One plus one equals two. That's one less than me, The King and you. Something's gotta give. I just want to live a simple life with the minimum of fuss. It would be nice if it was the two of us. One plus one equals two. Maths is not my strong point but I know that much is true. Something's gotta give. I just want to live a simple life with the minimum of fuss. It would be nice if it was the both of us. That would be nice. That would be cool. I had a great idea last night in bed. Go and fetch a sword then come with me instead. Now that's a great idea - smart and chrystal clear. The best I've had in years. Wouldn't you agree that that's a great idea. Such a great idea. A f**ing great idea. Great ideas can make you famous. Great ideas can make you rich. But why would you waste your time on that when you can blow your mind on this? Great ideas can make you nervous. Great ideas can make you blush. If The King knows a great idea from a good one then he'll leave the rest to us. Great ideas can end in tears.