Now at regular party size Waves crash on either side Hes wearing polypropylene Clutching at straws; holding on to streams What was he looking for? Truth or was it Heaven? Or did he just wanna go out with a bang? So to speak... Hes put his helmet Steps out Floats out into the sky Goodbye. Its funny but i Can understand why I wanna live Where the traffic controllers Are ballet dancers And billboards painted over with colors Where unkindness is fined In numbers of roses. And nobody feels like taking the commons. Nobody feels like taking the commons While some were meant for sea, in tugs boats. Round the shore's knee. Milling with the sand and always coming back to land For others, up above Is all they can think of. Up there with the birds and clouds Where words don't follow. There are times when I would sit down for tea. Some well-meaning companion will ask me. "How's it going with everything?" Quite nicely; But I wanna live. Where the traffic controllers Are ballet dancers And billboards painted over with colors Where unkindness is fined. In numbers of roses And nobody feels like taking the commons. Nobody feels like taking the commons. Nobody feels like taking the commons. Though time has soldiered on I still think of upon him. Waging with the sky; Hes crying Goodbye What was he looking for? Truth or was it Heaven? Or did he just wanna go out with a bang? So to speak...