Taliban are close to the half blind Axe. Axe fires blind. Misses. The Taliban almost on him. Then: One of the Tali hit with a round from Luttrell, k**ed. The other, wounded, falls on Axe. Vicious hand-to-hand fight. Luttrell runs up to help Axe. Takes the remaining Taliban soldier out with a point-blank headshot. From the right, a BELT FED MACHINE GUN opens up on their position. Marcus and Axe start moving left. Both shot during the move - Marcus in his right bu*t-cheek, Axe in his right thigh. 65. 47 INT. TOC. BAGRAM 47 Comms guy at radio. Checking wall clock. See's Kristensen, Shane, and some of the other Team 10 guys. COMMS GUY Spartan 01 is about to miss a comms second window. 65A. How long? KRISTENSEN COMMS GUY 2 hours 15 minutes. Tight on Kristensen. Thinking. Checking the clock. KRISTENSEN Call me if they miss two. COMMS GUY Roger that. 48 EXT. ON THE MOUNTAIN 48 CHAOS. A ma**ive barrage of gunfire erupting from the right Taliban flank. AXE Right is no good. Murphy looks left. He can see twenty Taliban moving into firing positions. MURPHY f** me. The first RPG comes from the left side. Hitting just short of Danny and Murphy. Blasting them backwards. Covering them with dirt and rock. Luttrell swings his gun left and starts firing into the left Taliban position. Mikey? Yea? You ok? LUTTRELL MURPHY LUTTRELL MURPHY We're good. A bullet slams in Murphy's lower stomach. MURPHY (CONT'D) This is no good. 66. LUTTRELL Roger that. MURPHY Can we break that right flank? LUTTRELL Negative. We got to go left. MURPHY Negative. From downhill, two RPG's fire at their position. Dietz takes a shot in his upper-right chest. A ma**ive double RPG explosion. Tears away chunks of granite. Shrapnel cutting deep into all four SEALs. They are now clearly under attack from all three sides. LUTTRELL We can take ‘em Mikey but I'm thinking we're gonna need a new spot. Tight on Murphy. MURPHY Roger that. He turns behind him giving that 50 ft. cliff a second look. The Taliban gunfire is relentless now. Coming from all three sides. Luttrell, Danny and Axe returning constant fire. Reloading mags. Firing away. Marcus hit for the first time in his right a** cheek. Tight on Murphy: MURPHY (CONT'D) We gotta fall back. Luttrell looks at the cliff behind them. LUTTRELL You mean fall off. 67. MURPHY Roger that. Fall off. Danny can you move? DANNY No problem. Axe? MURPHY AXE Good to go. As the four shot up SEALs turn and start to move fast towards the edge of the cliff. The pitch causing them to run and start falling immediately. Danny's legs giving out, buckling as he hurls himself up and over the ledge. Marcus turns to Murphy. Luttrell, Murphy and Axe do the same. For a second they look like four country boys cliff jumping into a lake. Except for the blood streaming from necks and guts and legs, the bullet tracers flying all around them... They fly off the cliff and it looks kind of beautiful. Freeing...until. 48A IMPACT. BOTTOM OF 1ST CLIFF 48A Bone crushing. Concussive. Violent beyond words. Human bodies smashing into rock. Tearing through trees. Bouncing. Broken bones and smashed faces. Helmets fly off. The SEALs crash and bounce and flip. Finally settling hard on a reasonably flat part of the cliff. 300 yards below. 48B SILENCE. BOTTOM OF 1ST CLIFF 48B Tight on Luttrell. Face down. The first to move. Face lifts. Nose clearly broken. Luttrell looks to his left. Murphy struggling to his knees. Broken teeth. Face shredded. To the right, Danny and Axe. MURPHY Hey Marcus. LUTTRELL Yes sir. MURPHY That s**ed. 68. LUTTRELL Yes sir. MURPHY I mean that really s**ed. LUTTRELL Yes sir. Voices screaming up the mountain. 48C TOP OF 1ST CLIFF 48C Taraq is at the jump point looking down the steep cliff. Feels unsurvivable. Several fierce lieutenants flanking Shah. Go. SHAH Dozens of Taliban start making their way down the steep cliff. 48D AT THE BOTTOM OF 1ST CLIFF 48D Murphy, Marcus Axe and Dietz struggling to their feet. MURPHY f**. Luttrell sees the blood pouring from Murphy's gut. LUTTRELL Let me see it. Pulling up Murphy's shirt revealing a decent gut shot. Marcus looks for his med kit. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) Lost my med kit. MURPHY Where's your gun? Luttrell looks down. To his left, then right. Spots his gun ten feet away in the dirt. 69. LUTTRELL God's looking out for us. MURPHY If this is looking out for us I don't want to see him pissed. LUTTRELL We're doing good Mikey we just gotta... Luttrell interrupted by a series of severe incoming RPG's. Blasting all around them. Luttrell and Murphy dive behind some fallen trees. Looking up. MURPHY We just got to get off this hill. 48E HALFWAY DOWN 1ST CLIFF. 48E Shah's Taliban are slowly moving down the cliff. Not nearly as fast as the SEALs fall. But they are definitely coming. 48F ON LUTTRELL and MURPHY. LOG HIDE. 48F Returning fire. Picking off a couple of Taliban but revealing their position. More incoming RPG's tearing into the cover trees. Trees start burning. A metal hook - RPG debris - spears into Luttrell's right side. He keeps firing when from the left... A LOUD CRASHING. Two bodies falling hard. Axe and Danny. Falling hard like Murphy and Luttrell. Slamming, flipping, landing 50 ft to the right of the tree hide. Axe shot up getting to his feet. The Taliban shooting down at him. MURPHY (CONT'D) Axe! Here! Move it buddy. Run! Axe sees Murphy behind the trees. Charges to the hide. 70. AXE This s**s. No hesitation - Axe slams a fresh magazine into his M4 starts firing up the hill. Marcus is looking back to Danny. Danny is dead still. No movement. Axe provides cover as Luttrell and Murphy, dodging RPG's and a hailstorm of AK fire, grabbing an alive but seriously f**ed up Danny. Picking Danny up they start hauling him back to the tree for cover. TIGHT on Danny as a Bullet slams through his right rib cage DANNY (eyes tight, through mashed teeth) Goddamn this s**s. Luttrell and Murphy slam into the tree hide propping Danny up. The four SEALs back together ready to fight. Marcus trying to treat Danny; pulling out his Burst Kit Danny recovering staring down at his blood-soaked hand, dazed, looks to Marcus DANNY (CONT'D) Marcus, I'm shot. LUTTRELL We are all shot bro, can you fight? Danny stares back down at his bleeding, mangled hand, then at his gun. DANNY (muttering to himself) Mess up my drawing hand, that pisses me off. Danny raises his gun uphill, takes aim at a Taliban fighter jumping from rock to rock. Danny fires k**ing the Taliban. Re-aims, fires, k**s a second. Re-aims, fires, k**s a third. Looks to Marcus. I can fight. DANNY (CONT'D) 71. The SEALs now packed into a burning LOG HIDE fighting as best as they can from inferior position. 48G UP HILL. 48G Taliban starting to re-ma**. Dialing in on the SEALs position. Thirty AK-47's firing down on the SEALs. 48H IN THE LOG HIDE. 48H The SEALs getting sprayed. A ceiling of AK fire. The SEALs flat on their backs. SEAL POV. AK tracers streak over head. MURPHY has his face next to Dietz. DANNY (CONT'D) I tried ‘em at least three times boss. MURPHY Nothing? DANNY Nothing. Murphy and Dietz both take rounds. Danny in the foot. Three of Murphy's right toes blow off. His boot leaking blood. Murphy returning fire. Hot bra** shell casings falling into his shirt. MURPHY Dammit! Murphy getting the bra** out of his shirt. MURPHY (CONT'D) Goddamnitt! Danny screaming in pain. Eyes pouring tears. MURPHY (CONT'D) Danny? 72. DIETZ This really s**s man. Really f**ing s**s. f**ing burning inside bro. Axe and Luttrell trying to fire over the logs. Luttrell hurls a grenade. Taliban with RPG's moving into firing position. AXE We gotta move! As the first RPG blows into the side of the log hide. Wood daggers and burning embers explode and rip through clothes and skin. MURPHY Move left! Left! Axe and Luttrell start moving out. Dietz struggling to get up, radio pulling him backwards. Murphy reaches back for Dietz. MURPHY (CONT'D) Give me a hand Danny. Danny dazed stares up at Murphy. MURPHY (CONT'D) Come on buddy! We got to move. A second RPG demolishes the hide. Fully exposing Murphy and Dietz. Murphy yanks Dietz to his feet. MURPHY (CONT'D) Right now bro. DIETZ I'm with you. Murphy fires up the hill. 73. Dietz grinds it out following Luttrell. Murphy lays out more cover fire, then turns and moves after the three SEALs. 48J SIDE OF MOUNTAIN. Ravine. 48J Tight shots of the four SEALs scrambling for their lives. Bleeding, spit, sweat, snot, tears as they claw their way across the burning mountain. This is a sequence. Watching the men run. Legs buckling. Knee caps smashing on rock. Slipping falling helping each other. Incoming rounds tearing past them. Daytime trace fire. The SEALs charge across the side of the mountain. Breathing is hysteric. High-pitched wheezing and gagging. They are literally running cross a burning mountain for their lives. Luttrell first to stop. Tight on Luttrell. LUTTRELL Gotta f**ing rest. Axe collapses next to him, then Murphy, then Dietz. All four SEALs gasping and choking for air. A moment of desperate attempts to get air. AXE Need some water. MURPHY We got to get to the village. Got to. LUTTRELL Got to. MURPHY f**. Dietz is by far the worst. Trying to breath. Blood loss starting to weaken him. Murphy pulls out his sat phone, tries to get a signal. 74. Tight on Each SEAL. Burning. s**ing air. Luttrell stares at Dietz. Hold this for a couple of beats. A brief silence. A pause. LUTTRELL This is bad.... 49 INT. SEAL TOC BAGRAM. 49 Kristensen watching clock. Drinking coffee. KRISTENSEN That's the second window. Correct. COMMS GUY Clear tension in the TOC. A half dozen SEALs gathered in the TOC. Kristensen picks up phone. Dials the large force special opps TOC (Base control) Intercut with Kristensen and CO of JOC. Kristensen letting CO know that he's missed two windows of contact with Spartan 01. 50 EXT. MOUNTAIN - GUNFIGHT. 50 Back tight on four SEALs. Still silent, trying to recover, Then. Sounds of the Taliban yelling. Communicating as they start to get closer. Luttrell looks over to Dietz. Whispering. LUTTRELL How you feeling Danny? DIETZ Shot me up pretty good bro. LUTTRELL You're good Danny. Axe, Murphy, Luttrell, counting mags and grenades. Trying to compose themselves. Luttrell packing dirt into Danny's gun shot wounds. 75. Looks back to Murphy. Everyone whispering. Trying to stay as quiet as possible. The Taliban has lost them. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) Pack ‘em with dirt. Tight. Murphy literally balling up dirt and jamming it into his guts. Trying to plug the blood flow. 50A CLIFF ABOVE ROCK QUARRY 50A With Taraq and his men as they move through the mountain. Searching for the SEALs. 50B SEALs HIDING IN ROCK QUARRY 50B Dead quiet. Alert. Luttrell moves Axe checking his wounds. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) You're okay. Danny blurts out. Loud voice. DIETZ How'd they get on us so fast Mikey? Murphy and Axe on him. Hands around his mouth. AXE Shhhhhh. Danny Shhhhhh. Silence. The SEALs wait, tense. 50C CLIFF ABOVE ROCK QUARRY 50C Taraq reacts to the sound of Danny's voice. Signals to his men. They start moving in on the SEALs 50D SEALs IN THE ROCK QUARRY: 50D Axe slowly removing his hand from Danny's mouth. Danny looking up wide eyed at Murphy. DIETZ Mike? MURPHY You got to be quiet Danny. 76. DIETZ (whispering) I know. I just can't get over how fast they are. Yea. MURPHY DIETZ Faster than we are. MURPHY They might be. DIETZ Mike how did they get on us so fast? MURPHY Don't know. Don't get it. Dietz is starting to lose it. DIETZ Got on us pretty fast. I was talking to my mom, she didn't say anything about it. Matty you see them? AXE I didn't see until you did Danny. DIETZ So much f**ing red man. Really vivid reds. Taliban voices growing louder. Luttrell looks to Murphy. LUTTRELL We got to move Mike. 50E EXT. 2ND CLIFF 50E The only option for movement is down. Another 80 ft. drop. The rocks above Axelson start to shear. Incoming rounds. Above them silhouetted Taliban fighters. The team once again surrounded. Murphy starring down the cliff. 77. MURPHY Axe, how shot up are you? Axe looking down at himself. Inventorying his bullet wounds. AXE I think three times. I'm hit three... I don't know what this is. Blood oozing from the back of his head. Behind his right ear. MURPHY Are you good to move? AXE Move where? MURPHY We're going down. Axe looks downhill. AXE's POV Another ma**ive drop. Sharp Granite, trees, and a brutal pitch. AXE Hoo-yah to that Murph. 51 EXT. CLIFF ABOVE ROCK QUARRY 51 Over the back of Taraq, fighters on both sides. Slow mo as they move fast through, in front of them the ravine hiding the SEALs. Tight on Taraq. Smelling blood. Rage and hatred filled eyes. The Taliban fighters, like Apache warriors, picking up speed. Guns up. 52 OMIT 52 ROCK QUARRY HIDE 53 53 EXT. Murphy looks to Marcus. MURPHY Marcus, you good? 78. LUTTRELL Yes sir. MURPHY Danny? Incoming rounds starting to pick up intensity. The granite starting to vaporize all around them. Danny clicking back into a primal warrior mode. Up on his knees firing back. Marcus reaching for Danny pulling him down back into cover. LUTTRELL I got him. Murphy looks over the rock hide. MURPHY'S POV. Taraq with six fighters charging out of the tree line. All AK's blasting. MURPHY Go! Go! Go! Move! Murphy pulling off the clip of a FRAG GRENADE. Hurls it at the charging Taliban as: 53A Axe leaps off the cliff. 53A Murphy turns. Leaps. The grenade DETONATES. k**ing two Taliban. Shah continues to charge. Luttrell hoists Dietz up and over his shoulder. Turning towards the cliff. He turns to fire a last burst at Taraq. Marcus digs his back foot into the loose slate, ready to jump when: Taraq FIRES. Danny shot through the neck. Bullet pa**es through Danny's neck tearing through the side of Luttrell's neck. Luttrell screams in pain spinning, dropping Danny. 79. LUTTRELL and DIETZ separate. Danny falling onto the rock. Luttrell falling backwards off the cliff. 53B ON LUTTRELL FALLING. 53B Another brutal fall. SMASHING BACKWARDS DOWN THE CLIFF. Luttrell tries grabbing for dirt, tree, or rock. Anything to slow his fall. He slams through trees snapping thick branches. Bouncing off rock. Luttrell disappears into the lower tree, brush line below. 53C UP TOP. 53C DANNY DIETZ On his back. M4 by his side. Taraq and his fighters move in. More Taliban clearing the tree line behind them. Taraq looks down at Dietz's body. Turns and looks down the cliff. Taraq reaches down, picks up Dietz's M4. Looks it over. Reaches back down. Takes one of Danny's Grenades. 53D DOWNHILL. 53D Luttrell on his side struggling to get to his knees. Murph twenty feet away with Axe below him. MURPHY (CONT'D) Where's Danny? 53E CLIFF ABOVE ROCK QUARRY 53E Taraq pulls the pin on Dietz's grenade. Hurls it down hill in the direction of the three remaining SEALs. 53F DOWNHILL. 53F His grenade comes in short. Blowing rock chunks and dirt over the three SEALs. 80. MURPHY (CONT'D) Where the f** is Danny? 54 INT. BAGRAM TOC 54 Tight on the watch clock. ZULU time. Kristensen staring at it. Tapping his fingers on the table. KRISTENSEN Try them again. Comms guy in the back of the room keys his radio mic. COMMS GUY Spartan 01, this is Anvil 1, do you copy? Spartan 01 do you copy? Radio Silence. 55 EXT. BELOW ROCK QUARRY CLIFF 55 Luttrell looking over to Murphy. MURPHY We got to get him. More grenades. RPG's. Noise is deafening. AXE What? MURPHY We got to get him. The three guys trying to communicate. All talking over each other. AXE Where's Danny? I can't see him. MURPHY How do you know he's dead? LUTTRELL Danny's dead. MURPHY Where? LUTTRELL His f**ing head blew off? 81. AXE Do you have Danny? LUTTRELL In my f**ing arms. AXE We got to get down. Deafening EXPLOSIONS. LUTTRELL We got to get up there and get him. AXE We got to get down now. MURPHY Do you know where he is? AXE MOVES CLOSER. AXE Is Danny hit? Yes. MURPHY AXE Where is he hit? LUTTRELL In the head. AXE Where is he? LUTTRELL Up on top. AXE We got to get him. More explosions. MURPHY Let's move right. Take the flank right. See if we can get back up there. LUTTRELL We'll get Danny. Get him down with us. Get off this hill. Take them on the flat ground. 82. 55A CLIFF ABOVE ROCK QUARRY 55A Taraq now with twenty fighters. Firing down hill. Throwing grenades. Ordering his men down the sides of the cliff. 55B AXE 55B I think we can take them on the 56 up, firing up hill. As they attempt to (CLIFF ABOVE QUARRY) 56 flat ground. LUTTRELL Let's move. How much ammo do we have. Guys checking magazines. AXE I got seventy rounds. Three grenades. MURPHY Fifty rounds. One grenade. LUTTRELL I got three full mags. Five Grenades. MURPHY Let's s** it up that f**ing hill. LUTTRELL Roger that. AXE Roger that. Move. The three SEALs, guns get back up to Danny. EXT. DANNY'S POSITION He's not dead. Close. him as he struggles back to his knees. Staring up at Taraq through blood soaked eyes, broken, dying. Defiant. Danny refusing to go gently...His right hand fumbling for his flip knife in his front pocket. Taraq just stares at Danny's broken mangled fingers trying to open his knife. Drops it. MURPHY Shah, Taraq and his men staring over 83. Danny looks down past his knife. The “Tile” samples page has fallen out of his pocket. Blood stained. Danny stares at the paper. Taraq slowly lifts his foot, pushes against Dietz's chest. Pushes him back down flat on his back.. Tight on Dietz dying, staring up at Taraq. Dietz slowly raises his blood soaked 56A BELOW ROCK QUARRY CLIFF Murphy is out in front. right hand up to Taraq. Clawing his way into the left side of the descending Taliban flank. Luttrell and Axe trying to lay down cover fire, shooting up at Shah's soldiers as they move down the right side of the Mountain. Even the Taliban are having a slow go of it on account of the radical pitch. TIGHT WITH MURPHY. A leader desperately trying to make his way straight into the teeth of the enemy to recover one of his men. A torrent of incoming gunfire blocking his advances. Luttrell twenty feet to his right trying to do the same. Axe staying below. Firing up the hill. HITS two TALIBAN as they move down the hill towards Murphy and Luttrell. ON LUTTRELL. The incoming fire has him pinned against a rock. He is desperate to find a way back up the hill. Peering around each side of the giant boulder. TWENTY FEET to his left Murphy is doing the same. They start moving and covering for each other. One shoots while the other moves fast to a higher covering rock. This is a desperate, clawing uphill mountain scramble. Two men, like animals brutally determined to reclaim their fallen brother. Tight on their hands, eyes, feet, sweat, blood and tears as they crawl their way, inch by inch back up this brutal rock mountain. 84. 56A They are able to ascend about thirty feet before they run out of cover. MURPHY and LUTTRELL side by side. Bullets exploding all around them. Murphy's got SAT phone out again trying to get a signal. He's got no line of sight. Can't make the call. LUTTRELL I don't know Mikey. MURPHY There's just so f**ing many of them. LUTTRELL I don't think we can get him. f**. MURPHY LUTTRELL We got to get down. Yea. MURPHY LUTTRELL Got to get to flat ground. Tight on Murphy taking in the entire situation. Taliban all around them. His gun shots. Axe. Down hill fighting. Covering them. Murphy studies the terrain. A jagged rock peak sticking out in the clear about fifty feet to his left. MURPHY I know. LUTTRELL We can't get him Mikey. MURPHY We can get him. LUTTRELL We're gonna die if we don't get off this mountain. MURPHY We're gonna get him. 85. Murphy's fixated on the exposed rock area fifty feet above him. He looks down hill to Axe. Desperately trying to keep the Taliban from getting at Luttrell and Murphy. MURPHY (CONT'D) I'm gonna get us some help Marcus. AXE Mike, they're coming straight above you and to your right. Murphy, SAT phone in hand, looks below to Marcus. MURPHY I'm gonna get this call out. LUTTRELL Good luck on that one brother. MURPHY Marcus, look at me. Luttrell turns locks eyes with Murphy. MURPHY (CONT'D) I'm gonna make the call. Marcus looks past Murphy to the clear rock face above him. Luttrell gets what Murphy is saying, what he's about to do. LUTTRELL I'm sorry Mike. MURPHY For what bro? Marcus takes a beat, looks away, then back at Murphy. LUTTRELL That we haven't k**ed more of ‘em. MURPHY Oh we're gonna k** more of them. Bet on that Marcus. We're gonna k** a lot more of them. LUTTRELL Roger that. Murphy digs into his pack, has three remaining mags, hands them to Luttrell. Luttrell slides them into his vest. Murphy checks his M4, SAT phone in his left hand, M4 in his right. 86. He turns to Marcus, tears in both of their eyes. MURPHY Never out of the fight Marcus. Never. LUTTRELL Murphy turns, pushes up and simply stands. Completely exposed. He starts running uphill to the exposed rock, hitting send on the SAT phone. Luttrell and Axe lay down cover as Murph charges up the hill, taking repeated rounds. Legs, arms, guts, Murphy makes it to the clearing, the SAT connection locks in. Murphy sits on a rock oblivious to the incoming rounds. 57 INT. TOC - J-BAD 57 In the TOC a SAT phone rings. Ha**lert, sitting by the communications equipment, stares at it, picks it up. HASSLERT J-Bad TOC -- ON THE MOUNTAIN, MURPHY'S CLEAR ROCK FACE. MURPHY Sir this is Lieutenant Mike Murphy. Spartan 01. We need immediate air support, immediate air support. Ha**lert freezes for a microsecond. Then. HASSLERT Roger Murphy. Can I have your ten digit grid. Ha**lert hears gunfire and Murphy impaired breathing. MURPHY (vo on phone) We need help now! Need immediate CAS. HASSLERT Roger that, I need your ten digit grid. MURPHY (vo on phone) We are headed down the ravine toward the Chichakel village. 87. Ha**lert immediately on his computer firing on the secure intercut comms link, “micro chat”. Tight on Screen. As he types TIC! Troops in contact! HASSLERT Murphy can you get me the grids? MURPHY Please hurry. Sir. Thank you. In the TOC men start looking over as Ha**lert types in the call for help. HASSLERT Jesus, I think we need the QRF. Tight on the computer screen, ‘Troops in Contact' ‘Murphy in Trouble'. Tight on Erik Kristensen, eyes wide...reading the call for help. He grabs the phone. Let's move guys. Let's really move! 58 EXT. MOUNTAIN - MURPHY'S CLEARING 58 Back to Murphy, SAT phone dead. He turns faces up hill as two bullets rip into his chest. He keeps firing. Murphy starts moving up hill firing into the Taliban ma**. It's a suicide march... Luttrell falls back to Axe as Murphy, multiple gun shots keeps firing. Murphy falls to his knees, screaming in pain...as Taraq and his soldiers move in. Murphy slams his final magazine, blood pouring through his NYFD patch, running down both arms. Murphy raises his M4, one last full auto burst, hits three Taliban, as a final shot slams through the front of Murphy's face blowing him backwards, completely flipping him head over heels landing on his face. KRISTENSEN 88. Eyes still open Murphy's last vision is his Iridium SAT phone. He can die knowing that he was able to make the call. 58A EXT. J-BAD AIRBASE 58A Marines and SEALs scramble collecting weapons, sprinting to the Blackhawks, Air Force pilots climbing into the Blackhawk, firing engines. Track with Navy SEALs. Pete Musslemen stuffing magazines into his vest, charging for a Blackhawk. 59 EXT. BAGRAM AIRBASE 59 Tracking with Erik Kristensen, Dan Healy, James Suh as SEALs charge towards waiting 47's. 60 INT. 47'S 60 Nightstalker pilots and flight crew working feverishly to fire up the powerful Chinook engines. It's clearly all hands on deck as the helicopters are packed with SEALs armed to the teeth. KRISTENSEN I said let's move! Track with Kristensen on the Chinook up to the pilot. The nightstalker pilot and Kristensen frantically confirming location waypoint of where they think the recon team should logically be. CUT WIDE: As the two Chinooks loaded with SEALs lift. 61 EXT. J-BAD RUNWAY 61 The Blackhawk about to take off, when HASSLERT sprints across the runway, charging to the lead Blackhawk, shaking his head, eyes locked on Blackhawk pilot screaming, HASSLERT NO GO, NO GO, NO GO! 61A EXT. LEAD BLACKHAWK 61A Door flying open, Pete Musslemen heads out. 89. MUSSLEMEN What's the f**ing problem? Ha**lert charging toward Musslemen. HASSLERT You're grounded. MUSSLEMEN What are you f**ing talking about? HASSLERT You're grounded, you have no Apache support. Blackhawks can't go in without air cover. Musslemen looking around realizing the Apaches are not there. MUSSLEMEN Where the f** are the Apaches? HASSLERT We are trying to figure that out. MUSSLEMEN Where are the f**ing Apaches?!! 62 OMIT 63 INT. CHINOOK 47 CUT TO: Kristensen's lead 47. Kristensen is up with the Nightstalker pilot. In the back of the chopper, packed, almost overflowing with SEALs, the men check weapons. The Airforce Nightstalker pilots checking their 50 caliber side guns. Everyone silent and intense. 64 EXT. J-BAD AIRSTRIP 64 Musslemen out of his Blackhawk in the face of Ha**lert 90. 62 63 MUSSLEMEN (screaming) Where are they? HASSLERT They're coming back. When? MUSSLEMEN HASSLERT On their way now! MUSSLEMEN When will they f**ing be here? HASSLERT 15 minutes. MUSSLEMEN Are you f**ing kidding me? 65 EXT. ROCKS BENEATH 2ND CLIFF Marcus scrambling back with Axe, jammed behind rocks, taking heavy, heavy fire. Marcus digs in side by side with Axe. Both men shot up, look like hell. AXE Where's Murphy? Luttrell doesn't answer. AXE (CONT'D) Where's Mike? Up top. LUTTRELL AXE Where up f**ing top? LUTTRELL He's getting the QRF. The incoming gunfire stopping. An eerie silence coming over the hill. Just random Taliban voices. Calm. Distant. SLAM CUT: 91. 65 AXE What the f** is going on? LUTTRELL I don't know. AXE Where exactly is Mikey? LUTTRELL I don't know. More tears pouring down Axe and Luttrell's faces. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) We gotta get down. AXE Did he make the call? LUTTRELL I don't know....we got to get off this hill Axe. AXE Do you think he made the call? Axe and Marcus staring into each other. 66 EXT. AFGHAN SKIES 66 The two Chinook 47's, hauling a**. Back ramp open, Kristensen standing over it. He looks ready to jump right now. Kristensen looks down at the steep mountains, back up to the following 47. KRISTENSEN (on radio) What's the problem? INTERCUT with Musslemen on the grounded Blackhawk in J-Bad. MUSSLEMEN (radio) The Apaches were pulled. KRISTENSEN (radio) Why? 92. MUSSLEMEN (radio) Some army troops in contact. KRISTENSEN (radio) Where are they? MUSSLEMEN They're saying 10 minutes out. Kristensen moving up to the pilots of his 47. Plugs into the 47 comms. KRISTENSEN What's the deal with the Apaches? The Blackhawks are grounded at J- Bad. PILOT Roger that. Blackhawks need the air support. KRISTENSEN They should have boots on ground right the f** now. PILOT Roger that. KRISTENSEN What the f** is the problem? PILOT Not enough air a**ets in theatre, that's the f**ing problem. KRISTENSEN What's our f**ing ETA? PILOT 15 minutes. KRISTENSEN Where are the Apaches? PILOT 25 minutes. KRISTENSEN Can you put us down without the Apaches? 93. PILOT Not supposed to. KRISTENSEN Will you put us down? Pilot pauses...looks to Kristensen. PILOT We'll do whatever we have to do to get you with your men. KRISTENSEN Thank you. 67 EXT. ON GROUND Luttrell and Axe trying to quietly climb their way down the mountain. Still a couple of hundred feet above the village. They are climbing, falling 10-20 ft. falls. 67A UP MOUNTAIN: 67A Taraq tracking them. Shah, higher up communicating on radio. 67B OMIT 67B 68 EXT. HINDU KUSH SKY The two 47's. The 2nd 47 flies past Kristensen, taking the 68 lead. PILOTS (misc comms) 1st 47 will fly over LZ make sure it's clear. Kristensen's 47 will be 1st to hover. 69 EXT. J-BAD AIRBASE 69 The two Apaches show up. Tearing over the airfield. Hellfire missile arrays and 40 mm front mounted getting guns. 94. 67 95. The Blackhawks finally take off following the Apaches. 70 EXT. ON MOUNTAIN 70 Tracking tight with Taraq. His worn sandaled feet slowly stepping down the mountain. He's following blood drops. Tight on beaded stone necklace with seven American Dog Tags hanging from it like human scalps. Tight on a blood soaked dog tag: “Danny Dietz” We move across the faces of several of these Afghan warriors They feel more like Comanche Indians than anything else. Fierce and focused, guns up, they hunt Americans. 70A FURTHER DOWN: 3RD CLIFF EDGE ABOVE VILLAGE 70A Luttrell and Axe at a major cliff edge, looking back up...guns pointed up mountain. We pull wide and see just how close Taraq now is to Luttrell and Axe, 100 ft. away, max. Closing in. On Luttrell - hearing Taraq and his men, whispering to Axe. LUTTRELL Come here Axe. Let me see you. Axe nods, blood slow running from his head shot down the back of the neck. Axe touches the wound. AXE Did they really shoot me in the head? LUTTRELL Yea buddy. A moment of silence. AXE It's funny man. I thought it would feel worse you know. Yea. LUTTRELL AXE Mikey and Danny are really dead right? Yea. LUTTRELL AXE Are we dead? LUTTRELL Negative. AXE We're f**ing good right? Axe stares at Luttrell. Marcus looks at his dying friend. Marcus? AXE (CONT'D) LUTTRELL We're real good Axe. Real good. Mikey made the call. We just got to stay alive for fifteen minutes max. AXE Mikey made the call right? LUTTRELL f** yea he did. AXE They're coming. LUTTRELL Coming strong man. AXE Good. That's good. LUTTRELL I don't want em to RPG, Axe. get us with an AXE If I f**ing die you make sure Cindy knows how much I love her. LUTTRELL She knows. 96. AXE You tell her I died with my brothers. With a f**ing full heart. LUTTRELL We ain't dying Axe. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) Can you get to that rock over there? Axe looks behind him. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) With the dead black tree? AXE Yea I can do that. LUTTRELL You get there. I'm gonna move right. Cover each other. AXE Did Mikey make the call? LUTTRELL Fifteen minutes brother. Stay strong Axe. AXE I'll do it. LUTTRELL Stay quiet. A nod from Axe and the two men split up. Axe moves to his left, Luttrell to his right. Tight on Axe. Shot up. Blood pouring from head wound. Tough. Grinding it out. Staying low. Deep breathing. Grunting as he crosses the mountain. Gun fire erupts around him. Turning, spots half a dozen Taliban on him. Axe pushes deeper into the woods. A hunted animal running out of options. LUTTRELL The same. Moving quiet in the other direction. 97. This is all very silent. Tense....Taraq like a hunting dog, dead quiet, Luttrell and Axe, the hunted, desperately trying to stay quiet. On Luttrell - trying to move towards a large rock... His right foot digging in for traction, dislodges a small pebble... on that pebble picking up momentum, hitting smaller pebbles, dislodging more little rocks... A mini avalanche, hitting a bigger rock. Tight on Luttrell. Looking down at the small rock slide, hearing its noise.... sh**. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) And they open fire again, bullets firing all around Luttrell, both Luttrell and Axe return fire. This is much closer gun fighting...grenades and RPG's at close quarters. Men behind rocks, guns blazing. 71 INT. LEAD 47 - AIRBORNE 71 Over the head of the lead pilot as he comes flying up towards the mountain. 72 ON LUTTRELL: MOUNTAIN ABOVE VILLAGE 72 Mid gunfight he looks up as that big 47 flies up high over them, over the top of the mountain. On Axe and Luttrell spotting the QRF. LUTTRELL Keep fighting Axe. Axe is fighting. Shot up but recharged by the 47. 73 INT. LEAD 47 73 Too high to see the gunfight down below the pilot is focusing on the landing area on top of the mountain. He does a 1st fly by over the top. Looks clear. LEAD 47 PILOT (on radio) Looks good. Looks quiet. 98. 2ND 47 PILOT Roger that we're good to drop. The second 47 pulls up over the LZ. Ramp down, fast rope out. The SEALs, lead by Kristensen, up ready to fast rope out.... The TF 160 gunners alert, scanning behind their 50 Cal. Machine guns. The 47 pulls up, high hover, 80 ft. drop. Tight on Kristensen His hands around the fast rope.... KRISTENSEN Let's do this. Patton, you're first move! Shane Patton, can't help but grin, he's on his feet moving towards the open door. You good? KRISTENSEN (CONT'D) SHANE PATTON Couldn't be more good. KRISTENSEN Glorious opportunity here, Mr. Patton. SHANE PATTON Yes sir. Kristensen has one foot out of the chopper when... Movement on the ground. 50 Cal gunner catches the reflection of something metallic, a small detonation from the ground. Then terrifying sights of incoming ordinance. RPG! 50 CAL GUNNER Tight on Kristensen and Patton looking down as the RPG round flies into the chopper right past them, literally into the 47. 99. 74 EXT. A MOMENT OF SILENCE, THEN... 74 The Chinook explodes. Ripping apart, tilting, rotor blades immediately tearing into treetops then thick tree trunks - like ma**ive buzz saws - the chopper turns and burns. 99A. Rocks and trees churn, bodies break and burn and die as the big Chinook 47 rips apart exploding and tumbling down the mountain. DOWN RANGE: 74A ON LUTTRELL - peering up at the explosion. 74A Luttrell watches wide-eyed as his teammates smash and burn. 74B ON THE FIRST 47: 74B Banks hard as the Taliban fire more RPG's and small arms fire up at it- 75 INT. 47 - AIRBORNE 75 Argument breaking out between SEAL Lt. and Airforce Pilot. SEAL LT. You got to put us down now! PILOT No f**ing way. Now! SEAL LT. As the SEALs on the chopper start breaking out the windows firing their M-4's out the window, Airforce gunmen open up the 50 cals. Ma**ive fire power blasting out from the choppers. 76 MOUNTAIN ABOVE VILLAGE - LATE DAY 76 Marcus looking cross mountain at Axe who has managed to transverse one hundred feet of the mountain and is leading a small pack of Shah's men away from Luttrell. Axe starts taking heavy fire. Shot twice through the throat. Falling backwards. Trying to get up. Back to his weapon. AXE DYING. Marcus watching helpless from across the mountain. Trying to cover Axe as the Taliban move in on him. Not all of them have followed Axe because as Marcus turns back an RPG blows ten feet in front of him. Shrapnel and rock smashing into the side of his head. His Helmet tears off his head. 100. Tight on Marcus rolling backwards. Falling. Tumbling further down the mountain. Tight on his helmet, Texas flag painted bold across it. Rolling and smashing down the mountain. He comes to a hard stop slamming the back of his exposed head into a rock. Tight on Marcus. Close to unconscious. Very dazed, Very confused. MARCUS POV. Distorted visuals. Triple vision. No sound except emerging high pitched ringing. Marcus is deaf. He stares up at this apoplectic mountain in dazed wonder. 76A OMIT 76A 77 INT. 47 - AIRBORNE 77 The SEAL Lt. screaming at the Airforce Pilot. SEAL LT. Open the ramp. PILOT Negative. SEAL LT. Open the goddamned ramp. The Lt. has to be restrained, physically pulled back by two SEALs. Everyone screaming at each other. Co-Pilot on radio putting out distress signal calling in the downed 47 to Bagram. CO PILOT We have a downed 47, repeat a downed 47. 101. 78 INT. BAGRAM - CJSOTF 78 This is the big command center. Not just SEALs, everybody- Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines. Shots of a ma**ive response mobilization. AWACS, C-130s, Choppers filling with Delta, Green Berets, DEV Group. Aircraft taking off. F18 fighter jets vectoring towards downed chopper. 79 EXT. LOWER MOUNTAIN 79 Marcus, hearing utterly f**ed....getting closer to the village. Picking his way down hill. CUT TO: 80 OMIT 80 80A EXT. AIRBORNE 47 80A The chopper slow banking a mile off the crash sight. 81 EXT. BLACKHAWK QRF - AIRBORNE 81 The two Apaches pulling ahead of the Blackhawks. Pa**ing the 47. 82 INT. APACHES 82 Pilots star warred up. Flying straight at the burning mountain top. 82A OMIT 82A 102. 83 OMIT 83 83A ON THE MOUNTAIN: 83A Taraq and his men hear the incoming Apaches. Shah orders his men to take cover. The Taliban quickly becoming invisible from the sky. 83B DOWN HILL: 83B Marcus deaf to the incoming Apaches. Has no idea how close they are. As he falls, gets up, off balance stumbles off a 30 ft drop. This time not so lucky with his landing, comes down hard, shatters his right shin, bone tears through his skin, compound fracture. Screaming in pain, Luttrell crawls into a rock creva**e. Hiding, he attempts to clear his head. We play all of Luttrell's audio perspective here as deaf. Abstract surges of sound. He's basically deaf. The Apaches fly high over head. Missing Luttrell. Disappearing over mountain tops as they keep moving to avoid enemy ground fire. Struggling to silence his hysterical breathing, Luttrell hides as Taraq and his men move all around him. Luttrell sees shadows of the fighters. He silently starts covering himself with rocks and dirt. Luttrell well hidden. We slowly push in on him as his head starts to nod forward. He lifts it. Fighting the powerful urge for sleep. It falls again. He lifts it. Leaning his head back against the creva**e wall. Taraq and his men back on the hunt. Searching rock to rock. Tight on Luttrell. Head back. Breathing slower. As Luttrell falls to sleep. FADE TO BLACK. 103. SILENT. A84 OVER BLACK A84 The faint singing of morning birds. Growing louder. SLOW FADE UP. WIDE Looking out at entire Hindu Kush Mountain range as the sun slowly rises behind the tallest peak. STUNNING SUNRISE. 84 INT. LUTTRELL'S HIDE 84 TIGHT ON MARCUS. Looks DEAD. EYES TWITCH. SLOWLY OPEN. LUTTRELL wakes up. Disoriented. First thing he notices is the bird sitting up on a rock above him. He hears it. Sort of. Faded. Loud then silent. His hearing has partially returned. LUTTRELL very slowly clears himself from the dirt and rock hide. Inventories himself, his weapons. Two magazines, two grenades. No food. No water. Bleeding has stopped from his gunshot. Leg is f**ed up. Shin bone busting out. Luttrell sits down. Examining his leg. Probing the bone. Rips off his pants exposing his broken leg in UA shorts. Tears welling he bites down on his lips as he resets the broken bone. Jamming it back inside his skin. Tucking back the bone. Luttrell packs the puncture wound with dirt. Starts ma**aging his dead legs. Forcing blood back into them. Deep powerful breathing as he starts to will his body back into life. 104. 85 EXT. LUTTRELL'S HIDE 85 Luttrell slowly moves out of the hide scanning the area for any sign of Taraq or Shah. Luttrell sees nothing. The village is close. Couple of hundred yards. LUTTRELL moves out. Slowly picking his way down towards the village. At fifty yards Luttrell pulls up. Takes cover behind some rocks. Stares down at the village through his M4 scope. LUTTRELL'S POV Early morning. Women light fires. Buckets of water. Tight on Luttrell's blistered, cracked bone dry lips as he stares through his scope at the water. We can feel his desperate thirst. He stares at the water. Then voices pull his scope left. LUTTRELL's POV. The two goat boys moving through the village. Tight on Luttrell. LUTTRELL (whispering) Motherf**ers. He's got the kids Luttrell's finger The older teenage Then more voices. Luttrell pans right. TALIBAN Five men. Armed. in his scope. Dead to rights. on the trigger. goat herder's face fills his scope... 105. Moving through the village. Pa**ing the boys. Tight on Marcus. His finger slowly off the trigger. Luttrell lowers his weapon. Looks to his left. LUTTRELL'S POV. A faint dirt trail below him leading away from the village. Slowly and silently Luttrell moves out towards that trail. Away from the village. TRACKING with Luttrell. Slow going. He starts to put distance between himself and the village. 86 INT. BAGRAM - CJSOTF 86 The main control center. The recovery of the dead chopper team and speculation over the fate of the four man recon team. ARMY INTEL GUY We can confirm that there are no survivors from the 47 and we think we have recovered the bodies of Murphy and Dietz. Army Captains stare in furious silence. ARMY INTEL GUY (CONT'D) Axelson and Luttrell still unaccounted for. 87 OMIT 87A Unarmed predator drones circling the area. As Special Ops 87A move in and secure the area around the downed chopper. 5 MILES BELOW: 87B OMIT 87B 106. 87 88 OMIT 88 88A OMIT 88A 89 OMIT 89 107. 89A OMIT 89A 90 EXT. WOODS 90 Luttrell hobbles and falls and crawls through the woods. Falling, getting up. Refusing to stop. A desperate search for water. 90A OMIT 90A 90B In the WOODS. 90B Tracking with Luttrell. He's running out of gas. Falling, crawling...grinding it out. He falls. On his hands and knees. Stops, head down. Hears something. Lifts his head. Looks off to his left. A WOLF. Male, large and powerful. The wolf studies Luttrell. Luttrell studies the wolf. 108. No menace just mutual curiosity. Luttrell picks himself up. Studies the wolf closely. Water drips off the side of the Wolf's face. His coat seems wet. Luttrell turns. Listens. HEARS the SOUND of falling water. TRACK with Luttrell towards the sound of the water. Luttrell moves to 20 ft. waterfall, pouring into a beautiful clear pool of crystal clear fresh water. Luttrell tries to slide down the steep cliff sides of the water pool. Too excited, moving too fast, Luttrell slips, falling, tumbling. He falls fast into the water. UNDERWATER. Luttrell cuts through the water. Like a baptism as the cool water surrounds him. Luttrell stays under water. Eyes closed. Feeling it. Finally comes up. SURFACES. Swims to the shore on his hands and knees. LUTTRELL drinks. And drinks...... Slurping like a broken animal. Grabbing for hunks of water plants. Luttrell eats. Shoving the plants into his mouth. Desperate for any kind of energy. TIGHT on LUTTRELL. Slowly freezes. Senses something. Slowly looks up. LUTTRELL'S POV: Three Afghan men. One man we recognize as Gulab. 109. A young Afghan boy. NOT Taraq's crew. Three different men. One holds a machete. Luttrell stares back A moment of silence. Luttrell reaches for Pulls the pin. Holds the armed grenade. The Afghan men appear non pulsed. Staring down at this broken SEAL. at these men. Then. a grenade. LUTTRELL Stay back. The men just stare with curiosity. Luttrell holds up his grenade. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) I don't care. You understand? I don't care. I will k** us all. Finally one of the Afghans. A 30 year old male GULAB, the leader, strong rugged handsome, steps forward. Hands up in peace. GULAB Not Taliban. Luttrell studies Gulab. Looks deep into his eyes. Luttrell looks from Gulab to the other Afghan men. Their faces seem kind. Nothing like the d**h looks we have seen from the Taliban. GULAB (CONT'D) Come. Gulab slowly stepping to and reaching for Luttrell. Voices heard from deeper into the woods. Taraq and his crew getting closer. One of Gulab's men says something quiet to Gulab. 110. Gulab reaches his hand out to Luttrell... Luttrell looks deep into Gulab's eyes. Armed grenade in one hand, Luttrell slowly reaches his right bleeding hand out. Tight on two hands grabbing each other. As they pull him up, out of the stream, voices of Taraq and his men suddenly much closer. Gulab whispers something to one of his men. Luttrell is quickly pushed down into a creva**e between two rocks. A young Afghan boy sits on top of Luttrell hiding him further. Luttrell eyes wide, clutching his grenade. The young boy gently patting Luttrell's back, trying to calm him. YOUNG BOY (whispering) Shuuuu....shuuuuu As Taraq with three Taliban fighters crest the cliff looking down at the pond. At Gulab and his three men. A young boy sitting on a rock. A stare off as the armed Taliban look down at the unarmed Gulab and his Villagers. TARAQ (not particularly friendly) From what Village are you? GULAB Peace be with you my brother we are from Kandish. TARAQ And are you in Kandish true believers and correct in your thinking? GULAB We are my brother. TARAQ Da kom kali yee? GULAB Pa khair zma wrora, mong da Kandish you. TARAQ Aya Tasey da kandish khalgh rekhteney musalmanan yastey ao da sahee fikrono khawandan ye? GULAB Aw baley zamaa rora. 111. TARAQ And have you or any of your brothers seen the Americans moving through these woods? GULAB You are the only people we have seen. Taraq studies Gulab. Looks closely. TARAQ's POV TARAQ Aya ta ya sta wronoo americayan garzedal de largo taraf ta da Amrecayano ledely? GULAB Tasey yawazaney khalk ye che mong waledaley. Luttrell's blood on his right hand. A drop drips into the water. TARAQ TARAQ Is something wrong with your Aya sta la** Khog dey? hand? Gulab holds Taraq's gaze. Doesn't look at the blood. GULAB We have been cutting trees all day my friend. Usually there is much more blood. GULAB Dosta, Monga tola wraz waney ghosawoo, Zyatara wakht zmong lawsoona weeney kege. In the CREVASSE. Luttrell is freaking out. Hyperventilating. The young boy keeps gently patting his back. Taraq studies Gulab on more beat. TARAQ If you see the Americans. Tell us or we will take your heads. GULAB I understand. TARAQ Peace be with you my brother. GULAB And may peace be with you as well my brother. TARAQ Ka taso americayan woledel. Mong ta malomat rakey ao ka na mong ba staso sarona ghos kro. GULAB TARAQ Zma wrora Allah de pa man ke lara. GULAB Allah de ta hum pa aman ke lare. Za pohegam. 112. Taraq and his men take off. Hold on Gulab and his men a couple of beats. 112A. Gulab signals to one man who quickly and silently moves up the little cliff. Signals that it is clear. Gulab quickly moves to a very confused Luttrell, pulling him out of the creva**e. LUTTRELL Why are you helping me? GULAB No Taliban. On Luttrell as the Afghans quickly move him into the woods, The little Afghan boy continues patting Luttrell's leg for comfort. 91 INT. BAGRAM AIR BASE. CJSOTF 91 Frantic activity as rescue teams are tracked. SEALs, Rangers, Green Berets, Marines. Small tracking teams inserted all throughout the area. Each a**igned to different villages. Tight on a map as we see the KANDISH village. 92 EXT. GULAB'S VILLAGE 92 Luttrell with Gulab and the Afghans being led into the small village. He's walking weak with an arm on Gulab's shoulder, the grenade still tight in right hand. Luttrell's POV: The Village. Men women, children, animals all staring at this Giant broken American. An alien entering their world. Marcus staring back in equal confusion. Locking eyes with a 90 year old woman. The young boy by his side points to the woman. Has a conversation with her. Pointing to Marcus's Texas leg. 93 INT. GULAB'S HOUSE 93 Luttrell laid down on a mattress. GULAB We get Americans for you. 113. LUTTRELL Do you know where to find the Americans? GULAB Yes, we know. LUTTRELL Pen? Paper? Please. A pen and note paper are produced. Luttrell scribbles a note. Identifying himself, asking for a**istance. Gulab takes the note, gives it to his father, a fifty-eight- year-old Afghan mountain man, strong muscle. 93A Thetrekkerpocketsthenote,headsoutofthevillage, 93A disappears up into the mountain. 93B Stay with Luttrell and Gulab. Luttrell looks from Gulab to93B the little boy, slowly puts pin back in grenade. Then from outside, loud voices ARGUING. 93C Track with Gulab outside to the edge of the village. 93C Taraq with five men. He looks pissed. TARAQ We want the American. GULAB Please leave our village. TARAQ This village has supported the Americans. GULAB We want no trouble with you, please leave. TARAQ Mong Americaye ghawaro. GULAB Mehrabani okey zamonga kali perigadey TARAQ Da dey kali khalgo Americayano sara marasta kari da. GULAB Mong taso sara hes moshkel na ghawaro, mehrabani/lutfan da dey zaya larr shey. Taraq studies Gulab a beat, then without warning smashes him in the side of the face. Gulab takes a knee. Looks up. Taraq hits him again. Pure humiliation. Tight on Gulab, tears water, as he summons his courage and stands tall, defiant, eyes blazing back at Taraq. 114. 94 INT. LUTTRELL'S ROOM 94 Luttrell's room as Taraq and his men come smashing through the door. Luttrell weak, tries to get up, is smashed down to the floor by Taraq. Luttrell tries to fight back. He is too weak, he is kicked and pounded viscously by Taraq and his men. Grenade just out of reach. Luttrell is flipped on his back. Arms and legs held down as Taraq gets on top of him, knife out. TARAQ What base are you from? Luttrell's head held back, neck exposed, Taraq moves in with the blade. TARAQ (CONT'D) What unit are you from? When the door is kicked open. Gulab AK-47 aimed at Taraq, two armed villagers behind him. From the windows, an old man with a shotgun. Screaming and chaos. Eight armed Afghans in a small room. Screaming at each other. Guns up. Taraq freezes. Out the window he sees five more of Gulab's villagers - guns up. GULAB Enough. Taraq slowly stands. TARAQ You are making a mistake. bas. GULAB TARAQ You will my home. Then let GULAB not harm this man in TARAQ us take him. Tasey ghalatey kawey. GULAB Ta ba zama pa koor ki dey sara ta hes na waye. TARAQ No bya zey che we neso. GULAB hagha zama milma day. Taso zmong da kali wozey. GULAB He is my guest. You will leave our village. 115. TARAQ We will come back. GULAB Then you will fight my entire tribe. TARAQ Mong ba bia razo. GULAB Bya ba zma tola qabila staey khilaf jange kawe. A tense stand off, Taraq staring at Gulab. He and his men slowly release Luttrell...move out past Gulab. TARAQ For an American you will all die. Do you understand that? GULAB Stay away from this village. TARAQ Da yao Americayee da para ba taso toll mrey. Aya taso powhegey GULAB Da dey kali na larey osey. They stare inches apart. Taraq smiles, orders his men out. Taraq stops, turns back, faces the entire village. TARAQ You have all made your choice, you have declared your side and for this all men, women, children will be slaughtered. All of you. TARAQ Taso tolo khapal fareeq aw khawakha malooma kra, da dey pa waja ba tol nareena, khazena aw moshoman mrey. Tasey tol. Tight on Gulab trembling trying his best to show no fear. Tight shots of Gulab's villagers; farmers with guns, all of them trembling. 95 EXT. MOUNTAINS 95 The old men with the note from Luttrell treks hard and fast over the mountains. 96 EXT. WOODS - OUTSIDE VILLAGE 96 Taraq on cell phone as he climbs up a small hill overlooking Gulab's village. Taraq's calling in more men, waiting. 97 EXT. GULAB'S VILLAGE 97 Gulab and three of his tribesmen having a heated conversation, argument over Luttrell. Feels similar to the SEALs debating the ROE on the mountain top. 116. Women in packs watch from a distance. 116A. 117. 98 INT. GULAB'S HOUSE 98 The little boy squatting on floor next to Luttrell, won't take his eyes off him. An odd staring contest. MARCUS What's your name? The boy just stares. Name? Nothing. MARCUS (CONT'D) Luttrell looks down at his gunshot wounds, still seeping blood. He looks to the young boy. LUTTRELL Hey. The boy looks at Luttrell. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) Come. Come. Luttrell gestures for the boy to come over. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) Knife. The boy is confused. Just stares at Luttrell. Knife. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) Luttrell finds a little piece of wood on the cave floor, picks it up. Makes a cutting move with it. Knife. Knife. Go get knife. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) LITTLE BOY LUTTRELL 99 EXT. WOODS - OUTSIDE VILLAGE 99 Shah, with five more heavily armed Taliban, join Taraq in the woods. Brief conversation in Arabic -- Taraq briefs Shah on situation. Now ten in total, they stare down at Gulab's village. 100 INT. GULAB'S HOUSE 100 The little boy has brought back a small live duck. Presents it to Luttrell. LUTTRELL (confused) What is that? The kid silently holds the duck out to Luttrell. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) knife. LITTLE BOY LITTLE BOY I said Knife. That's Not a knife. LUTTRELL not a knife. LUTTRELL a f**ing duck. LITTLE BOY a f**ing duck. LUTTRELL a knife! LITTLE BOY LUTTRELL leg! LUTTRELL Please. I need a knife. That's That's I need Knife! For my For my Gulab enters looking down at Luttrell. LITTLE BOY leg! 118. Gulab staring down at Luttrell. Moves to the back of the house, comes back with a large knife. Gruesome bullet removing sequence. Blood. Screaming digging scraping out bullets and shrapnel from Luttrell's back and legs. Gulab digs with a knife. Pours water on the wounds. The little boy holds Luttrell's hands and whispers to him. Luttrell pa**es out. 101 EXT. HINDU KUSH - NIGHT Under the full moon the 101A Gulab and his villagers 101 trekker moves across a mountain top. stand watch over their village. 101A 101B Luttrell sleeps. His fever burning. 101B SUNRISE 102 EXT. HILLS ABOVE GULAB'S VILLAGE 102 Taraq and Shah, now with fifty men. Heavily armed. AKS and RPGS, Shah gives orders. The men break into three groups. Moving out to flank the village. Gulab's villagers still on watch. The town feels locked down like an old western. 103 INT. BAGRAM - CJSOTF 103 Secure phone rings. Marine answers it. MARINE We've got a report of a letter asking for a**istance. COMMANDER From who? MARINE Marcus Luttrell. Sir, they did a hand writing comparison and its does appear to be Luttrell. COMMANDER Where is he? MARINE KANDISH Village. 119. COMMANDER Go get him son. 103A EXT. C-130 - AIRBORNE 103A The “HAND OF GOD”. A high altitude attack aircraft capable of striking targets from 25,000 feet. 104 INT. co*kPIT 104 C-130 pilots getting instructions to move into the Kandish Village area. Gunmen settling into fire positions. 105 INT. GULAB'S HOUSE 105 Luttrell wakes. A small fire. Gulab and the little boy staring at Luttrell. Luttrell struggles to sit up. Gulab hands him water. Luttrell drinks in ma**ive gulps. Choking. Gulab takes water bottle from Marcus. GULAB (arabic) Slow. Gulab hands Luttrell a bowl of cooked Lamb. Luttrell starts inhaling the meat. Fist fulls. As he starts choking. GULAB (CONT'D) (arabic) Slow. Luttrell nods. Trying to slow down. Trying to show a semblance of control. Gulab points to the Texas flag on Marcus's vest. America? GULAB (CONT'D) MARCUS Texas. GULAB America? 120. MARCUS Yes. America. Texas is America, Yes. Tex. Texas. LITTLE BOY MARCUS LITTLE BOY Texas. Luttrell eyes the water bottle. LUTTRELL More water. Please. Gulab hands Marcus the bottle. Again he starts drinking in desperate, choking gulps. The little boy laughing at Luttrell's ravenous thirst. Gulab a small smile. The little boy and Gulab just stare. As Luttrell finishes all the meat and drinks all the water. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) I don't know why your doing this for me. Gulab and the little boy staring at Marcus. Thank you. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) The two men staring at each other as an incoming RPG slams into the house. Huge explosion. Frantic screaming from outside. Gulab up and out first. Luttrell struggles to stand. The little boy moving to Luttrell helping him up. Luttrell grabbing his vest and gun moving out just as a 2nd RPG detonates destroying the rest of Gulab's house. 106 EXT. VILLAGE 106 TARAQ attacks with his men. Brutal fight. Hand to hand, gun on gun. Gulab shot, Marcus shot again. The Taliban is about to k** Marcus when the little boy calls out to Marcus. 121. The Taliban is on top of Luttrell, choking him, k**ing him. Luttrell's hands clawing at the man, digging into earth, grasping for wood, a stone, anything...when...a KNIFE, is slapped into Luttrell's hand. Luttrell looks up, the little boy. Staring at Luttrell. Marcus buries the knife into the neck of the fighter. Rolling out as the building in front of them detonates. Heavy machine gunfire tearing it up. Luttrell and Shah fall back. A woman charges out grabbing the little boy. Eye contact with Luttrell as he is carried away. Gulab and Marcus pinned down...Taraq moving in. Taraq is about to win. When off camera, Luttrell looking up at the empty sky, he hears something. THUMP THUMP THUMP Silent. Then. Giant explosions all around Luttrell. Taliban blowing up as if HAND of GOD was attacking. 106A INT. AC-130 106A We see gunners targeting. The 40mm firing with extreme precision. 106B Luttrell looks up behind him. 106B Two American Apaches, flanking two Blackhawks. 106C HIGHER 106C C-130 gunship starts slow banking... Tight on pilots, gunmen, ammo, fingers on triggers...sights locked in... 106D On the ground... All gunships open Taliban shredded. Taliban trying to 130. 106D fire, the ground around the village erupts. run away. Shredded by the Apaches. The C- Taraq turns...starts to run away. Tight on Luttrell, gun up. Tight on Gulab, gun up... 122. POV: Both sights, Taraq's head full frame. Both men take a breath... LUTTRELL Glorious Day. Gulab fires first. On Taraq, running towards us full frame as... Gulab's bullet slams into the side of Taraq...spinning him around as...Luttrell's bullet takes his head off...Taraq falling slow and hard. Dead. Tight on Luttrell and Gulab. Apaches circling over head as two Blackhawks land behind them. Air Force Search and Rescue Helicopter airmen charge out of the chopper towards Luttrell. Luttrell? CREW CHIEF LUTTRELL Yes sir. CREW CHIEF It's time to go home. The Airmen reach for Luttrell. Luttrell won't let go of Gulab. They hold each other like life long brothers. The US Airmen separate Marcus from Gulab. Marcus is too weak to resist. 107 INT. CHOPPER 107 Luttrell loaded in the chopper, looks back at Gulab, reaches for him. Gulab takes his hand. LUTTRELL He comes with me. Luttrell's hand is gently separated from Gulab as Green Berets move into the village. Gulab steps back as the chopper takes off. Tight on Luttrell, weak eyes open, gla**ed up. 123. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) There is a randomness to life. A luck, a rhythm that is beyond my ability to understand. 123A. 108 INT. CHOPPPER 108 Flying fast over the Afghan mountains. Luttrell beaten and broken, but clear-eyed... Staring down at the vast epic Afghan mountain range. LUTTRELL Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and fear of reputation that I am bound to uphold. The mighty Hindu Kush... As the sun sets... Back to opening. Doctor's working franticly to save Luttrell. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) I died up on that mountain. There's no question a part of me will forever be up on that mountain dead as my brothers died. Close on heart monitor. LUTTRELL (CONT'D) But, there is a part of me that lived. Because of my brothers, because of them, I am still alive, and I can never forget that no matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, how far you fall... From flatline to a heartbeat. LUTTRELL(CONT'D) You are never out of the fight. LONE SURVIVOR. 124.