Umbra - Pith lyrics


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Umbra - Pith lyrics

Instantaneously combustin ya cranium upon pavement like hot knife slices through bu*ter my hammer glides through the Brains on the floor, I look up and see four witnesses, two sisters father and a missus the Man says to me, "you murdered my son, now you've taken everything from me, don't you know what you've done? I'm laughing, s**in the blood from my fingers one by one I look him in the eyes say "yes but we've just begun"* Daughter dials 9-1-1 and so I'm grabbing for my gun, mutilate her face until it looks like chewed bubble gum the Second one attempts to run, so I snip her thread,like im fate with some scissors causin parenthetical d**h Breath wheezes as her soul seeps out real slow, making eye contact with a dad she'll never really know I say "too bad but don't be sad that it's over, be glad that it happened there's no goin back that's a fact Those thotties always gunna be barely intact bodies want to Cobain the pain away? Wrap your mouth around the Shotty, like a prisoner gazing beyond his window pane it's not crazy nor insane no it's normal so Former mom and dad, I leave the choice to you shuffle off this mortal coil be consumed by worms in the soil No hell no boil, mother steps forth, she says "I can't take it I'm eternally heartbreakin and Psychologically the memory alone is breaking me me it's changing my mind into mush and so suicides a must he Says he understands, says it's ok so they cryin say goodbye and then I send her on her merry way Hey, that's illegal some say "well it takes place in Oregon so s** my dick" Narrative goes on, I'm talkin to the don, ask him "dude what the f** is going on? Your Family is gone, the woman of your dreams lookin like she just choked on a bomb and you're nothing but calm Memories all night long, sleep is for the weak not the meek and the strong so tell me What's wrong, with not goin on why not just travel to lands far beyond please get some sleep Sleep, perchance dream that's the mothaf**in rub please tell me whats up Relax(he says), life was never supposed to be easy i suppose it's mostly been breezy certainly steezy Deeply pleasing are the feelings a**ociated with thinking easy to see why I'd rather be than be on the ceiling all- Though it's appealing to flee from current skin peeling and no I ain't believing even if I did Jesus wouldn't be receiving Me, no I'm not buying what your selling gunna keep my melon no matter how rotten it's gotten gotta Keep walking Always thought jottin not stopping cause my Thot stopped walkin and the voices started talkin you Scoffin cause I forgone your offerin you thought me to be soft happily sippin weak sauce in my Coffin, im yawnin severin heads on the verbal choppin block often an so I'm Off then, to overcome this pain "I walk back to the hotel in the rain" (Hemingway 355)