​tpk - Police Presence lyrics


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​tpk - Police Presence lyrics

[Intro] Man, security's beefed up I can't even go anywhere without them judging me Looking through my bag, patting me down, watching me all the time It's a nightmare... Best way to describe it [Chorus] For your safety, we up the presence of the police Because at any moment they could bomb your streets Your stadiums and your special events To protect the money that you have spent For your safety, we up the presence of the police Because at any moment they could bomb your streets Your stadiums and your special events To protect the money that you have spent [Verse 1] Everywhere I go I see the police Because of something that happened recently They're patting me down, frisking me over Treating everybody like a disgruntled soldier Black, White, Brown, it doesn't matter If you look suspicious you get all the chatter Despite the fact you paid fifth-nine-fifty-five For the ticket but that doesn't eliminate the jive You can't immerse yourself in the action Because the police are looking for your reaction Double checking for something they missed Like some hidden explosives or maybe a switch The odds of this happening are highly unlikely But with the money at stake, they don't tread lightly Extra precautions they have to take Despite every bomb threat being fake [Chorus] For your safety, we up the presence of the police Because at any moment they could bomb your streets Your stadiums and your special events To protect the money that you have spent For your safety, we up the presence of the police Because at any moment they could bomb your streets Your stadiums and your special events To protect the money that you have spent] [Verse 2] Common sense is a thing that exists But they don't notice until things happen quick They never enforced the no-mask rule before But ever since Colorado, they let everybody know They've known how they operated for years But they don't enforce anything to stop the tears All they do is instill a lot of protection That'll teach people to learn their lesson But hold up, wait... what's the chance That a person could actively act on their rants One in a million yet they act like everyone... Could potentially k** people with any type of gun Same things happen because of this Cause people can understand the logistics Of a country gone totally wrong... Why does terrorism have to be their only song? [Chorus] For your safety, we up the presence of the police Because at any moment they could bomb your streets Your stadiums and your special events To protect the money that you have spent For your safety, we up the presence of the police Because at any moment they could bomb your streets Your stadiums and your special events To protect the money that you have spent [Verse 3] I can't even walk around anymore Without a police officer greeting me at my door Saying that they've got a police report From someone who's very much a worry wort They invite me into my home, sit me down Asking me questions of why I'm leaving town Why I look left and right and why I speak nervously The answer, it's because you're in my house, now leave They never leave, they keep on asking me questions Because I'm the victim of a police inspection And I want to sue them for obvious hara**ment But they're protected by a constitutional amendment Whenever bombs goes off or some towers collapse This is exactly how the police act Fear exists in all of us So why don't you just stop with the tough talk and stop with the fuss