Scarlett Johansson - Civil War: Clash of the Avengers lyrics


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Scarlett Johansson - Civil War: Clash of the Avengers lyrics

[Captain America comes out and runs towards the chopper that Hawkeye got lined up for them to leave on. However, something gets attached to it and fries TONY STARK: Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you just feel weird? JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: Definitely weird. STEVE ROGERS: Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this. [Black Panther jumps in] T'CHALLA: Captain. STEVE ROGERS: Your highness. TONY STARK: Anyways. Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out? STEVE ROGERS: You're after the wrong guy. TONY STARK: Your judgment is askew. Your war buddy k**ed innocent people yesterday. STEVE ROGERS: And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't. [Natasha comes out] NATASHA ROMANOFF: Steve. You know, what's about to happen. Do you really want to punch your way out of this one? TONY STARK: All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos! [Peter, in his Spider-Man suit, grabs Cap's shield with his web, webs up his arms and lands on a car] Nice job, kid. PETER PARKER: Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just, new suit... Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark It's-It's perfect, thank you. TONY STARK: Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation. PETER PARKER: Okay. Cap... Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man. TONY STARK: Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just... PETER PARKER: Hey, everyone. TONY STARK: ... good job. STEVE ROGERS: You've been busy. TONY STARK: And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. "Rescuing" Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave. A safe place. I'm trying to keep... I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart. STEVE ROGERS: You did that when you signed. TONY STARK: Alright, I'm done. You're gonna turn Barnes over and you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us or a squad ofJSOC guys, with no compunction about being impolite. Come on, man. SAM WILSON: [on comms] We found it. The quinjet's in hanger five, north runway. [Steve raises his hands as an arrow frees them from the web] STEVE ROGERS: Alright, Lang. PETER PARKER: Hey, guys. Something... [On the shield is Ant-Man, who grows bigger and kicks Spider-Man] JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: Whoa. What-What the hell was that? SCOTT LANG: [Gives Steve his shield] I believe this is yours, Captain America. TONY STARK: Oh, great. Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them is Maximoff, I'm going to grab her. Rhodey, you want to take Cap? JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: Got two in the terminal. Wilson and Barnes. T'CHALLA: Barnes is mine! PETER PARKER: Hey, Mr. Stark, what should I do? TONY STARK: What we discussed. Keep your distance. Web em up. PETER PARKER: Okay, copy that! [Everyone scatters. Captain throws his shield at Black Panther and gets him out of his way. B.P. gets up] T'CHALLA: Move, Captain. I won't ask a second time. [Ant-Man and Black Widow face-off] SCOTT LANG: Look, I really don't want to hurt you. NATASHA ROMANOFF: I wouldn't stress about it. [They start fighting and Natasha grabs Scott by the arm. Scott gets smaller and locks Natasha's arm behind her, but she activates her arm stunners, which sends small Scott into a truck. The scene than changes to Spider-Man crawling on the window of the terminal as Bucky and Sam run] BUCKY BARNES: What the hell is that? SAM WILSON: Everyone's got a gimmick now. [Spider-Man webs his way into the terminal through the window and kicks Sam. When Bucky goes to punch him, Spidey stops him dead in his tracks by catching the fist] PETER PARKER: You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude! [Bucky is perplexed. Sam flies into Spider-Man, who tries to get off] PETER PARKER: You have the right to remain silent! [Scene cuts to Ironman sending missiles around Clint and Wanda as they run. It then cuts back to Cap and Black Panther fighting one another. War Machine watches as he takes out a large rod with green energy pulsating] JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: Sorry, Cap. This won't k** you but it ain't gonna tickle either. [B.P. kicks Cap away as War Machine leaps to hit him with the rod. Cap places his shield up and blocks the attack. Scene cuts back to Ironman talking to Wanda and Clint] TONY STARK: Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings. WANDA MAXIMOFF: You locked me in my room. TTONY STARKny: Okay. First, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you. [looks at Hawkeye] Hey, Clint. CLINT BARTON: Hey, man. TONY STARK: Clearly retirement doesn't suit you, got tired of shooting golf? CLINT BARTON: Well, I played 18, I shot 18. Just can't seem to miss. [shoots a couple of arrows around Tony, which he easily destroys] TONY STARK: Well, first time for everything. CLINT BARTON: Made you look. [Cars start falling on Ironman as Wanda makes her usual magic hand gestures.] FRIDAY: Multiple contusions detected. TONY STARK: Yeah, I detected that too. [Spider-Man continues to web swing after Sam. As he lands on a rail in the ceiling, his eyes widened as a door comes flying at him] PETER PARKER: Oh god! [Spider-Man ducks and door flies past him. The camera shows Bucky standing behind a pillar] PETER PARKER Hey buddy, I think you lost this! [Spidey sends back the door at Bucky, which destroys the pillar. He continues fighting with Sam and webs part of his wings, sending him crashing down. Sam then gets his hands webbed up on a rail as he gets up.] PETER PARKER: Are those wings carbon fiber? SAM WILSON: Is this stuff coming out of you? PETER PARKER: That would explain the rigidity flexibility ratio which, gotta say, that's awesome man. SAM WILSON: I don't know if you've been in a fight before... but there's usually not this much talking. PETER PARKER: Alright, sorry, my bad. [swings to hit Sam and hits both him and Bucky. He webs Bucky's metal arm] PETER PARKER: Guys, look. I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so, l'm really sorry. [Spider-Man readies to web them up, but Sam's Redwing comes and pulls Spidey away] PETER PARKER: What? Wwahhhh! BUCKY BARNES: You couldn't have done that earlier? SAM WILSON: I hate you. [Scene cuts back to Cap who completely breaks Rhodey's rod (warhammer) and then proceeds to kick Black Panther away. Scott comes next to Cap and throws him a mini truck] SCOTT LANG: Captain, heads up! Throw it at this. Now! [Scott shows Cap a mini-shuriken with a blue color in its middle. He throws it at Rhodey's direction. Cap does as instructed and throws the mini-truck at it. When they collide, the mini-truck becomes an actual one, which explodes as it lands on the ground and skids towards Warmachine] JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: Oh, come on! SCOTT LANG: Oh, man. I thought it was a water truck. Uh... sorry. JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: [lands on the ground] Alright. Now, I'm pissed. [Ironman helps Black Widow get up ] NATASHA ROMANOFF: Is this part of the plan? TONY STARK: Well, my plan was to go easy on them. You want to switch it up? [Scene cuts to team Cap: Wanda, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Scott, Clint] CLINT BARTON: There's our ride. STEVE ROGERS: Come on! [They run, but then a yellow beam hits the ground from above, creating a line. Vision is floating in the air] VISION: Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right, but for the collective good, you must surrender now. [Team Ironman gets together and the camera shows off both teams about to fight it out] SAM WILSON: What do we do, Cap? STEVE ROGERS: We fight. [The two factions walk towards one another] NATASHA ROMANOFF: This isn't going to end well. PETER PARKER: They're not stopping! TONY STARK: Neither are we. [They start fighting one another. Camera shows who's fighting who, but more specifically Cap fighting Tony and Bucky fighting T'Challa. Camera goes to Black Widow and Hawkeye fighting one another] NATASHA ROMANOFF: We're still friends, right? CLINT BARTON: Depends on how hard you hit me. [Natasha is about to kick him in the face, but Wanda stops her with her powers and sends her away.] WANDA MAXIMOFF: You're pulling your punches. [Back to Bucky and Black Panther fighting] BUCKY BARNES: I didn't k** your father. T'CHALLA: Then why did you run?! [Black Panther is about to cut Bucky's throat with his claws, but Wanda stops him as well with her powers and sends him off. Spider-Man starts fighting with Captain America] PETER PARKER: That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all. STEVE ROGERS: Look kid. There's a lot going on here that you don't understand. PETER PARKER: Stark said you'd say that. Wow. [They fight and Spider-Man double-kicks Cap in the chest while sliding on the ground] PETER PARKER: He also said to go for your legs. [Ironman is pursuing Sam] SAM WILSON: Clint, can you get him off me? CLINT BARTON: You buckled in? [Clint is aiming his arrow at Ironman while Ant-Man, in small form, is chest flat on the tip of the arrow] SCOTT LANG: Yeah. No, I'm good. I'm good, arrow-guy. Let's go. Let's go! [Clint fires the arrow. The fight between Steve and Spider-Man continues] STEVE: Did Stark tell you anything else? PETER PARKER: That you're wrong. You think you're right. And that makes you dangerous. STEVE ROGERS: I guess he had a point. [Spidey tries to fight against Cap again, but he's outmatched. He then weakens a loading van's support, which drops on Spider-Man who holds it up with his super-strength] STEVE ROGERS: You got heart, kid. Where're you from? PETER PARKER: [struggling] Queens. STEVE ROGERS: [chuckles] Brooklyn. [Hawkeye fights with Ironman. In one of the arrows that explodes, Scott jumps out, lands on Tony and proceeds to go inside the suit. Ironman realizes that one of his arm thrusters doesn't seem to work.] TONY STARK: FRIDAY? FRIDAY: We have some weapon systems offline. TONY STARK: They what? [Scott is inside the suit, pulling out plugs and causing mayhem] SCOTT LANG: Oh, you're gonna have to take this into the shop. TONY STARK: Who's speaking? SCOTT LANG: It's your conscience. We don't talk a lot these days. TONY STARK: FRIDAY? FRIDAY: Deploying firing suppression system. SCOTT LANG: Oh oh. Oh boy. [The cooling system inside Ironman's suit starts up and pushes Scott out. Camera pans out to Steve and Bucky] BUCKY BARNES: We got to go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now. STEVE ROGERS: I'm gonna draw all the fliers. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet. SAM WILSON: No, you get to the jet! Both of you! The rest of us aren't getting out of here. CLINT BARTON: As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it. SAM WILSON [on commes]: This isn't the real fight, Steve. STEVE ROGERS: Alright, Sam, what's the plan? SAM WILSON: We need a diversion, something big. SCOTT LANG: I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half... BUCKY BARNES: What? SCOTT LANG: Don't come back for me. BUCKY BARNES: He's tearing himself in half? STEVE ROGERS: You're sure about this, Scott? SCOTT LANG: Yeah, I do it all the time. I mean once... in a lab. And I pa**ed out. [to himself] I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the BEST! [Scott grows bigger and grabs Rhodey by the leg] PETER PARKER: Holy sh**! JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: Okay, tiny dude is big now. He's big now. STEVE ROGERS: I guess that's the signal. SAM WILSON: Way to go, tic-tac! [Scott throws Rhodey away] TONY STARK: Give me back my Rhodey. PETER PARKER: I got him! TONY STARK: Okay. Anybody on our side hiding any shocking, and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose, I'm open to suggestion. [Black Panther is saved by Vision when Scott throws a bus. He then tries to go after Bucky, but Ant-Man stands tall in his way] SCOTT LANG: You want to get to them? You got to go through me. [As he goes to grab Black Panther, Scott is shot several times on his giant head by missiles that Warmachine sends, with Spider-Man webbed to his leg. He webs onto Ant-Man's arm and kicks him in the head. Black Panther starts fighting Hawkeye] CLINT BARTON: We haven't met yet. I'm Clint. T'CHALLA: I don't care. [Rhodey goes after Bucky and Steve, but both Scott and Wanda stop him. Spider-Man is crawling on Scott's head] SCOTT LANG: Get off. [Vision hardens himself, puts himself into a small ball and crashes into Scott's leg, making him almost fall (he holds himself on a plane. Black Panther breaks free from Clint, kicks him several times and continues to run after Barnes. Vision phases through Scott] SCOTT LANG: Something just flew in me! [Vision uses his yellow beam to destroy the entrance to the hangar, but Wanda manages to hold the debris before it blocks the way. War Machine uses his sonic cannon, which destabilizes Wanda and makes the debris fall, but Steve and Bucky are able to go through] NATASHA ROMANOFF: You're not going to stop? STEVE ROGERS: You know I can't. NATASHA ROMANOFF: I'm going to regret this. [she stuns Black Panther] Go. [Cuts back to Team Ironman fighting Ant-Man] PETER PARKER: Hey guys. You ever see that really old movie? "Empire Strikes Back"? JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: Jesus Tony, how old is this guy? TONY STARK: I don't know, I didn't carbon date him. He's on the young side. PETER PARKER: You know that part? When they're on the snow planet? With the walking thingies? [Spider-Man proceeds to web up Ant-Man legs] JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: Maybe the kid's on to something. TONY STARK: I know. JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: Tony, go high. [Ironman and War Machine fly up and punch Scott in the face. As he falls, he hits Spider-Man who is rejoicing] PETER PARKER: YES! Ha ha! That was awesome! [Scott falls down and shrinks back to his original size; he proceeds to take off his helmet as he lays on the ground] SCOTT LANG: Does anyone have any orange slices? [Tony goes to see if Spider-Man is alright, visibly concerned] TONY STARK: Kid, you alright? PETER PARKER: Hey! Get of me! TONY STARK: Guess who? Hi. PETER PARKER: Oh. Hey man. TONY STARK: Yeah. PETER PARKER: That was scary. TONY STARK: Yeah. You're done. Alright? PETER PARKER: What? TONY STARK: You did a good job. PETER PARKER: No, I'm good. I'm fine. TONY STARK: Stay down. PETER PARKER: No, it's good I gotta get him back! TONY STARK: You're going home or I'll call Aunt May! You're done! PETER PARKER: Wait. Mr. Stark, wait! I'm not done, I'm not... [tries to get up but falls] Okay, I'm done. [Steve and Bucky prepare the Quinnjet to leave as Natasha keeps using her stun gun on Black Panther, who stubbornly continues. He runs past her and jumps towards the Quinnjet, but fails to get on. He looks at Natasha] NATASHA ROMANOFF: I said that I'd help you find him, not catch him. There's a difference. [Vision floats towards Wanda and holds her] VISION: I'm sorry. WANDA MAXIMOFF: Me too. VISION: It's as I said... Catastrophe. [War Machine and Ironman are flying after the Quinnjet, with Falcon pursuing them.] JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: Vision, I got a bandit on my six. [Sam uses a couple of missiles to try and slow down War Machine] JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: Vision, do you copy? Target his thrusters, turn him into a glider. [Vision, who was unfocused because of Wanda, aims his yellow beam towards Sam, but Sam dodges it. The beam hits War Machine's power core, which k**s all power in the suit; Rhodey starts plunging to the ground] TONY STARK: Rhodey! [Both Tony and Sam race towards him to try and catch Rhodey before he hits the ground] JAMES "RHODEY" RHODES: Tony, I'm flying a dead stick. [Rhodey loses consciouness mid-air] TONY STARK: RHODES! [Before they can reach him, Rhodes hits the ground in a large thud. Tony goes to him, removes the mask part of the helmet and places his hand on his friend's chest] TONY STARK: Read vitals. FRIDAY: Heartbeat detected. Emergency medical is on it's way. [Sam lands and sees the situation] SAM WILSON: I'm sorry. [Tony gets made and shoots a beam pulse towards Sam, which knocks him out. Vision also lands and sees the situation]