Robert Athlyi Rogers - The Holy Piby: Book 4 Ch. 3 lyrics


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Robert Athlyi Rogers - The Holy Piby: Book 4 Ch. 3 lyrics

THE CLEAN SHOULD NOT ACCEPT THE INVITATIONS OF THE UNCLEAN The spirit of the Lord moved within Athlyi. Being full with the Holy Ghost the Shepherd spake saying: "Thou giveth the fat of thy life to the devil. Now that thou art drained and can no longer stand, ye cometh to God with your bones." "But I shall not accept them," saith the Lord, "for I am God who giveth thee to eat and to drink. I am he who supplies the necessities of life. Shall my reward be that ye dump your garbage on me." "Unto him whom thou giveth the fat of thy life dump also thy bones, that ye bear in fullness the consequence of you wickedness, for the body of the wicked shall be cast into the grave and his soul in hell eternal. For the spirit of the body that abideth in earthly hell shall be a prisoner in hell everlasting." And the word of the Lord came to Athlyi saying, "He that giveth unto me that fat of his life by his usefulness for the welfare of the living, When I the lord shall transform him from the earth, I shall exalt him into heaven everlasting p. 97 where he shall live forever with me in peace and splendor." "Whosoever I forgive shall rise to serve me, but whosoever I have not forgiven shall not rise." "He that pa**eth away in me shall dwell with my saints in glory," saith the Lord. "But the spirit of the body of him that pa**eth away in the devil shall not enter my fold, but shall dwell in everlasting torment." And Athlyi spake saying, "Life without pleasure within capacity is displeasing to God, but, in your amusements dance ye mild else ye offend the Master." "The clean should not accept the invitations of the unclean to gossip with them for the Lord abideth in the clean in spirit."