The Legend of Korra - Welcome to Republic City lyrics


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The Legend of Korra - Welcome to Republic City lyrics

[Pilot Opening] Earth. Fire. Air. Water. When I was a boy, my father, Avatar Aang, told me the story of how he and his friends heroically ended the Hundred Year War. Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko transformed the Fire Nation colonies into the United Republic of Nations, a society where benders and nonbenders from all over the world could live and thrive together in peace and harmony. They named the capital of this great land Republic City. Avatar Aang accomplished many remarkable things in his life, but sadly, his time in this world came to an end. And like the cycle of the seasons, the cycle of the Avatar began anew.I [title card for the episode] [The scene opens with three people in purple cloaks walking towards an igloo. Waiting for them is man with dark skin, black hair and Inuit-like clothing (Water Tribe garments) TONRAQ. He has a lantern in his hands and is visibly happy to see the trio] TONRAQ: The White Lotus has honored my family by coming. Thank you. [Tonraq opens the door. SENNA, his wife, is sweeping in the center of their home. Her robe is stained and their house is clearly in a state of disrepair. Senna halts her sweeping and bows.] SENNA: Welcome. WHITE LOTUS LEADER: We have investigated many claims, both here and in the Northern Tribe. All have turned out to be false. (Tonraq comes over to Senna and puts an arm on her shoulder. The couple smiles at one another, then turns back to the trio.) SENNA: Then you should be happy to know, your search has come to an end. WHITE LOTUS LEADER: What makes you so sure your daughter is the "one"? SENNA: Korra, please come in here. [A slab of rock flies past the trio. To their left, a circular hole in the room's stone interior wall. Backlit by a bright light, a kid, KORRA, strikes an action pose and then starts jumping around, bending the various elements.] KORRA: I'm the Avatar, you gotta deal with it! [Korra starts bending three of the four elements, showing off to the trio. As she jumps towards the camera sending a fire blast that fills the screen, the fire subsides to showcase present day Korra Dressed in red-toned protective gear atop her usual Water Tribe flavor clothes, she is fighting several firebenders, also in training protective gear. She is easily beating her sparring partners. On the side, the elders of the White Lotus, an old man in Fire Nation garb and an elderly KATARA.] KATARA: She's strong. WHITE LOTUS LEADER: She lacks restraint. [Korra is clearly different than pacifist Aang, as she is completely dominating and even enjoys combat. She dispatches the last remaining sparring partner and throws her hands in the air in celebration] KORRA: Woo hoo! Hey, why all the doom and gloom people? We should be celebrating! Three elements down, one to go. [Korra takes off her safety helmet as the elders look at her] FIREBENDING MASTER: You're getting ahead of yourself as usual, Korra. We haven't decided if you pa**ed your firebending test yet. WHITE LOTUS LEADER: Ever since you were a little girl, you've excelled at the physical side of bending, but completely ignored the spiritual side. The Avatar must master both. [Korra seems annoyed at the comment, yet springs back to her fiery self] KORRA: I haven't ignored it. It just doesn't come as easy to me. But that's why I should start training with Tenzin immediately. He's "Mister Spiritual." WHITE LOTUS LEADER: Do you believe she's ready, Master Katara? KATARA: Yes. If anyone can teach her what she needs to learn, its Tenzin. WHITE LOTUS LEADER: Very well, Korra. It's time for you to begin your airbending training. KORRA: Yes! Finally! I mean... [clears her throat and bows] Thank you all for believing in me. [The scene changes and we see Korra running towards her giant polar bear dog, Naga] KORRA: Naga, you should have seen it. I kicked some firebender bu*t, and I pa**ed! Tenzin will be here in a few days. [Korra, riding Naga, goes to the gate. The guard looks at her concerned.] KORRA: Just taking Naga out for a stroll. [The guard looks at her suspiciously] Don't worry we're not going far. [Still not looking entirely convinced, he turns around and opens the gate and the pair roam outside.] KORRA: Naga go. That a girl. Go! Go! Go! [Scene changes as a sky bison flies down to the Southern Pole. On it are a family of airbenders with the nonbender mother PEMA. The father is TENZIN, son of Aang, with his three children, JINORA, IKKI and MEELO] IKKI: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? It looks like we are there. I know this is very familiar. Are we here yet? Are we here yet? Oh, please say we are here! TENZEN: Yes, Ikki. As I have been telling you for the last 15 minutes, we are finally here. IKKI: Weee! Hehehe! [They land and are met by Katara] TENZIN: Hello, Mother. I can't tell you happy I am to see you. Please, help me. [Katara laughs and takes Meelo in her arms] MEELO: Unhand me strange woman! TENZIN: That's your grandmother, Meelo. KATARA: It's so good to see all of you. JINORA: Gran Gran, I have been reading all about your old adventures. I've been dying to ask you, what happened to Zuko's mom? KATARA: Well, Jinora, it's an incredible tale- IKKI: Gran Gran, you look old. How old are you? And why is it so cold in the South Pole? Can we make a campfire and all hudle around it and tell scary stories, and make snowmen? And then can you make the snowmen move with waterbending and chase us? Wouldn't that be fun? Huh, wouldn't it? [Pema goes down the sky bison while Tenzin helps her down] TENZIN: Pema let me help you. Careful now. Careful. PEMA: Stop doting on me. I'm not helpless, I'm just pregnant. [Katara comes to greet her and touches the belly] KATARA: The baby's strong. I see another airbender in your future. PEMA: All I want is just one child like me. A nice non bender who doesn't blast wind in my face every 5 seconds. MEELO: Mommy look, I'm a snow bender! [Meelo airbends and pushes the snow on his mother] PEMA: Were Tenzin and his siblings this crazy when they were kids? KATARA: Kya and Bumi certainly were, but Tenzin has always been... rather serious. TENZIN: Mother, please. [Tenzin sees Korra standing behind Katara, a smile on her face] TENZIN: Korra? Look at you. So big and strong. You've grown into quite the young Avatar. KORRA: Master Tenzin, I'm so glad you're here. I can't wait to get started. [Tenzin turns his head to the side, not able to meet Korra's eyes.] TENZIN: Yes, well... uh... PEMA: You're going to have to tell her sooner or later. KORRA: What? Tell me what? KATARA: You're not staying are you? TENZIN: I'm afraid not. We're only visiting for the night, then I have to return to Republic City. KORRA: But, no... you're supposed to move here. You're supposed to teach me. TENZIN: I'm sorry Korra, your airbending training is going to have to wait. (We return with a nighttime overhead shot of the training compound. Several structures are illuminated by electric lights. Cut to the inside of some building. It's a dining hall decorated in the Water Tribe fashion. At the center of each table is an open pit spit roast, but there is no meat on any of them tonight, presumably in respect of Tenzin's vegetarianism. Korra, Tenzin, and the three White Lotus masters sit at the room's far table. The rest of the place is deserted.) [It's nighttime. Inside the house, there is Korra, Tenzin, the white lotus elders and the white lotus leader. They're all sitting down at the table, food served to each one of them] KORRA: So how long until you are ready to teach me airbending? A week? A month? TENZIN: It could be much longer KORRA: I don't understand. Why are you making me wait? TENZIN: I have a responsibility to Republic City. I am one of it's leaders, and the situation there is very unstable right now. KORRA: But you also have a responsibility to teach me. Believe me I'd be happy to find another airbending master, but you're the only one. We're stuck with each other. TENZIN: I wish there were another way. KORRA: Wait, there is! If you can't stay here, then i'll go back to Republic City with you. It's perfect! [The White Lotus leader slaps the table in dismay] WHITE LOTUS LEADER: Absolutely not! The city is far too dangerous. Avatar Aang tasked us with keeping you safe while you mastered the four elements. KORRA: I get that. But I don't think keeping me locked up in this compound like a prisoner is what he had in mind. TENZIN: I know this is difficult to accept, but its not the right time for you to come to the city. KORRA: Whatever. [Korra walks out of the dinner table and out through the nearest door. The White Lotus leader sighs. Tenzin, eyes closed, bows his head.] [The next morning, Katara waves goodbye to her family atop their sky-bison.] IKKI: Goodbye, Gran Gran! TENZIN: Oogi, yip yip! [Oogi, the sky bison, takes flight. Katara watches them leave and, saddened, she rubs her eyes. Korra is sitting on Naga watching the airbender family leave. The look on her eyes is determined. At night, Korra goes to find Naga and fixes the saddle on her back so that she can leave for Republic City. Katara surprises her] KATARA: Nice night for an escape, isn't it? KORRA: I have to leave. I have to find my own path as the Avatar. KATARA: I know you do. Aang's time has pa**ed. My brother and many of my friends are gone. It's time for you and your generation to take on the responsibility of keeping peace and balance in the world. But I think you're going to be a great Avatar. KORRA: Thank you. [They hug] KATARA: Goodbye, Korra. [Korra waterbends and earthbends her way out of the compound without any suspicions, Naga following her. She goes to her parents' house, where she embraces them tenderly.] KORRA: Mom, Dad. I'll miss you. SENNA: We love you so much. [Both Korra and Naga are now stowaways on a ship heading to Republic City. The next scene shows them both sleeping as the ship groans and wakes Korra up. She pushes Naga] KORRA: Naga, we're here! [A door is lowered. Many workers are taking out the crates out of the cargo hold. Suddenly, Naga runs pa** them, with Korra on top of her. She smiles at them as she leaves] KORRA: Thanks for the ride! [Korra arrives finally at Republic City, admiring the beauty of the city from afar.] KORRA: Wow, look at this place, I've never seen so many satomobiles. [The focus then turns on the Aang Memorial Island off in the bay, where a giant green statue of Aang stands. Korra admires the statue, mesmerized. The focus shifts to another island not too far from the Aang statue] KORRA: Air Temple Island. That's where Tenzin lives. You ready for a little swim girl? [Naga starts sniffing the air, then darts off.] KORRA: Ok! Ok! Food first, then air temple. [Naga is running against the flow of traffic, and a few satomobilies swerve out of her way.] KORRA: Watch it Naga! Look out! [Naga runs past a sidewalk full of gawking pedestrians, with Korra looking embarra**ed.] PASSERBY: Hey, watch where you're going!! KORRA: Oops, sorry about that. Excuse us. Coming through. Heads up. Eh, sorry, we're new in town. [Finally, Naga reaches her destination by tracking down the curious scent to an orange tent. She puts her hand through the tent, looking at all the food. However, Korra stops her before she can touch anything] KORRA: Naga, wait. [Korra hops off and comes around to the side of the tent. She picks up some meat on a stick.] KORRA: We'll take one of everything please. SHOP OWNER: That will be 20 yuans. KORRA: I don't... have... any money? SHOP OWNER: Then what good are you to me?! [Korra and Naga leave, clearly disappointed] KORRA: Don't worry girl, this city's huge. I bet we can find a place to rustle up something to eat. [Korra is in a park cooking up fish with her firebending, while Naga swims to catch some. A man comes out of the bush near Korra] PARK HOBO: Uh, say, think I can get one of those tasty smelling fishies? KORRA: Oh, uh, yeah sure. [the hobo starts eating a fish] So, do you... live in that bush? PARK HOBO: Yes, presently that is what I do call home. Took me a while to procure a bush that beautious. This park is quite popular with all the vagabounds. KORRA: So, there are a lot of you out here? I thought everyone in the city was "living it up." PARK HOBO: Hahaha! You've got a lot to learn newcomer. Welcome to Republic City. POLICEMAN: Hey, you! Stop! You can't fish here! PARK HOBO: You best skedaddle! [Korra jumps on Naga and flees the scene. She then pa**es by a man speaking against benders] ANTIBENDER PROTESTOR: Are you tired of living under the tyranny of benders? Then join the Equalists! For too long, the bending elite of this city have forced non benders to live as lower cla** citizens. Join Amon, and together we will tear down the bending establishment. KORRA: What are you talking about? Bending is the coolest thing in the world! ANTIBENDER PROTESTOR: Oh yeah, let me guess. You're a bender. KORRA: Yeah, I am. ANTIBENDER PROTESTOR: Then I bet you'd just love to knock me off this platform with some waterbending, huh? KORRA: I'm seriously thinking about it. ANTIBENDER PROTESTOR: This is what's wrong with this city! Benders like this girl only use their power to oppress us. [The crowd jeers Korra, who's confused and annoyed.] KORRA: I'm not oppressing anyone! You're... you're oppressing yourself! ANTIBENDER PROTESTOR: That didn't even make sense! [Korra leaves and continues her path. She asks a lady for some directions] KORRA: Excuse me, I think I'm lost. How do I get to Air Temple Island from here? SHOP WOMAN: Just head down this street. [a luxurious car comes around] You should get moving, young lady, it isn't safe. [The woman goes back into her house as three well-dressed thugs come out of the car. They make their way to a man who's cleaning a phonograph.] WATERBENDING THUG: Mr. Chung, please tell me that you have my money, or else I can't guarantee I can protect your fine establishment. [The one with the red scarf bends some fire in the palm of his hand.] MR. CHUNG: I'm sorry, business has been slow. Please, take one of my phonographs. [The shopkeeper tries to appease the thugs, but the red scarfed man wordlessly destroys the offered phonograph with a flaming kick. The shopkeeper screams and falls backwards.] WATERBENDING THUG: My friend here is not a music lover. Give me the money, or else... KORRA: Or else what hoodlum? [The thugs turn around,to face Korra standing behind them The thugs stare for a moment, glance at each other and start laughing.] WATERBENDING THUG: Hahaha! Since you're obviously fresh off the boat, let me explain a couple things. You're in Triple Threat Triad territory, and we're about to put you in the hospital. (Some cuts around the street, showing shopkeepers watching this exchange from their hiding places. The thugs, however, aren't pleased when Korra talks back to them.) KORRA: You're the only ones who are gonna need a hospital. And for your sake, I hope there's one nearby. WATERBENDING THUG: Who do you think you are? KORRA: Why don't you come and find out? [The waterbending thug is visibly annoyed and tries to attack Korra with waterbending using water from his coat; Korra easily catches the water in her left hand and tosses it back in his face, freezing his head. She then proceeds to kick him. His partners stare on for an instant, disbelieving. The tall one with the pale green shirt turns to Korra and tries to attack her with his earthbending, only for Korra to rocket him into the air on a pillar of stone. The earthbender thug flies high into the sky. The shop woman and another shop man talk to one another.] SHOP WOMAN: What just happened? SHOP MAN: Did she just earthbend? [The red-scarfed thug turns back to Korra and blasts her with fire. Korra leaps through the flames, a smile on her lips. She grabs the firebender's hands and he screams like a little girl. The shopkeeper duo start to realize who she is.] SHOP WOMAN: Can she firebend too? SHOP MAN: Could she be...? [Korra swings the firebending thug around and tosses him across the street and through the rice paper windows of a clock shop. He takes out two giant clocks on display as he goes down. Korra saunters up to the now-open air shop.] KORRA: Got an idea about who I am now, chumps? [A car comes out and the earthbending shouts from his window] EARTHBENDING THUG: Come on! [He earthbends his firebending friend into the car] KORRA: You're not getting away! [Korra jumps into an earthbending form. Ripping up the road, she flips the trio's car with it. The car lands right-side up, but the attack causes it to drive into a storefront. Immediately a siren sounds. Naga starts to howl in sympathy. Korra looks up and sees an airship flying overhead. Many metalbenders leap out from that door mid-flight. They deploy metal lines, slowing their descent as they land, then retract those lines into the sleeves of their uniforms.] KORRA: Cool, metal benders. I caught the bad guys for you, officers. [As the thugs stagger out of the ruined shopfront, Korra gestures to her quarry. The cops trap the trio in metal wires. Then the lead metalbender walks up to Korra and points at her.] COP 1: Arrest them! You're under arrest too! KORRA: What do you mean I am under arrest? Those are the bad guys over there, they were smashing up a shop! COP 1: From the looks of it, you smashed up a lot more than that. [The cop shoots a metal wire at Korra. She dodges and grabs the line, holding it. They tug at one another.] KORRA: Wait, you... you can't arrest me, let me explain! [The cop retracts the wire into his sleeve.] COP 1: You can explain yourself all you like down at headquarters. [The cops chase Korra all throughout the city. After much grief, the cops capture her and Naga together. The next scene, we enter the police headquarters. A statue of Toph Beifong is shown as the chief of police starts talking to Korra within an interrogation room.] LIN BEIFONG: Let's see, multiple counts of destruction of private and city property... not to mention evading arrest. You're in a whole mess of trouble young lady. KORRA: But there were some thugs threatening a helpless shop keeper and I had to... LIN BEIFONG: Can it! You should have called the police and stayed out of the way. KORRA: But I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. It's my duty to help people. See, I'm the Avatar. LIN BEIFONG: Oh I am well aware of who you are. And your Avatar title might impress some people, but not me. KORRA: Alright, fine. Then I want to talk to whoever's in charge. LIN BEIFONG: You're talking to her. I'm Chief Beifong. KORRA: Wait, Beifong. Lin Beifong? You're Toph's daughter! LIN BEIFONG: What of it? KORRA: Then why are you treating me like a criminal? Avatar Aang and your mother were friends, They saved the world together. LIN BEIFONG: That's ancient history... and it's got diddle squat to do with the mess you're in right now. You can't just waltz in here and dole out vigilante justice like you own the place! [A small section of the far wall open. A male cop's face appears.] COP: Chief, Councilman Tenzin is here. LIN BEIFONG: [sighs heavily] Let him in. [The wall behind her pulls apart in pieces, revealing Tenzin on the other side. His expression is a disgruntled one, one Korra sees; she tries to put a good face on her nerves.] KORRA: Tenzin, sorry... I got a little side tracked on my way to see you. [Tenzin stifles his annoyance and tries to be pleasant.] TENZIN: [takes a deep breath] Lin, you are looking radiant as usual. LIN BEIFONG: Cut the garbage, Tenzin. Why is the Avatar in Republic City? I thought you were supposed to be moving down to the South Pole to train her? TENZIN: My relocation has been delayed. The Avatar, on the other hand, will be heading back to the South Pole immediately, where she will stay put. KORRA: But- TENZIN: If you would be so kind as to drop the charges against Korra, I will take full responsibility for today's regrettable events, and cover all the damages. [The police chief turns her head aside for a moment, exhales and unlocks Korra's cuffs with a wave of her hand.] LIN BEIFONG: Fine. Get her out of my city. TENZIN: Always a pleasure, Lin. Let's go Korra. [Korra follows him, not quite able to take her eyes off Lin as she pa**es by her. Lin does an "I'm keeping my eyes on you" gesture at Korra. Korra makes a stink face and returns the gesture, then tromps out of the room. Lin's initial surprise turns into a "that didn't even make sense" look. Outside, in the waiting room, Tenzin and Korra speak.] KORRA: Tenzin, please, don't send me back home. TENZIN: You blantanly disobeyed my wishes, and the orders of the White Lotus. KORRA: Katara agreed with me that I should come. She said my destiny is in Republic City. [He freaks out, spittle flying everywhere as his head goes red like a chili pepper.] TENZIN: Don't bring my mother into this! KORRA: Look, I can't wait any longer to finish my training. Being couped up and hidden away from the world isn't helping me become a better Avatar. I saw a lot of the city today, and it's totally out of whack. I understand now why you need to stay. Republic City does need you, but it needs me too. TENZIN: You... ugh... [A police officer walks in with Naga] Police Officer: Is this your polar bear dog, miss? [Naga licks the officer's hair, which takes the form of a swirley ice cream.] [All three hitch a ride on a ferry back to Air Temple island, where Tenzin takes the time to look up at the statue of Aang, his father. They arrive, where Tenzin's three kids are waiting.] JINORA, IKKI, MEELO: Korra! [All three jump at her and hug her] IKKI: Are you coming to live with us on the island? KORRA: No, I'm sorry Ikki. I have to go home now. IKKI: [disappointed] Oh... [A boat is waiting for Korra as three members of the White Lotus are here to escort her. As Korra and Naga leave, Tenzin stops them] TENZIN: Wait. I have done my best to guide Republic City towards the dream my father had for it, but you are right. It has fallen out of balance since he pa**ed. I thought I should put off your training in order to uphold his legacy, but you are his legacy. You may stay and train airbending here with me. Republic City needs its Avatar once again. KORRA: Yes! Thank you! You're the best! JINORA, IKKI, MEELO: Yay!! [Korra hugs all three of them and then picks up Tenzin in the embrace. The scene changes to a wide press conference in front of City Hall. Many reporters are here.] KORRA: Hello, I'm Korra, your new Avatar. NEWS REPORTER 1: Does this mean you've moved to Republic City? NEWS REPORTER 2: Were you trying to send a message to the Triads yesterday? NEWS REPORTER 3: Will you be fighting crime or the anti bending revolution or both? NEWS REPORTER 4: Will you be working with Chief Beifong and the police? KORRA: Uh, yes, I am definitely here to stay, but honestly, I don't exactly have a plan yet. See I'm still in training... but... look, all I know is Avatar Aang meant for this city to be the center of peace and balance in the world, and I believe we can make his dream a reality. [her voice is now one on the radio] I look forward to serving you! I am so happy to be here. Thank you Republic City! TENZIN: [voice-over, through the radio] Alright, that's all the questions the Av- [A man closes his radio] [LIEUTENANT: Amon, how do you want to handle this? [We get a look at the villain of the season, Amon, who is looking at a map of Republic City.] AMON: So, the Avatar has arrived early. It looks like we'll have to accelerate our plans.