The Secret History of Procopius - I. How The Great General Belisarius Was Hoodwinked By His Wife, Whose Lover Became A Monk
The Secret History of Procopius - II. How Belated Jealousy Affected Belisarius's Military Judgment, to the Joy of the Enemy
The Secret History of Procopius - III. Showing The Danger of Interfering With a Woman's Intrigues, Especially When the Woman Is the Friend of an Empress
The Secret History of Procopius - Introduction
The Secret History of Procopius - IV. How Theodora, Revenging Her Dear Antonina, Humiliated the Conqueror of Africa And Italy
The Secret History of Procopius - IX. And How Theodora, Most Depraved of All Courtesans, Won His Love
The Secret History of Procopius - Unjust Treatment of the Soldiers, and How Justinian Tricked the “Students” Out of Their Pay by Threatening to Send Them to War
The Secret History of Procopius - V. How Theodora Tricked the General's Daughter Into a Liaison With the Empress's Nephew, and Belisarius Became a Public Laughing Stock
The Secret History of Procopius - VI. Ignorance of the Emperor Justin, and His Stencilled Signature, and How His Nephew Justinian Was the Virtual Ruler
The Secret History of Procopius - VII. Outrages of the Blues
The Secret History of Procopius - VIII. Character and Appearance of Justinian
The Secret History of Procopius - X. How Justinian Created a New Law Permitting Him to Marry a Courtesan On Her Promise to Repent Her Past; and the Truth About the Apparent Quarrels of a Happy Pair