[Verse] Scallops Hotel lurk wherever popo don't be Poetry read direct from the bark of a niopo tree, it's Only me and mine in a teeny kitchenette at supper time Measure time as the tire vine swings This night owl's keen when the king's storyteller can't weave Through social hegemony Heard Rory was smokin' dope in the Garden of Gethsemane How he make a nimbus out that nihilism Woulda fired on him first but the rods is missin' This slick curl curtesy murray's pomade This slick flow curtesy of Dr. Bombay And tenuring in long hallways It's all harambee Off days at this grocery My mother named me Rory, I'm proficient at this sorcery Of course its he who clambers back and forth with tape recorders Idealized truth disorder, It's motherf** a gatekeeper The utopian was a late sleeper, an angst weaver With fidgety digits, with fidgety digits Scallops Hotel is the building, please don't forget