Timothy Brindle - Election lyrics


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Timothy Brindle - Election lyrics

[Verse 1: Willie Will] Yo let me facilitate and give a taste to fill your face until you're filled with faith and the illest grace that God's chosen will embrace to finish the race and get in the gates so I'mma build a case for God's love and the blessing of the doctrine of election, check it Ephesians 1:4 and 5 will be the main verse that'll provide a framework so that I can explain first up, choosing up sinners is rooted in the beautiful sentiments of the love of God who is choosing to justify the ruined and wicked, our spirits swimming in sewage but refusing, losing us to die, he decided to move in a sovereign way, the sovereign one predestined us for adoption as sons, but this is a problem for some, which is a definite problem, men have rebelled fell dead in the jail headed for hell with the deception of Sodom, if not for the blessing of God and his sovereign selection our only option is d**h and we would be left at the bottom Ephesians 2 says we're dead in sin and if it's true then dead men can't simply choose to resurrect again, peep the church is designed to hold the grace of Jehovah's face that culminates in Romans 8 verse 29 see the chosen saints God decided to save though lost and depraved, by dying for the chosen people then to rise from the grave that's an appointment, Acts 13:48 before creation we are anointed to the praise of his glorious grace and John the Baptist filled with the Spirit while in the womb, Lazarus was made alive by the spirit while in the tomb, Apostle Paul was on a certain mission try'na murder Christians, preaching the works of the written law and righteousness by circumcision, when God stopped him in his course, knocked him off his horse, he falls, then God causes Paul to worship the Risen, listen, this love no one is worthy to take, but election reveals God's heart to show mercy and grace [Hook] Check it the church has been blessed with the mercy of God for the [?] is the doctrine of election God in His affection blessed men with sovereign selection This is the doctrine of election Check it the church has been blessed with the mercy of God for the [?] is the doctrine of election God in His affection blessed men with sovereign selection This is the doctrine of election [Verse 2: Timothy Brindle] The subject may be redundant to some, but understand election's rooted in God the Father's love for His Son, and out of that abundance comes His love for His sons, so you can say His love for Christ and us is one, cause it's an infinite love expressed perfectly, and in the Trinitarian love from eternity, this love overflows on those Jehovah chose, to be the brothers of His only Son in all certainty, so electing love doesn't fail pitifully or miserably, so that I'm only loved as much as Hitler, see, or those who die in disbelief, but it's based on His fixed decree to really give victory and liberty, from eternity His love was picking me, not cause I love consistently but despite iniquity, infinite love that's rich and free, the sovereign love that drove Jesus Christ to the cross, yeah the sickest tree! To be afflicted, bleeds for my malicious deeds, and my wicked greed, election says He died for me specifically, to invincibly secure all the elect in history, to be [?] up in the love of the Trinity So our election's connected to God's purpose, what's God's purpose? The Son of God's worship, He suffered the blood-drip, safe in His clutch-grip, we're secure in Christ cause we're the Father's love gift! So we love free will, namely God's free will, to freely love sinners who are evil, and freely pour out His blood that He'd spill, and this was for me when dead in sins, and not just [?], His Holy Spirit regenerates his people, to reveal His deep will, [?] can we [?], He sealed us, we can't be snatched from the dove, from everlasting to everlasting's His love [Hook] [Outro: Willie Will] Yeah even as He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him, in love he predestined us for adoption as sons, through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace, Ephesians 1 verses 4 through 6, yeah