The Legend of Korra - A Leaf in the Wind lyrics


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The Legend of Korra - A Leaf in the Wind lyrics

["The Legend of Korra" intro] [Previously on "The Legend of Korra" sequence] RADIO BROADCASTER: Republic City welcomes a new citizen into our arms, Avatar Korra! After years of seclusion in the South, this master of water, earth, and fire seeks to add airbending to her list of sk**s. And under the tutelage of Tenzin, Avatar Aang's son, she should go far. But will this cool, calm, collected master of air be able to tame this hot headed teen? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [It is morning over Republic City's bay. Korra is reading a newspaper inside at the table across from Tenzin. Around them are other people wearing Air Nomad clothes.] KORRA: "And in the final round, the Buzzard Wasps won with a decisive knockout." What do you say we go to the arena tonight, catch a few Pro-Bending matches? TENZIN: That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending. KORRA: Come on Tenzin! I've dreamed about seeing a pro-bending match since I was a kid, and now I'm just a ferry ride away from the arena. TENZIN: Korra, you're not here to watch that drivel, you're here to finish your Avatar training. So for the time being I want you to remain on the island. KORRA: Is that why you're keeping the White Lotus sentries around, to watch my every move? [There's one White Lotus sentry standing guard at a door in the background, while two more are near where Korra is.] TENZIN: Yes. In order to learn Airbending I believe you require a calm, quiet environment, free from any distractions. KORRA: Alright. You're the master. [Korra looks out of the window sees the Pro-bending Arena from a distance. The scene changes as Tenzin and Korra are walking in an exterior covered corridor. Korra is wearing a cla**ic Airbender outfit.] Tenzin: So, my mother informed me that you've never been able to Airbend before. KORRA: Yeah, but I don't know why! The other elements came so easily to me. But every single time I've tried airbending... [blows a raspberry] Nothing. TENZIN: It's perfectly alright. We just need to be patient. Often the element that's most difficult for the Avatar to master is the one most opposite to the Avatar's personality. For Aang, it was Earthbending. KORRA: Yeah, well, I'm about as opposite an Airbender as you can get. TENZIN: Let's begin your first lesson. [The pair ascends a set of stone steps to arrive at the Airbending training area, where Ikki, Jinora, and Meelo are waiting in front of the stilled Airbending Gates. The training tool is a cluster of large wooden panels, all decorated identically with the airbending symbol-mounted on poles so that they stand straight up.] IKKI: Korra's gonna airbend, Korra's gonna airbend! KORRA: What is that contraption? TENZIN: A time honored tool that teaches the most fundamental aspect of airbending. Jinora, would you like to explain this exercise? JINORA: The goal is to weave your way through the gates and make it to the other side without touching them. KORRA: Seems easy enough. IKKI: Jinora forgot to say you have to make it through while the gates are spinning. [Tenzin steps forward and circles his bent arms in front of his body. The air responds to his motions, and when he suddenly pushes his open palms forward, a large gust of wind erupts towards the airbending gates, setting them all spinning rapidly. He holds it up towards the gates, and lets it go to ride the wind.] TENZIN: The key is to be like the leaf. [As he speaks his lesson, the leaf is carried right into the twirling gates, but pa**es through without touching any of them.] TENZIN: Flow with the movement of the gates. Jinora will demonstrate. [Jinora enters. While Tenzin explains the fundamentals, Jinora nimbly enters the Gates. She moves between the spinning panels in a circle-walking style, spinning and turning as needed to easily avoid every panel. With each step, she cycles which of her palms is held out in front of her.] TENZIN: Airbending is all about spiral movements. When you meet resistance, you must be able to switch direction at a moment's notice. [Once she has emerged from the Gates, Jinora turns around, and thrusts out another gust, powering the spinning panels back to full speed.] KORRA: Let's do this. [Korra eagerly runs headfirst into the closest panel, and hits it hard enough to ricochet into the next panel beside her. Tenzin winces, and Korra gives in to panic and breaks out into a full sprint that once again crashes into a Gate. She proceeds to move like a pinball in a machine as she stumbles out of control into a series of panels. She finally gets tossed out of the gate area completely and lands hard on her backside.] [Tenzin's expressionless, but Meelo is smiling and Ikki has a look of horror about her. With a groan, Korra gets back to her feet in the foreground and with an angry look, runs back towards the gates. She barely gets by the first pair of panels before she is again caught by one and sent dancing around.] JINORA: Don't force your way through! [Korra gets hit by another panel.] IKKI: Dance! Dance like the wind! [Korra gets hit by another panel.] MEELO: Be the leaf! [Korra gets hit by another panel. She ricochets around a few more times, before stumbling back out of the gate area. She collapses flat on her back. Tenzin gives a heavy sigh and shakes his head. The scene shifts to nighttime, as Korra is practicing aggressive airbending motions, with no results] KORRA: Airbend. [no effect. The newspaper she's practicing on has a picture of Chief Lin Bei Fong] What is wrong with me? Airbend! [nothing happens. Frustrates, she punches a fireball at the newspaper and incinerates it.] Ugh! Maybe I'm just not cut out to be an airbender, huh, Naga? [Suddenly, the sound of a radio announcer carries through the night air, catching Korra's attention. She looks around and finds a lit-up guard shack a short distance behind her.] SHIRO SHINOBI: [voice over] Ladies and gentlemen I'm coming to you live from Republic City's pro-bending arena, where tonight the best in the world continue their quest for a spot in the upcoming championship tournament! [Three White Lotus sentries clustered around the radio. Korra climbed and is now crouched on the shack's roof, settling in eagerly.] SHIRO SHINOBI: [voice over] Grab your snacks, and grab your kids, because this next match is gonna be a doozy. [Korra is still listening as she gazes with relaxation at the distant Republic City.] SHIRO SHINOBI: [voice over] This Mako's got moxy. He advances, fires two quick shots. Yomo is hammered back to zone three. The clock is winding down, can Yomo hold on? He's teetering on the edge of the ring now. The Fire Ferrets line up to strike- [The radio gets cut off; the surprised White Lotus sentries turn around to find Tenzin standing behind them with the radio's unplugged power cord in his hand.] TENZIN: Korra, come down here, please. [Korra peaks down from over the roof's awning. The White Lotus sentries finally notice her, and leap back with surprise as she flips herself down to the ground.] KORRA: You shut it off at the best part! TENZIN: I thought I made myself clear, I don't want you listening to this distracting nonsense. KORRA: But it's their radio, and technically you said I couldn't watch a match, you didn't say anything about listening to one. TENZIN: You... [growls] You know what I meant. Anyway, shouldn't you... shouldn't you be in bed by now? [Tenzin abruptly turns around, sending a wind through the shack as he snaps his cape in place.] [The scene switches to morning. In the gazebo on the edge of the cliff, Tenzin is crouched with eyes closed in a meditative position. Opposite him, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, and Korra are seated in similar manners. Korra has difficulty focusing, while it seems the kids are naturals] KORRA: I think I'm doing it wrong. TENZIN: There's nothing to do. Let your mind and your spirit be free, for air is the element of freedom. [Korra gives a sarcastic chuckle] TENZIN: Is something funny? KORRA: Yeah, you're telling me to embrace freedom but you won't even let me listen to the radio. And forget about leaving this island. TENZIN: Please, Korra. Look at Meelo, he is able to meditate peacefully. [Meelo has snot coming out of his mouth with his eyes closed] KORRA: Actually, I think he's asleep. TENZIN: What? [leans forward to look at Meelo] Well at least he has the relaxing part down. KORRA: Whatever. None of this Airbending stuff makes any sense to me. TENZIN: I know you're frustrated but these teachings will sink in over time. Then one day they'll just click. [Korra takes a deep breath and goes back to meditating. She lasts three seconds before sighing and slumping forward.] KORRA: Yeah, it's not sinking in yet. I'm gonna go get a gla** of lychee juice. TENZIN: Korra, the meditations not over yet. [Korra gets up anyways and leaves] IKKI: Daddy, can I have some lychee justice too? TENZIN: No. [Ikki pouts, Jinora sneaks a look out of one eye, and Meelo begins tottering in place.] MEELO: Ohhhhh. [Meelo falls backward to sprawl across the ground, still asleep.] [It is now nighttime. Korra sneaks out of the Korra peaks out of a second-story window, and drops to the ground once she ascertains that none of the guards will see her. She dashes for a nearby cliff and keeps going straight over the edge. As she falls towards the bay, she sweeps her arms upward in a waterbending motion. The water rises in a funnel to catch and ease her below the surface. Korra then heads towards the city.] [In the next scene, Korra sneaks into the arena and drops into the gym. Suddenly, TOZA, the main trainer in the gym, catches her] TOZA: Hey! What are you doing in my gym? KORRA: Uh, I was just looking for a bathroom and I got lost. [In the background, another person enters the gym while the two are talking] Toza: Ah, the old "I had to pee" excuse. You know, I'm sick and tired of you kids sneaking in and not paying. I'm taking you in to security. KORRA: No, wait! BOLIN: [waving to Korra and walking into the conversation] There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you. It's all right, Toza, she's with me. KORRA: Yeah, I'm with him. BOLIN: So, you see, we're together. KORRA: Well, not "together" together. More like friends. BOLIN: Right, friends. No, no, I didn't mean to imply- KORRA: Oh, you implied it. Toza: Ah, I don't care what you are. I've got work to do. BOLIN: Right this way, miss. KORRA: And thank you sir. [whispering and covering the side of her mouth conspiratorially] Seriously, thanks. [Bolin leads Korra to his pro-bender locker room, with the main playing field in view] BOLIN: What do you think? Best seats in the house, huh? KORRA: Whoa! Unbelievable! This place is even more amazing than I imagined. [In the background, Mako and Hasook enter the room in their Pro-bending uniforms.] BOLIN: Name's Bolin by the way. KORRA: Korra. MAKO: [whispering] Psst, Bolin. BOLIN: (going over to Mako) Yeah? MAKO: I told you. You have to stop bringing in your crazy fangirls in here before the matches. Get her out of here. BOLIN: Ah, come on Mako. All right, look, I kinda promised her she could stay. But man I've got a good feeling there's something special about her. I know it. [Bolin goes back to Korra, and guides her to over to face Mako.] BOLIN: Come here, I want you to meet my brother, Mako. KORRA: Mako? Wow, I heard you play on the radio. [Korra holds out her hand to shake, but Mako walks right by her, putting his helmet on.] MAKO: Come on, Bolin, we're up. KORRA: Or I could meet him later. BOLIN: Yeah, sorry about that, my brother just gets real... focused before the match. Okay, I've gotta go. Wish me luck. Not that I'll need it. KORRA: Good luck. Knock em' out. (Korra offers a punching salute as the three Pro-benders emerge out into he arena. The view switches to an overhead view of the arena, and the lights all shut off expect for the spotlights shining down on the playing field itself. From a rising platform in the middle of the field, the announcer rises with a microphone in hand.) RING ANNOUNCER: Introducing the Fire Ferrets! [ He points to one end of the field, where an extending platform carries the three Fire Ferrets forward.] FEMALE FAN: Ahh! I love you Bolin! Ahh! [The scene shifts to Shiro Shinobi in his observer's office.] SHIRO SHINOBI: The rookie Ferrets came from out of nowhere and made it further than anyone expected this season. [voice over] But tonight, they face their toughest test yet, folks. [The two Pro-bending teams line up on either side of the field's center line and a**ume hunched bending stances with fists held high. In the background, a referee on a platform signals for the match to begin and a bell clangs.] SHIRO SHINOBI: And they're off. [The two teams leap back to the back of their first 'zone' and start flinging elements at each other. Bolin summons an earth disk from a slot in the floor and kicks it over to a Firebender Tigerdillo, who blocks with a fire wave.] SHIRO SHINOBI: The two teams waste no time trying to blast each other out of zone one. [The Tigerdillo Firebender throws a fireball across the midline, forcing Hasook to roll out of the way. As he jumps, he summons water from a stream beneath a grate in the floor.] SHIRO SHINOBI: Hasook is the first to feel the heat of the Tigerdillos. [His Tigerdillo target dodges, then kicks an earth disk back across the midline.] SHIRO SHINOBI: He tries to return the favor but they're too fast for him. While Mako showcases his trademark cool-under-fire style. [Mako dodges blasts of all three elements by bobbing and weaving in place. The action slows as Mako draws tight and punches out a powerful fireball, then returns to normal speed. Two Tigerdillos come forward beneath the fire and throw their elements at Hasook and Bolin. Both attacks hit and knock the Ferrets off their feet. In landing, Hasook and Bolin tumble into the second zone, prompting a buzzer to sound and the zone border to light up.] SHIRO SHINOBI: [voice over] The Tigerdillos score with a walloping one-two combo. Can their teammate hold on for their zone one territory? [Mako dodges elemental attacks with flying leaps, but after a series of backflips is hit by an earth disk and slides back so that one foot is just over the zone's back line. The buzzer sounds and the border lights up again.] SHIRO SHINOBI: Guess not. Mako's over the line. The Tigerdillos get the green light and advance into Ferret territory. [The center line of the field lights up green, and all three Tigerdillos step forward into first zone of the Ferret's side of the court.] KORRA: Come on Ferrets! [The Pro-benders are once more trading attacks. Bolin fires an earth disk over, but it is deflected back with a kick by the Tigerdillo Earthbender. The disk hits Hasook, knocking him into the final zone.] SHIRO SHINOBI: [voice over] Look's like Hasook's in trouble. He's in zone three teetering over the brink. [Hasook lands just short of an opening at the back of the field, and the overhead view reveals an artificial lake below. After the buzzer, the playing continues. The Tigerdillo Waterbender kicks a disk of water at the Ferrets, and while the others dodge it, Hasook is knocked off his fit by the impact. An earth disk attack immediately follows up, and Hasook is knocked over the edge and into the water below.] SHIRO SHINOBI: And Hasook takes a dip. He'll be back for round two, a**uming the fabulous bending brothers can hold their ground until the next round. [Mako and Bolin cluster together before splitting apart again to dodge water and earth attacks. Bolin tries to block another water attack with a disk that he kicks up in front of him, but the water breaks through the shield and knocks him back into zone three. Mako follows shortly after taking a hit of his own. With that, the bell clangs repeatedly, and the view shifts to a series of four tall light bulbs. The first on the right lights up blue, revealing writing. The crowd cheers.] RING ANNOUNCER: Round one goes to the Golden Temple Tigerdillos! [The Ferrets take their places back in their first zone.] MAKO: Come on Hasook, get you're act together. [The bell clangs and the next round starts. The Tigerdillos immediately attack one after another, and all three attacks connect with Ferrets and push them immediately back into the next zone. ] SHIRO SHINOBI: [voice over] The Fire Ferrets are knocked into zone two and the Tigerdillos advance. [The attacks immediately start again, and as Bolin punches an earth disk forward, the view goes into slow motion. A Tigerdillo fires off a short stream of water, but is hit in the stomach with the disk. Bolin punches two fireballs out, and Hasook kicks out a pair of water lashes that knock another Tigerdillo to the floor. Bolin sends out another disk that hits the center Tigerdillo and sends him back to zone three. Simultaneous fire and water attacks from the other Ferrets send the other two Tigerdillos back to join the first, and the bell clangs as the speed returns to normal.] SHIRO SHINOBI: The Fire Ferrets cinch the round in the closing seconds. It's one a piece. Still anyone's match as we go into the third and final round. [A vertically split screen shows the two teams lining up again. The round starts with the bell, and all the Pro-benders leap back. The Tigerdillo Waterbender targets Hasook, who dodges two water attacks and winds up stumbling across the field.] SHIRO SHINOBI: Hasook stumbles, and now he tumbles right into his teammate. [Another water attack pushes Hasook onto Bolin and knocks both of them to the floor. Hasook lands facing down on top of Bolin, and both look panicked.] He and Bolin better untangle quick if they don't wanna- [The Tigerdillo Earthbender kicks a disk at the two tangled Pro-benders, striking them as they're in the process of getting back up. Both are sent flying out the back of the field and land in the water.] SHIRO SHINOBI: Oh, too late. KORRA: (clutching her face) Oh, no! SHIRO SHINOBI: It's all up to Mako now. [The Tigerdillo Waterbender kicks a shot at Mako, who dodges under it. Additional attacks of all three elements come at him as he runs across the arena, ducking and spinning to avoid every attack.] SHIRO SHINOBI: He's bobbing and weaving, he's weaving and bobbing, but he's not hitting back. [Mako is backed up against the edge of the field. His right foot is placed just short of the fall into the pool below.] SHIRO SHINOBI: If Mako's knocked out the Ferretsí fabulous season is over. KORRA: [visibly stressed] Ohhh! Shiro Shinobi: (voice over) He is dancing on the edge of the ring, surviving the three on one barrage. [Mako is bobbing and weaving around attacks of all three elements.] SHIRO SHINOBI: It seems his plan is to let the Tigerdillos punch themselves out. [Mako finally throws a fireball back.] SHIRO SHINOBI: And his plan is working! [The fireball pa**es right through the Tigerdillo Waterbender's prepared water, turning it to steam, and continues to slam into the Pro-bender's chest and send him tumbling straight over the back edge of the field.] SHIRO SHINOBI: Hahn is in the pool, they've got nothing left in the tank and Mako is on the offensive! [Mako rushes forward with a steady progression of strong fire attacks, culminating in an extra large flare generated with both arms.] SHIRO SHINOBI: It's two on one! [Although the remaining Tigerdillos block some of his attacks, the Firebender takes a hit, flies backward into the railing, and bounces out the back and into the water.] SHIRO SHINOBI: Scratch that it's one on one, and it's an earth and fire slugfest! [The Tigerdillo Earthbender and Mako both go on the offensive, tossing attacks with abandon. The attacks all collide over the field's centerline, causing the disks to explode. Mako kicks an especially strong attack into the dust cloud, connecting with the Tigerdillo and pushing him back into his zone three.] SHIRO SHINOBI: There's so much smoke and dust from the fire fight I can't even see where the Fire Ferret is. [Mako comes leaping out of the dust cloud and brings down a flaming fist that pushes a wave of fire right into the Earthbender's chest just as he is about to launch a disk. The last Tigerdillo crashes back over the edge to fall into the water. The bell clangs, ending the game, and the crowd roars.] SHIRO SHINOBI: It's a knockout! What a wingdinger of a hat trick, folks! [Mako is standing alone in the field, then cuts back to the score-keeping light bulbs. The last three are lit up red.] SHIRO SHINOBI: Mako pulls off the upset of the season, winning the match for the Fire Ferrets. [They are now back in the locker room] BOLIN: Woohoo, yes! One more win and we're in the championship tournament. So, what'd you think Korra? Bolin's got some moves, huh? KORRA: What did I think? What did I think?! That was amazing! [Mako and Hasook walk back from the arena into the locker room. Mako has taken his helmet off, but Hasook is still wearing his.] MAKO: You did more harm than good out there. You almost cost us the match. Hasook: We won didn't we? MAKO: Barely. Hasook: Get off my case, pal. [Hasook walk right out of the locker room.] MAKO: Useless. KORRA: You guys were incredible out there. Especially you, Mr. Hat Trick. MAKO: Oh, you're still here? KORRA: (frowns with disappointment) Oh, you're still a jerk? BOLIN: Oooh, ha ha. KORRA: Anyway. [perking up and turning back to Bolin] I've been immersed in bending my entire life but I never learned how to move like that. It's like there's a whole new style here. Think you could show me a few tricks? BOLIN: Absolutely. MAKO: Right now? Come on Bolin. BOLIN: Just ignore him. Yeah, I could show you the basics. I'm just not sure how my earthbending would translate to your waterbending... but we'll figure it out. KORRA: Won't be a problem. I'm actually an earthbender. BOLIN: I'm sorry, no, no. I didn't mean to a**ume. 'Cause I, ya know, I was just figuring, with your Water Tribe getup... that you are... a water tribe... gal. KORRA: No, you're right I'm a waterbender... and a firebender. BOLIN: Mmmhmm. I'm very confused right now. MAKO: [sighs] You're the Avatar and I'm an idiot. KORRA: Both are true. BOLIN: [shocked] No... way. [aside to Mako, pointing at Korra] The Avatar! [They are back at the gym] BOLIN: [voice over] Alright, let's see what you got. [Korra shoots disks using the normal stance of earthbending] BOLIN: That was great. Good power, but in a real match you'd be a sitting turtle duck. Not so upright and flatfooted. [Bolin takes a stance like a boxer, legs bent, fists held in a high guard over his face. He throws a couple of practice punches as he talks.] BOLIN: Stay light on your toes, right up until the moment when you need to dig in and strike. Then... [He throws a pair of stronger punches, and two earth disks leap up and fly straight at the camera.] BOLIN: Pop, pop. [The flying disks curve slightly through the air, hitting the net just as they intersect.] KORRA: Okay. Let me try it again. [Korra looks down at her feet, and mimics Bolin's bent-legged stance, giving a few short hops. She then braces herself with a twist of a foot, and throws a pair of strong punches that launch two more earth disks. The disks hit the net in a similar manner to Bolin's previous shots.] BOLIN: Wow, nice adjustment! You're a natural at this. MAKO: Not bad. KORRA: What's it take to impress this guy? MAKO: What? I said "not bad". You know what, it's getting late. I think I'm gonna turn in. You kids have fun. (Nice to meet you, "Avatar Korra." KORRA: Yeah, been a real pleasure. MAKO: See you upstairs bro. [Mako leaves] KORRA: Upstairs? You guys live here? BOLIN: Yup. In the attic. It's nothing fancy, but we have some great views. So, back to bending, why don't you throw that combo one more time? [Korra takes her Pro-bending stance again, and throws another pair of disk-launching punches. They strike the net perfectly again, and Korra pumps her fists with victory and takes on a thrilled expression. The next morning she's back at airbending training, which goes horribly wrong] TENZIN: Patience, Korra. [After failing so many times, Korra gets frustrated and firebends all around her, burning the spinning gates] TENZIN: [shell-shocked] That was a 2000 year old historical treasure. What... what is wrong with you? KORRA: There's nothing wrong with me. I've been practicing just like you taught me, but it isn't sinking in, okay? It hasn't clicked like you said it would. TENZIN: Korra, this isn't something you can force. If you would only listen to me- KORRA: I have been! But you know what I think? Maybe the problem isn't me. Maybe the reason I haven't learned airbending yet is because you're a terrible teacher. TENZIN: Ughh. MEELO: [steps forward and points at Tenzin with a big grin] Yeah, you're a terrible teacher daddy! [Tenzin looks down with defeat, but Ikki and Jinora both move as one to solemnly hug him. The scene changes to sunset. Tenzin and his family are at the dining table.] PEMA: Okay, everyone here? Wait, where's Korra? TENZIN: Honestly Pema, I am at my wit's end with that girl. I don't know how to get through to her. PEMA: Dear, the best thing you can do right now is to give Korra some space. TENZIN: [looking across the table to his children] You must promise me that your teenage years won't be like this. JINORA: I will make no such promises. [The scene cuts to the interior of the Pro-bending Arena. Three players are already standing out on the playing field, while the crowd hums. In the locker room, Bolin and Mako are hanging out morosely, while another team is taking off their pads behind them. Korra enters through the door to no reaction.] KORRA: I didn't miss your match, did I? You guys look like you lost already. BOLIN: We might as well have. MAKO: Hasook's a no-good no-show! REFEREE: [peaking in through the door] You have two minutes to come out ready to play or you're disqualified. MAKO: Well, there goes our shot at the tournament... and the winnings. KORRA: [pointing at the other team] Can't you ask one of those guys to fill in? BOLIN: Nah, the rules say you can only compete on one team. KORRA: Well, then... how about me? I'm a top-notch waterbender, if I do say so myself. BOLIN: But, you're the Avatar. Isn't that cheating? KORRA: It isn't cheating if I only do waterbending. MAKO: No way. I'd rather forfeit than look like a fool out there. KORRA: Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence. REFEREE: [peaking through the door, speaking quickly] Times up. You in or out? KORRA: We're in. MAKO: We are? BOLIN: Yes! MAKO: Hey, I didn't agree to this. KORRA: You can thank me later. MAKO: This girl is crazy. [The Fire Ferrets take the field.] SHIRO SHINOBI: Looks like the Fire Ferrets have ferreted out a last minute replacement waterbender. [voice over] Let's she if she's another diamond in the rough like the brothers from the school of hard knocks. MAKO: [whispering as Korra takes her stance] Don't do anything too fancy or aggressive. In fact, don't do anything. Just try not to get knocked off the ring. KORRA: You got it captain. REFEREE: Players, are you ready? [The referee blows his whistle and motions to begin the match. Korra immediately grins and performs a strong horizontal kick that summons a heavy stream of water to pound one of the opposing players straight over side-ropes and into the pool below. He screams as he falls. The camera peaks at his fellow players, who look surprised and upset. A quick look at Mako and Bolin shows the older brother face-palming.] KORRA: Woo-hoo, man overboard! Pro-bending Referee: [blows whistle] Fire Ferret waterbender penalty. Move back one zone. KORRA: What? Why? MAKO: You're only allowed to knock players off the back of the ring, not over the sides! KORRA: Oh... whoops. [Korra moves back to zone two as the player she knocked out returns to his team's first zone. The bell rings to start the game again.] SHIRO SHINOBI: [voice over] And we're back in action after that hiccup. [The two teams are trading elemental attacks. Korra takes an earth disk to the stomach, and slides back.] SHIRO SHINOBI: But I'm not so sure this replacement player knows what she's doing. [Korra rushes forward into a leaping kick that catches an incoming stream of water and tosses it back, but she lands with one foot back in zone one.] REFEREE: [blows whistle] Foul. Over the line. Move back to zone three. KORRA: Argh. I'll show you over the line. SHIRO SHINOBI: [voice over] The Platypus Bears take round one. [The left bulb of the four score-keeping light bulbs lights up blue. The bell rings again to start the next round. The Platypus Bears immediately begin launching elemental attacks.] SHIRO SHINOBI: The Platypus Bears know a green player when they see one and they are focusing the brunt of their bending on this poor girl. [Korra dodges and blocks a storm of attacks, getting forced from one side of the field to the other. She finds herself at the focal point of simultaneous fire and water attacks, and with a growl brings up a shield of earth disks to intercept the incoming elements.]¸ SHIRO SHINOBI: Wait a minute? Did that waterbender just earthbend? [The crowd gasps in the darkened stands. Play stops as the Platypus Bears stare in shock. The referee's whistle blows as Korra looks around warily.] REFEREE: [voice over] Foul... I think? [The scene shifts to the guard shack in Air Temple Island. The porch is lit up, but the White Lotus sentries are all seated at a table outside under the night sky, listening to a radio positioned at the center.] SHIRO SHINOBI: [from radio] Did I see that right? Hold on folks, we're just waiting for the referee's official call, but I think this replacement player could be- TENZIN: [walking up to the guards from behind] Pardon me everyone. SHIRO SHINOBI: [from the radio] No, there's no way. TENZIN: have you seen Korra this evening? She's not in her room. (One of the guards starts taking a long drink from a cup) SHIRO SHINOBI: [from the radio] You've gotta be kidding me, she's the Avatar folks, playing in a Pro-bending match. Can you believe that? [The drinking guard abruptly spits out her mouthful all over one of her comrades in disbelief] TENZIN: [extremely angrey] I'll get her myself! [Scene changes back to the arena as the referee will give his verdict] REFEREE: The Avatar will be permitted to continue so long as she solely bends water! Platypus Bears: [upset and gesturing] Aww! [A bell signals to resume the match. The Platypus Bear earthbender stomps the ground and raises an earth coin.] SHIRO SHINOBI: [voice over] This girl may be the Avatar, but she's no Pro-bender, and the Platypus Bears are intent on exploiting that weakness. [The view follows Korra as she dodges and blocks another series of attacks, but this time she just sticks to water.] SHIRO SHINOBI: They're giving her their best, and her best ain't good enough to stop it. [Korra tries to block a fireball, but it pushes her back and off balance. An earth disk hits her immediately after, leaving her open for a line of water that upper-cuts back. Two buzzers sound as she pa**es into zones two and three and falls into the pool below] SHIRO SHINOBI: Annnd she's in the drink. [Korra swims to a platform where she can pull herself out of the artificial lake. She just gets hold of the edge of the platform and leans onto it when Tenzin surprises her.] KORRA: Oh, hey Tenzin. I thought you didn't like coming to these matches, ha ha. [climbs fully out of the pool and onto the platform] TENZIN: Once again you have flagrantly disobeyed my orders. You were to stay on the island. Let's go. KORRA: No, I'm kind of in the middle of something. TENZIN: I have tried my very best to get through to you by being gentle and patient, but clearly the only thing you respond to is force! So I am ordering you to come back to the temple, right now! KORRA: Why, so I can sit around and meditate at how bad I am at Airbending? You know, I'm beginning to think there is a reason I haven't been able to learn it. Because maybe I don't even need it! TENZIN: What? That is a ludicrous suggestion! The Avatar needs to learn airbending; it is not optional! KORRA: No, this [motions back towards the playing field, while the sounds of Pro-bending are audible] is what I need to learn: modern styles of fighting. TENZIN: Being the Avatar isn't all about fighting, Korra. When will you learn that? KORRA: I have a match to go finish. [Korra walks to the elevator that will take her back up to the playing field.] Ring Announcer: [voice over] The Platypus Bears win round two! [The players are ready to go] Round three! [The Platypus Bear Waterbender fires off a pair of attacks. The view cuts over to Bolin, who throws an earth disk and then takes one of the water blasts with crossed arms. He's pushed back, but stays steady. He comes to a stop near Mako, who is throwing and blocking attacks.] SHIRO SHINOBI: [voice over] The Platypus Bears come out of the gate and quickly go after the Ferret brothers. [Mako and Bolin are pushed up against the ropes at the edge of the field. They alternate trying to throw attacks between blocking, but they start getting hit too often to do anything but hunker down. They get hit by several strong streams of water, but stay on their feet.] SHIRO SHINOBI: They're corralled in the corner, wedged in the edge of zone one, unable to come to the Avatar's rescue. [The Platypus Bears' firebender and earthbender throw attacks at Korra. She dodges and blocks them with water whips, while Mako and Bolin take another strong hit of water.] SHIRO SHINOBI: And boy does she need it. Looks like the Avatar's Pro-bending debut is going to be cut short. [Korra dodges a fireball and actually catches an earth disk in her hands that she throws away, but she is still pushed back. Tenzin sighs and face-palms.] SHIRO SHINOBI: She's been pushed back to zone three, and the water is calling her name. [Korra skids so that her feet are right up against the back edge of zone three. She teeters on the edge, ducking under an earth disk but nearly falling. She grits her teeth with determination, and steps back into the center of zone three.] SHIRO SHINOBI: It's only a matter of time before- [Korra starts circle-walking right in zone three, enabling her to easily step around the Platypus Bears' attacks, emulating airbending movements. Her form is perfect, cycling her hands so that they alternate positions, and stepping easily to change direction instantly.] SHIRO SHINOBI: Hold the phone, stop the presses, she's still in the game folks, and she's moving like an entirely different player. All of a sudden the Platypus Bears' strikes are only striking air! [The Platypus Bears focus exclusively on Korra, throwing attack after attack, but none of them so much as touch her, and she continues to calmly step around every disk, fireball, and waterstream.] TENZIN: [quietly, stunned] How about that. [The Platypus Bears are panting with exertion. They try to continue their barrage, but their movements are slow and lethargic, and the pace of their attacks has lessened considerably.] SHIRO SHINOBI: [voice over] The Platypus Bears have no juice left... [Mako and Bolin are still hunkered down with their arms crossed over their faces defensively. The latest stream of water doesn't even reach them, slowing midair and splashing to the floor.] SHIRO SHINOBI: ...but Mako and Bolin are still fresh and juicy. [Mako immediately goes into action by jump-kicking out a wave of fire. He lands and pins the middle Platypus Bear with a series of weak attacks, and Bolin quickly joins him and throws an earth disk. The other team is pushed back, and the waterbender is even knocked off his feet. Korra makes a spinning jump that catches an incoming stream of water and throws it right back. Mako throws three Fire attacks at his opposite number and knocks him out the back of the field. The earthbender Platypus Bear gets hit by an earth disk, and a water attack knocks him to zone two, then a fire attack keeps him tumbling straight over the edge. The firebender takes a water hit and keeps his feet, but a second stream uppercuts him into the air and over the back edge. He falls in the pool and the bell rings, signaling the end of the round.] SHIRO SHINOBI: Knockout! TENZIN: [excited] Woohoo! [looks around, realizes what he's doing, and quickly stands straight and adjusts his cloak before walking out of the arena] SHIRO SHINOBI: [voice over] The Fire Ferrets come from way behind and steal the win! What an upset folks! The rookies, Avatar and tow, have nabbed a place in the championship tournament. I can not believe it! [Korra looks around with joy. Bolin is making exaggerated 'I can't hear you!' gestures at the crowd. He and Korra laugh and high-five, all the while celebrating] MAKO: Korra, what can I say? You really came alive in that last round. The way you dodged their attacks, you are a natural. KORRA: Thanks, but I can't take all the credit. Someone else taught me those moves. [The scene changes to Air Temple Island. The restored airbending gates are being re-installed on their spinners by Air Acolytes while Tenzin watches. Korra walks up to him from behind.] KORRA: I'm really sorry, about everything I said. I was really frustrated with myself and I took it out on you. TENZIN: [turns around] I think I owe you an apology too. I was trying to teach you about patience but I lost mine. KORRA: No hard feelings? TENZIN: Of course not. By the way you were really good out there tonight. You moved just like an airbender. KORRA: Wait, you stayed and watched? TENZIN: I did. Pro-bending turned out to be the perfect teaching tool for you. KORRA: [jogs away and waves] I'll see you tomorrow for airbending practice, bright and early. And, by the way, I kind of permanently joined the Fire Ferrets and we're playing in the tournament in a couple of weeks. TENZIN: Ugh. [The view fades to an exterior shot of the Pro-bending Arena's tower. The golden facade still glows in the night, but one of the tall rectangular windows is open to a darkened interior. Mako is sitting at the window, looking out at the camera. The view zooms in on him, sitting quietly, then cuts to show that his line of sight corresponds to Air Temple Island.] [The view cuts over to Korra's room. She is seen from the back, leaning out of a hexagonal window with her head resting on one of her hands. She is looking out at the glowing Pro-bending Arena. A cut to Korra's face reveals she is smiling with shining eyes.]