Ramund var sig en bedre mand om han havde bedre kl?der Dronningen gav hannem kl?der p? stand af bl?garn, bast og l?der "S?dant vil jeg ikke ha," sagde Ramund. "S?dant st?r mig ikke bra," sagde Ramund hin unge Ramund gik sig ved salten s?strand der s? han syv j?tter stande "Tager jeg Ramund p? min mindste h?nd og kaster ham langt fra lande" "Det g?r ikke ene du," sagde Ramund "I m? komme alle syv," sagde Ramund hin unge Ramund tog til sit dyre sv?rd det han kaldte dymlingen r?de Hug han de j?tter syv med en f?rd at blodet randt dennem til d?de "Der ligger alle syv," sagde Ramund "Alt st?r jeg her endnu," sagde Ramund hin unge Kejseren ud af vinduet s? med angst og sorrigfuld mine "Hvo er den mand, i g?rden mon st? og der s? h?sselig grine? "Det er mig, jeg har lyst," sagde Ramund "Med dig at vov' en dyst," sagde Ramund hin unge Ramund tog til sin store kniv den han kaldte dymlingen dyre Skilte han kejseren ved hans liv at hovedet fl?j femten mile "Jeg mente den ej bed," sagde Ramund "Dog rinder blodet ned," sagde Ramund hin unge [Translation:] The Young Raymond "Raymond was a better man if he was better clad" The queen gave him fine clothes of blueyarn, bast and leather "I do not want such," said Raymond "It does not suit me," said the yound Raymond Raymond walked along the salty beach There he saw seven giants standing "I will take Raymond on my smallest hand. And throw him far offshore" "You will not do that alone," said Raymond "You must come all seven of you," said the young Raymond Raymond took his dear sword The one he called the red Dimling He hew the seven giants simultaneously So that they bled to d**h "There they lie, all seven of them," said Raymond "And I still stand here," said the young Raymond The Emperor looked out the window In fright and with a sad face "Who is that man that stands in the yard and laughs so terribly" "It is I, and I would like," said Raymond "To challenge you to fight," said the young Raymond Raymond took his large knife The one he called the dear Dimling He took the Emperor's Life So that the head flew fifteen miles "I thought it was blunt," said Raymond "And yet the blood flows," said the yound Raymond