Sebastian Stan - Captain America: Capturing Zola lyrics


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Sebastian Stan - Captain America: Capturing Zola lyrics

[The Howling Commandos are in snowy mountains. There's a zipline ready] JAMES BARNES: Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone on Coney Island? STEVE ROGERS: Yeah, and I threw up. JAMES BARNES: This isn't pay back, is it? STEVE ROGERS: Now why would I do that? GABE JONES: [on a machine] You were right, Doctor Zola is on the train. HYDRA dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going, they must need him bad. [Falsworth, using his goggles, sees a train coming in fast] JAMES MONTGOMERY FALSWORTH: Let's get going because they're moving like the devil. STEVE ROGERS: We only got about a ten second window. You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield. JAMES MONTGOMERY FALSWORTH: Mind the gap. DUM DUM DUGAN: Better get moving, bugs! JACQUES DERNIER: Maintenant! (Now!) [They zipline towards the train and enter it. Bucky and Steve start fighting HYDRA soldiers again. Zola sees everything from a monitor] Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: Stop him! Fire again! [They fight the soldiers. Cap helps Bucky fight some off] JAMES BARNES: I had him on the ropes. STEVE ROGERS: I know you did. JAMES BARNES: Get down! Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: Fire again. k** him, now. [Bucky is hanging on a loose metal rod. Steve comes to help him] STEVE ROGERS: Bucky! Hang on. Grab my hand. [The metal rod breaks and Bucky falls to his d**h] Nooooo! [Colonel Phillips is in an interrogation room with the captured Armin Zola. Phillips brings him a tray of food] Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: What is this? Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: Steak. Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: What is in it? Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: Cow. Doctor, do you realize how difficult it is to get hold of a prime cut like that out here? Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: I don't eat meat. Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: Why not? Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: It disagrees with me. Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: How about cyanide? Does that give you the rumbly tummy too? Every Hydra agent that we've tried to take alive has crunched a little pill before we can stop him. But not you! So, here's my brilliant theory. You wanna live. Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: You're trying to intimidate me, Colonel. Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: I bought you dinner. [pa**es him a piece of paper which Zola reads out loud] Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: 'Given the variable information he has provided, and in exchange for his full cooperation, Dr. Zola is being remanded to Switzerland.' Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: I sent that message to Washington this morning. Of course it was encoded. You guys haven't broken those codes, have you? That would be awkward. Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: Schmidt will know this is a lie. Col. Chester Phillips: He's gonna k** you anyway, doc. You're a liability. You know more about Schmidt than anyone. And the last guy you cost us was Captain Roger's closest friend. So, I wouldn't count on the very best of protection. There's you, or Schmidt. It's just the hand you've been dealt. Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: Schmidt believes he walks in the foot steps of the gods. Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: Mmm. Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: Only the world itself will satisfy him. Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: You do realize that's nuts, don't you? Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: Of course, but the sanity of the plan is of no consequence. Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: And why is that? Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: Because he can do it! Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: What's his target? Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: His target... is everywhere. [Johann Schmidt is addressing his HYDRA soldiers] JOHANN SCHMIDT: Tomorrow, HYDRA will stand master of the world. Born to victory on the wings of the Valkyrie. Our enemies weapons will be powerless against us. If they shoot down one plane, hundreds more will rain fire upon them! If they cut off one head, two more shall take its place. Hail HYDRA! [the soldiers all start saluting and shouting 'Hail HYDRA'] [In a bar desolate bar, Steve is sitting in his military uniform. He's drinking alcohol when Peggy walks in] STEVE ROGERS: Dr. Erskine said that the serum wouldn't just effect my muscles, it would effect my cells. Create a protective system of regeneration and healing. Which means um... I can't get drunk. Did you know that? PEGGY CARTER: Your metabolism burns four times faster than the average person. He thought it could be one of the side effects. [referring to Barnes getting k**ed] It wasn't your fault. STEVE ROGERS: Did you read the reports? PEGGY CARTER: Yes. STEVE ROGERS: Then you know that's not true. PEGGY CARTER: You did everything you could. Did you believe in your friend? Did you respect him? [Steve nods] Then stop blaming yourself. Allow Barnes the dignity of his choice. He damn well must have thought you were worth it. STEVE ROGERS: I'm going after Schmidt. I'm not gonna stop till all of HYDRA is dead or captured. PEGGY CARTER: You won't be alone.