Southwest of Heaven, I act as judge, jury and executioner Vicious wrath, will to k**, sewers are my k**ing field Bloodtrail leads beneath the ground, where 49 bodies are found Stench of the dead Severed from life In these sewers, the horror revived A ravenous murdering rage I am the father, k**ing gave me grace Another corpse and a victim Another piece, another one dead A broken bottle to a crushed skull Bleeding blood, that's not enough I'll k** more In these sewers, I will hammer them down Stench of the dead Severed from life In these sewers, the horror revived A ravenous murdering rage I am the father, k**ing gave me grace Another corpse and a victim Another piece, another one dead A broken bottle to a crushed skull Bleeding blood, that's not enough I'll k** more In these sewers, I will make them drown