I said it once I said it time and time again Try to be something you've not Now its gone Nothings gonna be teh same Got exactly what you want I'm not gonna bury you Compare you Its not fair to you Now that i see you walkin out that door Try to understand It ain't over till its over I won't be the one to take the blame And always drag you down It ain't over till its over Held you up Put my feelings in a box All the time you thought of him And all i hear Is the ticking of the clock Its up to me to sink or swim I'm not gonna bury you Compare you Its not fair to you Now that i see you walkin out that door Try to understand It ain't over till its over I won't be the one to take the blame And always drag you down It ain't over till its over I'm diggin in Under your skin I've got you figure out I'm not the one whos gone insane Just give me time Its not a line just try to understand Dont count me out Dont walk away I said it once Said it time and time again Got exactly what you want Now that i see you walkin out that door Try to understand It ain't over till its over I won't be the one to take the blame And always drag you down It ain't over till its over Till its over Till its over