Undogmatic - Nerve Toxins lyrics


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Undogmatic - Nerve Toxins lyrics

[Verse 1] Grey strands of hair, eyes tired When sense is absent from life, may the buyer Beware, every word is a spike on an iron chair The fog of war covers land love has pioneered In the end, thankless duties are shirked And those making demands see the value of the work The doer of the misdeed suspects The victim of the same acts, as though the bond wasn't strained yet The mirror bore the same cracks as his soul Because the one trying to be in is losing control The young ones pick up on the vibe and it molds Their perception of dealings between two adults Perpetuated abuse won't let scars heal And the pain is carried on concealed behind a shield In the end, we only contend with ourselves Which is why we believe we must fend for ourselves [Verse 2] Shame's revealed when a promise wasn't kept and you're Held to it, see the grid from below? You fell through it No clipping, neither to your own stunted wings Nor the bigger picture, you'll never glimpse The days have long pa**ed where you tried me And somehow lucked into me speaking out in your defense You can find me where the gra** isn't greener, but at least it's there You can't reap where you didn't sow seeds Apologies are of very little use to me And your little shoes no longer fit on my feet My glares smash hulls whose integrity is poor Since your mask doesn't hold, I would rather be ensured You tell me, should I cut cords to cut losses? Hard losing something that from the start was forfeit When some lines are crossed, you nail whoever crossed ya And I'm just real glad to be off ya... [link to song: https://undogmatic.bandcamp.com/track/nerve-toxins ] [ link to album: https://undogmatic.bandcamp.com/album/infp ]