(Verse 1) Clothes Packed into Boxes, Tossed shoes, with laces lost Hats Stacked in the closet, Meaningful objects, with wasting cost Bed moved, Valuables sold, walls left without color Emotion of the paint covered, stolen by undoubtful Lovers Memories left behind them, a movie they kept rewinding There was no better Timing, a new them worth finding Trusting the universe, they leave the house in unison Two beating hearts cursed, with cupids violin (Verse 2) Bank accounts swept clean, stress free, Minds resting At ease, positivity Proves to be the best thing In love, growing every day, tough, but not enough Doesn't bring them down, sound of failure, side shoved New place, new taste, same kids, new ways Mood changed, both sick and tired Of blue days Trusting the universe, they leave the house in unison Two beatings hearts cursed, with cupids violin