And sure if the news is true The shop bill's the first thing I'll pay A new pair of boots and a warm woolen suit and a tell'e for Maggie, horray. Me old faded shirt I will throw in the dirt In a silk one- won't I look in style And the very first chance I'll put Davy in pants when the ship yards go back on full time. Our troubles are over me woman For Clancy next door tells me straight The shipyards go full time on Monday That's what he says any rate Sure the boss has just told him this morning While he was collecting the dole That a big one is starting in Belfast and the shipyards are out of the hole And sure if the news is true The shop bill's the first thing I'll pay A new pair of boots and a warm woolen suit and a tell'e for Maggie, horray. Me old faded shirt I will throw in the dirt In a silk one- won't I look in style And the very first chance I'll put Davy in pants when the ship yards go back on full time. And sure if the news is true The shop bill's the first thing I'll pay A new pair of boots and a warm woolen suit and a tell'e for Maggie, horray. Me old faded shirt I will throw in the dirt In a silk one- won't I look in style And the very first chance I'll put Davy in pants when the ship yards go back on full time. And sure if the news is true The shop bill's the first thing I'll pay A new pair of boots and a warm woolen suit and a tell'e for Maggie, horray. Me old faded shirt I will throw in the dirt In a silk one- won't I look in style And the very first chance I'll put Davy in pants when the ship yards go back on full time. Mrs. Wilson throw out your old washtub The laundry will get all our trade No more picking coal from the gasworks we'll buy everything ready made we'll make this job last until Christmas Then won't we be living in style put another big spud in the soup pot for the shipyards are back on full time. And sure if the news is true The shop bill's the first thing I'll pay A new pair of boots and a warm woolen suit and a tell'e for Maggie, horray. Me old faded shirt I will throw in the dirt In a silk one- won't I look in style And the very first chance I'll put Davy in pants when the ship yards go back on full time.