To find my Tom of Bedlam Ten thousand years I'd travel Mad Maudlin goes with dirty toes For to save her shoes from gravel Yet still I sing bonnie boys bonnie mad boys The Bedlam boys are bonnie They all go bare and they live by the air And they want no drink nor money Went down to Satan's kitchen For to buy some food one morning And there I got souls piping hot Which on the spit were turning Yet still I sing bonnie boys bonnie mad boys The Bedlam boys are bonnie They all go bare and they live by the air And they want no drink nor money And I'll repent that ever Poor Tom was so disclaimed My wits I've lost since him I crossed Which makes me thus go chained Yet still I sing bonnie boys bonnie mad boys The Bedlam boys are bonnie They all go bare and they live by the air And they want no drink nor money And I'll repent that ever Poor Tom was so disclaimed My wits I've lost since him I crossed Which makes me thus go chained Yet still I sing bonnie boys bonnie mad boys The Bedlam boys are bonnie They all go bare and they live by the air And they want no drink nor money No gipsy s*ut or dark sea Shall steal my madder Tom from me I'll weep all night and with stars fight The fray will well become me Yet still I sing bonnie boys bonnie mad boys The Bedlam boys are bonnie They all go bare and they live by the air And they want no drink nor money Yet still I sing bonnie boys bonnie mad boys The Bedlam boys are bonnie They all go bare and they live by the air And they want no drink nor money The spirit's as hot as lightning Did on my travels guide me The sun did shake and the pale moon quake When ever doth they spied me Yet still I sing bonnie boys bonnie mad boys The Bedlam boys are bonnie They all go bare and they live by the air And they want no drink nor money And when that I have beaten The man in the moon to powder His dog I'll take and him I'll make I will ask no demon louder Yet still I sing bonnie boys bonnie mad boys The Bedlam boys are bonnie They all go bare and they live by the air And they want no drink nor money To find my Tom of Bedlam Ten thousand years I'll travel Mad Maudlin goes with dirty toes For to save her shoes from gravel Yet still I sing bonnie boys bonnie mad boys The Bedlam boys are bonnie They all go bare and they live by the air And they want no drink nor money