It was a fine year One nine seven 0 "A Rainy Night in Georgia" playin' on the radio In the Hot Springs of Arkansas Carey Marc Saw the light and fought the law He's divin' deep Under the bridge He's flyin' high Over the edge of the moon Look yonder, Carey Marc's a-comin' Down from afar How sweet that melody he's hummin' Under the stars Forever strummin' his maple black guitar Old man Byrd Old man Byrd When he first came 'round the river bend I saw lighting flashing in the heavens Floating on a blue raft Somehow mournful The way that storm boy laughed He's divin' deep Under the bridge He's flyin' high Over the edge of the moon Look yonder, Carey Marc's a-comin' Down from afar How sweet that melody he's hummin' Under the stars Forever strummin' his maple black guitar Old man Byrd Old man Byrd He's go ink on his kin "What is man?" He thinks about the mysteries nobody understands He knows the sun will burn away And he calls this the "delicate fade" He's divin' deep Under the bridge He's flyin' high Over the edge of the moon Look yonder, Carey Marc's a-comin' Down from afar How sweet that melody he's hummin' Under the stars Forever strummin' his maple black guitar Old man Byrd Old man Byrd