Sesame Street - The Rhyming Game lyrics


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Sesame Street - The Rhyming Game lyrics

Bert: (reading an oatmeal recipe book, "Cooking With Oatmeal") "You take four cups of oatmeal...two pitted mangoes..." Ernie: "Hey Bert!" B: "...bu*termilk..." E: "Hey Bert! It's time for the rhyming game Bert!" B: "Oh, no Ernie, thanks, I don't want to play a game, I'm reading my book." E: "Oh, but you'll love this game, Bert! See all you have to do is, you say something, and then I'll say something that rhymes with what you just said!" B: "Uh-huh, yeah, but I really don't want to play a game." E: "Maybe not Bert, but we'll do it all the same! You see that, you said game and I said same, and game and same both rhyme!" B: "Yeah, uh-uh, rhyme, I know. But Ernie, it's just not what I want to do." E: "Wiggle your finger, and waggle your shoe!" (drums start) B: "Uh, Ernie, I'd much rather sit and read my book." E: "With ears you hear, and with eyes you look!' B: "Now come on Ernie, cut this out." E: "Easy old buddy, no need to shout!" B: "I don't want to play a game with rhymes!" E: "Nice going Bert, oh ring my chimes!" B: "I don't wanna do it!" E: "There's really nothing to it!" B: "It's so silly." E: "A boy named Billy." B: "Stop it, please!" E: "A dog has fleas!" B: "Oh!" E: "Mow!" B: "Ernie, please this has got to stop!" E: "Some people like to jump and hop!" B: "I don't wanna do it (Ernie interrupts)any more." E: "What what hmmm?" (I like this part because here Jim H. messed up and they were able to recover wonderfully) B: "What what hmmm?! I don't want to do it anymore!" E: "Oh. One and two and three and four." B: "Ernie!" E: "Bernie!" B: "Stop it!" E: "Mop it!" B: "Stop!" E: "Flop!" B: "No!" E: "Flow!" B: "Mmmmmmm....Hippopotamus! E: "Ahhhhh...rhipototopus!" B: "Egh! Alright, alright! I give up!" E: "Eat from a plate and drink from a cup!" B: "I guess I'll just have to play along." E: "It plays like a game and sings like a song!" B: "You may be right, I may be wrong." E: "A clock goes tick and a bell goes bong." B: "This game is really kinda kicky!" E: "Sugar's sweet and glue is sticky." B: "Yeah, water is wet and dust is dry!" E: "Dogs gotta walk and birds gotta fly!" B: "It's a great kind of game to play with a friend!" E: "And now old buddy we've come to the end!" (drums stop) B: "Yah! You're right Ernie, that's a great game ... you" (still in rhythm) E: "Ah...w-well Bert see, I think I'm gonna go read my book now, okay? Hmm hmm hmm..." B: "...... Hey there lamp, that's a nice shade .... you .... it's not the same."