Your Murder Mixtape, the Banner's 2003 full-length for Blackout, opened with a song called "Zombie Onslaught." That should give you an idea of what the quartet's particular take on metalcore sounds like -- guts and ghouls and screaming d**h, delivered over jagged hardcore melodies and amplified with d**h metal intensity. Weird breakdowns and detours suggest a junior version of Dillinger Escape Plan. The Banner had actually debuted previously to Murder Mixtape with the Posthumous EP, also on Blackout; they jumped to Ferret for August 2005's more cohesively vicious Each Breath Haunted. The Banner's lineup includes vocalist Joey Southside, ba**ist Ian Phoenix, guitarists Chris Leboeuf and Garrett Defalco, and drummer Mike Leboeuf. The band decided to go its separate ways in August 2006; several members went back to school, while Southside continued work on a comic book series with My Chemical Romance's Frank Iero. ~ Johnny Loftus, All Music Guide