Sole - Savior (Alias Remix) lyrics


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Sole - Savior (Alias Remix) lyrics

(Slug): Sometimes I wonder if you'll ever shut the hell up But you don't quit, and you just don't stop Sometimes Iwanna hop on the 5 and ride circles around my city a couple times And pity my troubled life Sometimes I wake up like 'f** the world!' And after I f** my girl, I wanna curl up in the corner of my basement Waitin' for civilization to fold The pressure pays the toll, it takes control So I can be a better dad, I can be better in bed I can be a better man, I can be better off dead I can a better son, boyfriend or employee But I better fix my head before I let that sh** destroy me Yeah, you know me, that cat with no game, no gear Been in love as many times as I've been alive in years It ain't my fears that's riding me, nope It's how I cope and construct, and how I act as if I don't give a f** But damn, if I stop and count the amount of f**s I've handed out All in the name of trying to find what it's about I'd probably drown, gasp, cough, gurgle, found dead Stiff position as if I'm about to jump that hurdle So while you lose your hair, I'm losing a war You living thick off the pulp while I'm chewing the core And sometimes I reflect, sit and wish that I was ignorant Unaware of the poison so I could enjoy sipping it That's why the only thing on my mind is everything So I blame my brain for trying to hold me down And when they finally wash it and hang it out to dry Make sure they know I spoke, make sure they know my sound (Eyedea): Dear primate relatives with extra-terrestrial intelligence I've gathered delicate information stating my spaceship's developed a virus And I was thrown out of orbit past the moon And crashed here November 9th, 1981, Monday afternoon I've adapted to this twisted way of living But I always knew I wasn't from this planet cuz I'm so damn different I've kicked it with kids that would've but couldn't Kids that could've but wouldn't Some took it, misunderstood, stood under it and overlooked it Love, hate, straight, crooked Bad, good, should, shouldn't Plastic, metal or wooden It's all a part of water based pudding This is a cry for help and I don't give a f** I've joined every alien cult on earth waiting for ya'll to pick me up I've sipped the cup of reality, now my brain is dying I try and explain I'm not human, now my room is an insane asylum They blame the violence on children and try to forget they raised 'em Jerry Springer and Banned From TV is what they get paid from Man, I hate them h*mosapiens, they're a little too complex Survival instincts are blocked for the biggest co*k contest Man, please come get me, the sh**'s sickening Man, I can't stand it I wanna break the ozone and go home to my own planet This panic, I'm stranded, goddamnit I'm damaged, my sanity's bandaged Ever since I landed I've been abandoned and planned to run I ran and managed to reach peace for a day or two But it's probably government computer chips that make me think the way I do Hey, I knew my origin was beyond this galaxy, even as a baby I asked the ones who told to call parents and they said I was crazy I've been beat half to d**h by those designated to serve and protect I pay them taxes from my check so they break my neck Now take a sec and think what I did to deserve this I'm waiting for the mothership spacecraft To take me away from this purposeless earth sh** It's worthless I'm like a polar bear living in the equator Or an ice cube in the refrigerator I'm outta place and outer space is where I need to get ya'll So when you come down, just remember I'm leaving with ya'll Sincerely yours truly, Eyedea Chorus: So if you've got a savior, please won't you introduce? Cuz you muthaf**as behavior has got me broken loose (Sole): Oh, ya don't like sand? I heard it tastes like dirt I do dirt, my girlfriend used to be a rock All the favorite words, they woulda been 'stop' if she could talk So I did, lovemaking, playing inside a mole hill Ever read the diary of the ego without a fate? Music without a place Man without a plate Metal plate in skull which means I'll never get a chance to fly Wasn't coordinated enough to get college grants for playing sports But I stole your girl She was lucky enough to get the goods by a smooth talkin', player hatin' On the cla** failin', shoplifting one man solar system I'm the sun to earth, super nova Novocain, no preservatives Don't know exactly what life means But I know for damn well that she ain't talkin' to me But I know everything I spend will somehow ends in negativity I can smoke all your imbeselic isms and idol ideologies For idiots who idolize ideals but never truly comprehend And feel experience experiments They said take breaths when you can I fill my pockets will small triangle remnants of static moments Pessimism appeals to Sole which stikes him as more likable Never know no equals, still my style becomes more biteable I forgot how to sleep, don't remember being tired Which means heads think I'm sick until the day that I'm fired A wise man told me be a snake and let all people believe you're a sheep Cuz all ya have is your pride, so in the end you'll never sell me cheap CHORUS