Timothy Brindle - The Heart of Christ lyrics


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Timothy Brindle - The Heart of Christ lyrics

Verse 1- The Torah-Heart of the True Human The Heart of Christ, the most beautiful thing/ fully God—yet a Human Ruler and King Anointed in Davidic Royalty/ to the Father's glory, full committed loyalty The Real Torah, whose heart fulfilled the Law: loving man, and for God, He's filled with awe Our Adam heart, is fallen and ruined/ behold the 2nd Adam—the Ultimate Human! Because in the garden, He'd cling to Abba/ a bleeding heart of love He brings His Father Because a Whole Burnt Offering is proper/ but for Him—The Cross is His Altar Full submissive trust was His posture/ trusting He'd be risen with kingly honor Come drink—don't think it costs ya/ ‘cause out of His Heart flows springs of Living Water! Verse 2- The High Priestly Heart of Christ Now let me demonstrate/ the High Priestly Heart of Christ from Exodus 28 It's pointing to the true anointed Jew/ who intercedes, so God ain't destroying you We see the LORD give the charge to Aaron/ to engrave on his holy garments, wearing/ The names of all of God's people so before the LORD, on his heart he'd bear them Likewise in God's holy presence/ for those He chose and holds as precious/ Christ always carries our names on His heart/ in permanent love—engraved with its mark And He's appeased the Judge who's just/ and His heart beats with thumps of love for us And since He lives without changing/ His Eternal Heart of Love IS our Salvation! Verse 3- His Heart Bore our Sin and Experienced our Hell With His Father, before the start of humans/ in eternal heart-to-heart communion But for those who are hardened, ruined/ His Holy Heart would embark, pursue them On the Cross eternal darkness looming/ because the Father's Infinite Dart was wounding Way before the spear pierced sharply through Him/ “WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?!” He harkens to Him/ But He'd depart from Him/ ‘cause in the deepest part within/ Infinite Grief to pardon sin A real shocking thing/ His very Soul became a Guilt Offering Lord, in the very center of Your Person/ in the central part of Your Being You bore all my sin and perversion/ wore it on Your Heart when You're bleeding! Because in Your Inner-Self, You felt the curse/ the equivalence of Your Hell deserved Behold, Your Vast Soul/ in reality swallowed up all our sin like a black hole! Eternal Separation for the lost/ for the perfect restoration of the lost Your Resurrection—just resuscitation? NO! Your Resurrection IS our RESTORATION!