Takashi Tokita - Final Fantasy 4 Script: Part 2 lyrics


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Takashi Tokita - Final Fantasy 4 Script: Part 2 lyrics

Scene 6: After The Titan Scene 7: Rydia Joins Scene 8: Rosa Is Sick Scene 9: Meet Tellah Scene 10: Meet Gilbert (After The Titan) [Cecil awakens. The girl lies facedown on the ground.] CECIL: Phew, the girl's all right... [Cecil notices the absence of...] !!Cain! [He searches around.] !!Cain! Where are you? [After a pause...] !! CECIL: I can't stay here forever... I've got to get out of here... Cain... Please be alive! (Rydia Joins) [In the desert town of Kaipo.] CECIL: If she doesn't get some rest... [Cecil heads for the Inn immediately.] [Innkeeper] Welcome! Oh no, she looks ill! Quickly, quickly, go into the room! Don't worry about money, please! CECIL: Thanks. [In the room.] CECIL: You've come to... GIRL: .... CECIL: You haven't told me your name yet. GIRL: .... CECIL: ...I can't ask you to forgive me for k**ing your mother. But please let me protect you... GIRL: .... [Suddenly...] GENERAL: We've found you, Cecil!! GIRL: !! CECIL: Wait! The King of Baron is... GENERAL: King's orders. If you turn over the survivor from Mist, he will forgive your treachery. It has been deemed dangerous for the people of Mist to even exist! CECIL: What!? Has the King stooped so low as to k** children?! GIRL: !! GENERAL: Shut up with the lecture and give me the girl! CECIL: I refuse! [Battle with the soldiers. After Cecil fells the lowly underlings, the General flees. Or Cecil can fell the General and the soldiers will go down fighting to the d**h. Either way.] : I'm sorry, this is my fault... CECIL: I should be the one apologizing. What I did should not be forgotten. GIRL: But... you protected me... CECIL: ... GIRL: I'm...Rydia... CECIL: Thanks... Rydia. [Summoner Rydia joined!] (Rosa Is Sick) [[[Around Kaipo, the next morning.]]] This is the Oasis town of Kaipo, deep in the Damcyan Desert. Some woman from Baron stumbled in here recently... She was taken to a neighbor's house to recover. Anna's fallen in love. Who's Anna? She was a girl who lived here and fell in love with a wandering bard... Her father, Master Tellah wouldn't allow them to be together, so they ran away from Kaipo. I want to be a dancer at Damcyan but there are many monsters lurking in the Underwater Channel. Will you watch my Synchronized Dance? The Underwater Channel is to the northeast, but I hear that eight ferocious sea snakes guard the exit! The castle to the north, Damcyan, governs this desert. I heard the prince has a voice of an angel. If you're going to bring a little girl with you, you should put her in the back ranks. [Bar of Kaipo.] Sage Tellah and his daughter Anna were living happily together, but then Anna ran away from home...I wonder why? Hi, I'm a traveling scholar. I want to do research at Fabul, a town east of Damcyan. But this strange old guy by the Underwater Channel won't let me pa**... Oh, how unusual, a customer... Because of all the monsters, we are seeing fewer customers nowadays. [Sign] Cure your desert-parched thirst with a special Kaipo Micro Brew! Valid ID required. Only the royal family can enter Antlion's cave which is east of Damcyan. If ordinary folks were allowed in, it would really pep up business. Imagine...all those gems...! [Cecil enters one resident's house and finds that...] A girl from Baron collapsed right outside this village. She was delirious with fever and kept calling out 'Cecil, Cecil...!' In order to cure the desert fever, you need the 'Light of the Desert'... an elusive gem found only in the Antlion's lair... The Light of the Desert is the only cure for Desert Fever. [Cecil walks up to the girl and finds, to his astonishment...] ROSA: ... Ooh... Cecil... Don't leave me Cecil! [Sadly, Cecil knows that he must leave anyway if he wants her to survive, and departs for Damcyan.] (Meet Tellah) [In the Cave of Waterfalls along the way, he is stopped by an old man. If you haven't been to Kaipo yet, then he says...] OLD MAN: Who are you? This waterway is infested with monsters! It's too dangerous for youngsters like you! Go back to Kaipo! [But if you have...] OLD MAN: Oh! You wield the Dark Sword? Please, help me! CECIL: What's the problem? OLD MAN: My daughter was tricked by a Bard and went off to Damcyan! And I sense great evil near there... CECIL: Then you are the Sage Tellah! [The old man nods.] TELLAH: I am Tellah! I was heading to Damcyan, but there's a powerful monster up in the lake. I cannot defeat him with my magic alone, but with your Dark Sword... I might be able to defeat him! (Pause). !? Oh! This girl is a Summoner, isn't she? Quite gifted, I sense. The three of us might stand a chance... CECIL: We also have to go to Damcyan! TELLAH: Then it's decided! Let's go to Damcyan! [They progress some.] TELLAH: All right, let's rest here. TELLAH: If we rest on top of this magic rune, a force field will surround us that monsters can't enter. We can rest here in a Tent or Cottage, and save our game. In preparation for tomorrow's battle, let's rest in my tent and heal our wounds! [That night.] TELLAH: Fast asleep already... Must have been an exhausting day for one so young... Is this girl... CECIL: She's a Summoner from Mist. TELLAH: I sense great potential within her. She could become quite a gifted sorceress... (Pause) ... Such a peaceful face... So much like Anna when she was a child. CECIL: Anna is... TELLAH: My only daughter. She eloped to Damcyan with a bard because I wouldn't consent to their marriage... TELLAH: Why are you going there? CECIL: A friend of mine in Kaipo has an extremely high fever. TELLAH: So you're after the Light of the Desert... Without that, there's not much hope... CECIL: What is the monster in this cavern? TELLAH: It's a huge creature with eight legs. In order to save Anna and your friend we've got to beat it first... (Pause). I hope this horrible feeling I have about Damcyan is just my imagination, but... [Meet Gilbert] [The next morning.] Alright! Let's go. [They progress a little further, and then come to an exit.] TELLAH: We can go outside from here. The monster lies under the upcoming waterfall! It would be wise to camp in a Tent in the overworld, just in case! [They do, if you want them to. They drop down a huge waterfall, travel a little farther, and then...] TELLAH: Here it comes! TELLAH: Octomammoth! TELLAH: Now we can proceed to Damcyan! Beyond this waterfall is an exit to the surface! [As they exit the cave, they notice something in the air...] The Red Wings! [Which bomb Damcyan. Cut to Damcyan. People lie around, dying.] Th, the Crystal...stolen...! I..I've got to make it to the healing pot above...! [They make it to the throne room. Anna lies on the floor, dead or unconscious.] TELLAH: That's... Oh my God!! Anna!! [A bard enters.] TELLAH: You..You're that Bard! You son of a b**h! Anna's dead because of you!! BARD: !? [Tellah fights Gilbert. At Anna's outcry, Tellah stops his a**ault and runs to her side.] TELLAH: Anna, you're still alive... ANNA: Father...he... Gilbert is the Prince of Damcyan... In order to hide his identity, he came to Kaipo as a bard... Forgive me for running away, father... I...love...Gilbert! GILBERT: Golbeza is controlling the Red Wings... CECIL: Who is Golbeza? GILBERT: I don't know... He was cloaked completely in black... unbelievably powerful. CECIL: Why did the Red Wings bomb the castle? GILBERT: They pillaged the castle in order to steal the Crystal... My mother...father...dead... and Anna shielded me... from...arrows... [Gilbert looks down, sad.] TELLAH: He means that much to you..? ANNA: Father, please forgive me... I...love...Gilbert! [Anna's eyes close.] GILBERT: Anna! TELLAH: Anna! Anna! [But Anna does not respond.] TELLAH: ...Who is this Golbeza person!? GILBERT: He came recently to Baron and took control of the Red Wings. I can only think that he's using them to gather the Crystals...-sniff-... TELLAH: Pitiful fool! Crying won't bring back Anna! Golbeza of Baron!! I will avenge Anna! [Tellah begins to storm out, but Cecil cuts him off.] CECIL: Tellah, you can't do that alone! [But Tellah pushes Cecil aside.] TELLAH: I don't need your help! I'll k** Golbeza on my own! Tellah left the party. [Cecil watches him go. A moment pa**es in silence.] GILBERT: A...Anna... -sob-, -sob- [Cecil turns and walks back toward Rydia and Gilbert.] RYDIA: Crybaby! [Gilbert looks at her in surprise.] RYDIA: You're a man, aren't you? A grown-up! So act like one...! You're not the only one who has lost a loved one... CECIL: Rydia... GILBERT: You may be right... I am just a weakling! In that case, I'll stay here with Anna forever! I don't care about anything else! [Cecil walks around Anna's body to Gilbert.] CECIL: Damnit, you're not the only one sad here! Do you think staying here and crying like a child would make Anna happy!? Besides, right now we need your help! GILBERT: Me, help YOU? CECIL: I'm Cecil. A friend of mine collapsed near Kaipo, stricken with desert fever. We need the Light of the Desert to cure her. Moreover, we need your help! GILBERT: My help... CECIL: Right. For Rosa's sake... please! [Gilbert turns around and looks at Anna's body for a moment.] GILBERT: This Rosa person seems like someone important to you... You shouldn't lose the one you love... [Then he turns back to Cecil.] GILBERT: The Light of the Desert is created from the secretions of the Antlion when it lays its eggs. Its cave is to the east, but we must cross a shallow stream to get there. There is a Hovercraft in Damcyan that can cross the shallows. It can also cross the shoals back to Kaipo. [Gilbert looks at Rydia, then back at Cecil.] GILBERT: Come on, let's hurry! Prince Gilbert joined the party! [I'm actually not sure where the game says Gilbert joins the party; this is just a guess. The three head down the stairs, but Gilbert turns back for a moment.] GILBERT: Farewell...Anna! [Anna's body disappears, then Gilbert, too, turns back down the stairs and follows them.] [[[If you choose to return to the throne room, you'll find that a man and a woman lie around a healing pot.]]] We're the only survivors. Maybe we can retreat to Kaipo... We can use the hovercraft and go through the shallows by the west shore to get there. Perhaps we can retreat to Fabul... But the path to Fabul through Mt. Hobs has been blocked by a thick layer of ice brought from frozen winds. [Treasure room.] My eyes...oh, I can't see... Are you an ally? Don't let them get this treasure...please!